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    SYNOPSYS LEDA TOOL Search Results

    SYNOPSYS LEDA TOOL Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    37-1409 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    37-2182 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AXL-A Coilcraft Inc Test fixture for axial lead components Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    C308 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Micro Springs, 5% tol, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    C318-2 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, Midi Springs, 2% tol, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    SYNOPSYS LEDA TOOL Datasheets Context Search

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    synopsys leda tool

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: New Products Development Tools Synopsys and Xilinx Unveil Next Generation Flow for Platform FPGAs For Virtex Platform FPGAs, with gate counts comparable to ASICs, you need a design flow with code checkers and static verification technology. by Jackie Patterson

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: New Product FPGA Synthesis Upgrade to Synopsys FPGA Compiler II Synthesis Tool to Maximize Virtex-II PRO Performance FPGA Compiler II’s unique algorithms aid in designing chips correctly and on time. by Jackie Patterson Director of Marketing Programs Synopsys, Inc.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: New Product FPGA Synthesis Upgrade to Synopsys FPGA Compiler II Synthesis Tool to Maximize Virtex-II Pro Performance FPGA Compiler II’s unique algorithms aid in designing chips correctly and on time. by Jackie Patterson Director of Marketing Programs Synopsys, Inc.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: New Products ISE 4.1i Xilinx ISE 4.1i Delivers the Speed You Need Xilinx ISE 4.1i presents a new set of features and device support to give you the fastest time to market with the most advanced technologies available for FPGA design today. by Lee Hansen Software Product Marketing Manager



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: New Technology Timing Closure ProActive Timing Closure Delivers up to 133% Better Device Performance Take a look under the hood at one of the technology innovations embedded in ISE 4.1i and learn how it can meet your need for speed. by Lee Hansen Product Marketing Manager


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    Abstract: dsp processor coding in verilog POWER DOWN COMEBACK ERROR
    Text: New Products Software Using Xilinx ISE Software for High-Density Design Creating your Virtex -III design designisiseasy easy with Xilinx world class development systems. The latest Xilinx ISE software provides support for advanced design capabilities including incremental


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    Abstract: hapstrak astro tools synopsys of counter project
    Text: Identify Actel Edition Quick Start Guide September 2009 Disclaimer of Warranty Synopsys, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, by or with respect to anything in this manual, and shall not be liable


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    Abstract: ep20k100 board
    Text: Design Software & Development Kit Selector Guide July 2002 Introduction Contents 2 Introduction 3 Altera Design Software Subscription Program 5 Selecting a Design Software Product As FPGAs evolve to include system-level building blocks within the device—such as high-speed I/O pins, embedded

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    Abstract: excalibur APEX development board nios apex ep20k400 sopc development board nios development kit cyclone edition EPXA-DEVKIT-XA10D EP20K30E EP20K60E excalibur Board EPF10K50S EPXA10-DEV-BOARD
    Text: Design Software & Development Kit Selector Guide January 2003 Introduction SOPC Builder As FPGAs evolve to include system-level building blocks within the device—such as high-speed I/O circuitry, multi-gigabit transceivers, embedded processors, digital signal processing

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    Abstract: Synplify tmr Synplicity* haps encounter conformal equivalence check user guide Verilog code subtractor "module compiler" A3P400 implementing ALU with adder/subtractor CL169 MF138
    Text: Synopsys FPGA Synthesis Synplify Pro Actel Edition User Guide October 2009 Disclaimer of Warranty Synopsys, Inc. makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, by or with respect to anything in this manual, and shall not be liable


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    Abstract: 3 to 8 line decoder vhdl IEEE format ARM JTAG Programmer Schematics EPM3512A F1020 F256 synopsys leda tool tcp vhdl Atrenta "network interface cards"
    Text: Quartus II Software Release Notes July 2002 Quartus II version 2.1 This document provides late-breaking information about the following areas of this version of the Quartus II software. For information about memory, disk space, and system requirements, refer to the readme.txt file in your quartus



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: デザイン・ソフトウェア& 開発キット セレクタ・ガイド イントロダクション 目次 FPGAはデバイス内に高速I/Oピンエンベデッド・プロセッサ、エン 2 イントロダクション ベデッド・メモリ・ブロックなどのシステム・レベルのビルディン


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    Abstract: ALTERA MAX 3000 vhdl code rs232 altera EPXA10 matlabsimulink hp 7000 EP20K30E EP20K60E EPF10K50S EPXA10-DEV-BOARD
    Text: デザイン・ソフトウェア& 開発キット セレクタ・ガイド イントロダクション SOPC Builder FPGA はデバイス内に高速I/O 回路マルチ・ギガビット・トラン SOPC Builderは、Quartus II の設計環境に統合された自動システム

    SG-TOOLS-19/JP synopsys leda tool ALTERA MAX 3000 vhdl code rs232 altera EPXA10 matlabsimulink hp 7000 EP20K30E EP20K60E EPF10K50S EPXA10-DEV-BOARD PDF

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    Abstract: Legrand switch legrand switches model railway signal project signo 720 counter signo 724 signo 721 signo 727 operation manual S220 VHDL1993
    Text: V-System/VHDL Windows User’s Manual VHDL Simulation for PCs Running Windows 95 & Windows NT Version 4.4 Model Technology The V-System/VHDLWindows program and its documentation were produced by Model Technology Incorporated. Unauthorized copying, duplication, or other
