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    SOT39 Search Results

    SOT39 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SOT390A NXP Semiconductors Flanged ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 2 leads Original PDF
    SOT391A NXP Semiconductors Flanged ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 2 leads Original PDF
    SOT391B NXP Semiconductors flangeless ceramic package; 2 leads Original PDF
    SOT391C NXP Semiconductors Flanged ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 2 leads Original PDF
    SOT393-1 NXP Semiconductors Footprint for reflow soldering SOT393-1 Original PDF
    SOT398-1 NXP Semiconductors Plastic heat-dissipating dual in-line package; 18 leads Original PDF

    SOT39 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PC board footprint Philips Semiconductors Footprint information for reflow soldering of QFP64 package SOT393-1 Hx Gx P2 Hy 0.125 P1 Gy By Ay C D2 (8x) D1 Bx Ax Generic footprint pattern Refer to the package outline drawing for actual layout solder land

    QFP64 OT393-1 OT393-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Flanged ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 2 leads SOT391A D A F 3 D1 U1 B q c C 1 H p U2 A 2 E1 E w1 M A M B M w2 M C M b 5 Q 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS millimetre dimensions are derived from the original inch dimensions UNIT A b c mm 5.21 4.45

    OT391A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 2003 Jul 23 Philips Semiconductors Package outline HSOP20: plastic, heatsink small outline package; 20 leads SOT397-1 E D A E2 X HE v M A c y D1 D2 11 20 Q A2 E1 A A3 A1 A4 pin 1 index θ Lp detail X 1 10 Z w M bp e 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions)

    HSOP20: OT397-1 HSOP20 PDF


    Abstract: QFP64
    Text: PDF: 2003 Mar 24 Philips Semiconductors Package outline QFP64: plastic quad flat package; 64 leads lead length 1.6 mm ; body 14 x 14 x 2.7 mm; high stand-off height SOT393-2 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e A A2 E HE A1 (A 3) θ wM pin 1 index Lp bp L 17 64 detail X

    QFP64: OT393-2 MO-108 MO-108 QFP64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline QFP64: plastic quad flat package; 64 leads lead length 1.6 mm ; body 14 x 14 x 2.7 mm SOT393-1 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e E HE A A2 (A 3) A1 θ wM Lp bp pin 1 index L 17 64 detail X 16 1 w M bp e v M A

    QFP64: OT393-1 OT393-1 MS-022 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline QFP64: plastic quad flat package; 64 leads lead length 1.6 mm ; body 14 x 14 x 2.7 mm; high stand-off height SOT393-2 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e A A2 E HE A1 (A 3) θ wM Lp bp L pin 1 index 17 64 detail X

    QFP64: OT393-2 OT393-2 MO-108BD-1 sot393 PDF

    DIP64 package

    Abstract: DIP64 sot395 DIP-64
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline seating plane DIP64: plastic dual in-line package; 64 leads 900 mil SOT395-1 ME D A2 A L A1 c e Z b1 w M (e 1) MH b 64 33 pin 1 index E 1 32 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (millimetre dimensions are derived from the original inch dimensions)

    DIP64: OT395-1 OT395-1 DIP64 package DIP64 sot395 DIP-64 PDF

    equivalent transistor an 243

    Abstract: SOT390A
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline Flanged ceramic package; 2 mounting holes; 2 leads SOT390A D A F 3 D1 U1 B q C c 1 L U2 E E1 A L w1 M A M B M p 2 w2 M C M b 5 Q 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS millimetre dimensions are derived from the original inch dimensions

    OT390A equivalent transistor an 243 SOT390A PDF

    date sheet of B.A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline Flangeless ceramic package; 2 leads SOT391B D A c 1 L 5 10 mm scale E L 2 b OUTLINE VERSION SOT391B UNIT A b c mm 4.09 3.02 5.85 5.58 0.16 0.10 D E 11.54 10.93 10.51 9.90 L Q 2.79 2.29 1.02 0.76 Q REFERENCES

    OT391B date sheet of B.A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline Flangeless ceramic package; 2 leads SOT391B D A c 1 L 5 10 mm scale E L 2 b OUTLINE VERSION SOT391B UNIT A b c mm 4.09 3.02 5.85 5.58 0.16 0.10 D E 11.54 10.93 10.51 9.90 L Q 2.79 2.29 1.02 0.76 Q REFERENCES IEC DIMENSIONS millimetre dimensions are derived

    OT391B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package outline HDIP18: plastic heat-dissipating dual in-line package; 18 leads SOT398-1 D seating plane ME A2 A A1 L e Z b 10 18 c w M b1 e 1 b2 MH pin 1 index E 9 1 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions)

    HDIP18: OT398-1 PDF


    Abstract: QFP64
    Text: PDF: 2003 Mar 24 Philips Semiconductors Package outline QFP64: plastic quad flat package; 64 leads lead length 1.6 mm ; body 14 x 14 x 2.7 mm SOT393-1 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e E HE A A2 (A 3) A1 θ wM pin 1 index Lp bp L 17 64 detail X 16 1 w M bp e v M A

    QFP64: OT393-1 134E07 MS-022 MS-022 QFP64 PDF

    philips 3563

    Abstract: sot394
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline seating plane DIP28: plastic dual in-line package; 28 leads 300 mil SOT394-1 ME D A2 L A A1 e Z b1 c w M (e 1) MH b 28 15 pin 1 index E 14 1 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS (millimetre dimensions are derived from the original inch dimensions)

    DIP28: OT394-1 OT394-1 philips 3563 sot394 PDF

    QFP64 package

    Abstract: MS-022 QFP64
    Text: PDF: 2000 Jan 20 Philips Semiconductors Package outline QFP64: plastic quad flat package; 64 leads lead length 1.6 mm ; body 14 x 14 x 2.7 mm SOT393-1 c y X A 48 33 49 32 ZE e E HE A A2 (A 3) A1 θ wM Lp bp pin 1 index L 17 64 detail X 16 1 w M bp e v M A

    QFP64: OT393-1 134E07 MS-022 QFP64 package MS-022 QFP64 PDF


    Abstract: BP317
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BLV2045N UHF power transistor Objective specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC08b 1997 Oct 23 Philips Semiconductors Objective specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N FEATURES PINNING - SOT390A • Emitter ballasting resistors for optimum temperature

    BLV2045N SC08b OT390A SCA55 127067/00/01/pp8 BLV2045N BP317 PDF


    Abstract: curve tracer BU508AD
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Silicon Diffused Power Transistor BU508DX GENERAL DESCRIPTION High voltage, high-speed switching npn transistors in a fully isolated SOT399 envelope with integrated efficiency diode, primarily for use in horizontal deflection circuits of colour television receivers.

    BU508DX OT399 OT399 BU508DX curve tracer BU508AD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D171 BLV2045N UHF power transistor Preliminary specification 1999 Apr 23 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N PINNING - SOT390A FEATURES • Emitter ballasting resistors for optimum temperature

    M3D171 BLV2045N OT390A BLV2045N SCA63 budgetnum/printrun/ed/pp10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BLV2045N UHF power transistor Preliminary specification 1998 Oct 01 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N PINNING - SOT390A FEATURES • Emitter ballasting resistors for optimum temperature

    BLV2045N OT390A BLV2045N SCA60 budgetnum/printrun/ed/pp10 NFM61RH20T332 PDF


    Abstract: B2L1
    Text: PDF: 1999 Apr 16 Philips Semiconductors Package outline Plastic single-ended through-hole package; mountable to heatsink; 1 mounting hole; 3 in-line leads E m SOT399 A A1 P q D2 α D D1 q1 L1 k Q b1 b2 L 1 2 3 b e w M c e 5 10 mm scale DIMENSIONS mm are the original dimensions

    OT399 SOT399 B2L1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BLV2045 UHF power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 Feb 09 1996 Nov 13 Philips Semiconductors Product specification UHF power transistor BLV2045 FEATURES PINNING - SOT390A • Emitter ballasting resistors for optimum temperature

    BLV2045 OT390A the31 SCA52 127061/1200/02/pp16 BLV2045 PDF

    741 LEM

    Abstract: AM/amplifier LEM 741
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS S^EET BLV2045N UHF power transistor P relim inary specification Philips Semiconductors 1999 A p r 23 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N FEATURES PINNING - SOT39QA • Em itter ballasting resistors fo r optim um tem perature

    OCR Scan
    BLV2045N BLV2045N OT39QA SCA63 741 LEM AM/amplifier LEM 741 PDF

    LM 886 IC chip

    Abstract: TEKELEC te 358
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS BLV2045N UHF power transistor P relim inary specification Philips Sem iconductors 1998 O ct 01 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N FEATURES PINNING - SOT39QA • Em itter ballasting resistors fo r optim um te m perature

    OCR Scan
    BLV2045N BLV2045N OT39QA LM 886 IC chip TEKELEC te 358 PDF

    NFM61 SP

    Abstract: tekelec TA 355 TEKELEC te 358
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS S^EET BLV2045N UHF power transistor P relim inary specification Philips Semiconductors 1998 Nov 19 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification UHF power transistor BLV2045N FEATURES PINNING - SOT39QA • Em itter ballasting resistors fo r optim um tem perature

    OCR Scan
    BLV2045N BLV2045N OT39QA SCA60 /printrun/ed/pp10 NFM61 SP tekelec TA 355 TEKELEC te 358 PDF

    Power Bipolar Transistors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PACKAGE OUTLINES Page SOT78 T0-220AB SOT82 SOT186(10-220) S O U 86A (Isolated TO-220AB) SOT199 SOT399 (TOP3D) 754 755 756 757 758 759 SOT429 (TO-247) SOT43Q (TOP3L) 760 761 Philips Semiconductors Power Bipolar Transistors Package outlines Plastic single-ended package; heatsink mounted; 1 mounting hole; 3-lead TO-22QAB

    OCR Scan
    T0-220AB) OT186 O-220AB) OT199 OT399 OT429 O-247) OT43Q O-22QAB O-247 Power Bipolar Transistors PDF