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    STR 6653 Search Results

    STR 6653 Result Highlights (5)

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    MP-5TRJ12EXTE-007 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-5TRJ12EXTE-007 Modular Extension Cable, Straight-Thru, RJ12 7ft Datasheet
    MP-5FRJ11STWS-014 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-5FRJ11STWS-014 Flat Silver Satin Modular Straight-Thru Cables, RJ11 / RJ11 14ft Datasheet
    MP-5FRJ12STWS-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-5FRJ12STWS-025 Flat Silver Satin Modular Straight-Thru Cables, RJ12 / RJ12 25ft Datasheet
    MP-5FRJ45STWS-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-5FRJ45STWS-025 Flat Silver Satin Modular Straight-Thru Cables, RJ45 / RJ45 25ft Datasheet
    MP-5FRJ11STWS-003 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-5FRJ11STWS-003 Flat Silver Satin Modular Straight-Thru Cables, RJ11 / RJ11 3ft Datasheet

    STR 6653 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 60320-2-2 60320-2 c20
    Text: APPLIANCE COUPLERS / GERÄTE-STECKVORRICHTUNGEN Appliance inlets/-outlets / Gerätestecker/-Steckdosen 0723, 4730 Panel Cut-Out / Durchbruch in Montageplatte High current appliance outlet Type 0723 Gerätesteckdose für höhere Ströme Typ 0723 Screw-on mounting



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLIANCE COUPLERS / GERÄTE-STECKVORRICHTUNGEN Appliance inlets/-outlets / Gerätestecker/-Steckdosen 0723, 4730 Panel Cut-Out / Durchbruch in Montageplatte High current appliance outlet Type 0723 Gerätesteckdose für höhere Ströme Typ 0723 Screw-on mounting

    60320-1/C20 60320-2-2/J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLIANCE COUPLERS / GERÄTESTECK-VORRICHTUNG NEW NEU High current appliance inlet Type 0722 Gerätestecker für höhere Ströme Typ 0722 Screw-on mounting from front Pin temperature 70 °C Protection class I Schraubmontage von vorn Stifttemperatur 70 °C



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLIANCE COUPLERS / GERÄTE-STECKVORRICHTUNGEN APPLIANCE INLETS/-OUTLETS / GERÄTESTECKER/-STECKDOSEN High current Gerätestecker appliance inlet für höhere Ströme 1 Type 4798 Replaces 6153 Typ 4798 1) Screw-on mounting from front Solder or quick-connect


    IEC 60320-1

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APPLIANCE COUPLERS / GERÄTESTECK-VORRICHTUNG NEW NEU High current appliance inlet Type 0722 Gerätestecker für höhere Ströme Typ 0722 Screw-on mounting from front Pin temperature 70 °C Protection class I Schraubmontage von vorn Stifttemperatur 70 °C

    3-1/C20, 60320-1/C20 60320-1/C19, 60320-1/C19 IEC 60320-1 PDF

    STR 6656

    Abstract: transistor str 6656 13001 TRANSISTOR Transistor mcr 22-8 413 mark 74w npn SI 13003 str 12006 atmel 0744 13001 TRANSISTOR equivalent str 10006
    Text: Version 2.0 Produced in June 1997 R SSharp Programmable Controller New Satellite JW10 User's Manual We thank you for your purchase of the SHARP programmable controller JW10. Carefully read this user's manual and the JW10 instruction manual attached to the system

    ZM-40D/L, ZM-61E/T, ZM-70D/T Appendix17 ZM-31SE) RS422] Appendix18 STR 6656 transistor str 6656 13001 TRANSISTOR Transistor mcr 22-8 413 mark 74w npn SI 13003 str 12006 atmel 0744 13001 TRANSISTOR equivalent str 10006 PDF


    Abstract: STR-C6653 STR-G6653 circuit diagram part circuit str-g6653 strg6653 STRC6653 G6653 STR G6653 43Yin C6653
    Text: 5 STR -G 6653 7 ? 7 A STR-C6653 block diagram -5 -1 s-m-mfe Function o f terminaJ Terminal 12 H Sym bol 1 D 2 S 3 CND 4 vw 5 5 .2 O .C Pflr.B « Description » fig Functions H H / S i Drain terminal M O S FET H V * i > M O S F E T drain MOS FET V - A Source terminal

    OCR Scan
    STR-G6653 STR-C6653 STR-G6653 circuit diagram part circuit str-g6653 strg6653 STRC6653 G6653 STR G6653 43Yin C6653 PDF


    Abstract: STR-F6654 STR-f6656 diagram STRF6653 strf6676 STRF6654 str SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM STRF6656 str-f6676 STR-F6600
    Text: STR-F6600 Series MicroSystems Europe Ltd. SMPS PRIMARY IC. X n n K i£ 0 Features ♦ Greatly R educed Parts Count ♦ Rugged Avalanche Rated MOSFET ♦ Choice of MOSFET Voltage and Rds on ♦ Flyback Operation with Quasi-Resonant Soft Switching for Low D issipation & EM I

    OCR Scan
    STR-F6600 400uA up6600 STR-F6654 STR-F6672 STR-F6676 str-f6654 PIN CONFIGURATION STR-F6654 STR-f6656 diagram STRF6653 strf6676 STRF6654 str SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM STRF6656 str-f6676 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 ^1 7 2 4 TEXAS Q 0 fi2S fll IN STR 7 • H I M L IN /IN T F C T - 7S -M S -0 S MQE SN75150 DUAL LINE DRIVER J> D951, JANUARY 1971 —REVISED MAY 1990 D, JG, OR P PACKAGE Satisfies Requirement of EIA Standard RS-232-C (TOP VIEW) Withstands Sustained Output Short-Circuit

    OCR Scan
    SN75150 RS-232-C 2500-pF IL-STD-188C MIL-STD-188C, PDF

    130001 power transistor

    Abstract: transistor 130001 K1746 pepi c MRF426A MRF426 VK20Q PEPI -CH 2204B 725M
    Text: lt.3t.7HS4 007&clû3 1 89D 7 8 9 8 3 6 3 6 7 2 5 4 MOTOROLA SC <X STR S/R F D 3 7 - A * MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR MRF426 MRF426A TECHNICAL DATA T h e R F L in e 25 W P E P )- 3 0 M H z R F POWER TRANSISTOR NPN S IL IC O N NPN SILICON RF POWER TRANSISTOR . . . designed for high gain driver and output linear am plifier stages

    OCR Scan
    MRF426 MRF426A MRF426, 130001 power transistor transistor 130001 K1746 pepi c MRF426A VK20Q PEPI -CH 2204B 725M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TLC540I, TLC541I 8-BIT ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS WITH SERIAL CONTROL AND 11 INPUTS SLAS065A - OCTOBER 1983 - REVISED MARCH 1995 • 8-Bit Resolution A/D Converter • Microprocessor Peripheral or Stand-Alone Operation • On-Chip 12-Channel Analog Multiplexer

    OCR Scan
    TLC540I, TLC541I SLAS065A 12-Channel TLC541 MC145040 ADC0811. TLC540 TLC1540 10-Bit tlc5411 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN74CBT3253 DUAL 4-BIT TO 1-BIT FET MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER I S C D S 0 1 8 - M AY 1995 D, DB, O R PW P A C K A G E TO P V IEW • Functionally Equivalent to QS3253 • 5 -Q Switch Connection Between Two Ports Ü E T I 1 U 16 1 V C C 15 ] OE2 S1 [ 2 14 ] S O

    OCR Scan
    SN74CBT3253 QS3253 PDF


    Abstract: H1B13
    Text: SN54ABT32543, SN74ABT32543 36-BIT REGISTERED BUS TRANSCEIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SCBS230B - JUNE 1992 - REVISED JULY 1994 • Members of the Texas Instruments Wldebus+ Family • State-of-the-Art EPIC-llB™ BICMOS Design Significantly Reduces Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    SN54ABT32543, SN74ABT32543 36-BIT SCBS230B JESD-17 -32-mA 64-mA 100-Pin 14-mm SN74ABT32543. D2B4 H1B13 PDF


    Abstract: TLO72 tlo71 IC TLO71 TL0728 tl072 cp equivalent tl0721 tl0741 TL071 IC IC TLO74

    OCR Scan
    TL071, TL071A, TL071B, TL072 TL072A, TL072B, TL074, TL074A, TL074B SLQS080C TLO74 TLO72 tlo71 IC TLO71 TL0728 tl072 cp equivalent tl0721 tl0741 TL071 IC IC TLO74 PDF

    TT 2188 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPS7101Q, TPS7133Q, TPS7148Q, TPS7150Q TPS7101Y, TPS7133Y, TPS7148Y, TPS7150Y LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORS SLVS092C - NOVEMBER 1994 - REVISED AUGUST 1995 Available in 5-V, 4.85-V, and 3.3-V Flxed-Output and Adjustable Versions D OR P PACKAGE TOP VIEW Very Low-Dropout V o ltage. . . Maximum of

    OCR Scan
    TPS7101Q, TPS7133Q, TPS7148Q, TPS7150Q TPS7101Y, TPS7133Y, TPS7148Y, TPS7150Y SLVS092C TPS7150) TT 2188 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1004 MICROPOWER INTEGRATED VOLTAGE REFERENCE _D 3 1 9 0 , J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 9 -R E V IS E D JU L Y 1991 • Initial Accuracy ±4 mV forLTI 004-1.2 ±20 mV for LT1004-2.5 LT1004C . . . D PACKAGE TOP VIEW

    OCR Scan
    LT1004 LT1004-2 LT1004C LT1004-1 60cr1 PDF

    Transistor BC 1078

    Abstract: TSS400-S1 LCD tlc 771 TSS400CFN-S1 abe 630 K-Line L line BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR circuits D4071 digital pressure sensor conditional circuit 44-PIN
    Text: TSS400-S1 uPOWER PROGRAMMABLE HIGH-PRECISION SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSOR SLMS001 -D 407 1, JANUARY 1993 * Onboard Ratiometric Current Source Programmable From 0.15 mA x SV^d/V to 2.4 mA x (SVDD/V) Two Independent Crystal Controlled Timers (32.768 kHz) Internal MOS Oscillator Serves as System

    OCR Scan
    TSS400-S1 SLMS001 -D4071, 12-Bit 56-Segment TSS400 TSS400-S1) D4071, D100Q75 Transistor BC 1078 TSS400-S1 LCD tlc 771 TSS400CFN-S1 abe 630 K-Line L line BC 557 PNP TRANSISTOR circuits D4071 digital pressure sensor conditional circuit 44-PIN PDF

    LM393 switching power supply

    Abstract: LM393 lm393 equivalent TLV1393 TLV1393ID TLV1393IP TLV1393Y TLV2393 TLV2393ID TLV2393Y
    Text: TLV1393, TLV1393Y, TLV2393, TLV2393Y DUAL DIFFERENTIAL COMPARATORS SLCS121 - A U G U ST 1993 Low-Voltage and Single-Supply Operation Vcc = 2 V to 7 V Common-Mode Voltage Range That Includes Ground Fast Response Time 450 ns Typ TLV2393 Low Supply Current

    OCR Scan
    TLV1393, TLV1393Y, TLV2393, TLV2393Y SLCS121 TLV2393) TLV1393) TLV1393 TLV2393 LM393 switching power supply LM393 lm393 equivalent TLV1393ID TLV1393IP TLV1393Y TLV2393ID TLV2393Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN55563A, SN55564A ELECTROLUMINESCENT ROW DRIVERS SGLS03Q - D3313, OCTOBER 1989 I I | I ' • Each Device Drives 34 Electrodes * Selectable Open-Source or Open-Drain Output • Outputs Rated at 225 V * Output Current Capability -90 mA to 150 mA • CMOS-Compatible Inputs

    OCR Scan
    SN55563A, SN55564A SGLS03Q D3313, SN5S563A SN55564A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN54ALS29823, SN74ALS29823 9-BIT BUS-INTERFACE FLIP-FLOPS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS SDAS146B - JANUARY 1986 - R EVISED JANUARY 1995 Functionally Equivalent to AMD’s AM29823 Provide Extra Data Width Necessary for Wider Address/Data Paths or Buses With Parity Outputs Have Undershoot-Protectlon

    OCR Scan
    SN54ALS29823, SN74ALS29823 SDAS146B AM29823 300-mil SN54ALS29823 SN74ALS29823. 01DM21b AS146B PDF

    Kc 520 B

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL750L, TL751L SERIES TL751L05M, TL751L12M, TL750LxxY LOW-DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATORS S L V S 0 1 7 B - SEPTEM BER 1 9 8 7 - REVISED AUG UST 1995 • Reverse Transient Protection to -5 0 V • Very Low Dropout Voltage, Less Than 0.6 V at 150 mA • Internal Thermal Overload Protection

    OCR Scan
    TL750L, TL751L TL751L05M, TL751L12M, TL750LxxY TL751L12M 500-nA Kc 520 B PDF

    transistor D331 circuit diagram application

    Abstract: D331 transistor transistor d331 D3313 electroluminescent display transistor D331 data sheet transistor equivalent table D331
    Text: SN55563A, SN55564A ELECTROLUMINESCENT ROW DRIVERS SGLS030 - D3313, OCTOBER 1989 Each Device Drives 34 Electrodes Selectable Open-Source or Open-Drain Output Outputs Rated at 225 V Output Current Capability -9 0 mA to 150 mA CMOS-Compatible Inputs Very Low Steady-State Power Consumption

    OCR Scan
    SN55563A, SN55564A SGLS030 D3313, SN55563A SN55564c3 transistor D331 circuit diagram application D331 transistor transistor d331 D3313 electroluminescent display transistor D331 data sheet transistor equivalent table D331 PDF


    Abstract: 0B17
    Text: SN74ABT7819 512 x 18 x 2 CLOCKED BIDIRECTIONAL FIRST-IN, FIRST-OUT MEMORY SCB812SD - JULY 1982 - REVISED SEPTEMBER 1995 Member of the Texas Instruments Wldebus Family Free-Running CLKA and CLKB Can Be Asynchronous or Coincident Read and Write Operations Synchronized

    OCR Scan
    SN74ABT7819 SCB812SD 50-pF 80-Pln SvW1 0B17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN65ALS176, SN75ALS176, SN75ALS176A, SN75ALS176B DIFFERENTIAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS _ SLLSQ4QD - D3042, AUGUST 1987 - REVISED AUGUST 1991 D OR P PACKAGE TOP VIEW Meets ElA Standards RS-422A and RS-485 and CCITT Recommendations V.11 and X.27

    OCR Scan
    SN65ALS176, SN75ALS176, SN75ALS176A, SN75ALS176B D3042, RS-422A RS-485 SN65ALS176 ALS176. ALS176A. SN75ALS176 PDF