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    SOT 23 S01 Search Results

    SOT 23 S01 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MKZ6V2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.2 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ20V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 20 V, SOT-323 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MKZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SOT 23 S01 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: J04075 sars0 S0146 2N5529 2N6482 B40-12A SGSIF464 TIP542 acrian inc
    Text: RF POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 >= 20 2SC3748 BOlllA BOlllA 2N5327 SFT6200 (A) 2N5328 SMl2168 BU100A ~~~~~-O5 25 30 SVT250-05 SVT250-05 SVT300-05 SVT300-05 SVT300-05 S01457 2S01443 2S01445 2SD~:5A 35 40 TIP543 TIP543 2N5940 2N5939 TIP542

    SGSIF464 SGSF464 SGSF564 BlW78 S01290 2N6093 2N5304 BOl13 SMl2171 BA101D J04075 sars0 S0146 2N5529 2N6482 B40-12A SGSIF464 TIP542 acrian inc PDF


    Abstract: PT8860 2SC22 2SC1626-Y 2SC2494 2N5764 2N295 2N1720 2SC1626Y NPN 2N1718
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 < 1 A, BUX87 2N5010 2N5011 2SC1004 2N5012 2SC3184 2SC1004A 2N5013 2N5014 2N5015 ~~~~6~S 15 20 S01409 2SC2931 2SC1970 2SC1620 2SC22 GES5551 TH596 2SC3116 ~~g:~~A 25 30 40326 40635 2S01458 2S01483 2N5768 2N5768

    220var 37var 2SC2117 2S0359 2S0360 TN1711 2S0414 2S0414 237var 2SC1626Y PT8860 2SC22 2SC1626-Y 2SC2494 2N5764 2N295 2N1720 2SC1626Y NPN 2N1718 PDF

    FET marking code g5d

    Abstract: PG2179TB marking code C3E SOT-89 marking code C1E mmic marking code C1G mmic 2SC3357/NE85634 PG2163T5N sot-23 g6g PC8230TU marking code C1H mmic
    Text: RF AND MICROWAVE DEVICES PRODUCT LINEUP 2010.07 This document covers “Silicon Microwave Transistors”, “Silicon Microwave Monolithic ICs” and “Microwave GaAs Devices”. Caution GaAs Products This product uses gallium arsenide GaAs .

    R09CL0001EJ0100 PX10727EJ02V0PF) FET marking code g5d PG2179TB marking code C3E SOT-89 marking code C1E mmic marking code C1G mmic 2SC3357/NE85634 PG2163T5N sot-23 g6g PC8230TU marking code C1H mmic PDF

    nec mosfet marked v75

    Abstract: NEC Ga FET marking code T79 FET marking code g5d marking code C1G mmic LGA 1155 PIN diagram PB1507 marking code C1E mmic marking code C1H mmic PC8230TU MMIC SOT 363 marking CODE 77
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    G0706 PX10727EJ02V0PF nec mosfet marked v75 NEC Ga FET marking code T79 FET marking code g5d marking code C1G mmic LGA 1155 PIN diagram PB1507 marking code C1E mmic marking code C1H mmic PC8230TU MMIC SOT 363 marking CODE 77 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6197 Motorola 2N6080 2N6207 2N6366 40327 1405 Motorola acrian inc 25C31 motorola tip29
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 < 1 A, Solid Stine Advned Semi Semi Inc NEC Corp JA NECElecslnc MitsubiElec MitsubiElec Solid Stlnc ToshibaCorp ToshibaCorp ~~g~:g~ ~atsusnlta I(C) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 - 90 >= Ie Max

    2S0356 2S0415 2S0357 2S0358 S1732 2SC3425 MP5W01A 2N6197 Motorola 2N6080 2N6207 2N6366 40327 1405 Motorola acrian inc 25C31 motorola tip29 PDF


    Abstract: MMBR2857 TP390 TP393 S763T 40518 BF378 2N5652 s763 72 sot 23
    Text: RF LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number V BR CEO -5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 2N3600 2SC251 2SC251A 2SC251A 2SC252 2SC252 2SC253 BFX73 2N2729 M90 BF689 BF689 BFS17 2SC387 AG-TM 2N3833 2N3833 2N3834 2N3834 2N3834 2N3835 2N3835 K2115 ST2120 MMBR2857 40517



    Abstract: NT2222 BSY21 TP3300 BF234 bf310 JE9101A 2sc2787l PE254 PE254C
    Text: RF LOW-POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number V BR CEO , 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 75 80 85 90 fr (V) (Hz) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 3U 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 ~~~;~P ~eelnoex BC413P BC413C BC413CP GES2221

    TMPT2222 PN3643 TP2219 TP2222 TP3300 TP3302 TP3643 TP5369 2N3643 2N4437 BF189 NT2222 BSY21 BF234 bf310 JE9101A 2sc2787l PE254 PE254C PDF


    Abstract: 2S090 SSP62 mrf486 2S0882 2sc2906 2S0898 042C3 B0329 THA13
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 20 TRM5504 TRM5504 TRM5504 TRM6014 TRM6014 TRM6014 TRM6504 TRM6504 -:-~~~g~: 25 30 35 40 45 50 TRM7014 TRM7014 TRM7504 TRM7504 TRM7504 TRL8014 TRL8014 TRL8014 2:;C;3001 2SC2906AK 2SC2906AM 2S0141 2S0141

    2SC643A 2SC1892 S01530 2S0898 TRM2014 TRM2504 TRM3014 TRM3504 TRM4014 042c1 2S090 SSP62 mrf486 2S0882 2sc2906 042C3 B0329 THA13 PDF


    Abstract: VN0109N5 VN99AK IRF012 IRF0122 VN98AK svn98ak VN-99-A VN98AJ k604
    Text: MOSFET Item Number Part Number Manufacturer V BR OSS (V) loss Max (A) Po Max (W) ros (on) (Ohms) 9FS VGS(th) Clsa t, Min (S) Max (V) Max Max (s) (F) tf Max (s) Toper Max eC) Package Style N-Channel Enhancement-Type, (Co nt' d) 5 10 IXTH67N08 (A) IXTM67N08 (A)

    IXTH67N08 IXTM67N08 IXTH75N08 IXTM75N08 MTE75N08 VN0109N9 BS170F VN0109N3 VN0109N2 IRF0120 VN0109N5 VN99AK IRF012 IRF0122 VN98AK svn98ak VN-99-A VN98AJ k604 PDF

    marking code C1E SMD Transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s01 FMCW Radar transistor smd c1y NE92039 g2b 6-pin smd NE582M03 NE3210SO1 smd transistor g1-L smd code marking NEC 817
    Text: RF & Microwave Device Overview 2003 NEC Electronics Europe GmbH Oberrather Str. 4 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel. (02 11) 65 03 01 Fax (02 11) 65 03-3 27 - Podbielskistr. 164 30177 Hannover, Germany Tel. (05 11) 3 34 02-0 Fax (05 11) 3 34 02-34 - Arabellastr. 17

    P14740EE5V0PF00 marking code C1E SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s01 FMCW Radar transistor smd c1y NE92039 g2b 6-pin smd NE582M03 NE3210SO1 smd transistor g1-L smd code marking NEC 817 PDF


    Abstract: P06C diode P06A diode diode P06A HC06 P03C diode pj1119 P04AB CW-SB21KKGH pe7a
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR SUPPORT SYSTEM SS01-26001-1E F2MC-8FX Family EVALUATION BOARD MB2146-401 OPERATION MANUAL PREFACE Thank you for purchasing the evaluation board Part number:MB2146-401 for the F2MC *1 -8FX family. The MB 2146-401 is a development support tool for developing and evaluating applied products

    SS01-26001-1E MB2146-401 MB2146-401) MB2146-401 XJ8B-0311 HC-06 P06C diode P06A diode diode P06A HC06 P03C diode pj1119 P04AB CW-SB21KKGH pe7a PDF


    Abstract: b0507 MRF221 motorola diode b0106A B12 nec diode 2sc94 2n5861 2N4127 MRF603
    Text: RF POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 >= 20 2SC92 2SC94 2N5590 2S01614 2S01614 TN3252 BlY21 2N5861 ~~g~~~~ 25 30 ZTX649 B0505 B0505 B0505 B0505•1 B0505·1 B0505·5 B0507 ~g~g~ 35 40 B0507-1 B0507·5 B0509 B0509 B0509 B0509-1 B0509-5 2N5413

    OT-161 92var StR-10 OT-123var O-220 MRF212 b0507 MRF221 motorola diode b0106A B12 nec diode 2sc94 2n5861 2N4127 MRF603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • Feature of MB95120 Series In addition to a compact instruction set, the MB95120 series is a general-purpose single-chip microcontroller built-in abundant peripheral functions. ■ Feature of MB95120 Series ● F2MCTM-8FX CPU core Instruction system optimized for controllers

    MB95120 16-bit 8/16-bit asynchrT-100P-M06) 100-pin PDF

    UAA 1006

    Abstract: manual* cygnus sl 5000 transistor marking T79 ghz PC1658G NEC Ga FET marking code T79 gaas fet T79 pc1658 MC-7712 2SC5431 NEC U71
    Text: NEC Offices NEC Electronics Europe GmbH Oberrather Str. 4 D-40472 Düsseldorf, Tel. (02 11) 65 03 01 Fax (02 11) 65 03-3 27 NEC Electronics Italiana S.R.L. Via Fabio Filzi, 25A I-20124 Milano Tel. (02) 66 75 41 Fax (02) 66 75 42 99 NEC Electronics (Germany) GmbH

    D-40472 I-20124 I-00139 D-30177 GB-MK14 D-81925 S-18322 F-78142 E-28007 UAA 1006 manual* cygnus sl 5000 transistor marking T79 ghz PC1658G NEC Ga FET marking code T79 gaas fet T79 pc1658 MC-7712 2SC5431 NEC U71 PDF

    ksd 250v 10a

    Abstract: ksd 202 ksd 180 13003 bd ksd 250v ksd 75 bow 94c bdx 44b ksd 250V 5A d5072
    Text: TRANSISTORS FUNCTION GUIDE 3. QUICK REFERENCE TABLE APPLICATION 3.1 Audio Equipment Package SOT-23 TO-92 TO-92L TO-126 TO-220 Application FM RM AMP KSC2223 Mix Conv KSC2223 Local Ose KSC2223 IF AM Diff. Amp KSC2715 RF KSC1623 Conv Ose KSC2715 IF KSC2715

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 KSC2223 KSC2715 KSC1674 KSC1674/ KSC167Î KSC838/KSC167 ksd 250v 10a ksd 202 ksd 180 13003 bd ksd 250v ksd 75 bow 94c bdx 44b ksd 250V 5A d5072 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I t,S0113D Pro Electron Surface Mount Bipolar Devices Device No. SOT-23 Mark Case Style 0040554 VCES* V VEBO VCBO CEO (V) (V) (V) Min Min Min I * ' ces 'C B O (c o n tin u e d ) v h fe V CB <nA) Max (V) h fa Min @ Max 'c (m A ) & V CE(SAT) & V CE (v) Max

    OCR Scan
    S0113D OT-23 BC859C BC860C O-236 BCP52 BCP53 O-261 PDF

    AC 187 npn transistor TO 1

    Abstract: MMBT918 PN918
    Text: u c t o r " PN918 C MMBT918 TO-92 SOT-23 B Mark: 3B NPN RF Transistor This device is designed for use as RF amplifiers, oscillators and multipliers with collector currents in the 1.0 mA to 30 mA range. Sourced from Process 43. A b s o lu t e M a x im u m R

    OCR Scan
    PN918 MMBT918 OT-23 AC 187 npn transistor TO 1 MMBT918 PN918 PDF


    Abstract: S0T223 S0T23 711-001
    Text: DS = doppelseitig / double-sided / double face / de dos lados Roth Elektronik GmbH 55595 Roxheim Hauptstrasse 93 Germany phone +49 0 671 31872 fax +49 (0) 671 30496 PCB for Introduction to SMD Surface Mounting ROTH ELEKTRONIK Introductory D-55595 ROXHEIM Germany

    OCR Scan
    D-55595 0FP84 S0T223 S0T89 S0T143 S0T23 56601 S0T23 711-001 PDF


    Abstract: QFP184 BQFP132 MELF SMD PLCC20 QFP52 SOL20 sol-20
    Text: Roth Elektronik GmbH 55595 Roxheim Hauptstrasse 93 Germany phone +49 0 671 31872 fax +49 (0) 671 30496 PCB for Soldering Practice for SMD Standard, Fine Pitch and Discrete Components ROTH ELEKTRONIK Challenger % SMD Lab J ,!!!m!!L D-55595 ROXHEIM Germany

    OCR Scan
    D-55595 T5Qp32 50M16 PLCC20 SOL20 BQFP132 25MIL QFP184 QFP52 S0T143 MELF SMD SOL20 sol-20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS = doppelseitig / double-sided / double face / de dos lados EP = FR4 - Epoxydglashartgewebe / epoxy fibre-glas / fibre de verre époxyde / epôxido a base de résina fenolica HP = FR2 - Phenolharzhartpapier / SRBP-Paper / Résine phénolplaste / papel dura

    OCR Scan
    D-555P5 PLCC68 BQFP132 5OL20 S0T23 PLCC20 PLCC20 PLCC44 PLCC44 BQFP-132 PDF

    led 7 segment anode TIL 702

    Abstract: trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150
    Text: CONTENTS Alphanumeric Index 5 Symbol Designation 7 Type Designation Systems — for LEDs — for Displays — for IR-Emitters — for Laser-Diodes — for Optical Switches 8 8 8 8 8 Classification Code for all LEDs and Displays — for LEDs — Displays 9

    OCR Scan
    10x10 led 7 segment anode TIL 702 trw 007 diodes TDDG 5250 m 817 optron telefunken transistor opto smd code marking NEC TDDG 5250 hoa 865 DIODE PK IN 5401 7segment sm 4150 PDF


    Abstract: operational amplifier ROM SOT s0918 LS404CM tea7532fp LS1241 PLCC32 ETC5040FN ETC5057FN

    OCR Scan
    ETC5040FN PLCC20 ETC5054FN ETC5057FN ETC5064FN ETC5067FN S020L operational amplifier ROM SOT s0918 LS404CM tea7532fp LS1241 PLCC32 PDF

    transistor 20107

    Abstract: transistor dk 50 PCD5042 bfg520w vco application note BFG591 Application Notes DK 51* transistor bfg520 antenna preamplifier BP547 bfg135 application note MPSH10 small amplifier
    Text: TARGET SYSTEMS PRODUCTS Function Type Description Cellular N AMPS /{E> TACS IS-54/-136 TDMA IS—95 CDMA Cordless GSM DCS1800 PCS PDC RF Amplifiers { SA5200 CTO CT1 SS X X Wireless Data DECT PHS 802.11 CDPD X X Gain block-1 GHZ PAGERS RF Front End SA611 1 GHz low voli LNA and mixer

    OCR Scan
    SA5200 SA611 SA2420 SA621 SA1620 SA1921 UAA2073 UAA2077AM UAA2077BM UAA2077CM transistor 20107 transistor dk 50 PCD5042 bfg520w vco application note BFG591 Application Notes DK 51* transistor bfg520 antenna preamplifier BP547 bfg135 application note MPSH10 small amplifier PDF


    Abstract: 74LV00D 74LV00DB 74LV00N 74LV00PW
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product Specification Quad 2-input NAND gate 74LV00 QUICK REFERENCE DATA FEATURES GND = 0 V; TOTb = 25°C; t, = t, < 2.5 ns • • • Optimized for Low Voltage applications: 1.0 to 3.6 V Accepts TTL Input levels between Vcc = 2.7 V and

    OCR Scan
    74LV00 74HC/HCT00. D0751Ã 74LV00D 74LV00DB 74LV00N 74LV00PW PDF