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    SMD MARKING A4L Search Results

    SMD MARKING A4L Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1812SMS-47NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 47uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    1812SMS-68NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 68uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-105XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 1000uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-374XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 370uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-704XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 700uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    SMD MARKING A4L Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: free TSOP 1738 SMD A11L b1241 SMK2-67025EV-30SV qml-38535 75A8L tsop 1738 SMD package ASTM B32 AOR-A12R
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A Added provisions for the inclusion of radiation-hardened devices. Updated boilerplate. Added case outline "Z" to drawing. Added device type 09 to drawing. - glg 00-01-21 Raymond Monnin B Corrections to table 1, ICC3 and ICC5, conditions column. - glg

    F7400 B1242 free TSOP 1738 SMD A11L b1241 SMK2-67025EV-30SV qml-38535 75A8L tsop 1738 SMD package ASTM B32 AOR-A12R PDF

    smd transistor A7R marking

    Abstract: smd transistor marking a5l smd dual diode A4l smd diode a3l A1L smd diode smd a4l smd marking A5L A1L smd qml-38535 smd dual diode code A4l
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED A Added provisions for the inclusion of radiation-hardened devices. Updated boilerplate. Added case outline "Z" to drawing. Added device type 09 to drawing. - glg 00-01-21 Raymond Monnin B Corrections to table 1, ICC3 and ICC5, conditions column. - glg

    F7400 smd transistor A7R marking smd transistor marking a5l smd dual diode A4l smd diode a3l A1L smd diode smd a4l smd marking A5L A1L smd qml-38535 smd dual diode code A4l PDF


    Abstract: smd dual diode A4l smd transistor marking a5l A1L smd diode SMD A11L smd a4l smd transistor A7R marking a7r smd SMD A9L smd diode a3l
    Text: Standard Products UT7C138/139 4Kx8/9 Radiation-Hardened Dual-Port Static RAM with Busy Flag Data Sheet January 2002 FEATURES INTRODUCTION q 45ns and 55ns maximum address access time q Asynchronous operation for compatibility with industrystandard 4K x 8/9 dual-port static RAM

    UT7C138/139 MIL-STD-883 68-lead 68-pin DUALPORT-2-12-97 dualport smd dual diode A4l smd transistor marking a5l A1L smd diode SMD A11L smd a4l smd transistor A7R marking a7r smd SMD A9L smd diode a3l PDF

    a7r smd

    Abstract: smd marking A4L smd a4l A1L smd
    Text: Standard Products UT7C138/139 4Kx8/9 Radiation-Hardened Dual-Port Static RAM with Busy Flag Preliminary Data Sheet Dec. 1997 FEATURES INTRODUCTION q 45ns and 55ns maximum address access time q Asynchronous operation for compatibility with industrystandard 4K x 8/9 dual-port static RAM

    UT7C138/139 MIL-STD-883 68-lead 68-pin DUALPORT-2-12-97 a7r smd smd marking A4L smd a4l A1L smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard Products UT7C138/139 4Kx8/9 Radiation-Hardened Dual-Port Static RAM with Busy Flag Data Sheet January 2002 FEATURES INTRODUCTION G 45ns and 55ns maximum address access time G Asynchronous operation for compatibility with industrystandard 4K x 8/9 dual-port static RAM

    UT7C138/139 MIL-STD-883 68-lead 68-pin DUALPORT-2-12-97 PDF


    Abstract: 5962-9150803MXA SMD A11L
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Add device types 07 and 08. Add SEM condition to VDR and ICC6 in table I. Add footnote 2/ to semaphore truth table on sheet 15. Add footnote 2/ to interrupt flag truth table on sheet 16. Add note 2/ to sheet



    Abstract: IDT7132SA45CB IDT7142LA45L48B 5962-8700208ZX IDT7132LA25CB IDT7132LA70CB smd marking 5R IDT7142LA25L48B IDT7132SA55CB IDT7132LA-70
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA D Update boilerplate. Add device types 17 through 24. Add vendor CAGE 61772 as source of supply for device types 17 through 24. Add case outline T. Editorial changes throughout. APPROVED 94-09-06 M. A. Frye THE ORIGINAL FIRST PAGE OF THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN REPLACED.



    Abstract: qml-38535 5962-9161708MXA IDT7025L45FB smd marking 5R TSOP 66 thermal resistance SMK2-67025EV-30SV SMD MARKING CODE UBR
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA A Added provisions for the inclusion of radiation-hardened devices. Updated boilerplate. Added case outline "Z" to drawing. Added device type 09 to drawing. - glg 00-01-21 Raymond Monnin B Corrections to table 1, ICC3 and ICC5 conditions column. - glg



    Abstract: 2KX16 marking 09R 5962-8866511UA IDT7133LA55GB smd a4l 5962-8866509ZA smd marking A4L rlg 0911
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Change to table I, parameters tBAA, tBDA, fcBDC' anc^ tAPS- Deleted parameters tCDR and tR . Also deleted electrostatic discharged sensitivity paragraph from drawing. Editorial changes throughout. 1989 NOV 08

    OCR Scan
    693S3 MARKING SMD 43t 2KX16 marking 09R 5962-8866511UA IDT7133LA55GB smd a4l 5962-8866509ZA smd marking A4L rlg 0911 PDF

    smd marking code cev

    Abstract: 5962-8976404MYA qml-38535 5962-8976408MYA GDIP1-T48
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE A Clarify test conditions for VD R , tQQD R , tQ Dp , and t R in table I. Add case outline Z. Add CAGE 61772 as source of supply fo r case outline Z. Update to new boilerplate. Editorial changes throughout. - jdb APPROVED y r - m o -d a

    OCR Scan
    0G32320 T0Q470Ã smd marking code cev 5962-8976404MYA qml-38535 5962-8976408MYA GDIP1-T48 PDF


    Abstract: QML-38535 SMD MARKING CODE A1R idt7024l20gb O15R IDT7024L35FB MARKING CODE SMD IC AOL
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA A Updated boilerplate. Sheet 6, changed Iq q 2 from 85 mA to 90 mA. Sheet 17, changed R /W ^ and C Ep fro rn L to X for function Reset Left I NT|_ Flag. Added device types 09-12. - gig APPROVED 99-04-19 Raymond Monnin

    OCR Scan
    IDT7024L20GB 5962-9166212MYA IDT7024L20FB 5962-9166210mxa QML-38535 SMD MARKING CODE A1R O15R IDT7024L35FB MARKING CODE SMD IC AOL PDF

    marking code 50Z

    Abstract: smd marking code ADOR
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE Redrawn with changes. Added device types 19 through 22. Added vendor CAGE 65786 for device types 19 and 20. Added vendor CAGE 61772 for devices 21 and 22. Corrected errors to Table I. Added pin 1 reference to case outline U.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-BUL-103 T00470Ã marking code 50Z smd marking code ADOR PDF

    SMD A9L

    Abstract: smd a4l x37C BAA SMD CODE MARKING POWER IC BDCJ SMD IC TL 431 smd marking A5L marking a0l smd marking 5R WL 431
    Text: DESC FORM 193 JUL 91 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A . Approved for public release; 5962-E132 distribution is unlimited. This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer 1. SCOPE 1.1 S c o p e . This drawing describes device requirements for class B microcircuits in accordance

    OCR Scan
    MIL-BUL-103. MIL-BUL-103 030ISO SMD A9L smd a4l x37C BAA SMD CODE MARKING POWER IC BDCJ SMD IC TL 431 smd marking A5L marking a0l smd marking 5R WL 431 PDF