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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA2909/11 APRIL 1995 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3577-3.4 MA2909/11 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The MA2909/11 Microprogram Sequencer is fully compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A components, and forms part of the GPS 2900 Series of

    MA2909/11 DS3577-3 MA2909/11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS MA2909/11 APRIL 1995 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3577-3.4 MA2909/11 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The MA2909/11 Microprogram Sequencer is fully compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A

    MA2909/11 DS3577-3 MA2909/11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MA2909/11 APRIL 1995 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3577-3.4 MA2909/11 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The MA2909/11 Microprogram Sequencer is fully compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A components, and forms part of the GPS 2900 Series of

    MA2909/11 DS3577-3 MA2909/11 3x105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS MA2909/11 APRIL 1995 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION DS3577-3.4 MA2909/11 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The MA2909/11 Microprogram Sequencer is fully compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A

    MA2909/11 DS3577-3 MA2909/11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDM2909A/11A National Semiconductor ID M 2909A /11A Microprogram Sequencer General Description Features and Benefits The IDM 2909A is a 4-bit wide address controller that is used to sequence through a series o f microinstructions contained in ROM or PROM. Tw o devices can be inter­

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    IDM2909A/11A 12-bit IDM2909ANC IDM2909ADC IDM2909ADM 2909DM IDM2911ANC IDM2911ADC IDM2911ADM 2911ADM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3577-2 3 M A 2 9 0 9 /1 1 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The M A 2 9 0 9 /1 1 M icro pro gra m S e q u e n ce r is fu lly compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A components, and forms part of the GPS 2900 Series of

    OCR Scan
    DS3577-2 XG543 28-Lead MA2909/11 MAx2909xxxxx PDF

    Register push pop

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Microprogram Sequencers 2909/2911 Features/Benefits • • • • • • • • • • • 4-bit slice cascadable to any number of microwords Internal address register Branch input for N-way branches Cascadable 4-bit microprogram counter 4 x 4 file with stack pointer and push pop control for

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    20-pin Register push pop PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3577-3.4 MA290911 RADIATION HARD MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCER The MA2909/11 M icroprogram Sequencer is fully compatible with the industry standard 2909A and 2911A components, and forms part of the GPS 2900 Series of

    OCR Scan
    DS3577-3 MA290911 MA2909/11 Cobalt-60 MIL-STD-883 MAx2909xxxxx 0D537TE PDF


    Abstract: 2911A microprogram
    Text: THOMSON COMPOSANTS MILITAIRES ET SPATIAUX T S 2909A / T S 2911A BIPOLAR MICROPROGRAM SEQUENCERS DESCRIPTION The TS 2909A is a four-bit wide address controller intended for se­ quencing through a series of microinstructions contained In a ROM or PROM. Two TS 2909A’s may be interconnected to generate an

    OCR Scan
    8602701QA 8602801RA TS2909AMJG/B TS2909AM TS2909ADESC01QA TS2911AMJG/B TS2911AM TS2911ADESC01RA TS2909AMJ TS2911AMJ 363CL 2911A microprogram PDF


    Abstract: AM25LS163
    Text: VU 6 ZU IV /V 60 6ZU JV Am2909A/Am2911A Microprogram Sequencers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS 4-bit slice cascadable to form longer word width Branch input for N-way branches 4 x 4 file with stack pointer and push pop control for nesting microsubroutines Zero input for returning to the zero microcode word

    OCR Scan
    909A/Am Am2909 28-pin Am2911A 20-pin Am2909A Am2909As 03578B AM25LS163 PDF


    Abstract: AM2911PC AM2911ADM-B AM2911DC Am2909 AM2911DC-B AM2909APC am2911dm AM2909DC AM2909PC
    Text: Am2909 Am2911 Am2909AAm2911A Microprogram Sequencers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION • • • • • The Am2909 is a four-bit wide address controller intended for sequencing through a series of microinstructions con­ tained in a ROM or PROM. Two Am2909’s may be inter­

    OCR Scan
    Am2909 Am2911 Am2909A Am2911A Am2909 28-pin 20-pin AM2911PC AM2911ADM-B AM2911DC AM2911DC-B AM2909APC am2911dm AM2909DC AM2909PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY s I M I < I \ I I < ! () K 2909/ i i Radiation Hard Microprogram Sequencer ma ^ (Preliminary Data) S10600FDS/1 Issue 1.1 October 1990 Features • Fully compatible with industry standard 2909A and 2911A components • Radiation hard CMOS SOS technology

    OCR Scan
    S10600FDS/1 28/20-Lead ma2909/ii MAx2909xxxxx MAx2911xxxxx PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4-BIT CM O S M ICROPROGRAM SEQ UEN CER IDT39C09A/B IDT39C11A/B MICROSLICE PRODUCT FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • re high-speed, 4-bit address seThe IDT39C09/11 dej quencers intended to tj the sequence of microinstructions located in the memory. They are fully casany increment of 4 bits,

    OCR Scan
    IDT39C09A/B IDT39C11A/B IDT39C09/11 IDT39C0! IDT39C09A/B MIL-STD-883, 1DT39C11 39C09 39C11 PDF

    military spec. imu

    Abstract: am2911 AM2909A AM2911A am25ls163
    Text: #iOV 2 1 199| Am2909A/Am2911A Microprogram Sequencers > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS ro to 4-bit slice ca scadable to form longer w ord width Branch input fo r N-way branches 4 x 4 file w ith stack pointer and p u sh /p o p control for nesting m icrosubroutines

    OCR Scan
    Am2909A/Am2911A Am2909A 28-pin Am2911A 20-pin Am291 t/10/89 military spec. imu am2911 am25ls163 PDF


    Abstract: AM2909A AM2911A AM2911A/BRA34334
    Text: NOV 2 1 9S| Am2909A/Am2911A Microprogram Sequencers > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS 4-bit slice cascadable to form longer w ord width B ranch input fo r N-way branches 4 x 4 file w ith stack pointer and p u sh /p o p control for nesting m icrosubroutines

    OCR Scan
    Am2909A/Am2911A Am2909A 28-pin Am2911A 20-pin 5M-4/89-0 microprogram AM2911A/BRA34334 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C909 CY7C911 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Features • Fast — CY7C909/11 has a 30-ns min. clock-to-output cycle time (com­ mercial and military) • Low power — Ic c (max.) = 55 mA (commercial and militaiy) • V cc margin — 5V+10% — All parameters guaranteed over

    OCR Scan
    CY7C909 CY7C911 CY7C909/11 30-ns Am2909A/Am29IlA CY7C909 CY7C911 7C909) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g M O T O R O L A TTL M ICRO PROG RAM SEQUENCER Th e M C 2 9 0 9 is a fo u r-b it-w id e address c o n tr o lle r in te n d e d fo r sequencing th ro u g h a series of m ic ro in s tru c tio n s c o n ta in e d in M ICRO PRO GRAM SEQUENCER a R O M o r PR O M . T w o M C 290 9s m ay be in te rc o n n e c te d t o gen­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: microprogram CI 74LS08 74LS157 stk 432 050 C5 74LS157 circuit diagram UPC 1035 74LS124 application note 74LS151 multiplexer truth table data sheet 74ls08
    Text: MOTOROLA TTL M ICRO PRO GRAM SEQUENCER The MC2909 is a four-bit-w ide address co n tro lle r intended for sequencing through a series o f m icroinstructions contained in a ROM or PROM. Tw o MC2909s may be interconnected to gen­ erate a tw elve-bit address <4K words .

    OCR Scan
    MC2909 MC2909s 74LS124 microprogram CI 74LS08 74LS157 stk 432 050 C5 74LS157 circuit diagram UPC 1035 74LS124 application note 74LS151 multiplexer truth table data sheet 74ls08 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C909 stk 654 C909 CY7C911-30PC Register push pop
    Text: CY7C909 CY7C911 CMOS Micro Program Sequencers CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR Features • Fast — CY7C909/11 has a 30-ns min. clock-to-output cycle time (com­ mercial and military) • Low power — Icc (max.) = 55 mA (commercial and military) • V<x' margin —5V+1»%

    OCR Scan
    CY7C909/11 30-ns Am2909A/Am2911A CY7C909 CY7C911 7C909) -00015-B stk 654 C909 CY7C911-30PC Register push pop PDF


    Abstract: TCA 700 v T04CO
    Text: MOS Field Effect P ow er Transistor 2SK1198 N ^ ^ ^ N 0r7 — M O S FET m j i m 2SK1198 li, N MOS F E T ffits :* * <, ? * > m x ^ y f v r t m & i s t i x h ' > , ^ E l ¥ fi : mm) 1 0 .5 M A X . s s jg & x 4 4 .7 M A X . AC 7 r-7 °? Î : t* Iz M m X to

    OCR Scan
    2SK1198 2SK1198 TCA 700 v T04CO PDF

    fuji lot code format

    Abstract: CXP80500
    Text: CXP80500 SONY» CMOS 8-bït Single Chip Microcomputer Piggyback type Description The CXP80500 1s a CMOS 8-bït single chip microcomputer of piggyback/evaluator type which has been developed for functional evaluation of the CXP80520/80524. Features • A wide Instruction set 213 instructions which cover

    OCR Scan
    CXP80500 CXP80520/80524. CXP80500 16-bit 425ns/9 408MHz 27C128 27C256, CXP80500U01Q 80-pin fuji lot code format PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION LTO APPROVED 1987 OCT 7 C o nvert to m i l i t a r y draw ing fo rm a t. Add case o u t lin e Z , change case o u t lin e 3 le a d f i n i s h from C to A f o r vendor p a r t number AM2909A/B3A. Add vendor CAGE number 50088 to d ra w in g ._

    OCR Scan
    AM2909A/B3A. 7013X AM2909A/B3A TS2909AMEB/C 701ZX 09A/BYA D-10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION LTO APPROVED 1987 OCT 7 C o nvert to m i l i t a r y draw ing fo rm a t. Add case o u t lin e Z , change case o u t lin e 3 le a d f i n i s h from C to A f o r vendor p a r t number AM2909A/B3A. Add vendor CAGE number 50088 to d ra w in g ._

    OCR Scan
    AM2909A/B3A. MIL02 7013X AM2909A/B3A TS2909AMEB/C 701ZX 09A/BYA D-10 PDF


    Abstract: CY7C911-30JC cy7c911
    Text: CY7C909 CY7C911 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR CMOS Micro Program Sequencers Features • Fast — CY7C909/11 has a 30 ns min. clock to output cycle time; commercial and military • Low Power — I c e (max.) = 55 mA; commercial and military • V'cc margin — 5 V ± 10%

    OCR Scan
    CY7C909 CY7C911 CY7C909/11 7C909) 38-00015-B CY7C909 CY7C911-30JC cy7c911 PDF