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    transistor SR 13001

    Abstract: RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

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    Abstract: ka 20885 D 80960 EP80960BB atu-3 FF90FF i960 KA/KB Programmers Reference Manual 80960CF 80960RP IQ80960RP
    Text: Getting Started with the 80960 QUICKval Kit i960 Microprocessor Evaluation Kit Order Number: 632708-005 Revision Revision History Date -001 Original Issue. 12/94 -002 80960Hx and PCI80960DP chapters added. Additional examples for all processors added. 12/95

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    Abstract: Digital TV transmitter receivers block diagram OR51211 nc7z04m5 nc7z ic 5550 adc . Circuit Diagram using this IC nc7z0 LM358N DATA SHEET PC tv tuner module TILT rotATOR
    Text: OR51210 Digital TV VSB Demodulator Product Datasheet Company Confidential May 2000 OR51210 Simplified Block Diagram LOW IF 5.38Mhz center RF Tuner Section OR51210 ADC Digital Filters and other DSP Blocks NCO AGC Signal Info Circuit Control DSP Processor

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    Abstract: lcd monitor display block diagram f3205 MB95430H
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-101xx-1E New 8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95430H Series HARDWARE MANUAL New 8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95430H Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following website.

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    Abstract: MB95F354 MB95F353 MB95F354L
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10127-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95350L Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95350L Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following web site.

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    schematic convertor data SATELLITE

    Abstract: MB95F116 PC01 ck07 capacitor case sizes MB95110 MB95F118BW
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10109-2E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

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    PD 1515

    Abstract: 1234h J 598
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10109-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-4E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following web site.

    CM26-10112-4E MB95100B/AM 8/16-bit 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10107-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100A/H Series HARDWARE MANUAL 2 F MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100A/H Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10109-3E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL The information for microcontroller supports is shown in the following homepage.

    CM26-10109-3E MB95110B/M 8/16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-3E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL The information for microcontroller supports is shown in the following homepage.

    CM26-10112-3E MB95100B/AM 8/16-bit PDF

    bbc 598 479

    Abstract: MB95100A PC01 philips 22 ah 590 SCR avr SCHEMATIC circuit diagram ch-0505 MB95F108AM
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-2E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

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    Abstract: MB95F168JA pc10r MB95F168
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10121-3E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95160/MA Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95160/MA Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following web site.

    CM26-10121-3E MB95160/MA 8/16-bit 03125M MB95F168JA pc10r MB95F168 PDF


    Abstract: MB95F116NA
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10109-4E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95110B/M Series HARDWARE MANUAL For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following web site.

    CM26-10109-4E MB95110B/M 8/16-bit MB95F114 MB95F116NA PDF

    DH 636

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL CM26-10112-1E F2MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL 2 F MC-8FX 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB95100B/AM Series HARDWARE MANUAL Be sure to refer to the “Check Sheet” for the latest cautions on development.

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    CCIR Radiopaging Code NO.1

    Abstract: spf 316 00S34 PCD5003 PCD5003H TQFP32 UAA2080 paging Transceiver 1994 00A34
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Advanced POCSAG Paging Decoder PCD5003 FEATURES • Wide operating supply voltage range: 1.5 to 6.0 V • Low operating current: 50 |iA typ. ON , 25 jiA typ. (OFF) S • • Temperature range: -2 5 to +70 °C

    OCR Scan
    PCD5003 16-times 7110A2L CCIR Radiopaging Code NO.1 spf 316 00S34 PCD5003 PCD5003H TQFP32 UAA2080 paging Transceiver 1994 00A34 PDF


    Abstract: HA 11719
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Prelim inary specification Advanced POCSAG Paging Decoder PCD5003 FEATURES • Wide operating supply voltage range: 1.5 to 6.0 V • Low operating current: 50 uA typ. ON , 25 nA typ. (OFF) f H m • Temperature range: -2 5 to +70 °C

    OCR Scan
    16-times PCD5003 32-pads HA 11719 PDF

    processor 8049h

    Abstract: intel 8049H 8039HL 8049H Intel 8749 h INTEL 8049 PC INTEL 8049 IPC processor 8049 Intel 8749 SOSO
    Text: in t p l ¡Piim DM iM W ^ 8049H/8039HL HMOS SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER • 8049H Mask Programmable ROM ■ 8039HL CPU Only with Power Down Mode ■ 8-BIT CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single Package High Performance HMOS ■ 1K x 8 ROM 64 x 8 RAM 27 I/O Lines

    OCR Scan
    8049H/8039HL 8049H 8039HL 8049H/8039HL P20-23 AFN-01784A-07 processor 8049h intel 8049H Intel 8749 h INTEL 8049 PC INTEL 8049 IPC processor 8049 Intel 8749 SOSO PDF


    Abstract: SPF05 UAA2033T b1t31 ALP 003 POCSAG PCF5001 PCF5001H PCF5001T TQFP32
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 • Programmable receiver power control for battery economy FEATURES • Wide operating supply voltage range 1.5 to 6.0 V • On-chip non-volatile EEPROM storage • Extended temperature range: —40 to +85 °C (between

    OCR Scan
    PCF5001 711Dfl2ti 711Dfl2 00A3SS3 00fi355 b1t25 SPF05 UAA2033T b1t31 ALP 003 POCSAG PCF5001 PCF5001H PCF5001T TQFP32 PDF


    Abstract: Am27C181 AM27C291 PD3024
    Text: A m 2 7 C 1 9 1 /A m Advanced Micro Devices 2 7 C 2 9 1 16,384-Bit 2048x8 High-Performance CMOS PROM DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-speed (25 nsyLow-Power (60 mA) CMOS EPROM Technology • 5-Volt ±10% power supplies for both Commercial and Military

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    Am27C191 /Am27C291 384-Bit 2048x8) 300-mll Am27C291 600-mII Am27Cl9l Am27C191/Am27C291 Am27C181 PD3024 PDF


    Abstract: spf 316 MS90727 MS35302 I747 HEP 53 spf 557 SPF 455 jqc 3fc bolt grade 4.6
    Text: [ • t,i ]► . i i 'j 5305 «- » . _ o ? APkHO* 30’ V +o- 15* ' s~R «• - 3 0 ‘ APPROX 1 X -* •* >•- r 1*k u M . < to z o OPTIONAL DESIGN s c r m o u 6 —' 2 m NOMINAL S IZ E o > » B THREAD UNF-2A 28 n 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 24 24 20 20 18

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    ACRC65 MS90727 MS35304 spf 316 MS90727 MS35302 I747 HEP 53 spf 557 SPF 455 jqc 3fc bolt grade 4.6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM736V599A/L 32Kx36 Synchronous SRAM 32Kx36-Bit Synchronous Pipelined Burst SRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES • • • • • • ■ ■ • • • • • • • • Synchronous Operation. 2 Stage Pipelined operation with 4 Burst. On-Chip Address Counter.

    OCR Scan
    KM736V599A/L 32Kx36 32Kx36-Bit AI55S 32KX3& PDF


    Abstract: ir 706P H1251 MAX706TMJA
    Text: >i/i>ix i >1/1 19-0099; Rev 0; 10/92 + 3 V V o lta g e M o n ito rin g , L o w -C o s t, \iP S u p e rv is o ry C irc u its The MAX706P/R/S/T supervisory circuits provide the fol­ lowing four functions: 1 A reset output during power-up, pow er-dow n and

    OCR Scan
    AX706P/R, AX708R) AX706S, AX708S) AX706T, AX708T) AX706P) AX706R/S/T) AX708R/S/T) MAX706P/R/S/T AX708S ir 706P H1251 MAX706TMJA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATE] D E V I C E tiflE D • *4025771 O G I H I I S IDI M I D T PRELIMINARY IDT70261S/L HIGH-SPEED 16Kx 16 DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM Integrated Device Technology. Inc • FEATURES: • • • • • True D ual-Ported m em ory cells w hich allow sim ulta­

    OCR Scan
    IDT70261S/L 25/35/45/55ns IDT70261S IDT702611Active: IDT70261 100-pin PN100-1) 25C3039 PDF