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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q2334 DUAL DIRECT DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER . *\ ?• 11 .iïrV .*5 ^ ^ Z ^ VLSI Products TD0333b 7EB B CONTENTS Output F o rm a t.14 NRC Enable. 14 Accumulator Reset Register

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    Q2334 TD0333b Q2334C-50N TDD333b PDF


    Abstract: Q0256 AN1650-2 T0033 iess-309 standard Viterbi oqpsk vsat InMarSat modulator Q1650 InMarSat demodulator board Satellite modem
    Text: 00256 k=7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 256 Kbps DATA RATE •iDG333b 0 0 0 0 7 b l b07 CONTENTS F O ther Q U ALC OM M VLSI Products Rate Vi Serial Mode O peration 25 Theory of O peration. 6

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    iDG333b 10-bit 12-bit DL90-1654F Q0256 TD0333b OQ0256 AN1650-2 T0033 iess-309 standard Viterbi oqpsk vsat InMarSat modulator Q1650 InMarSat demodulator board Satellite modem PDF

    qualcomm IQ demodulator

    Abstract: Q5500 qualcomm qualcomm IQ Qualcomm, MSM qualcomm cdma processor schematic G4 ASIC AL 360 051863 qualcomm RF device specification
    Text: Q5500 IF RECEIVE AGC AMPLIFIER/ Q5505 IF TRANSMIT AGC AMPLIFIER FEATURES Q5500 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Q5500 Receive Rx and Q5505 Transmit (Tx) • Supports Dual Mode Operation Variable Gain Amplifiers (VGA) are designed specifically • Single +3.6 V Power Supply

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    Q5500 Q5505 qualcomm IQ demodulator qualcomm qualcomm IQ Qualcomm, MSM qualcomm cdma processor schematic G4 ASIC AL 360 051863 qualcomm RF device specification PDF

    qualcomm application note

    Abstract: Q1650C-3N InMarSat demodulator Q1650 qualcomm convolutional decoder scrambler satellite q0165 AN1650-1 encoder puncture qualcomm viterbi convolution
    Text: 01650 k=7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 2 .5 ,1 0 ,2 5 M b p s D A T A R A T ES Products ^00333ti □□□DflSD T7S \ C O NTENTS Other QUALCOMM VLSI Products • Viterbi Decoders — 256 Kbps to

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    00333ti 10-bit 12-bit T00333b qualcomm application note Q1650C-3N InMarSat demodulator Q1650 qualcomm convolutional decoder scrambler satellite q0165 AN1650-1 encoder puncture qualcomm viterbi convolution PDF


    Abstract: Qualcomm, PM Qualcomm asic BFSK applications
    Text: Q2334 DUAL DIRECT DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER FEATURES • Two Complete Direct Digital Synthesizer Functions On-chip • Processor Interface for Control of Phase and Frequency APPLICATIONS • Spread Spectrum Modulators • Quadrature Oscillators • Programmable Frequency Synthesizers

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    Q2334 Q0310 R00333b GGG1741 T00333b Q2334C-50N Qualcomm, PM Qualcomm asic BFSK applications PDF

    Qualcomm Q4401

    Abstract: Q4401 qualcomm 7200 qualcomm qualcomm ww code excited linear predictive BA 658 VOCODER IQG3 Q440I
    Text: Q4401 VARIABLE RATE VOCODER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The QUALCOMM Q4401 Variable Rate Vocoder is a full-duplex speech Encoder and Decoder that produces near toll-quality speech at compressed data rates of under 9.6 kilobits per second kbps . The Q4401 provides a single-chip solution to the speech

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    Q4401 Q4401 TQ0333fci DSP1616X11 00333b Qualcomm Q4401 qualcomm 7200 qualcomm qualcomm ww code excited linear predictive BA 658 VOCODER IQG3 Q440I PDF

    InMarSat demodulator

    Abstract: IESS-309 standard T0033 R01R InMarSat modulator scrambler satellite v.35 scrambler satellite viterbi convolution Viterbi oqpsk vsat Convolutional Encoder details and application
    Text: 00256 k= 7 MULTI-CODE RATE VITERBI DECODER 2 5 6 A N D 8 0 0 K b p s D A T A RATES Products T 0 0 3 3 3 b Q000S0Q 434 / CONTEN TS Features. 4 O the r Q U ALC OM M VLSI Products Description. 4

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    Q000S0Q 10-bit 12-bit T00333L) InMarSat demodulator IESS-309 standard T0033 R01R InMarSat modulator scrambler satellite v.35 scrambler satellite viterbi convolution Viterbi oqpsk vsat Convolutional Encoder details and application PDF


    Abstract: 213-052-602 Q0310 DDS EVALUATION BOARD Q2334 QUAICOMM qualcomm PM pir schematic PM Qualcomm phase modulation DDS1
    Text: Q2334 DUAL DIRECT DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER FEATURES • Two Complete Direct Digital Synthesizer Functions On-chip • Processor Interface for Control of Phase and Frequency APPLICATIONS • Spread Spectrum Modulators • Quadrature Oscillators • Programmable Frequency Synthesizers

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    Q2334 Q0310 R00333b Q2334 T00333b Q2334C-50N 213-052-602 Q0310 DDS EVALUATION BOARD QUAICOMM qualcomm PM pir schematic PM Qualcomm phase modulation DDS1 PDF


    Abstract: Q3216 Q0410-1 Q3216M-16L Q3036 Q3216 Qualcomm Q0410-2 upb584 Non-Linear Circuits Handbook Analog Devices Qualcomm an2334
    Text: Q 3 2 1 6 1.6 GHz LOW POWER P II FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER . j ^ Z * *¥LSI Products T00333b DGODRSS 75^ CONTENTS Features. 4 Digital Phase Detector Sampling D elay .28

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    T00333b Q3216M-16L 12-bH AN2334-4 T0Q333fc. Q3216I-16N Q3216 Q0410-1 Q3036 Q3216 Qualcomm Q0410-2 upb584 Non-Linear Circuits Handbook Analog Devices Qualcomm an2334 PDF


    Abstract: Q2334 AN2334-4 CLDCCJ 213-052-602 Q2334C50N 432HZ PM Qualcomm Q2334M30L Q2334I20N
    Text: Q2334 D U A L DIRECT DIGITAL S YN TH ES IZER VLSI Products m TQD333b 7Hfi This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer CONTENTS O u tp u t F o r m a t. 14 N R C E n a b le . 14 A ccu m u lato r Reset Register

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    Q2334 TQD333b 10-bit 12-bit DL90-2334 Q2334 Q2334C-50N Q0310-1 TD0333b AN2334-4 CLDCCJ 213-052-602 Q2334C50N 432HZ PM Qualcomm Q2334M30L Q2334I20N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q 4 4 1 3 ECHO CANCELLER/ VARIABLE RATE VOCODER G EN ER A L DESCRIPTION The QUALCOMM Q4413 Variable Rate Vocoder/Echo When in Variable Rate Mode, the Q4413 codes speech Canceller is a full-duplex speech encoder and decoder at under 10 kbps in continuous speech applications and

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    Q4413 PDF