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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5002 SERIES P.G.A. SOCKET M aterial: H ousing: High te m p e r a tu r e housing U L 9 4 V - 0 w ithstands IR and VPR soldering m ethods. C o n ta cts: Heat Treated Beryllium Copper. P lating: Tin plated. E le c t r ic a l C h a r a c t e r i s t ic s : C u rre n t Rating: 1 AMP.

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA. 5002Series 11X11 17X17 T017757 PDF


    Abstract: 40T4 K 2672 8223-28T4
    Text: 8223 SERIES □DPI in SOJ SOCKET Material: H ousing: High te m p e r a tu r e housing U L 9 4 V - 0 w ithstands IR and VPR soldering m ethods. C o n ta cts: Pho sp h o r Bronze. P lating: Tin plated. Electrical Characteristics: C u rre n t R ating: 1 AMP.

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 5000M 100mA. 180g/contact 35g/contact 8223-26T3 8223-28T3 8223-28T4 8223-32T3 8223-32T4 40T4 K 2672 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7915 SER IES □ ü p i in H.D. D -S U B STRAIGHT TYPE Material: Housing: 30% Gloss filled PBT UL94V-0. Contacts: Brass. Plating: Gold plated. Electrical C h aracteristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP. Insulator Resistance: 5000M Q min. at DC 500V. Contact Resistance: 20m Q max. at DC 100mA.

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0. 5000M 100mA. y-01-09 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2045 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2.54mmX2.54mm 0.100"X0.100" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT UL94V— 0. Contacts: P hosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5 / i ’ over 5 0 / I nickel. Tin plated: 150/!' over 70/T nickel. E le ctrica l C h aracteristics:

    OCR Scan
    54mmX2 UL94Vâ 5000M 100mA T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2215 SERIES □upi in PIN HEADER 1.27mmX1.27mm 0.050"X0.050" Material: H ousing: High te m p e ra tu re housing w ithstands IR and VPR soldering m ethods. C o n ta cts: Brass P lating: Gold plated: 5 /1' over 50 /1' nickel. Tin plated: 150 /! ' over 70/ 1' nickel.

    OCR Scan
    27mmX1 5000M 100mA T017757 0000Ob5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2532 SERIES □upi in FFC/FPC CONNECTOR 1.25mm 0.049" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT U L94V -0. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Tin plated. E le ctrica l C h aracteristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP. Insulator Resistance: 5000M Q min. at DC 500V.

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    5000M 100mA. T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2141 SERIES □ UPl in P.C.B. SOCKET 2 .0 m m 0 .0 7 9 " Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT U L 9 4 V - 0 . Contacts: P ho sp h o r Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5/1' over 5 0 fi nickel. Tin plated: 1 5 0 /i' over 7 0 /i' nickel. Electrical C h aracteristics:

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0. 150/J! 5000M 100mA T017757 000005c! PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2212 SERIES □upi in PIN HEADER 1.27mmX2.54mm 0.050"X0.100" M aterial: Housing: High te m p e ra tu re ho usin g w ith s ta n d s IR and VPR s o ld e rin g m e th o d s. C o n ta c ts: B rass P latin g : Gold p lated : 5 f l' o v e r 5 0 j l' nickel. Tin plated: 1 5 0 j i

    OCR Scan
    27mmX2 2212-1X T017757 00000fc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2141 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2.0mmX2.0mm 0.079"X0.079" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT UL94V—0. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: over 50 / ! ' nickel. Tin plated: 5/1' /I 150 over 70/11 nickel. E le ctrica l C h aracteristics:

    OCR Scan
    UL94Vâ 5000M 100mA T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8223 SERIES □dpi in SOJ SOCKET Material: Housing: High tem perature housing U L94V -0 withstands IR and VPR soldering methods. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Tin plated. Electrical Characteristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP. Insulator Resistance: 5000M Q min. at DC 500V.

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA. 5203-Tool) T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2043 SERIES □upk in P.C.B. SOCKET 2 .5 4 m m 0 .1 0 0 " M aterial: Housing: High te m p e ra tu r e housing w ithstands IR and VPR soldering m ethods. Contacts: P hosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5 /¿' over 5 0 ¡1! nickel. Tin plated: 1 5 0 /i’ over 7 0 ¡1 nickel.

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2144 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2.0mmX2.0mm 0.079"X0.079" Material: Housing: High te m p e ra tu re housing withstands IR and VPR soldering methods. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5 // over 5 0 /1‘ nickel. Tin plated: 150 /I over 70/1' nickel.

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2011 SERIES □ u p i in PIN HEADER 2.54mm 0.100" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT UL94V —0. Contacts: Brass Plating: Gold plated: 5 /i’ over 5 0/1' nickel. Tin plated: 150 fl' over 70/1' nickel. E le ctrica l C h a ra cte ristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP

    OCR Scan
    UL94V 5000M 100mA T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2041 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2 .5 4 m m 0 .1 0 0 " M aterial: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT UL94V— 0. Contacts: P hosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5(1' over 5 0 (X nickel. Tin plated: 150 (i over 7 0 (11 nickel. E lectrical C h aracteristics:

    OCR Scan
    UL94Vâ 5000M 100mA T017757 00D0D13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7915 SERIES □ dpi in H.D. D-SUB STRAIGHT TYPE M aterial: Housing: 30% Gloss filled PBT UL94V-0. Contacts: Brass. Plating: Gold plated. E le ctrica l C h a ra cte ristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP. Insulator Resistance: 5000M Q min. at DC 500V. Contact Resistance: 20m Q max. at DC 100mA.

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0. 5000M 100mA. T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2141 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2.0mm 0.079" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT U L94V -0. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5/1' over 50 /T nickel. Tin plated: 150 f i over 70/T nickel. E le ctrica l C h a ra cte ristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA T017757 0000D52 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2012 SERIES □upi in PIN HEADER 2.54mm 0.100" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT U L94V -0. Contacts: Brass Plating: Gold plated: 5 f i over 50 /T nickel. Tin plated: 15 0 /i' over 7 0 /i' nickel. E lectrical C h aracteristics: Current Rating: 1 AMP

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA T017757 0D00QD7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8928 SERIES □upi in BNC RIGHT ANGLE M aterial: Housing: PBT U L 9 4 V - 0 . Insulator: Polypropylene U L 9 4 V - 0 . Center Contact: P hospho r Bronze,Gold Plated. Body: Diecast Zinc # 3 Nickel Plated. Mounting Post: Brass, Tin Lead Plated. Solder Tail: Brass Wire, Tin Lead Plated.

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    T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3017 SERIES □ u p i kn I.D.C. PLUG WITH EJECTORS 3 .5 4 m m 0 .1 0 0 " Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT U L 9 4 V - 0 . C ontacts: Brass Plating: Selective gold plated: gold plated on m ating area and c u ttin g area. nickel plated on wire Electrical Characteristics:

    OCR Scan
    5000M 100mA T017757 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2044 SERIES □upi in P.C.B. SOCKET 2.54mmX2.54mm 0.100"X0.100" Material: Housing: 30% Glass filled PBT UL94V—0. Contacts: Phosphor Bronze. Plating: Gold plated: 5 / / over 5 0 / / nickel. Tin plated: 1 5 0 // over 7 0 / / nickel. Electrical Characteristics:

    OCR Scan
    54mmX2 UL94Vâ 5000M 100mA T017757 PDF