Abstract: s band klystron 10 GHz klystron VA Thales 2157 th391 th 2067.3 2173F s band klystron 45 MW klystron s band klystron th
Text: SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL ACCELERATORS The best RF solution for industrial processing HIGH PERFORMANCE, HIGH RELIABILITY, EASY TO USE T hales Electron Devices’ to meet customers’ changing klystrons and grid tubes requirements and provide the exact for industrial accelerators reflect
ctk 25 4 tube
Abstract: thales ctk 15-2 THALES tube ctk 25 ctk 15 2 tube rs 3021 cj ctk 30-2 ctk 25 THALES tube ctk 15 ctk 15-2 tube ctk 15-2
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING High amplification factor triodes RF HEATING QUALITY T hales Electron Devices’ expertise in power grid tube technology makes us today’s leader in the RF industrial heating market. We have established a solid reputation with both equipment
triodes t-380-1
Abstract: FTL3-2 THALES tube pa 605 t-380-1 T 380-1 600-220 8002 amplifier RF Heating S089
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING Glass-metal triodes and tetrodes RF HEATING QUALITY T hales Electron Devices’ Furthermore, these tubes are fully expertise in power grid tube compatible with commercial technology makes us today's leader s t a n d a rd s a n d c a n b e e a s i l y
Abstract: thales Ig21
Text: BROADCAST UHF TV TH 610 Air cooled Diacrode 10 kW, common amplification Air cooled component High linearity Low anode voltage For analog or digital applications TH 610 BROADCAST UHF TV T he Diacrode design lowers RF losses in the tube, improves thermal exchanges at the anode level
rs 3060 cj
Abstract: thales ITK 200-1 RS3026CL itl 12-1 itk 120-2 thales ITL 12 thales itl 15-2 rs 3026 cj itl 5-1 thales
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING Ceramic-metal triodes RF HEATING QUALITY T hales Electron Devices’ Furthermore, these tubes are fully expertise in power grid tube c o m p a t i b l e w i t h c o m m e rc i a l technology makes us today's leader standards and can be easily
Abstract: amplification thales RF TV TRANSMITTER UHF ANALOG tv broadcast transmitter circuit thales p
Text: BROADCAST UHF TV TH 680 High-power Diacrode 60 kW, common amplification The most powerful The most linear The most compact The most cost effective of all UHF high power components TH 680 BROADCAST UHF TV T he TH 680 Diacrode is based on a new concept using grid tube technology. Compared
Abstract: th 558 thales THALES tube Thales Electron Devices am radio 14001 THALES ELECTRON DEVICES
Text: BROADCAST AM RADIO TH 558 High-power tetrode 550 kW in SW High output power High efficiency Hypervapotron anode cooling High gain High stability due to Pyrobloc grids TH 558 BROADCAST AM RADIO T he TH 558 is a ceramic-metal tetrode of TH 558 coaxial structure, employing HypervapotronTM
FTL 8-1
Abstract: FTW 425 TH554 TH480 TH533 TH553 A10720 TH 477 th 351
Text: MAINTENANCE TUBES INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING Radiation-cooled triodes Output power Reference Typical Operating conditions Service Va -Vg1 Ia Ig1 Pgs f Vf If kV V mA mA W MHz V A 4 40 7.5 3.2 - 7.5 3.2 W 170 285 T 50-1 215 330 T 50-2 1580 2400 T 300-1 Cathode C-Telegr.
RF Heating
Abstract: THALES tube thales "Power Triode" 3700 transistor 1250-kW rs tube
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING RS 3700 CJ Water-cooled triode 1 250 kW Output power: 1 250 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 20 kV Anode dissipation: 500 kW max. Frequency up to 30 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING The RS 3700 CJ is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
Abstract: TRIODE itl thales ITL 12 "Power Triode"
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL 25-3 Forced-air cooled triode 84 kW Output power: 84 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 12 kV Anode dissipation: 30 kW Frequency up to 100 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 25-3 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
Abstract: TRIODE itl 9-1 thales ITL 12 TRIODE itl 9.1 thales TRIODE itl 5 ITL 9 industrial air cooler thales ITL 9-1
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL 9-1 Forced-air cooled triode 25 kW Output power: 25 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 12 kV Anode dissipation: 8.5 kW Frequency up to 120 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 9-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
TRIODE itl 5-1
Abstract: TRIODE itl itl 5-1 TRIODE itl 5.1 417a tube thales THALES tube P417A TRIODE itl 5 "Power Triode"
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL 5-1 Forced-air cooled triode 13 kW Output power: 13 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 7.2 kV Anode dissipation: 6 kW Frequency up to 150 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 5-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.
TRIODE itk 30
Abstract: thales "Power Triode" TRIODE itk 15-2
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 15-2 Water cooled triode 63 kW Output power: 63 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 13 kV Anode dissipation: 20 kW Frequency up to 120 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 15-2 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 350-1 Water cooled triode 1000 kW Output power: 1000 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 22 kV Anode dissipation: 500 kW Frequency up to 30 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 350-1 is a high-power triode designed specifically for industrial
Abstract: THALES tube Triode 35C60 ELECTRON TUBE 10 448KW rs tube
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING RS 3300 CJ Water-cooled triode 450 kW Output power: 450 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 17 kV Anode dissipation: 150 kW max. Frequency up to 30 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING The RS 3300 CJ is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
ITK 2-1
Abstract: TRIODE itk 2-1 "Power Triode" Power Triode application thales
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 2-1 Water cooled triode 5 kW Output power: 5 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 7.2 kV Anode dissipation: 1.5 kW Frequency up to 1.5 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 2-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.
TRIODE itl 3-1
Abstract: TRIODE itl thales "Power Triode" INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING itl 2-1
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL 3-1 Forced-air cooled triode 6.7 kW Output power: 6.7 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 7.2 kV Anode dissipation: 3.5 kW Frequency up to 160 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 3-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
Abstract: TRIODE itl thales ITL 12 THALES tube TRIODE itl 8-1 ITL 25.1 "Power Triode" ITL 9
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL 25-1 Forced-air cooled triode 75 kW Output power: 75 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 12 kV Anode dissipation: 30 kW Frequency up to 100 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 25-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
TRIODE itl 12-1
Abstract: thales ITL 12-1 ITL 12-1 TRIODE itl ITL12-1 thales ITL 12 Thales Electron Devices ITL12-1 Forced-air cooled triode THALES tube TRIODE itl 12
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITL12-1 Forced-air cooled triode 33 kW Output power: 33 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 12 kV Anode dissipation: 12 kW Frequency up to 120 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITL 12-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
TRIODE itl 12-1
thales ITL 12-1
ITL 12-1
thales ITL 12
Thales Electron Devices
ITL12-1 Forced-air cooled triode
TRIODE itl 12
Abstract: THALES tube thales 470uP p205a
Text: SCIENCE PARTICLE ACCELERATORS TH 563 High-power tetrode 30 kW, CW 45 kW, long pulses Frequency up to 800 MHz Excellent linearity High stability due to Pyrobloc grids Anode dissipation up to 42 kW, thanks to Hypervapotron cooling TH 563 SCIENCE PARTICLE ACCELERATORS
Abstract: THALES tube INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING high power Triode rs tube
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING RS 3061 CJ Water-cooled high-µ triode 110 kW Output power: 110 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 15 kV Anode dissipation: 50 kW max. Frequency up to 100 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING The RS 3061 CJ is a RF power high- amplification factor triode designed
Abstract: rs tube
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING RS 3080 CL Forced-air cooled triode 120 kW Output power: 120 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 14 kV Anode dissipation: 45 kW max. Frequency up to 100 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING The RS 3080 CL is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial
thales itk 5-1
Abstract: pressure thales thales ITK 2-1 itk 5-1 triode TRIODE itk 5-1 P391 TRIODE itk 2-1
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 5-1 Water cooled triode 13 kW Output power: 13 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 7.2 kV Anode dissipation: 6 kW Frequency up to 150 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 5-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.
Abstract: thales TRIODE itk 30 "Power Triode" 71kW
Text: INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING ITK 25-1 Water cooled triode 90 kW Output power: 90 kW in CW mode Anode voltage: 14 kV Anode dissipation: 50 kW Frequency up to 100 MHz INDUSTRIAL RF HEATING T he ITK 25-1 is a RF power triode designed specifically for industrial applications.