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    SOT-23 2D Search Results

    SOT-23 2D Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MKZ6V2 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.2 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ20V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 20 V, SOT-323 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MKZ6V8 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 6.8 V, SOT-23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MSZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, SOT-346 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    SOT-23 2D Datasheets Context Search

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    marking 2d

    Abstract: MMBTA92 SOT-23 2D sot 23 transistor sot23 marking 2d 2D SOT23
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBTA92 SOT-23 TRANSISTOR PNP FEATURES 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR High voltage transistor MARKING:2D MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Value Units

    OT-23 MMBTA92 OT-23 -100A, -200V, -10mA -30mA -20mA, marking 2d MMBTA92 SOT-23 2D sot 23 transistor sot23 marking 2d 2D SOT23 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBTA92 SOT-23 TRANSISTOR PNP FEATURES 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR High voltage transistor MARKING:2D MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Value Unit

    OT-23 MMBTA92 OT-23 -200V, -10mA -30mA -20mA, 30MHz PDF

    sot23 marking 2d

    Abstract: 2D SOT23 2D TRANSISTOR marking 2D
    Text: MMBTA92 SOT-23 Transistor PNP SOT-23 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR Features — High voltage transistor MARKING:2D Dimensions in inches and (millimeters) MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units VCBO Collector-Base Voltage

    MMBTA92 OT-23 OT-23 -100A, -200V, -10mA -30mA -20mA, sot23 marking 2d 2D SOT23 2D TRANSISTOR marking 2D PDF

    transistor 2d

    Abstract: transistor sot MMBTA92
    Text: Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel:0086-21-37185008 Fax:0086-21-57152769 MMBTA92 Features • • Surface Mount SOT-23 Package Capable of 300mWatts of Power Dissipation PNP Silicon High C Pin Configuration Top View Voltage Transistor 2D B SOT-23

    MMBTA92 OT-23 300mWatts OT-23 transistor 2d transistor sot MMBTA92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JIANGSU CHANGJIANG ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors SOT-23 2SC2715 TRANSISTOR NPN 1. BASE FEATURES 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR z z High Power Gain: Gpe=2dB(Typ.)(f=10.7MHz) Recommended for FM IF,OSC Stage and AM CONV. IF Stage.

    OT-23 OT-23 2SC2715 PDF

    transistor npn

    Abstract: marking 4 npn sot23 Marking br sot23 Transistor Transistor sot-23 NPN marking pc sot-23 transistor
    Text: 2SC2715 SOT-23 Transistor NPN SOT-23 1. BASE 2. EMITTER 3. COLLECTOR Features — — High Power Gain: Gpe=2dB(Typ.)(f=10.7MHz) Recommended for FM IF,OSC Stage and AM CONV. IF Stage. MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA=25℃ unless otherwise noted) Symbol Parameter Value Units

    OT-23 2SC2715 OT-23 transistor npn marking 4 npn sot23 Marking br sot23 Transistor Transistor sot-23 NPN marking pc sot-23 transistor PDF


    Abstract: transistor bc 588 transistor bc 855 BAV99E6327 BGX50AINCT-ND BAS70E6327 BC 194 TRANSISTORS BC847A-E6327 smbd7000E6327 BAV199E6327
    Text: Transistor Pin Out Diodes and Transistors Fig. 2 Fig. 1 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 SOT-343 3 3 2 3 1 4 2 2 2 1 TO-220-3-1 TO-220-2-2 SOT-89 SOT-23 Pkg Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 SOT-23 B E C — SOT-89 B C E — SOT-343 B E C E TSFP-4 1 TSLP-2-7 NEW!

    OT-343 O-220-3-1 O-220-2-2 OT-89 OT-23 OT-23 OT-89 OT-343 SC-74 SC-79 E6327 transistor bc 588 transistor bc 855 BAV99E6327 BGX50AINCT-ND BAS70E6327 BC 194 TRANSISTORS BC847A-E6327 smbd7000E6327 BAV199E6327 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 2d smd transistor 2d SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 2D smd TRANSISTOR code marking 05 sot23 MARKING CODE SMD IC smd TRANSISTOR code marking 2d 2D SMD TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE transistor smd marking 2d
    Text: SMD High Voltage Transistor PNP MMBTA92 SMD High Voltage Transistor (PNP) Features • This device is designed for high voltage driver applications • RoHS compliance SOT-23 Mechanical Data SOT-23, Plastic Package Case: Terminals: Weight: Solderable per MIL-STD-202G, Method 208



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SOT-23 Plastic-Encapsulate Transistors MMBTA92LT1 TRANSISTOR PNP SOT-23 FEATURES 1. BASE 2. EMITTER Power dissipation 1. 0 W (Tamb=25℃) Collector current ICM: -0.3 A Collector-base voltage V(BR)CBO: -300 V Operating and storage junction temperature range

    OT-23 MMBTA92LT1 OT-23 vol00Â -200V, -10mA -30mA 30MHz MMBTA92LT1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBTA92 PNP SMALL SIGNAL SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTOR Features • · · Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available MMBTA42 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and Switching SOT-23 A C TOP VIEW · · · · · D E Case: SOT-23, Molded Plastic

    MMBTA92 MMBTA42) OT-23 OT-23, MIL-STD-202, 076HARACTERISTICS -10mA, 100MHz 300ms, DS30060 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBTA92 PNP SMALL SIGNAL SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTOR Features • · · Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available MMBTA42 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and Switching SOT-23 A C TOP VIEW · · · · · D E Case: SOT-23, Molded Plastic

    MMBTA92 MMBTA42) OT-23 OT-23, MIL-STD-202, -200V, -10mA, -30mA, -20mA, PDF


    Abstract: LTXT LT1790-5 30578 ltqc LTXU Marking ltxw ltqb LT1790 LT1790BCS6-3#PBF
    Text: LT1790 Micropower SOT-23 Low Dropout Reference Family FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LT 1790 is a family of SOT-23 micropower low dropout series references that combine high accuracy and low drift with low power dissipation and small package size. These micropower references use curvature compensation to

    LT1790 OT-23 OT-23 LT1790 MPS2907A LT1019 LT1460 10ppm/ LT1461 LTPZ LTXT LT1790-5 30578 ltqc LTXU Marking ltxw ltqb LT1790BCS6-3#PBF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ঱ኹྯ૵਌ High Voltage Transistors High Voltage Transistors ঱ኹྯ૵਌ FHTA92 DESCRIPTION & FEATURES 概述及特點 High Breakdown Voltage BVCEO=300V 擊穿電壓高(BVCEO=300V) SOT-23 PIN ASSIGNMENT 引腳說明 PIN NUMBER 引腳序號 SOT-23

    OT-23 FHTA92 OT-23 above25 -100Adc, 062in. -10mAdc, -10Vdc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1695 SMBus/I2C Fan Speed Controller in SOT-23 FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO Complete SMBus/I2CTM Brushless DC Fan Speed Control System in a 5-Pin SOT-23 package 0.75Ω PMOS Linear Regulator with 180mA Output Current Rating 0V to 4.922V Output Voltage Range Controlled by a

    LTC1695 OT-23 OT-23 180mA 250ms 75LBS LTC1694/LTC1694-1 LT1761 100mA, LT1786F PDF


    Abstract: R2F SOT-23 R1H MARKING CODE 1T1 SOT-23 MMST3904 MMST8598 SOT-23 MARKING R2X SSTA29 R2C marking SOT-23 R2C
    Text: U.S. European Type Series SST U.S. / European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59 / Japanese SOT-23) •Package style and dimensions (Unit SST SMT (U. S. /European SOT-23) (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) 0 .9 5 1 °- * 1 .9 ± 0 .2 f> > 1.9± 0.2 0.45 ±0.1 0.95 0.95 ; 0.95 0.95

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) SC-59 SC-59/Japanese -95-o GD1D47S 00104A0 MARKING CODE R1C R2F SOT-23 R1H MARKING CODE 1T1 SOT-23 MMST3904 MMST8598 SOT-23 MARKING R2X SSTA29 R2C marking SOT-23 R2C PDF


    Abstract: MARKING CODE R1C marking r2k IC marking R2k R2C marking marking r1c SOT23 R2P marking code R2C
    Text: U.S. European Type Series SST U.S. / European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59 / Japanese SOT-23) •Package style and dimensions ,Unit : r SST SMT (U. & /European SOT-23) (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) 2 0 .4 5 ± 0 .1 0 .9 5 1 0.8 + 0 . 1 ! (g)Frl t l °-95-o Î .0.95 Dimensions

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) SC-59 SC-59/Japanese -95-o sot83 MARKING CODE R1C marking r2k IC marking R2k R2C marking marking r1c SOT23 R2P marking code R2C PDF


    Abstract: SST5086 SST5089 R2F SOT-23 marking c33 MMSTA70 SOT-23 R2C r1a SOT23 SSTA13 R2C marking
    Text: U.S. European Type Series SST U.S. / European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59 / Japanese SOT-23) •Package style and dimensions (Unit SST SMT (U. S. /European SOT-23) (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) 0.951°-* 1 .9± 0.2 f> > 1.9± 0.2 0 .4 5 ± 0 .1 0 .9 5 0.95 ;0 . 9 5 0 . 9 5

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) SC-59 SC-59/Japanese -95-o GD1D47S No100mA 50MHz SST4124 SST5086 SST5089 R2F SOT-23 marking c33 MMSTA70 SOT-23 R2C r1a SOT23 SSTA13 R2C marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MMBTA92 PNP SMALL SIGNAL SURFACE MOUNT TRANSISTOR Features Epitaxial Planar Die Construction Complementary NPN Type Available MMBTA42 Ideal for Medium Power Amplification and Switching SOT-23 H ;h~A TOR VIEW • • • • • Case: SOT-23, Molded Plastic

    OCR Scan
    MMBTA92 MMBTA42) OT-23 OT-23, MIL-STD-202, -20mA, -10mA, 100MHz 300ns, DS30060 PDF


    Abstract: ft960 marking 6Z SOT23 702 sot23 sot 23 70.2 sot-23 mosfet Marking SA s 6z sot223 marking marking 6Z 25 marking 6z sot
    Text: SMALL-SIGNAL TMOS MOSFETs continued CASE 318-07 (TO-236AB) SOT-23 STYLE 22 CASE 318E-04 (TO-261AA) SOT-223 STYLE 6 Table 18 — Surface Mount TMOS MOSFETs The follow ing is a listing of sm all-sig na l surface m ount T M O S MO SFETs. Case 318-07 — TO-236AB (SOT-23) — N-Channel

    OCR Scan
    O-236AB) OT-23 318E-04 O-261AA) OT-223 O-236AB OT-23) MMBF170LT1 BSS123LT1 2N7002LT1 t6661 ft960 marking 6Z SOT23 702 sot23 sot 23 70.2 sot-23 mosfet Marking SA s 6z sot223 marking marking 6Z 25 marking 6z sot PDF

    NPN CBO 40V CEO 25V EBO 5V

    Abstract: MMST8598
    Text: Transistors SST U. S. /European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) #NPN Transistors General purpose small signal amplifiers SST SMT SST1130 MMST1130 BV cbo BVceo Min. Min. 30V 25V Vce (sat) BV ebo '“ ° @VCB . hff. @lc & Vce Min. Max. Min. Max. Max.

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) 200mA SC-59/Japanese SST1130 MMST1130 SST5088 MMST5088 100nA 50MHz NPN CBO 40V CEO 25V EBO 5V MMST8598 PDF

    sot23 marking code 8pf

    Abstract: marking r2k R2Z SOT23 SSTA29 G1F G1K G3F MARKING CODE B25 SOT23-5
    Text: Transistors SST U. S. /European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) #NPN Transistors General purpose small signal amplifiers SST SST1130 SMT MMST1130 BVcbo BVceo BV ebo @VC8 ui Min. Min. Min. Max. Min. Max. 30V 25V 5V 50nA 20V 120 360 60 ^ ^ce 2mA 1V

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) SC-59/Japanese SST1130 MMST1130 200mA SST5088 MMST5088 100nA SST5089 sot23 marking code 8pf marking r2k R2Z SOT23 SSTA29 G1F G1K G3F MARKING CODE B25 SOT23-5 PDF

    sot-23 Marking G1

    Abstract: marking 1U sot-23 MMBC1653N4 MMBC1654N5 N3 SOT-23 MMBC1653 MMBC1653N2 MMBC1653N3 G1 marking sot23 sot23 MARKING 1l
    Text: SURFACE MOUNT PRODUCTS — SOT 23 continued Low-Noise SOT-23 Transistors Pinout: 1-Base, 2-Emitter, 3-C ollector NPN NF dB Device MMBT5088 MMBT5089 MMBT2484 MMBT6428 MMBT6429 fT hfe Max @'C (mA) Min (MHz) Marking (Typ) Vb R(CEO) Min 1Q 1R 1U 1K 1L 1.0 1.0

    OCR Scan
    OT-23 MMBT5088 MMBT5089 MMBT2484 MMBT6428 MMBT6429 MMBT5087 MMBT5086 MMBTA42 sot-23 Marking G1 marking 1U sot-23 MMBC1653N4 MMBC1654N5 N3 SOT-23 MMBC1653 MMBC1653N2 MMBC1653N3 G1 marking sot23 sot23 MARKING 1l PDF

    marking r2k

    Abstract: marking r1c GAJ SOT23 R1P SOT-223
    Text: Transistors SST U. S. /European SOT-23 • SMT (SC-59/Japanese SOT-23) •N P N Transistors General purpose small signal amplifiers SST SMT BV qbo Min. BV ceo Min. b v EB0 Min. SSTH30 MMST1130 30V 25V 5V SST5088 MMST5088 35V 30V 4.6V 'f° Max. @VCB . hF.E.

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) SSTH30 MMST1130 SC-59/Japanese BCX70K BCX71G BCX71H BCX71J BFS17 marking r2k marking r1c GAJ SOT23 R1P SOT-223 PDF

    mpsa92 "sot23"

    Abstract: mpsa92
    Text: MPSA92 / MMBTA92 / PZTA92 Discrete POWER & Signal Technologies National e ? Semiconductor~ MMBTA92 MPSA92 PZTA92 SOT-23 SOT-223 Mark: 2D PNP High Voltage Amplifier This device is designed for high voltage driver applications. Sourced from Process 76. Absolute Maximum Ratings*

    OCR Scan
    MPSA92 MMBTA92 PZTA92 MPSA92 MMBTA92 OT-23 OT-223 bSQ113D DD407 mpsa92 "sot23" PDF