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    Abstract: transitron catalog TCR43 TM106 IN443 1n9448 sv4091 IN4868 diode 3N68 IN536
    Text: ron Tro nsitron electronic corporation e I ron 168 Albion Street . Wakefield. Massachusetts 01881 WAKEFIELD, MASSACHUSE TTS BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS MELROSE, MASSACHUSETTS NUEVO LAREDO, MEXICO BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND PARIS, FRANCE AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS ~ ciectl'onic corpOI'atioll


    16f 676

    Abstract: kd 503 transistor LT 5251 transistor KD 503 ccd sharp 13B1 LR36685 RJ24J3AA0PT kd 506 transistor kd 778
    Text: BACK SHARP RJ24J3AA0PT DESCRIPTION The RJ24J3AA0PT is a 1/3.2-type 5.60 mm solidstate image sensor that consists of PN photo­ diodes and CCD s (charge-coupled devices). With approximately 1 310 000 pixels (1 344 horizontal x 971 vertical), the sensor provides a stable highresolution color image.

    OCR Scan
    RJ24J3AA0PT RJ24J3AA0PT moni-5819 16f 676 kd 503 transistor LT 5251 transistor KD 503 ccd sharp 13B1 LR36685 kd 506 transistor kd 778 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP LZ2313H5 1 /3 type Color CCD Area Sensor for NTSC DESCRIPTION PIN CONNECTIONS LZ2313H5 is a 1/3 -ty p e 6.0 mm solid-state im age sensor that consists of PN phote-diodes and CCDs (charge-coupled devices). Having approxi­ mately 270 000 pixels (horizontal 542 x vertical

    OCR Scan
    LZ2313H5 LZ2313H5 16-PIN P09ds U601 PDF

    TL 2262

    Abstract: transistor BJ 932 THU 1203 tl 2262 am 0B 2262 integrated circuit TL 2262 LV3A M-2280 marking 1n3 LZ21N3
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. ISSUE: EL115074B Jul. 22 1999 To ; PRELIMINARY S P E C I F I C A I O N S Product Type l/2-type 8.08mi Interline Color CCD Area Sensor with 2140k Pixels LZ21N3 Model No. SSSThis specifications contains 31 pages including the cover and appendix.

    OCR Scan
    2140k 0D3E137 LZ21N3 8C072ADC 00321b5 DD321b7 TL 2262 transistor BJ 932 THU 1203 tl 2262 am 0B 2262 integrated circuit TL 2262 LV3A M-2280 marking 1n3 PDF


    Abstract: 512H 524H LZ23J3V 510H 511H photo 3-pin IR sensor sv4i
    Text: SHARP SPEC No. ISSUE: E L 1 0 8 026 Aug. 17 1998 T o ; S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Product Type 1/2.7-type 6. 72mm Interline Color CCD Area Sensor with 1310k Pixels Model No. LZ2 3 J3V jj-This specifications contains 27 pages including the cover and appendix.

    OCR Scan
    EL108026 1310k LZ23J3V bx11 512H 524H LZ23J3V 510H 511H photo 3-pin IR sensor sv4i PDF