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    SRAM 6164 Search Results

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    61646TU Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-BIT TRANSCEIVER REGIST Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1LV0408DSP-7LR#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1WV3216RBG-7SR#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1LV0816ASD-5SI#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R1LV0408DSP-5SR#S0 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power SRAM Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SRAM 6164 Datasheets Context Search

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    intel 80196 microcontroller

    Abstract: 6164 ram memory intel 80196 microcontroller development board ram 6164 m6809 intel 6164 ram sram 6164 datasheet microprocessor 80286 internal architecture intel 80196 microcontroller pin diagram 80196 internal architecture diagram
    Text: Programmable Peripheral Application Note 011 PSD3XX Device Description Chapter 1 Introduction The PSD3XX family of products include flexible I/O ports, PLD, Page Register, 256K to 1M EPROM, 16K bit SRAM and “Glueless” Logic Interface to the microcontroller. The PSD3XX


    intel 80196 microcontroller

    Abstract: M68230 M68008 m6809 intel 80196 assembly language intel 80196 microcontroller pin diagram M6809 cpu 80C196 assembly language 6116 sram file type memory mapping 6809B
    Text: Programmable Peripheral Application Note 011 PSD3XX Device Description Chapter 1 Introduction The PSD3XX family of products include flexible I/O ports, PLD, Page Register, 256K to 1M EPROM, 16K bit SRAM and “Glueless” Logic Interface to the microcontroller. The PSD3XX



    Abstract: S71PL032J04 S71PL032J04BAI0B S71PL032J04BAW0B S71PL032J04BFI0B S71PL032J04BFW0B TSC056
    Text: SPANSION LLC 915 DeGuigne Drive, P.O. Box 3453 Sunnyvale, California 94088-3453, USA December 9, 2005 Advanced Change Notification No: Subject: 2560 Obsolescence of S71PL032J04 using SRAM Type 2 Spansion LLC is announcing the obsolescence of the S71PL032J04BAW0B due to the obsolescence of

    S71PL032J04 S71PL032J04BAW0B S71PL032J04BAW0B, S71PL032J04BFW0B, S71PL032J04BAI0B, S71PL032J04BFI0B SM53A30 SM53AP5 TSC056 S71PL032J04BAW0B0 SM53A S71PL032J04BAI0B S71PL032J04BFI0B S71PL032J04BFW0B TSC056 PDF

    sram 6164

    Abstract: 61128 SRAM Zilog Z80 family 80C196 6164 sram ST9026 80C198 intel 8096 motorola 68008 sram 6164 datasheet
    Text: Programmable Peripheral Application Note 029 Interfacing PSD4XX/5XX To Microcontrollers By Ravi Kumar Abstract PSD4XX/5XX Architecture This application note is intended to give the reader a general guideline on how to interface PSD4XX/5XX Field Programmable Microcontroller Peripherals



    Abstract: 8AEL 65z7 KM68U512ALE-L KM736V689T-8 KM732V595AT KMB16 36SOJ KM68U4000A KM68V2000L-8L
    Text: MEMORY tCs FUNCTION GUIDE 1. SRAM PRODUCT TREE 1.1.1. Low Power 5.0V Operation SRAM 256Kb» 32KX8 KM62256CI-5/5L KM622S6CL-7/7L KM62256CLE -7/71 KM62256CLI-7/7L KM62256DL-5/5L KM62256DL-7/7L KM62256DLI-7/7L 512Kb» KM68512AL-5/5L 64Kx8 KM88512AL-7/7L KM68S»2ALf-7/7L

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    256Kb» 32KX8 KM62256CI-5/5L KM62256CLE KM62256CLI-7/7L KM62256DL-5/5L KM62256DLI-7/7L 512Kb» 64Kx8 KM68512AL-5/5L KM736V789T-60 8AEL 65z7 KM68U512ALE-L KM736V689T-8 KM732V595AT KMB16 36SOJ KM68U4000A KM68V2000L-8L PDF


    Abstract: M68400 KM6164002
    Text: KM 6164002/L CM OS SRAM 262,144 WORD x 16 Bit High Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time : 20, 25, 35ns Max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 60mA (Max.) (CMOS) : 10mA (Max.) L-Ver : 500//A (Max) Operating : KM6164002-20 : 250mA (Max.)

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002/L 500//A KM6164002-20 250mA KM6164002-25 240mA KM6164002-35 220mA 44-SOJ-400 KM6164002/L KM684002J M68400 KM6164002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM6164002B, KM6164002BI CMOS SRAM Document Title 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V Operating , Operated at Commercial and Industrial Temperature Range. Revision History RevNo. History Rev. 0.0 Initial release with Design Target. Jan. 1st, 1997 Design Target

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002B, KM6164002BI 256Kx16 44-TSOP2-400F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM6164002B, KM6164002BI CMOS SRAM Document Tills 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V Operating , Operated at Commercial and Industrial Temperature Range. Revision History RevNo. History Draft Data Remark Rev. 0.0 Initial release with Design Target. Jan. 1st, 1997

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002B, KM6164002BI 256Kx16 44-TSOP2-400F PDF

    SRAM sheet samsung

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Prelim inary CMOS SRAM KM 6164002B, KM6164002BI D o cu m e n t Title 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V O perating , Revolutionary Pin out. Operated at Com m ercial and Industrial Tem perature Range. R evision H istory R ev No. H isto ry D raft Data R em ark

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002B, KM6164002BI 256Kx16 SRAM sheet samsung PDF


    Abstract: SRAM_256KX16
    Text: ADVANCED CM OS SRAM KM 6164000AL/AL-L 256K x16 B it CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Tim e : 55, 70, 85ns Max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (CMOS) : 500,«W(Typ.) L-Version 5,MW(Typ.) LL-Version Operating : 165mW(max.) • Single 5 ± 1 0 % V power supply

    OCR Scan
    KM6164000AL/AL-L 256Kx16 165mW I/09-I/016 KM6164000ALT/LT- 44-TSOP2-400F KM6164000AL/L-L 304-bit KM6164000AL7L-L SRAM256KX16 SRAM_256KX16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM6164002A, KM6164002AE, KM6164002AI CMOS SRAM Document Title 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V Operating , Revolutionary Pin out. Operated at Commercial Temperature Range. Revision History Rev No. History Rev. 0.0 Initial release with Design Target. Jun. 14th, 1996

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002A, KM6164002AE, KM6164002AI 256Kx16 /20ns 15/17/20ns 44-SOJ-400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced CMOS SRAM KM6164000AL/AL-L 256Kx16 Bit CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time : 55,70 ns max. The KM6164000AL/AL-L is a 4,194,304-bit high speed • Low Power Dissipation Static Random Access Memory organized as 262,144

    OCR Scan
    KM6164000AL/AL-L 256Kx16 KM6164000AL/AL-L 304-bit 6164000AL/AL-L KM6164he KM6164000ALT/ALT-L: 400mil 0D213G1 altl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary KM6164002A CMOS SRAM 256Kx 16 Biit High-Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time 12,15,20 ns Max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 50 mA(Max.) (C M O S): 10 mA(Max.) Operating KM6164002A-12 : 260 mA(Max.)

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002A 256Kx KM6164002A-12 164002A KM6164002A-20 KM6164002AJ 44-SOJ-4QO KM6164002A 304-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices 674219 FIFO RAM Controller Ordering Information Features/ Benefits • High-speed, no fall-through time • Deep FIFOs—16-bit SRAM address Part Number Pins Type Temperature 674219 40 CD 040 Com • Arbitration read/write • Control signals lor data latching

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 1N916 1N306A. PDF


    Abstract: 74F32 74F374 F138 F374 HM6168H-45 "FRC"
    Text: a Advanced Micro Devices 674219 FIFO RAM Controller O rdering Inform ation F e a tu re s / Benefits • High-speed, no fall-through time • Deep FIFOs— 16-blt SRAM address Part Num ber Pins Type Tem perature 674219 40 CD 040 Com • Arbitration read/write

    OCR Scan
    16-bit 1N916 1N306A. 74F138 74F32 74F374 F138 F374 HM6168H-45 "FRC" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KM6164002/KM6164002L CMOS SRAM 256K x 16 Bit High-Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Fast Access Time 20,25,35 ns Max. • Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 60 mA(Max.) (C M O S):10m A(M ax.) 500|.iA(Max.) - L-Ver Operating KM6164002/L-20 : 240 mA(Max.)

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002/KM6164002L KM6164002/L-20 6164002/L-25 6164002/L-35 KM6164002J/LJ 44-SOJ- KM6164002/L 304-bit 0to70 PDF


    Abstract: KIVI6164002A KM6164002A KM6164002A-15 KM6164002A-17 KM6164002A-20
    Text: KM6164002A CMOS SRAM 256K x 16 Bit High-Speed CMOS Static RAM FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION •• Fast Access Time 15, 17, 20* • Max. - Low Power Dissipation Standby (TTL) : 5 0 *‘ (Max.) The KM6164002A is a 4,194,304-bit high-speed Static Random Access Memory organized as 262,144 words by 16 bits. The

    OCR Scan
    KIVI6164002A 256Kx KM6164002A I/O16 KM6164002AJ 44-SOJ-400 304-bit 71L414E KIVI6164002A KM6164002A-15 KM6164002A-17 KM6164002A-20 PDF


    Abstract: KM6164002A-15 KM6164002A-17 KM6164002A-20 SRAM sheet samsung
    Text: KM6164002A CMOS SRAM D o cu m e n t Title 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V O perating , Revolutionary Pin out. Operated at Com m ercial Tem perature Range. R evision H istory Draft Data R em ark R ev No. H isto ry Rev. 0.0 Initial release w ith Design T arget.

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002A 256Kx16 /20ns /240mA /12ns -/14ns I/01-I/08 I/09-I/016 KM6164002A KM6164002A-15 KM6164002A-17 KM6164002A-20 SRAM sheet samsung PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MEMORY ICs FUNCTION GUIDE 1. Low Power SRAM 5V Operation Den. 256K Org. 32K X 8 Op. Temp Speed KM62256CL KM62256CL-L 0 -7 0 ’ C 4 5/55/70 KM62256CLE -2 5 -8 5 =C KM62256CLI KM62256CLI-L -4 0 -8 5 °C 1M 64K X 8 KM68512CL KM68512CL-L 0 -7 0 ‘ C KM68512CLI

    OCR Scan
    KM62256CL KM62256CL-L KM62256CLE KM62256CLE-L KM62256CLI KM62256CLI-L 28-TSOP 28-DIP 28-SOP KM68512CL KM616U1000BL-L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS SRAM KM6164000C Family_ Document Title 256Kx16 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM R evision No. H isto ry D raft Data R e m a rk 0.0 Initial d ra ft December 17, 1998 Prelim inary 1.0 Finalize April 17, 1999 Finalize The attached datasheets are provided by SAMSUNG Electronics. SAMSUNG Electronics CO., LTD. reserve the right to change the specifications and

    OCR Scan
    KM6164000C 256Kx16 256Kx16 PDF


    Abstract: KM6164000BLI-L KM6164000BL-L
    Text: C M O S SRAM K M 6164000B Fam ily D o c u m e n t Title 256K x16 bit Low P ow er C M O S Static RAM Revision H is to ry H isto ry D raft Data R em ark 0.0 Initial dra ft Ju n e 28 th 1996 A d va n ce 0.1 R evise - Die na m e ch a n g e ; A to B S e p te m b e r 19th 1996

    OCR Scan
    KM6164000B KM6164000BLI-L KM6164000BL-L PDF


    Abstract: 6164D UM6164D ix0928 cet 1113 ls UM61
    Text: UM6164D Seríes 8K X 8 High Speed CMOS SRAM Features • S ing le + 5 V p o w e r s u p p ly * D irectly T T L co m p a tib le : All inp u ts and o utp uts ■ A ccess tim e s: 1 2 /1 5 n s m ax. ■ C urrent: O p e ra ting : 150m A S ta n d b y: * C o m m o n I/O using three-state o u tp u t

    OCR Scan
    UM6164D 28-pin 6164D 192-w 6164DK-12 6164DS-12 28LSO UM6164 ix0928 cet 1113 ls UM61 PDF


    Abstract: UM6164-2
    Text: U M 6 1 6 4 S e r i e s 8 High Speed CMOS SRAM 8K Features • S ingle + 5 v o lt p o w e r su p p ly ■ D ir e c tly T T L c o m p a tib le : A ll in p u ts and o u tp u ts ■ Access tim e s: 2 0 /2 5 /3 0 ns m ax. ■ C o m m o n I/O using th re e -sta te o u tp u t

    OCR Scan
    28LSO um6164 UM6164-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary KM6164002C/CL, KM6164002CI/CLI CMOS SRAMI Document Title 256Kx16 Bit High Speed Static RAM 5V Operating . Operated at Commercial and Industrial Temperature Range. Revision History RevNo. History Draft Data Rev. 0.0 Initial release with Preliminary.

    OCR Scan
    KM6164002C/CL, KM6164002CI/CLI 256Kx16 KM61640 PDF