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    ST-CUT SAW RESONATOR Search Results

    ST-CUT SAW RESONATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    M665-02-AA-AH Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual Saw, Selectable Frequency VCSO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M675-02-AB Renesas Electronics Corporation Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M675-02-AJT Renesas Electronics Corporation Voltage Controlled SAW Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M685-02-AA-ABT Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual Saw, Selectable Frequency VCSO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    M665-02-AH-AL Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual Saw, Selectable Frequency VCSO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ST-CUT SAW RESONATOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: toyocom crystal filter
    Text: June 25, 2008 Epson Toyocom Develops High-Performance SAW Resonator with Original Quartz Cutting Angle to Achieve ±200x10-6 stability and 2.5 GHz Frequency with Fundamental Waves Epson Toyocom Corporation “Epson Toyocom” , the leader in quartz devices, has announced

    NS-34R NS-34R toyocom crystal filter PDF

    st-cut Quartz

    Abstract: z cut quartz piezoelectric properties st-cut murata quartz bt 1696 EG-2001CA murata quartz crystal HASHIMOTO quartz 20.0 3rd Overtone crystal equivalent circuit calculation
    Text: A Review of the Recent Development of Temperature Stable Cuts of Quartz for SAW Applications C.S. Lam Epson Electronics America, Inc., San Jose, California, USA [email protected] Abstract- Quartz continues to be used widely in frequency control applications due to its high Q and temperature stable

    jp/english/info/2009/0916. st-cut Quartz z cut quartz piezoelectric properties st-cut murata quartz bt 1696 EG-2001CA murata quartz crystal HASHIMOTO quartz 20.0 3rd Overtone crystal equivalent circuit calculation PDF

    mems oscillator silicon clocks

    Abstract: z cut quartz piezoelectric properties Panasonic saw osc 50mhz smd 5x7 Quartz wrist watch ic opnext l PLE SM77 106.25 m crystal high precision TCXO Crystal Oscillators piezoelectric film sensor PLE SM77 crystal
    Text: Pletronics, inc. Manufacturer of High Quality Crystals and Oscillators Company Introduction Crystals and Oscillators Quartz crystals have been in regular use since the 1920’s to give an accurate frequency for all radio transmitters, radio receivers and computers. They



    Abstract: small Crystal Radio circuit
    Text: September 29, 2008 Epson Toyocom Develops Switchable Output Frequency Transmission Module for Use in Near-Field Communications Epson Toyocom Corporation Epson Toyocom , the leader in crystal devices, has developed a new transmission module called the ET-2000CB that offers two switchable

    ET-2000CB ET-2000CB STD-T93 small Crystal Radio circuit PDF

    z cut quartz piezoelectric properties

    Abstract: Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer ULTRASONIC cleaning transducers ultrasonic transducer cleaning bath piezoelectric pressure transducer pulse compression radar guided wave radar 1 MHZ ULTRASONIC transducers Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer cleaning bath "Piezoelectric transducer" ultrasonic
    Text: TOKEN What is SAW filters What is SAW Filters Advantage of Token Piezoelectric SAW Devices Definition of SAW Surface Acoustic Wave SAW is a wave propagating along the surface of an elastic substrate. sFrequency of SAW is: F=V/λ Where V is the velocity of SAW (~3,100m/s), λ is the IDT period.

    100m/s) z cut quartz piezoelectric properties Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer ULTRASONIC cleaning transducers ultrasonic transducer cleaning bath piezoelectric pressure transducer pulse compression radar guided wave radar 1 MHZ ULTRASONIC transducers Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducer cleaning bath "Piezoelectric transducer" ultrasonic PDF

    3 GHz SAW oscillator

    Abstract: advantage of crystal oscillator st-cut st-cut saw resonator EG9000GC eg-9000gc EV-9000GB NS-34R dielectric resonator oscillator
    Text: September 25, 2008 Epson Toyocom Develops GHz-Band, High-Stability SAW Oscillators with Low Phase Noise and Low Jitter Epson Toyocom Corporation, the leader in crystal devices, has developed two new models of low phase-noise, low-jitter SAW oscillators *1 that output GHz band (800

    EG-9000GC EV-9000GB. NS-34R 3 GHz SAW oscillator advantage of crystal oscillator st-cut st-cut saw resonator EG9000GC EV-9000GB dielectric resonator oscillator PDF

    Loss Filters

    Abstract: AN4833 st-cut quartz delay line 1008CS DW9249 8100nH
    Text: AN4833 Application Note AN3833 SAW Bandpass Filter for DECT Application Note Replaces July 1993 version, AN3833-1.2 AN3833-2.0 January 2000 SELECTION OF IF FREQUENCY: The DW9249 is a S.A.W. Bandpass Filter designed specifically for use in Digital European Cordless Telephones

    AN4833 AN3833 AN3833-1 AN3833-2 DW9249 432MHz Loss Filters st-cut quartz delay line 1008CS 8100nH PDF


    Abstract: DCC6C
    Text: TOKEN SAW FILTERS SAW RESONATORS Aurface Acoustic Wave SAW Components Application Notes: Token RF Surface Acoustic Wave SAW filters and resonators include low loss filters for remote control receivers and mobile telephone and receive path. RF Saw filters and saw resonators Feature with small



    Abstract: Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer tx 433 saw to39 car central locking 306D00 rx 433 saw pulse compression radar 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW 433 QCC4A TSR330
    Text: TOKEN SAW FILTERS SAW RESONATORS Aurface Acoustic Wave SAW Components Application Notes: Token RF Surface Acoustic Wave SAW filters and resonators include low loss filters for remote control receivers and mobile telephone and receive path. RF Saw filters and saw resonators Feature with small

    86-7bath 224D5 Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer tx 433 saw to39 car central locking 306D00 rx 433 saw pulse compression radar 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW 433 QCC4A TSR330 PDF

    BTS 3028

    Abstract: crystal 26 Mhz package 2 x 6 TCXO STRATUM 7 X 5 VCT2000 MXO45 MXO45HS MXO45HSLV MXO45LV 1180026 VCT-20
    Text: 2 9 Sh Short fform F Frequency Cl k Crystals C t l and dO ill t Clocks, Oscillators May 04, 2009 C Crystal t l Resonators R t Model Name Description Picture Frequency Range MHz L Low C Costt SMT Model 425 Quartz Crystal 16 - 54 Low Cost SMT Model 403 Quartz Crystal

    VCP3054B VCP3085C VCP3109B VCP3013B VCP3092B BTS 3028 crystal 26 Mhz package 2 x 6 TCXO STRATUM 7 X 5 VCT2000 MXO45 MXO45HS MXO45HSLV MXO45LV 1180026 VCT-20 PDF


    Abstract: Q22FA128 Q22FA1280 standerd wire gauge current capacity data sheet gyro x3500 RX-4801 JE RX-8564 lc Q22FA2380 Q13MC3061 XV-8000CB
    Text: 10 “QMEMS” EPSON TOYOCOM In order to meet customer needs in a rapidly advancing digital, broadband and ubiquitous society, we are committed to offering products that are one step ahead of the market and a rank above the rest in quality. To achieve our goals, we follow a “3D three device strategy” designed to



    Abstract: Q24FA20H XV-8000 TSX-3225 MARKING CODE 2110CB epson FC-135 marking XV-8000CB toyocom filter Q22FA238 TG-5025CG
    Text: “QMEMS” EPSON TOYOCOM In order to meet customer needs in a rapidly advancing digital, broadband and ubiquitous society, we are committed to offering products that are one step ahead of the market and a rank above the rest in quality. To achieve our goals, we follow a “3D three device strategy” designed to


    BTS 3028

    Abstract: VFM1064A VFM1066A sc 3710 VCT2000 VFM1019C VFM1037A VFM1067A MXO45 MXO45HS
    Text: 2 9 Sh Short fform F Frequency Cl k Crystals C t l and dO ill t Clocks, Oscillators December 11, 2009 C Crystal t l Resonators R t Model Name Description Picture Frequency Range MHz L Low C Costt SMT Model 425 Quartz Crystal 16 - 54 Low Cost SMT Model 403

    03river VFM1033A VFM1037A VFM1066A VFM1067A VFM1064A VFM1068A VFM1069A VFM1070A VFM1072A BTS 3028 VFM1064A VFM1066A sc 3710 VCT2000 VFM1019C VFM1037A VFM1067A MXO45 MXO45HS PDF

    Epson TG-5025BA TCXO

    Abstract: tg-5025ba XV-3700CB XV-3500CB remote control helicopter circuit diagram 4502c rc helicopter TG5021CG XV-3500 RX-4574SG
    Text: “QMEMS” EPSON TOYOCOM In order to meet customer needs in a rapidly advancing digital, broadband and ubiquitous society, we are committed to offering products that are one step ahead of the market and a rank above the rest in quality. To achieve our goals, we follow a “3D three device strategy”


    panasonic inverter manual vf 200

    Abstract: panasonic inverter manual vf 100 sony 369-42 murata filter cfw 455 ht murata filter cfj455 CFWM 450 HT TA8864N cfw 455 murata CFW 455 HT mitsubishi inverter fr service manual
    Text: The Piezoelectric Effect Piezoelectric Effect Basics A piezoelectric substance is one that produces an electric charge when a mechanical stress is applied the substance is squeezed or stretched . Conversely, a mechanical deformation (the substance shrinks or expands) is produced


    Working diagram and operation of RF encoder ht12e

    Abstract: pin diagram hT12E encoder explanation MM53200 MC14026 Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter manchester encoder ht12e and decoder ht12d HT12E ht12d advantages HT12E equivalent led am voice transmitter and receiver circuit dia manchester encoder HT12E
    Text: Issued November 1996 229-7385 Data Pack C Data Sheet Radio controller systems RS stock numbers 216-6691, 216-6708, 216-6736, 216-6720, 216-6742, 625-889, 625-895, 627-740, 627-756, 740-269, 740-275, 740-281, 740-297, 740-304, 740-449, 740-455, 740-461 About RF



    Abstract: Working diagram and operation of RF encoder ht12e pin diagram hT12E encoder explanation Design and construction Wave FM radio receiver Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter 8 pin relay device 250w 220 volt 10 amp MM53200 mm53200 equivalent manchester encoder ht12e and decoder ht12d How to check encoder output HT12E
    Text: Issued July 1996 021-798 Data Pack C Radio controller systems Data Sheet RS stock numbers 216-6691, 216-6708, 216-6736, 216-6720, 216-6742, 625-889, 625-895, 627-740, 627-756,740-269, 740-275, 740-281, 740-297, 740-304 740-449, 740-455, 740-461 About RF What is RF? What are its advantages and



    Abstract: in1418 Design and construction Wave FM radio transmitter Design and construction Wave FM radio receiver Working diagram and operation of RF encoder ht12e 4 channel rf circuit with ht12d and ht12e CON14W HT12E ht12d advantages better radio aerial reception circuit diagram MC145026
    Text: Issued March 1998 287-0542 Data Pack C Radio controller systems Data Sheet RS stock number 216-6691, 216-6708, 216-6736, 216-6720, 216-6742, 625-889, 625-895, 627-756, 740-269, 740-275, 740-281, 740-297, 740-304, 740-449, 740-455, 740-461 About RF What is RF? What are its advantages and disadvantages, its



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSH I G E C P L E S S E Y A N 3833-12 DW9249 Application Note SAW BANDPASS FILTER FOR D.E.C.T. SELECTION OF IF FREQUENCY: The DW9249 is a S.A.W. Bandpass Filter designed specifically for use in Digital European Cordless Telephones D.E.C.T. . A circuit schematic of a typical DECT receiver

    OCR Scan
    DW9249 432MHz 180nH 100nH 1008CS PDF

    30x250, 39 ohm

    Abstract: sf712 SAR224 SAR423 SAR433 transistor 4287 AB sf712 sar 444 7MDA30X200 SA 3120 SAR173

    OCR Scan
    P01E-1 SAR300 00MDA1OX* SAR303 88MDA10X* SAR306 00MDA1 SAR310 00MDA10X* SAR315 30x250, 39 ohm sf712 SAR224 SAR423 SAR433 transistor 4287 AB sf712 sar 444 7MDA30X200 SA 3120 SAR173 PDF

    40mhz remote control receiver circuit

    Abstract: SIEMENS saw filter 6.6128 KESRX01 rf traNsmitter receiver 433.92 Mz K20000 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout murata saw filter 66128 127 BB833
    Text: KESRX04 M ITEL 260 to 470MHz. ASK Receiver with Power Down S E M IC O N D U C T O R Prelim inary Inform ation DS4997 - 2.1 March 1999 The KESRX04 is a single chip ASK Amplitude Shift Key Receiver IC. It is designed to operate in a variety of low power

    OCR Scan
    KESRX04 470MHz. DS4997 KESRX04 KESRX01 27FEB97 24AUG91 GPD00292 40mhz remote control receiver circuit SIEMENS saw filter 6.6128 rf traNsmitter receiver 433.92 Mz K20000 433.92 transmitter, pcb layout murata saw filter 66128 127 BB833 PDF

    sanyo la3450

    Abstract: R-90I CSB456F11 KBR-457HS CBS456F11 csb456 sanyo opu CT38 LA3450 LA3 stereo
    Text: Ordering number: EN 2393 F SAW O i r Monolithic Linear IC LA3450 No.2393 PLLFMMPX Stereo Demodulator w it h Adjustment -free VCO a n d Measure against Adjacent Channel Interference The LA3^50 is a multifunctional, high-performance FM multiplex demodulator IC

    OCR Scan
    LA3450 LA3M50 101dB) sanyo la3450 R-90I CSB456F11 KBR-457HS CBS456F11 csb456 sanyo opu CT38 LA3450 LA3 stereo PDF

    R8025 real time clock

    Abstract: epson sg-8002 Lot Code MARKING epson FC-135 marking CRYSTAL FC-135 32,768kHz MC-306 marking code seiko RX-8564CF SG-8002CA reel FC-135 EPSON SG-310 SCF SG550
    Text: EPSON TH E C R Y S T A U H A S IE R PRODUCT CATALOG November 2003 TQ012-40 THE CRYSTALMASTER ENERGY SAVING EPSON EPSON offers effective savings to its custom ers through a wide range of electronic devices, such as semiconductors, liquid crystal display LCD modules, and crystal devices. These savings

    OCR Scan
    TQ012-40 KLI63 R8025 real time clock epson sg-8002 Lot Code MARKING epson FC-135 marking CRYSTAL FC-135 32,768kHz MC-306 marking code seiko RX-8564CF SG-8002CA reel FC-135 EPSON SG-310 SCF SG550 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI ICs TV M52779SP VIF, SIF, VIDEO, CHROMA, DEFLECTION FOR PAL/NTSC DESCRIPTION The M52779SP is a single-chip semiconductor integrated circuit to PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) process signals of a color TV. Circuits to process video IF, sound IF,

    OCR Scan
    M52779SP M52779SP M52325AP, 740Vrms 690Vrms 285VP-P 100dBn PDF