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    T0220AA Search Results

    T0220AA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Temic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s W S08 T0220 TOS2 T0237 GateUafcage rpA> Ij>ss , u m Mifl T092 2 lead Max Min Max Min T092 (3 lead) . 9ft . Typ Max | Max Typ ] Max Comments T0220AA (T092) J210 15 12 J211 20 12 15 40 12 J212 -25 -3 -2.5 ' -4.5 -4 ~6 -1 0 0

    OCR Scan
    T0220 T0237 T0220AA PN4117A PN4118A PN4119A 2N4416A 2N4117A 2N4118A 2N4119A SST5484 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML
    Text: SAflYO T r a n s i s t o r s f o r V e r y H i g h - D e f in i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y H o r i z o n t a l D e f l e c t i o n O u t p u t U s e 3 afci D y n a m i cs F ' o c s t j i s U s e ( N o p i c t u r e e v e r o u t of f o c u s w i t h b e t t e r f o c u s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s )

    OCR Scan
    T0-220FI T0-220. diffus-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} 2SC4630LS 2SC4631LS 2SC4632LS 2SC4633LS 2SC4634LS 2SC4635LS 2SC4636LS 2SC4637LS 2SC4710LS T0-126ML PDF

    IRF 850 mosfet

    Abstract: Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382
    Text: Medium Output Power MOSFETs l N ew P a d o - g e : T S S O P 8 *0ne size sm aller than S0P8. Best su ited fo r higher performance and effic ie n c y of battery-pow ered equipment and av ailab le fo r h igh-density surface mount. S O P S ^Reduced surface mount area by 502 and thickness by 30Z over the SC-63(TP).package.

    OCR Scan
    SC-63 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> IRF 850 mosfet Mini size of Discrete semiconductor elements 2SJ335 cp 035 sanyo CP 022 ND fa214 8ROM 2SK2637 marking 85m ok 2SJ382 PDF

    sanyo transistor tt series

    Abstract: TO225 LEAD FORMING TRANSISTORS SANYO sanyo transistor SSFP package 2SB1269 2SB1449 2SB1450 2SC5264 2SC5420
    Text: Power Transistor Surface Mount Package S M P Surface Mount Power In r e c e n t y e a r s s u r f a c e m ount s e m ic o n d u c to r p ro d u c ts have found wide a p p li c a t io n from s m a ll - s i g n a l consum er equipm ent to h ig h -p o w e r i n d u s t r i a l e q u ip m e n t.

    OCR Scan
    becom-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> sanyo transistor tt series TO225 LEAD FORMING TRANSISTORS SANYO sanyo transistor SSFP package 2SB1269 2SB1449 2SB1450 2SC5264 2SC5420 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB507 2SB506A 2SB508 2SB511 2SD325 2sb560 2SB506 2SB536 2SD331
    Text: - 54 - Ta=25cC, *EP(äTc=25‘ C m % f fl £ & m VcBO VcEO lc ( D O Pc Pc* (V) (V) (A) (W) (W) ICBO (max) ( j ü A) % tä 4# te 0 ^ 2 5 *0 ) [*E P (ä typ 3 hF E VcB (V) (min) (max) Vc e (V) ¡ c/ I e (A) (max) (V) (V) Ic (A) Ib (A) 2SB434G LF PA/SW -60

    OCR Scan
    Ta-25-C) 2SB434G 2SB435G 2SB502A 2SB503A 2SB504 2SB504A -60SD552 2SB552 2SD553 2SB507 2SB506A 2SB508 2SB511 2SD325 2sb560 2SB506 2SB536 2SD331 PDF

    k669 transistor

    Abstract: k544 K932 transistor mosfet k544 k427 transistor k583 k427 K932 k222 mosfet k546
    Text: SAfÊYO Small-signal Junction FETs/MOSFETs F e a tu re s Case O u tlin e s unit.'m m SANYO:SMCP 1 : S ource, 2 : Drá i n, 3 : Ga te * V e r y low n o is e f ig u r e * L arge |Y f s | * Low g a te le a k c u r r e n t * S m a ll-s iz e d package p e r m ittin g FET-used s e t s to be made s m a lle r

    OCR Scan
    250mm Ratings/Ta-25 2SK2170UA) 2SK1069 2SK1332CV) 2SK209KH) 2SK2219CD) T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML k669 transistor k544 K932 transistor mosfet k544 k427 transistor k583 k427 K932 k222 mosfet k546 PDF

    C4106 transistor

    Abstract: C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061
    Text: SA\YO T0-220MF Mini Fin Power Transistor Series Features Sanyo power tra n sisto r case o utline T0-220MF (Mini Fin) is a sm all-sized package suited for mounting on electronic equipment th at is lim ited in height. When mounted on the board, the height above the board is approximately 10mm lower

    OCR Scan
    T0-220MF O-220 Ratings/Ta-25 T0-220) 2SB1267 2SD1903 D1235 2SB1268 2SD1904 C4106 transistor C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061 PDF


    Abstract: SPD221R sanyo transistor SGD102 SGD102T SPD121 MCP6 Marking sanyo SPD121P SPD122P SPD221
    Text: S A f/ Y O GaAs Di odes 1 j f c GaAs Schot tky Bar-r-ier Di odes Packaged Type The Sanyo SPD Series are packaged type GaAs Schottky barrier diodes designed for converters, modulators,detectors that can be operated in the X band (8.2 to 12.4GHz) and KU band (12.4 to 18.0GHz).

    OCR Scan
    SGD102, SGD102T) Ratings-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} SPD221P SPD221R sanyo transistor SGD102 SGD102T SPD121 MCP6 Marking sanyo SPD121P SPD122P SPD221 PDF


    Abstract: gw 340 diode t03 package transistor pin configuration 32N03 DTG2400 DTG-2400 2N2144A 2N1100 2N126 2n228 transistor
    Text: CY7C1339 128K x 32 Synchronous-Pipelined Cache RAM Features The CY7C1339 I/O pins can operate at either the 2.5V or the 3.3V level; the I/O pins are 3.3V tolerant when V DDq=2.5V. * Supports 100-MHz bus fo r Pentium and PowerPC operations w ith zero w ait states

    OCR Scan
    CY7C1339 100-MHz 166-MHz 133-MHz CY7C1339 Y220a/ T0220AA T0220AB TMW515TDB 2N7805 gw 340 diode t03 package transistor pin configuration 32N03 DTG2400 DTG-2400 2N2144A 2N1100 2N126 2n228 transistor PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF


    Abstract: 2sc55 marking WMM 2SC5488 2SC4853 2SC4931 2SC5277 2SC5374 2SC5489 2SC553
    Text: SAfiYO NEW PRODUCT VERY HIGH-FREQUENCY TRANSISTOR SERIES lt>2 Newly developed SANYO very high-frequency tra n sis to rs can be used fo r various ap p licatio n s such as fo r communication equipment and measuring equipment. They are superior when used with low voltage drive.

    OCR Scan
    Cas-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> F527S 2sc55 marking WMM 2SC5488 2SC4853 2SC4931 2SC5277 2SC5374 2SC5489 2SC553 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAtfYO P o w e r S c h o t t k y B a r r i e r D i o d e s For L a r g e - S i g n a l Use Sanyo Schottky barrier diodes (SBD) have been developed by our original technology. They are available for making sets smaller in size and lighter in veight. Sanyo power SBDs with breakdown voltages of 50V, 90V and 180V can be applied to various uses.

    OCR Scan
    T0-220AB, SC-45 T0-220AA) T0-220FIÃ LSXSC-67^ OT-189 weight-Og186, T0-220MF SC-65, O-218) PDF

    NPN Transistor 600V SC-62

    Abstract: 2SK2632 2SK1413 SANYO BIPOLAR transistor pcp SANYO SC-62 2SK1924 2SK2623 2SK1412LS 2SK1461 2SK1923
    Text: Large-signal Power M0SFETs 5 The Sanyo J-MOS series u tiliz e s Sanyo’s own fine fabrication process for power devices to develop an entire series of ultrahigh performance power devices capable of high voltage, high speed and large current operation. With performance of wide applications for v irtu a lly any types of power electronic equipment, the UH Series, AP Series and

    OCR Scan
    form-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ SC-67KS0T-189} T0-220MF lsDwATT220> NPN Transistor 600V SC-62 2SK2632 2SK1413 SANYO BIPOLAR transistor pcp SANYO SC-62 2SK1924 2SK2623 2SK1412LS 2SK1461 2SK1923 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1267 2SB1467 2SB903 2SB919 2SD1212 2SD1235 2SD1903 2SD2218 SC74
    Text: Low-Saturation Voltage Series T0~220, M F ,ML Package A p p ] i c a t i o n s * Relay d r i v e r s . * High-speed in v e rte rs . * C onverters. * H igh-current F e a t u r e s * Low V C E ( s a t ) . * H i g h l y r e s i s t a n t t o b r e a k d o w n b e c a u s e o f w i d e ASO. * F a s t

    OCR Scan
    TQ-220, 2SB1267 2SD1903 T0-220MF 2SB919 2SD1235 T0-220 2SB903 2SD1212 2SB1467 2SC3253 2SD1212 2SD2218 SC74 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3790 p7060 2SC5291 T0-126ML 2SA1371 2SC4732 e1aj SANYO CP5 transistor 2sc3788
    Text: Transistors for TV Display Video Output Use F e a t u r e s » E x c e lle n t HF c h a r a c t e r i s t i c . * Small re v e rse t r a n s f e r c ap a c ita n c e . * Complementary PNP and NPN types. ♦ Adoption o f MBIT, FBET p ro c e sse s. * H ighly r e s i s t a n t to d i e l e c t r i c breakdown.

    OCR Scan
    2SC2857 oin50 2SA1689/2SC4449 2SC5291 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) O-220FIÂ 2SA1829 2SC3790 p7060 T0-126ML 2SA1371 2SC4732 e1aj SANYO CP5 transistor 2sc3788 PDF


    Abstract: e1aj 2SB1511 2SB827 2SB828 2SB829 2SB904 2SD1063 2SD1064 2SD1065
    Text: sa H y o Low-Saturation Voltage Series T0-3PB,ML Package A p p l F e a t u r e s * Low V C E( sa t ) . ♦ H i g h l y r e s i s t a n t to breakdown be c a use o f wide ASO. ♦ F a s t s w i t c h i n g speed. i c a t i o n s * R elay d r iv e r s . ♦ H ig h -sp e e d i n v e r t e r s .

    OCR Scan
    2SB904 2SD1213 2SB1511 2SD2285 0V/60V 2SB827 2SD-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML e1aj 2SB828 2SB829 2SD1063 2SD1064 2SD1065 PDF


    Abstract: D389A 2SD389 2SD390A 2SD389A 2SD389 0
    Text: 2SD389, 2SD389A, 2SD390, 2SD390A 2SD389, 2SD389A, 2SD390, 2SD390A I jn > NPN issasi/-Ij-as/siNPN Diffused Junction Mesa 4,ttl^ ^J±illi ffl//Medium Power Amplifier 11.5max. 4.8max. 1.5max. if# ^[/Features • a 1/ 9 $ Pc h ’>:k. 'c I '0/L a r g e collector dissipation

    OCR Scan
    2SD389, 2SD389A, 2SD390, 2SD390A 2SD390 D389A 2SD389 2SD390A 2SD389A 2SD389 0 PDF

    N-Channel JFET FETs

    Abstract: T072
    Text: T emic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s ^ S08 T052 T0220 T0237 T092 <2 lead T092 3 lead) DMOS FETs - Low-Power MOS P-Channel Enhancement-Mode (continued) Part N um ber | Vm ¿t- (••) II - «>-•-¿j Î ' ¿.A.: T0226AA (T092) VP0300L -3 0 2.5 -4.5 30 60

    OCR Scan
    T0220 T0237 T0226AA VP0300L BS250 VP0610L P06I0L VP0808L VP1008L TP1220L N-Channel JFET FETs T072 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4427 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4162 2SC4163 2SC4164 2SC4219
    Text: SWITC H I N G POWER TRANSISTOR SERIES Na2 F e a t u r e s ♦ S h o r t s w i t c h i n g time ♦ High breakdown voltage ♦ Wide ASO ♦ H i g h r e l i a b i l i t y b e c a u s e of p l a n a r ¿ate H i g h — S p e e d 'I'ype U s e * Swit c h i n g regulators

    OCR Scan
    2SC4219 2SC4220 T0-220 2SC4105 2SC4106 2SC4107 2SC4164 T0-220 2SC4160 2SC4161 2SC4427 2SC4162 2SC4163 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3953 2SA1723 2SA1848 2SC3956 2SA1849 2SC482 2SC3595 SANYO SC-62 2sc456
    Text: T r a n s i s t o r s f o r V e r y H i gh-Def in i t i o n C R T D i s p l a y V i d e o O u t p u t Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use.

    OCR Scan
    O-126, T0-126ML T0-220 T0220ML) 100M-126 T0-126LP T0-220CI T0-220ML SC-67, OT-186) 2sa1850 2SC3953 2SA1723 2SA1848 2SC3956 2SA1849 2SC482 2SC3595 SANYO SC-62 2sc456 PDF


    Abstract: sma MARKING mp sanyo transistor 501 mosfet transistor marking WMM 2SA1622 2SA1782 2SA1783 MCP6 Marking sanyo 2SC4639
    Text: General-Purpose Transistors Sanyo g e n e r a l - p u r p o s e t r a n s i s t o r s a r e d e s ig n e d to meet e v e ry h ig h -p erfo rm a n ce req u irem en t. They h av e w ide a p p l i c a t i o n . They a r e e a s y to use b ecau se o f la r g e c u r r e n t c a p a c ity and wide ASO.

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25T: Ratings/Ta-25t 2SA1622 2SC421KL) 2SA178KGS) 2SC4639 2SA1782 2SC4640 T0-126LP T0-220CI 2SC4641 sma MARKING mp sanyo transistor 501 mosfet transistor marking WMM 2SA1783 MCP6 Marking sanyo PDF


    Abstract: 2SB536 T03B 2SB511 2SD331 2SD325 2SD3258 2SD314 2SB546A 2SD341
    Text: - 218 - Ta=25T;, *EP(äTc=25*C M £ J± & m & (V) . Vc e o lc(DC) Pc (V) (A) (W) 1 Pc* icBO (W) imax) < jb A> V'CB (V) ft > (min) E fö 4# (max; 14 V’ cE (V) (Ta=25*C) [*EP(ätypfla VcE(sat vmaxj (V) Ic /I e (A) (V) Ic (A) 1b (A) 2SD124AH B \L PSW 75 50

    OCR Scan
    2SD124AH 2SD125AH 2SD126H 2SD234G 2SD235G 2SD288 2SD289 2SD313 SB547A T0-220AAÂ to3a 2SB536 T03B 2SB511 2SD331 2SD325 2SD3258 2SD314 2SB546A 2SD341 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD348 25D40 c 50275 2SD186 2SD313 2SD314 2SD331 2SD353 2sd400
    Text: Type Number •a o> s *■ *3 4 C 00 OS •2 « Q cl. A pplications ca> E 8 *5. o ai 2SD30 LF Power Amp 2SD67 LF Power Amp «> | 3 O Si <3 - V -,m G, AL 40 S, ME 120 2SD68 LF Power Amp - S, ME 75 2SD72 LF Power Amp - G, AL 25 2SD72 LF Power Amp - G, AL

    OCR Scan
    gs/Ta-25Â 2SD30Â 2SD67 1300m 2SD68 2SD72 t720m 2SD72Â Powe320 2SD387A 2SD187 2SD348 25D40 c 50275 2SD186 2SD313 2SD314 2SD331 2SD353 2sd400 PDF


    Abstract: SC-5-1 2SC1457 2SC1507 2SC1324 2SC1336 2SC1345K 2SC1326 2SC1449 2SC1318A
    Text: - 104 - m% * * Æ Î § Ta=25tC, ♦ EP(iTc=25‘C fi -t¡ m toi . *^fSU (V) 2SC1318A 2SC1324 2SC1326 2SC1336 2SC1342 2SC1343H 2SC1344 2SC1345 2SC1345K 2SC1359 2SC1360 2SC1360A 2SC1383 2SC1384 2SC1387 2SC1393 2SC1394 2SC1398 2SC1398A 2SC1413 2SC1413A 2SC1413AH

    OCR Scan
    2SC1318A 2SC1324 2SC1326 2SC1336 2SC1342 2SC1343H 2SC1344 2SC1345 500MHz 2SC1424 2sc1424 SC-5-1 2SC1457 2SC1507 2SC1324 2SC1345K 2SC1326 2SC1449 PDF