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    SMD DIODEN Search Results

    SMD DIODEN Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1812SMS-47NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 47uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    1812SMS-68NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 68uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-105XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 1000uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-374XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 370uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-704XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 700uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    SMD DIODEN Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Kondensatoren 0603 0402 siplace durr
    Text: Georg Reindl Bulk-Case: ein umweltfreundliches und wirtschaftliches SMD-Verpackungsund Bestückungssystem 1 Schieber Maße in mm 12 ± 0,1 Verschluß 36 - 0,1 Der Trend bei Keramik-ChipKondensatoren und ChipWiderständen, aber auch bei anderen SMD-Bauelementen, geht zu immer kleineren


    fuse 7003409

    Abstract: 7006565 7012540 IEC127-3-4 7006563 m10mm 7000134 IEC127-3-3 IEC127-2-3 IEC127-2-2
    Text: G-Sicherungseinsätze miniature fuse links Type Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Allgemeine Erläuterungen / General Notes 3+4 SMD-Sicherungseinsätze / SMD fuse-links 2,6 mm x 6,1 mm F 2,6 mm x 6,1 mm T 70 169 74, 70 170 74 70 169 75, 70 170 75 Keinstsicherungen / Sub-miniature fuse-links

    IEC127-3-3 IEC127-3) IEC127-3-4 Teil22 IEC127-2-2 IEC127-2-1 fuse 7003409 7006565 7012540 7006563 m10mm 7000134 IEC127-2-3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BB 659-02V Silicon Tuning Dioden  For VHF-TV-tuners  High capacitance ratio 2  Low series inductance  Low series resistance  Extremely small plastic SMD package  Excellent uniformity and matching due to 1 "in-line" matching assembly procedure VES05991

    59-02V VES05991 59-02V SC-79 Dec-15-2 Dec-15-2000 PDF


    Abstract: SIOV-S20K30 3225 K300 s14 K440 3225 k50 2221 cu3225 K300 datenbuch CU 4032 K 275 G2 3225 k50 S18K250
    Text: Inhaltsverzeichnis Bauformen-Übersicht Seite 5 8 Allgemeine technische Angaben 11 Anwendung und Auswahl 29 Varistoren für spezifische Anwendungen 49 Qualität 55 SMD-Varistoren 65 Scheiben-Varistoren 85 Block-Varistoren, Laschen-Varistoren 145 153 Energie-Elemente



    Abstract: SCD80 dioden smd
    Text: BB659C Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode 2  For VHF/UHF-TV-tuners  High capacitance ratio  Low series inductance 1  Low series resistance VES05991  Extremely small plastic SMD package  Excellent uniformity and matching due to "in-line" matching assembly procedure

    BB659C VES05991 BB659C SCD80 Jul-04-2001 SCD80 dioden smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BB 659C Silicon Variable Capacitance Diode 2  For VHF/UHF-TV-tuners  High capacitance ratio  Low series inductance 1  Low series resistance VES05991  Extremely small plastic SMD package  Excellent uniformity and matching due to "in-line" matching assembly procedure

    VES05991 SCD-80 Jan-19-2001 PDF

    TVS 200 diode

    Abstract: tvs-diode TVS Diode SMD Dioden suppressor diode smd 1.5KE440CA 440CA TVS APPLICATION P4KE440CA TGL41-150CA
    Text: Überspannungsschutz für Bauteile und Schaltungen mit Hilfe von TVS-Dioden Overvoltage Protection of Devices and Circuits using TVS Diodes Was ist eine TVS Diode? What is a TVS diode? IF VC VBR VWM ID IT VF IPP • Kennlinie wie eine Zenerdiode Curve like Zener diode



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SD101B . SD101C SD101B . SD101C Schottky Barrier Diodes Schottky-Barrier Dioden Version 2010-12-06 Nominal current Nennstrom Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung Ø 1.9 40.50 V Glass case Glasgehäuse 3.9 62.5 15 mA DO-35

    SD101B SD101C DO-35 OD-27 LL101B. LL101C SD101C SD101B PDF


    Abstract: LL101C SD101B SD101C SMD Schottky Dioden
    Text: SD101B . SD101C SD101B . SD101C Schottky Barrier Diodes Schottky-Barrier Dioden Version 2010-12-06 Nominal current Nennstrom Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung 40.50 V Glass case Glasgehäuse 3.9 62.5 Ø 1.9 15 mA DO-35

    SD101B SD101C DO-35 OD-27 LL101B. LL101C LL101B LL101C SD101B SD101C SMD Schottky Dioden PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 51E » • a53SbDS 00M2211 Sflfl » S I E G SIEMENS T-03-0I Schottky-Dioden Schottky Diodes SMD-Bauformen SMD Types Typ Type '/ rrm ^FAV Tj m ax A Vfm V 1RM V mA °c Bestellnummer Ordering code Gehäuse Package Bild Figure LSM 145 G

    OCR Scan
    a53SbDS 00M2211 T-03-0I C67047-Z1037-A1 DO-213 C67047-Z1038-A1 DO-215 C67047-Z1039-A1 C67047-Z1040-A1 PDF


    Abstract: bb409
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF bOE » • fi23SbOS 0051403 547 « S I E G SIEMENS 7 Dioden Diodes Varaktor- Tuner- Dioden Varactor (Tuning) Diodes Type Characteristics ( 7 a = 25°C) Cj at Vpj V pF Cj pF at VR V ^Ratio ca Maximum Ratings Wt h V mA Package Lead SMD/

    OCR Scan
    fi23SbOS BB419 OD-123 BB409 BB439 OD-323 BB512 BB515 SIEMENS BB409 bb409 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Resistor Networks SMD-Networks of series NWS are packaged in S016L-plastic case Gull-wing and combine our proved Metalglaze-Technology with the advantages of surface mounting techniques. The Standard Networks of series NWC with their unique SlP-package comply with all dimensional

    OCR Scan
    S016L-plastic PDF

    Bat 16-046

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF bGE ]> 7 ^0 3 - / 3 SIEMENS Dioden Diodes Schottky Dioden Schottky Diodes /R at PF fiA Dual 25 100 < 1 .1 0 < 1.00 20 <400 BAS 125-06 (Dual) 25 100 < 1 .1 0 < 1.00 20 <4 0 0 BAS 125-07 (Dual) 25 100 < 1 .1 0 < 1 .0 0 ' 20 4 90 <0.35

    OCR Scan
    14-099R 15-099R OT-23 BAL99 Bat 16-046 PDF

    marking SH SOT23

    Abstract: smd marking 619 BB505B smd marking bb marking 12 SOD123 SOD-123 BB801 BB409 BA 811 SIEMENS marking
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIEN 6E SEL LSCHAF 47E D 0235bDS OOebBST T « S I E G NF-Dioden / AF Diodes PIN Diodes Glass Package Type Max. ratine3s 1/r h mA V Marking Fig. nX 50 150 < 50 0.55 1 < 40 100 < 1 DO-35 DHD - 2 20 o 0.92 0.28 1 1 < 0.7 22 100 100 < 1 < 1.1 SOD-123

    OCR Scan
    0235bDS DO-35 OD-123 OT-23 marking SH SOT23 smd marking 619 BB505B smd marking bb marking 12 SOD123 SOD-123 BB801 BB409 BA 811 SIEMENS marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHÂF bflE » • «235kD5 ODSlMSb SSt B S I E i SIEM EN S T '03' o! Dioden Diodes HF-Schottky-Diode in Beam Lead Technologie RF Schottky Diode in Beam Lead Technology Zero Bias Zero Bias Type BAT 32 Characteristics TA = 25° C Frequency

    OCR Scan
    235kD5 OT-23 OT-143 11I181I8I88B PDF

    Diode BAV 19

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BAV 18.BA V 21 Si-Allzweck-Dioden Small Signal Si-Diodes 200 mA Nominal current Nennstrom 50.200 V Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung ecu ar ffÛX. 01.9 5£ 'f; nax. Svo - h“ 0.56 £ftJ Dimensions / Maße in mm DO-35 Glass case

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 R0D1RS14 000017S Diode BAV 19 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DAF 811 A /K . DAF 814 A/K Fast Switching Diode Arrays Schnelle Dioden Sätze Nominal power dissipation Verlustleistung 1-1 1.2 W Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung Plastic case Glasgehäuse 100.400 V 24 x 3 x 5.1 [mm] Weight approx.

    OCR Scan
    G0174 000017S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN 4148, IN 4150, IN 4151, IN 4448, Small Signal Si-Diodes Si-Allzwech-Dioden Nominal current Nennstrom Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung .ÇsO Ct V J 5 0 . ,100 V H Hrgl9 j £ 150 mA nox, Cvo EM Glass case Glasgehäuse DO-35

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 PDF

    Diode 4148 MINIMELF

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LL 4148, LL 4150, LL 4151, LL 4448, Si-Allzweck-Dioden für die Oberflächenmontage Surface Mount Small Signal Si-Diodes 150 niA Nominal current Nennstrom 50. 100 V Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung SOD-80 Glass case MiniMELF

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 R0D1RS14 Diode 4148 MINIMELF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DA 811 A /K . DA 8110 A/K Diode Arrays Dioden Sätze Nominal power dissipation Verlustleistung 1.2 W Repetitive peak reverse voltage Periodische Spitzensperrspannung Plastic case Glasgehäuse 100. 1000 V 24 x 3 x 5.1 [mm] Weight approx. Gewicht ca. 0,6 g

    OCR Scan
    G0174 PDF

    diode zener 8v2

    Text: BZV 58 C 8V2.C 200 5 W Silizium-Leistungs-Z-Dioden Silicon-Power-Z-Diodes m in 8.2.200 V Nominal breakdown voltage Nenn-Arbeitsspannung ^— ±5% Tolerance o f zener voltage Toleranz der Arbeitsspannung j/ 4.5:ai Plastic case Kunststoffgehäuse ~ D0-201

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 D0-201 R0D1RS14 DGG174 000017S diode zener 8v2 DIODE BZV ZENER DIODES BZV 85 8V2 PDF

    Zener ZPD

    Abstract: zpd diode zener diode zpd 6 diode u2 a05 zpd 6.2 zener zpd1-zpd51 MW1 SMD diode MINImelf zener diode smd ZPD47 Zener ZPD 3.3
    Text: ZPD 1.ZPD 51 500 mW Silizium-Z-Dioden Silicon-Z-Diodes 0.75.51 V Nominal breakdown voltage Nenn-Arbeitsspannung ±5% Tolerance of zener voltage Toleranz der Arbeitsspannung ECU mox. h j - . , . n ax . ÇvO - K 0.56 DO-35 Glass case Glasgehäuse 0.13 g

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 000017S Zener ZPD zpd diode zener diode zpd 6 diode u2 a05 zpd 6.2 zener zpd1-zpd51 MW1 SMD diode MINImelf zener diode smd ZPD47 Zener ZPD 3.3 PDF

    smd glass dioden

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZMM 1.ZMM 51 500 mW Silizium-Z-Dioden für die Oberflächenmontage Surface mount Silicon-Z-Diodes Nominal breakdown voltage Nenn-Arbeitsspannung 0.75.51 V Tolerance o f zener voltage Toleranz der Arbeitsspannung ±5% Glass case MiniMELF Glasgehäuse MiniMELF

    OCR Scan
    OD-80 R0D1RS14 smd glass dioden PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 N 5345 B.1 N 5388 B 5 W Silizium-Leistungs-Z-Dioden Silicon-Power-Z-Diodes Nominal breakdown voltage Nenn-Arbeitsspannung 8.7.200 V Tolerance o f zener voltage Toleranz der Arbeitsspannung ±5% /4 .5 " Plastic case KunststofFgehäuse ~ D0-201 Weight approx.

    OCR Scan
    D0-201 UL94V-0 0D1RS14 DGG174 PDF