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    FSP Technology Inc FSP700-80PSA(SK)

    AC/DC CNVRTR 3.3V 5V 4X12V 982W
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey FSP700-80PSA(SK) Box 75 1
    • 1 $148
    • 10 $148
    • 100 $129.5
    • 1000 $129.5
    • 10000 $129.5
    Buy Now

    SP7008 Datasheets (1)

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    SP7008 AnalogicTech IC CONV DC-DC STEP UP 5VIN Scan PDF

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    Abstract: SP7008 SP7005 SP7008/SP7005
    Text: SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 Low Noise DC-to-DC Converters for Today’s State-of-the-Art Data Acquisition Systems Introduction The SP7005, SP7008, and SP7015 are tightly regulated, highly isolated, multiple output DC-to-DC converters. Designed specifically for the demanding performance of today’s state-of-the-art data acquisition systems, this series offers exceptionally low noise, ±15V analog supplies,

    SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 SP7005, SP7008, SP7015 SP7005 SP7008 SP7008/SP7005 PDF


    Abstract: SHA2410 ADC5030 SP7008
    Text: ADC5020/ADC5030 Wide Dynamic Range, High-Speed, 18-Bit Sampling A/D Converters With Sub-ranging Architecture Introduction The ADC5020/ADC5030 18-bit A/D converter, designed with a unique sub-ranging architecture, achieves excellent speed, accuracy, and linearity. For digitizing fast time-varying signals, the ADC5020 has a built-in sample-and-hold amplifier. For applications with multiplexed DC signals or an

    ADC5020/ADC5030 18-Bit ADC5020/ADC5030 ADC5020 ADC5030 SHA2410 ADC5030 18-Bit SHA2410 SP7008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 Low Noise DC-to-DC Converters for Today’s State-of-the-Art Data Acquisition Systems Introduction The SP7005, SP7008, and SP7015 are tightly regulated, highly isolated, multiple output DC-to-DC converters. Designed specifically for the de­

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    SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 SP7005, SP7008, SP7015 SP7005 SP7008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 Low Noise DC-to-DC Converters for Today’s State-of-the-Art Data Acquisition Systems Introduction Th e S P 7 005 , S P 7 008 , and S P 7 0 1 5 are tightly regulated, highly isolated, multiple output D C -to-D C converters. Designed specifically for the de­

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    SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 SP7005 SP7008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DC-TO-DC CONVERTERS DC-to-DC Converters Selection Guide Model Input DC Voltage Output DC Voltage Noise Regulation Plus Ripple SP7005 +5V ±15V, +5V.-6V ±0.2% 5 mV p-p 127 SP7008 +5V ±15V, +5V, -5V ±0.2% 5 mV p-p 127 SP7015 +5 ±15V, +5V ±0.4% 5 mV p-p

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    SP7005 SP7008 SP7015 PDF


    Abstract: PICOFUSE SP7005 SP7008 P7005
    Text: SP7005/SP7008/ SP7015 Low Noise DC-to-DC Converters for Today's State-of-the-Art Data Acquisition Systems Introduction The SP7005, SP7008, and SP7015 are tightly regulated, highly isolated, multiple output DC-to-DC converters. Designed specifically for the de­

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    P7005/SP7008/ SP7015 SP7005, SP7008, SP7015 SP7005 SP7008 PICOFUSE P7005 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wide Dynamic Range High-Speed, 18-Bit Sampling A/D Converters With Sub-ranging Architecture Introduction The ADC5020/ADC5030 18-bit A/D converter, designed with a unique sub­ ranging architecture, achieves excellent speed, accuracy, and linearity. For digi­

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    18-Bit ADC5020/ADC5030 ADC5020 ADC5030 ADC5030. ADC50 SP7008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The Only Pin-for-Pin Family of High Speed. ¡6-Bit AID Comerters Available Today! Call 1 800 446-8936 NEW PRODUCTS New Products from the Data Conversion Products Group ADC3120 ADC3121 14-Bit, 20 Mz, Sampling A/D Converter 14-Bit, 20 Mz, Sampling A/D Converter

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    ADC3120 14-Bit, 46-pin ADC3121 ADC4322 16-Bit, SP7005 ADC4320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC5020/ADC5030 Wide Dynamic Range, High-Speed, 18-Bit Sampling A/D Converters With Sub-ranging Architecture Introduction The ADC5020/ADC5030 18-bit A/D converter, designed with a unique sub-ranging architecture, achieves excellent speed, accuracy, and lineari­

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    ADC5020/ADC5030 18-Bit ADC5020/ADC5030 ADC5020 ADC5030 ADC5030. ADC50 SP7008 PDF

    CD4047 applications

    Abstract: CD4047 application note CD4047 CD4047 Application AN CD4047 cd4047 astable
    Text: SP70XX APPLICATION SP70XX Series DC/DC Converters Powers High Performance A/D Converters from a Single +5V Supply The Analogic SP70XX Series of tightly regulated, isolat­ ed, multiple-output DC/DC converters powers high per­ formance 14- and 16-bit A/D converters from a single

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    SP70XX 16-bit SP7005 CD4047 applications CD4047 application note CD4047 CD4047 Application AN CD4047 cd4047 astable PDF


    Abstract: ADC4355 DAS-12 glossary DAS-16
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. 3 Tech Support. 3

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    DAS-12/50, DAS-12/125- AIM16-1/104, AIM12-1/104- 16-Channel, 100kHz D-1000 ADC5020 ADC4355 DAS-12 glossary DAS-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADC5020/ADC5030 Wide Dynamic Range, High-Speed, 18-Bit Sampling A/D Converters With Sub-ranging Architecture introduction The ADC5020/ADC5030 18-bit A/D converter, designed with a unique sub-ranging architecture, achieves excellent speed, accuracy, and lineari­

    OCR Scan
    ADC5020/ADC5030 18-Bit ADC5020/ADC5030 ADC5020 ADC5030 SHA2410 ADC5030 ADC5030. PDF