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    SL521 SERIES Search Results

    SL521 SERIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ISL5216KI-1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Four-Channel Programmable Digital DownConverter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL5217KI Renesas Electronics Corporation Quad Programmable Up Converter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL5216EVAL1 Renesas Electronics Corporation Four-Channel Programmable Digital Downconverter Evaluation Board Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL5216KI-1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Four-Channel Programmable Digital DownConverter Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SL521 SERIES Datasheets Context Search

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    SMD Transistor 9C

    Abstract: smd transistor 8c 702 y smd TRANSISTOR GEC Plessey SL523 Logarithmic Amplifier detector SL521 SL523 SL523B SL523C log amplifier
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3607 - 2.0 SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are wideband amplifiers for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre frequencies between 10 and 100MHz They are pin compatible with the SL521 series of logarithmic amplifiers and

    DS3607 SL523 100MHz SL523B SL521 SL523s SMD Transistor 9C smd transistor 8c 702 y smd TRANSISTOR GEC Plessey SL523 Logarithmic Amplifier detector SL523 SL523C log amplifier PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB SL521 Plessey PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: plessey SL521 SL521C SL521 DS3606 SL521A SL521B SL521CCM
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips, operating at centre frequencies between 10MHz and 100MHz The devices

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB MIL-STD-883 SL521 Plessey plessey SL521 SL521C SL521A SL521B SL521CCM PDF

    plessey SL521

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB plessey SL521 PDF


    Abstract: SL1521C SL1521 SL1521ACM SL1521abcm SL1521CB resonance series and parallel circuit datasheet SL1521A SL521 radar IF
    Text: SL1521 300MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL1521A and C are wideband amplifiers intended for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre frequencies of up to 200MHz. It is a plug in replacement for the SL521 series of RF amplifiers The midband voltage

    SL1521 300MHz SL1521A 200MHz. SL521 SL1521 SL1521CCM SL1521C SL1521ACM SL1521abcm SL1521CB resonance series and parallel circuit datasheet radar IF PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: plessey SL521
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB SL521 Plessey plessey SL521 PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB SL521 Plessey PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: plessey SL521 SL521A
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB SL521 Plessey plessey SL521 SL521A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: DS3606 SL521 SL521A sl521c
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB SL521 Plessey SL521A sl521c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2.0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 typically12dB PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: plessey SL521 SL521A DS3606 SL521
    Text: Obsolescence Notice This product is obsolete. This information is available for your convenience only. For more information on Zarlink’s obsolete products and replacement product lists, please visit THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE

    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 Plessey plessey SL521 SL521A SL521 PDF

    702 y smd TRANSISTOR

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3607 - 2.0 SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are wideband amplifiers for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre

    DS3607 SL523 100MHz SL523B SL521 SL523s 702 y smd TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3607 - 2.0 SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are wideband amplifiers for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre

    DS3607 SL523 100MHz SL523B SL521 SL523s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL1521 PLESSEY Semiconductors SL1521, A, B & C WIDEBAND AMPLIFIERS The SL1521A, B and C are w ide band amplifiers intended for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre frequencies of up to 200MHz. It is a plug in replacement for the SL521 series of RF

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SL521A/B/C PLESSEY Semiconductors SL521A, B & C W IDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521 A, B and C are bipolar m onolithic integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended prim arily fo r use in successive detection logarithm ic IF strips, operating at centre frequencies between 10MHz and 100MHz. The

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: | W H GEC PLESS EY J K iw iw n m n ia ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2 0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips, operating at centre

    OCR Scan
    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 10MHz) 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S _ ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3606 - 2 0 SL521 150MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar monolithic Integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended primarily for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips, operating at centre

    OCR Scan
    DS3606 SL521 150MHz SL521A, 10MHz 100MHz SL521 10MHz) PDF

    Plessey SL523

    Abstract: telonic SL521 Plessey SL521B SL523HB plessey SL521 SL523 SL522 N6 Amplifier SL521
    Text: GEC PLESSEY ¡ s e m i c o n d u c t o r s ! SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are w id e b an d a m plifiers fo r use in successive d ete ction lo g a rith m ic IF strip s o pe ra tin g at centre fre q u en cies between 10 and 100MHz. They are pin c o m p a tib le w ith the SL521 series of lo g a rith m ic am plifiers

    OCR Scan
    SL523 100MHz SL523B 100MHz. SL521 SL523s SL523HB SL523 SL521, SL523Bs Plessey SL523 telonic SL521 Plessey SL521B plessey SL521 SL522 N6 Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are w id e b an d a m plifiers fo r use in successive d ete ction lo g a rith m ic IF strips ope ra tin g at centre fre q u en cies between 10 and 100MHz. T hey are pin c o m p a tib le w ith the SL521 series of lo g a rith m ic am plifiers

    OCR Scan
    SL523 100MHz SL523B 100MHz. SL521 SL523s SL523 SL521, L523Bs Lb21Bs PDF

    SL521 Plessey

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E I> • 37b0522 QG133bl 7 ■ PLSB GEC PLESSEY ' S E M IC O N D U CT O R S T -1 3 ,-4 3 SL521 140MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The S l 521A, B and C are b ip o la r m o n o lith ic integrated c irc u it w id e b an d am plifiers, intended p rim a rily fo r use in

    OCR Scan
    37b0522 QG133bl SL521 140MHz 10MHz 100MHz. SL521 TheSL521 10MHz) SL521 Plessey PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PJpji GEC P L E S S E Y ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3607 - 2.0 SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are wideband amplifiers for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre frequencies between 10 and 100MHz They are pin

    OCR Scan
    DS3607 SL523 100MHz SL523B SL521 AstripofSL523scan SL523 SL523Bs SLS23Bs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S i GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S ADVANCE INFORMATION DS3607 - 2 0 SL523 100MHz DUAL WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL523B and C are wideband amplifiers for use in successive detection logarithmic IF strips operating at centre frequencies between 10 and 100MHz They are pin

    OCR Scan
    DS3607 SL523 100MHz SL523B SL521 is24dB AstripofSL523scan 50MHz 40MHz PDF

    SL521 plessey

    Abstract: 77m4
    Text: PLESSEY S EMI C ON DU CT OR S ],2 e D Q 7E2QS13 Q 0D 7 74 1 0 | Semiconductors SL521A, B & C 140MHz WIDEBAND LOG AMPLIFIER The SL521A, B and C are bipolar m onolithic integrated circuit wideband amplifiers, intended prim arily for use in successive detection logarithm ic IF strips, operating at

    OCR Scan
    7E2QS13 SL521A, 140MHz 10MHz 100MHz. SL521 SL521AC 10MHz) SL521 plessey 77m4 PDF