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    3 pole 6 pin dip switch

    Abstract: SA630D
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS OUTPUT/INPUT INPUT/OUTPUT OUTPUT/INPUT ENCH1 SA630 Single pole double throw SPDT switch Product Specification Replaces data of October 10, 1991 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    SA630 SA630 3 pole 6 pin dip switch SA630D PDF


    Abstract: NE630D NE630 NE630N SA630N micro switch on-off dual pole dual throw RF switch
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Single pole double throw SPDT switch DESCRIPTION NE/SA630 PIN CONFIGURATION The NE630 is a wideband RF switch fabricated in BiCMOS technology and incorporating on-chip CMOS/TTL compatible drivers. Its primary function is to switch signals in the frequency range DC 1GHz from one 50Ω channel to another. The switch is activated by

    NE/SA630 NE630 NE/SA630 SR00634 SR00599 SR00635 100MHz SA630D NE630D NE630N SA630N micro switch on-off dual pole dual throw RF switch PDF


    Abstract: SA630D Philips Capacitor datasheet Philips Capacitor
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS OUTPUT/INPUT INPUT/OUTPUT OUTPUT/INPUT ENCH1 SA630 Single pole double throw SPDT switch Product Specification Replaces data of October 10, 1991 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    SA630 SA630 ENCH14 SA630D Philips Capacitor datasheet Philips Capacitor PDF

    SA630 v.2

    Abstract: SA630D
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS OUTPUT/INPUT INPUT/OUTPUT OUTPUT/INPUT ENCH1 SA630 Single pole double throw SPDT switch Product Specification Replaces data of October 10, 1991 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    SA630 SA630 SA630 v.2 SA630D PDF


    Abstract: SA630N SA630 signal gnerator SA630 v.2
    Text: RF COMMUNICATIONS PRODUCTS OUTPUT/INPUT INPUT/OUTPUT OUTPUT/INPUT ENCH1 SA630 Single pole double throw SPDT switch Product Specification Replaces data of October 10, 1991 IC17 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1997 Nov 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    SA630 SA630 SA630D SA630N signal gnerator SA630 v.2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Single pole double throw SPDT switch DESCRIPTION SA630 PIN CONFIGURATION T he SA 630 is a w ideba nd R F sw itch fabricated in BiC M O S technol­ ogy and in corp ora ting on-chip C M O S/TTL com patible drivers. Its

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    SA630 SR00633 SR00634 SR00599 SR00635 100MHz PDF