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    Ericsson PBC 6200

    Abstract: ericsson PBC 6500 NTP 7513 pbc 05 ericsson 74LSO4 LM356 LM356 IC circuit diagram TE 555-1 ntp 3200 ic digital amplifier PEB 2050 N V2.2
    Text: ICs for Communications Signal Processing Codec Filter SICOFI , SICOFI®-2 User’s Manual 03.92 PEB 2060; PEB 2260 Revision History: Original Version 03.92 Previous Releases: Page Subjects changes since last revision Edition 03.92 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker.

    D-8000 Ericsson PBC 6200 ericsson PBC 6500 NTP 7513 pbc 05 ericsson 74LSO4 LM356 LM356 IC circuit diagram TE 555-1 ntp 3200 ic digital amplifier PEB 2050 N V2.2 PDF


    Abstract: AR20 BA22 BA23 z73 trigger transformer k3210
    Text: D ata S he et, D S7 , A pr il 20 00 ANIC A n a lo g N e t w o r k I n te r fa c e C ir c u it PSB 4450 Version 1.2 PSB 4451 Version 1.2 Transceivers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000.04.07 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 PEB22521 AR20 BA22 BA23 z73 trigger transformer k3210 PDF

    PSB 2165 H

    Abstract: microcontroller based caller id caller ID PSB 2160 H caller id converter dtmf to fsk id caller absolute encoder siemens ring generator SMD transformer telephone line interface circuit usb caller id
    Text: ICs for Communications Analog Line Interface Solution ALIS PSB 4595 Version 2.1 PSB 4596 Version 2.1 Data Sheet 06.98 DS 1 ALIS Revision History: Current Version: 06.98 Previous Version: Page Page in previous (in new Version Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision)

    P-SSOP28 P-TSSOP24 PSB 2165 H microcontroller based caller id caller ID PSB 2160 H caller id converter dtmf to fsk id caller absolute encoder siemens ring generator SMD transformer telephone line interface circuit usb caller id PDF

    TCA 780 application note siemens

    Abstract: xway ITB07256 ITD07259 ITD07260 ITD07261 So41
    Text: ICs for Communications Four Channel Codec Filter with PCM- and µ-Controller Interface SICOFI 4-µC PEB 2466 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 02.97 DS 2 Edition 02.97 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    2466-board VDDA34 VDDA12 ITS09615 TCA 780 application note siemens xway ITB07256 ITD07259 ITD07260 ITD07261 So41 PDF

    TCA 780 application note siemens

    Abstract: ntp 3000 transistor smd zG PEB2466-H ITB07256 ITD07259 ITD07260 ITD07261 tca 780 cecc 50 000 sb30
    Text: ICs for Communications Four Channel Codec Filter with PCM- and µ-Controller Interface SICOFI 4-µC PEB 2466 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 02.97 DS 2 Edition 02.97 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    2466-board VDDA34 VDDA12 ITS09615 TCA 780 application note siemens ntp 3000 transistor smd zG PEB2466-H ITB07256 ITD07259 ITD07260 ITD07261 tca 780 cecc 50 000 sb30 PDF

    smd diode marking LM

    Abstract: 4166 ic equivalent PEB 4165 T ntp 3000 HIGHWAY drv 801 ic MVAM-1 PEB 4166 T PEB31666 PEB3465 PEB4164
    Text: Pr el imi nar y Dat a Sh eet , DS1 , Ju ly 20 00 MuSLIC M u l t i c h a n n e l S u b s c r i b e r L in e Interface Concept PEB 3465 Version 1.2 PEB 31666/31664 Version 1.3 PEB 4166/4164 Version 2.3 W ir e d C o m mu n i ca t io n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .

    D-81541 smd diode marking LM 4166 ic equivalent PEB 4165 T ntp 3000 HIGHWAY drv 801 ic MVAM-1 PEB 4166 T PEB31666 PEB3465 PEB4164 PDF


    Abstract: so42 siemens DBM01 THL500 VH12 SICOFI-4
    Text: ICs for Communications Four Channel Codec Filter SICOFI -4 PEB 2465 Version 2.3 Data Sheet 02.97 T2465-XV23-D1-7600 Edition 02.97 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    T2465-XV23-D1-7600 GPM05250 P-MQFP-64 so41 so42 siemens DBM01 THL500 VH12 SICOFI-4 PDF

    PEB 2266 Version 2.2

    Abstract: axe 10 subscriber line interface chopper transformer THL2500 THL3000 THL3400 THL500 sine wave generation using pcm codec 1110 with ds PEB2266 PEB2266H
    Text: H ar d wa r e Re f er e n c e M a n u a l , D S 1 , F e b . 2 0 0 1 SICOFI 2-µC Two Channel Codec Filter with PCM and Microcontroller Interface PE B 2 2 6 6 V e r sio n 2 .2 PE F 2 2 6 6 V e rsio n 2 .2 Wired C om mu n i ca t i o n s N e v e r s t o p

    D-81541 PEB 2266 Version 2.2 axe 10 subscriber line interface chopper transformer THL2500 THL3000 THL3400 THL500 sine wave generation using pcm codec 1110 with ds PEB2266 PEB2266H PDF

    NTC Siemens m 822

    Abstract: PEB22521
    Text: ICs for Communications Analog Network Interface Circuit ANIC PSB 4450 Version 1.1 PSB 4451 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 02.99 DS 4 • ANIC Revision History: Current Version: 02.99 Previous Version: none Page Page in previous (in current Version Version)



    Abstract: FR52 LX41 ic ntp- 3000 Z31 SMD Innovative Processing AG PSB 4450 datasheet BA23 PEB22521 P-TSSOP-28-1
    Text: D at a She et , DS8 , Sep te mb er 20 00 ANIC A n a lo g N e t w o r k I n te r fa c e C ir c u it PSB 4450 Version 1.2 PSB 4451 Version 1.2 W ir e d C o m mu n i ca t io n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000.09.04 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    D-81541 fr53 FR52 LX41 ic ntp- 3000 Z31 SMD Innovative Processing AG PSB 4450 datasheet BA23 PEB22521 P-TSSOP-28-1 PDF


    Abstract: SCR25 MVA generator ITB10171 ITP10166 ITT10164 ITT10165 SEL24 3065-N slma
    Text: ICs for Communications Signal Processing Subscriber Line Interface Codec Filter SLICOFI PEB 3065 Version 3.2 PEF 3065 Version 3.2 Data Sheet 01.98 DS 2 PEB 3065 PEF 3065 Revision History: Current Version: 01.98 Previous Version: 03.95 V 1.0 Page Page (in previous (in current

    GPL05102 P-LCC-44 SCR60 SCR25 MVA generator ITB10171 ITP10166 ITT10164 ITT10165 SEL24 3065-N slma PDF


    Abstract: THL500 EASY2466 STUT5502 hpx compression so41
    Text: H ar d wa r e Re f er e n c e M a n u a l , D S 1 , F e b . 2 0 0 1 SICOFI 4-TE Four Channel Codec Filter for Terminal Application PS B 2 1 3 4 V e r sio n 2 .2 Wired C om mu n i ca t i o n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-02-20 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    D-81541 IC-276 THL500 EASY2466 STUT5502 hpx compression so41 PDF

    SIEMENS filter

    Abstract: ITD09991 ITD09992 ITD09999 ITD10001 ITD10002 VH12 IOM2
    Text: Data Shee t, Version 1.1, July 1997 PEB 2265 T w o C h a n n e l C o d e c Fi l t e r w i t h I O M -2 I n t e r f a c e Transceiver Group N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 1997-07-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53,

    D-81541 GPM05250 P-MQFP-64-1-2 SIEMENS filter ITD09991 ITD09992 ITD09999 ITD10001 ITD10002 VH12 IOM2 PDF


    Abstract: ntp 3000 card DBM01 ITP06788 PEB2465 VH12 IOM2 SICOFI-4
    Text: D at a Sh e e t , V 2. 3 , F e b . 2 00 0 PEB 2465 Four Channel Codec Filter Transceivers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-02-08 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2/25/00.

    D-81541 DBM01 ntp 3000 card DBM01 ITP06788 PEB2465 VH12 IOM2 SICOFI-4 PDF


    Abstract: Linear Technology SO3A ic ntp- 3000 PEB 2260-N V3.0 THL3000 AGX PD THL500 PEB 2260N so3a si3a
    Text: PEB 2260 PEF 2260 Dual Channel Codec Filter SICOFI -2 PEB 2260 PEF 2260 Features CMOS IC ● Dual channel single chip codec and filter ● Band limitation according to all CCITT and AT&T recommendations ● Digital signal processing techniques ● PCM encoded digital voice transmission

    P-LCC-28-R P-DIP-22 PEB2260 Linear Technology SO3A ic ntp- 3000 PEB 2260-N V3.0 THL3000 AGX PD THL500 PEB 2260N so3a si3a PDF

    caller id microcontroller

    Abstract: CR01 ISAR34 PSB 2160 H
    Text: ICs for Communications Analog Line Interface Solution ALIS PSB 4595 Version 2.0 PSB 4596 Version 2.1 User’s Manual 04.97 Preliminary Data T4595-XV20-P1-7600 ALIS Revision History: Current Version: 04.97 Previous Version: Page in previous Version Page (in new

    T4595-XV20-P1-7600 P-SSOP28 P-TSSOP24 caller id microcontroller CR01 ISAR34 PSB 2160 H PDF

    axe 10 subscriber line interface

    Abstract: THL2500 THL500 2466H PEF 2266 Version 2.2 harris slic PEF 2466
    Text: H ar d wa r e Re f er e n c e M a n u a l , D S 1 , F e b . 2 0 0 1 SICOFI 4-µC Four Channel Codec Filter with PCM and Microcontroller Interface PE B 2 4 6 6 V e r sio n 2 .2 PE F 2 4 6 6 V e rsio n 2 .2 Wired C om mu n i ca t i o n s N e v e r s t o p

    D-81541 axe 10 subscriber line interface THL2500 THL500 2466H PEF 2266 Version 2.2 harris slic PEF 2466 PDF


    Abstract: THL3000 THL3400 THL500 PEB 2466 SICOFI
    Text: H ar d wa r e Re f er e n c e M a n u a l , D S 1 , F e b . 2 0 0 1 SICOFI 2-TE Two Channel Codec Filter for Terminal Application PS B 2 1 3 2 V e r sio n 2 .2 Wired C om mu n i ca t i o n s N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2001-02-20 Published by Infineon Technologies AG,

    D-81541 THL2500 THL3000 THL3400 THL500 PEB 2466 SICOFI PDF

    NTC 4,7 Siemens

    Abstract: HT 1200-4 S041E Q7101-H6615 siemens slic DBM01 qsicos-program S-041 S041 E siemens 58 295 84 pin chip
    Text: S IE M E N S Four Channel Codec Filter SICOFP-4 PEB 2465 Preliminary Data 1.1 CMOS Features or PABX-channels Specification according to rele\ LSSGR recommendations Digital signal processing technique Programmable interface optimizf SLICs and transform er solutions

    OCR Scan
    P-MQFP-64 fl23SbOS P-MQFP-64 -BIDI64X 235b05 007flb05 NTC 4,7 Siemens HT 1200-4 S041E Q7101-H6615 siemens slic DBM01 qsicos-program S-041 S041 E siemens 58 295 84 pin chip PDF

    siemens sic

    Abstract: SMD JHAE
    Text: gpjiK « mm h l j | *»»* a t i gMk b it M EN 3 ICs for Communications Two Channel Codec Filter with IOM -2 Interface IOM®-2 - SICOFI®-2 PEB 2265 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 1997-07-01 T2265-XV11-P1 -7600 PEB 2265 Revision History: Current Version: 1997-07-01

    OCR Scan
    T2265-XV11-P1 QFP-64-1-2 siemens sic SMD JHAE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICs for Communications Analog Network ln|rface Circuit ANIC PSB 4450 Version 1.2 PSB 4451 Version 1.2 Preliminary Data Sheet 07.99 DS 5 PSB 4450 Revision History: Current Version: 07.99 Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet DS4 Page in previous Version

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Four Channel Codec Filter with PCM- and ^-Controller Interface SICOFI 4-|xC PEB 2466 Version 1.2 Data Sheet 02.97 DS 2 Edition 02.97 This edition w as realized using the softw are system Fram eM aker . Published by Siemens AG,

    OCR Scan
    2466-board ITS09615 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Analog Network Interface Circuit AN 1C PSB 4450 Version 1.1 PSB 4451 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 02.99 DS 4 Revision History: Current Version: 02.99 Previous Version: none Page Page in previous (in current Version Version)

    OCR Scan

    dido scr 103 a

    Abstract: PEB 4165 T siemens master trip relay EN 4165 ocl 101a XTR11 A001 SMD mitac schematic siemens GR 90 rectifier 11-B
    Text: SIEMENS PEB 3465, PEB 31665, PEB 4165 Introduction 1 Introduction The MuSLIC, a chipset of three highly sophisticated ICs, bridges the gap between the analog and the digital signal transm ission in modern telecommunication systems. This highly integrated chip set supports to realize an extremely com pact Analog

    OCR Scan