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    SSPA C BAND Search Results

    SSPA C BAND Result Highlights (5)

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    F6102NTGK Renesas Electronics Corporation Ka-Band SATCOM Receive SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6501AVGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ku-Band SATCOM Transmit SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6101NTGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ku-Band SATCOM Receive SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F6102NTGK8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ka-Band SATCOM Receive SiGe IC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HXR4101A-DNT Renesas Electronics Corporation 4/11.3Gbps Dual Band Limiting TIA Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SSPA C BAND Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 150W/200W/250W/300W C-Band Hubmount SSPA/ SSPB BUC Super Compact TT Series GaN Technology SSPA AWMAg-C TT series SSPB (BUC) SSPBMg-C TT series Features •           Full range of output power of 150W to 300W in a compact single package

    50W/200W/250W/300W RS232, RS485 CPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 C/1000> PB-SSPBg-C-150-250-300W-13150 PDF

    buc series

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSPA SSPB BUC AWMA-C SSPBM-C TT series TT series 350W/400W/500W/600W C-Band Hubmount TM SapphireBlu SSPA/ SSPB Super Compact TT Series GaN Technology Features •           Full range of output power of 350W/400W/500W or 600W in

    50W/400W/500W/600W 50W/400W/500W RS232, RS485 CPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 C/1000> PB-SSPBg-C-350W-600W-13231 buc series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSPA SSPB BUC AWMA-C SSPBM-C TT series TT series 700W/850W/1KW C-Band Hubmount SSPA/ SSPB TM SapphireBlu UltraLinearTM SuperWidebandTM Super Compact TT Series GaN Technology 5.850-7.025GHz Features •            Full range of output power of 700W to 1000W in a compact

    00W/850W/1KW 025GHz RS232, RS485 CPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 000ft C/1000ft PB-SAPPH-C-700W-1000W-13220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSPA SSPB BUC AWMA-C SSPBM-C TT series TT series 400W/450W/500W C-Band Hubmount SSPA/ SSPB TM SapphireBlu UltraLinearTM SuperWidebandTM Super Compact TT Series GaN Technology 5.850-7.025GHz Features •            Full range of output power of 400W to 500W in a compact

    00W/450W/500W 025GHz RS232, RS485 CPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 000ft C/1000ft PB-SAPPH-C-400W-500W-13220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 150W to 600W C-Band Rackmount SapphireBluTM SSPA/ SSPB Super Compact SG Series GaN Technology SSPA SSPB BUC ARMA-Cg ARMU-Cg SG series SG series Features •            Full range of output power of 150W to 600W in a compact single package

    RS232, RS485 CPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 C/1000> 50W-600W-13200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Solid State Power Amplifier High Power, Broadband, C Band Solid State RF Amplifier Aethercomm P/N SSPA 5.0-6.2-20 is a high power C • Operation from 5.0 to 6.2 GHz Minimum band solid state power amplifier that operates from 5.0 to • 20 Watts Minimum Output Power @ 65 C



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-Band Rack-mount SSPA/SSPB Features •           Options Full range of output power from 16W to 1000W High linearity Redundant ready with no external controller Full M&C capability via RS485 or Ethernet port Forward and Reflected power monitoring

    RS485 PB-ARMA-C-16-1000-13150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-Band Hub-mount SSPA/SSPB 16W to 1000W Features •           Full range of output power from 16W to 1000W in a single package High linearity Redundant ready with no external controller Full M&C capability via RS485 Forward and Reflected power monitoring

    RS485 PB-AWMA-C-16-1000-13150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Compact C-Band Hub-mount SSPA/BUC 80W to 125W SSPB-2100CTM series Features •             Converts L-Band to C see table A Integrated amplifier with output power of 80W to 125W (see table A) Phase-locked oscillator to external 10MHz reference

    SSPB-2100CTM 10MHz MS3102R16-10P MS3102R16-10PX PB-SSPBm-C-80-125-13150 PDF

    1000w power amplifier

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-Band Hub-mount SSPA 500W to 1000W AWMA-6000CTM series Features •          Remote Monitor & Control High gain and linearity Output power up to 1000W see table A Gain adjustment Output sample monitor port Temperature gain compensation

    AWMA-6000CTM AWMA-6000Cï PB-AWMA-C-500-1000-13150 1000w power amplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-Band Hub-mount SSPA 300W to 500W AWMA-5000CTM series Features •          Remote Monitor & Control High gain and linearity Output power up to 500W see table A Gain adjustment Output sample monitor port Temperature gain compensation

    AWMA-5000CTM AWMA-5000Cï ser9796 PB-AWMA-C-300-500-13150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Compact C-Band Hub-mount SSPA/BUC 25W to 60W SSPB-2100CTM series Features •             Converts L-Band to C see table A Integrated amplifier with an output power of 25W to 60W(see table A) Phase-locked oscillator to external 10MHz reference

    SSPB-2100CTM 10MHz MS3102R16-10P MS3102R16-10PX PB-SSPBm-C-25-60-13150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C-Band Hub-mount SSPA/ SSPB 60W to 250W AWMA-3000CTM series Features •           Remote Monitor & Control High gain and linearity Output power up to 250W see table A Gain adjustment Output sample monitor port Temperature gain compensation

    AWMA-3000CTM AWMA-3000C PB-AWMA-C-60-250-13150 PDF

    solid state amplifier

    Abstract: operation of class c amplifier
    Text: Solid State Power Amplifier High Power, Broadband, X Band Solid State RF Amplifier Aethercomm P/N SSPA 8.6-9.5-10 is a high power X • Operation from 8.6 to 9.5 GHz Minimum band solid state power amplifier that operates from • 15 Watts Typical Output Power Across Band @ 25 C



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ku-Band Rack-mount SSPA/SSPB 8W to 500W ARM-K series Features •           Options Full range of output power from 8W to 500W High linearity Redundant ready with no external controller Full M&C capability via RS485 or Ethernet port

    RS485 PB-ARMA-Ku-8-500-13150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16W / 20W / 25W / 30W / 40W / 50W Ku-Band BUC SSPA/ SSPB GaN Technology 16W / 20W / 25W / 30W / 40W / 50W SSPBM-K 2200-G series EXTRA-Lightweight Features •     Output power of 16W to 50W in a single compact package High linearity Full M&C capability via RS485 or Ethernet port

    2200-G RS485 RS232 C/1000> PB-SSPBg-KU-16-20-25-30-50-13197 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Solid State Power Amplifier High Power, Broadband, S Band Solid State RF Amplifier • Aethercomm P/N SSPA 2.7-3.2-30 is a high power S 30 Watts Minimum Linear Power @ 85 C Base Plate band solid state power amplifier that operates from 2.7 to 3.2 GHz. It offers a minimum of 30 watts of



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class GaN Technology 600W Ku-Band Rackmount UltraLinearTM SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC ARMAg-K ARMUg-K SapphireBluTM series SapphireBluTM series H indoor package U LinearTM, designed for Multi Carrier Operations H P G NT SSPA Indoor design concept

    PB-SAPPH-Ku-Rack-600-01-13220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KST-2000A/B Ku-Band Satellite Transceiver Transceivers Overview Our KST-2000A/B Ku-Band satellite earth station transceiver is a full-featured, high-performance transceiver available in several application-specific configurations. Performance highlights include the following:

    KST-2000A/B KST-2000A) KST-2000B) ds-kst2000ab KST2000A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 300W / 400W Ku-Band Rackmount SapphireBluTM SSPA/ SSPB Super Compact SG Series GaN Technology SSPA SSPB BUC ARMAg-K ARMUg-K SG series SG series Features •           Output power of 300W or 400W in a compact single package

    RS232, RS485 RS485/RS232/Ethernet C/1000> PB-SSPBg-Ku-Rack-300W-400W-13231 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 150W / 200W / 250W Ku-Band Rackmount SapphireBluTM SSPA/ SSPB Super Compact SG Series GaN Technology SSPA SSPB BUC ARMAg-K ARMUg-K SG series SG series Features •           Output power of 150W to 250W in a compact single package

    RS232, RS485 L-BR75 RS485/RS232/Ethernet C/1000> PB-SSPBg-Ku-Rack-150W-250W-13231 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 400W/500W X-Band Hubmount SSPA/ SSPB Super Compact TT Series SSPA AWMA-X TT series SSPB BUC SSPBM-X TT series Features •           Full range of output power of up to 400W or 500W in a compact single package High linearity

    00W/500W RS232, RS485 MIL-STD-188-164A RPR137 RS485/RS232/Ethernet MS3112 C/1000> PB-SSPBg-X-400W-500W-13150 PDF


    Abstract: 500 watt RF amplifier GHz SSPA C Band x band high power amplifier 2.45 Ghz power amplifier 45 dbm SSPA-2227-80 s-band 50 Watt power amplifier SSPA 11 GHz Aethercomm x band sspa
    Text: Solid State Power Amplifier High Power, Broadband, S Band Solid State RF Amplifier • • • • Aethercomm P/N SSPA 2227-80 is a high power, S Band, solid state RF amplifier SSPA which covers in excess of 500 MHz of bandwidth from 2.2 to 2.7 GHz. This Class AB SSPA offers

    w7-80 SSPA 500 watt RF amplifier GHz SSPA C Band x band high power amplifier 2.45 Ghz power amplifier 45 dbm SSPA-2227-80 s-band 50 Watt power amplifier SSPA 11 GHz Aethercomm x band sspa PDF

    ku-band buc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SapphireBluTM Class GaN Technology 600W Ku-Band Hubmount UltraLinearTM SSPA/ SSPB SSPA SSPB BUC AWMAg-K SSPBMg-K 4200-SapphireBluTM series 4200-SapphireBluTM series H rugged, weatherproof package U LinearTM, designed for Multi Carrier Operations H P G NT

    4200-SapphireBluTM PB-SAPPH-Ku-600-01-13220 ku-band buc PDF