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    Bourns Inc TIC106N-S

    SCR 700V 5A TO220
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    DigiKey TIC106N-S Tube
    • 1 -
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    Avnet Americas TIC106N-S Tube 45,000
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    Avnet Abacus TIC106N-S 143 Weeks 15,000
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    Win Source Electronics TIC106N-S 47,000
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    • 100 $1.187
    • 1000 $0.792
    • 10000 $0.792
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    Bourns Inc TIC106NS

    Silicon Controlled Rectifier, 3.2A I(T), 800V V(DRM) ; ECCN: EAR99
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    ComSIT USA TIC106NS 150
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    Others TIC106N

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    Chip 1 Exchange TIC106N 50
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    TIC 106 N Datasheets (8)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TIC106N Unknown Thyristor, 800V 5A IGT<200UA, Thyristor, high gate sensivity Original PDF
    TIC106N Power Innovations THYRISTOR SCR 700V 30A 3TO-220 Original PDF
    TIC106N Power Innovations THYRISTOR 5A 800V Original PDF
    TIC106N Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    TIC106N Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    TIC106N Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    TIC106N-S Bourns SCR 800V 5A Original PDF

    TIC 106 N Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    TIC 220

    Abstract: D257 D792 TIC1000A
    Text: TIC 1000A High Performance, Value Compound for High-End Computer Processors Features and Benefits • High thermal performance: 0.32°C/W TO-220 thermal test @ 50 psi • Good screenability • Room temperature storage • No post “cure” required

    O-220 D5470 TIC1000A TIC 220 D257 D792 PDF

    100a3 liu

    Abstract: 4DSX-012-BXD lucent accumax lucent LGBC LGBC-006D-SPX LT1A-F/F LSC2U-024 Lucent Technologies fiber optic PATCH PANEL lucent LXE 4DNX-012-BXD
    Text: : Page 11 Thursday, June 22, 2000 11:40 AM Fiber Optic Applications Within the Wire Center Many existing wire centers have fiber distribution networks that were installed to support only high-capacity interoffice traffic, with much of the fiber feeder applications digital loop carrier

    sec01a C3000A-2 D-181707 D-181706 nm/1300 938A1 2492C) 100a3 liu 4DSX-012-BXD lucent accumax lucent LGBC LGBC-006D-SPX LT1A-F/F LSC2U-024 Lucent Technologies fiber optic PATCH PANEL lucent LXE 4DNX-012-BXD PDF


    Abstract: BC125 ME6002 fairchild semiconductors fairchild to-106 ME6101 bc142 BFY72 BC537 BC537-10
    Text: Fairchild Sem iconductors Sem iconductors Silicon Small Signal Transistors N P N General Purpose A m plifier and Sw itching Transistors P la s tic P a c k a g e T O 92, T O 105, T O 106 REFERENCE T A B L E See a lso lo w level and h ig h vo lta g e s e c tio n .

    OCR Scan
    BC118 35273E BC125 35274C BC537 5275A BC537-6 3S276X BC537-10 35277H ME6002 fairchild semiconductors fairchild to-106 ME6101 bc142 BFY72 PDF


    Abstract: BC537 BC538 FAIRCHILD TO-106 2N2484 BC125 BC537-10 BC537-6 fairchild semiconductors BC538-10
    Text: Fairchild Sem iconductors Sem iconductors Silicon Small Signal Transistors N P N General Purpose Am plifier and Sw itching Transistors P la s tic P a c k a g e T O 92, T O 105, T O 106 REFEREN CE T A B L E S e e a ls o lo w level and hig h v o ltag e s e ctio n .

    OCR Scan
    BC118 35273E BC125 35274C BC537 5275A BC537-6 3S276X BC537-10 35277H BC538 FAIRCHILD TO-106 2N2484 fairchild semiconductors BC538-10 PDF


    Abstract: BC348B 547A BC347 BC347A BC348 BC348A C 318B BC 237b 319B
    Text: /moll /ignol Tran/i/tor/ TO-106 TO- 18 r o E le c tric a l C h a ra cte ris tic s @ T a = 25 C M ax im u m R atin g s \ T Y P E NO . NPN Pd 'c BVc b O l v ceo h F E @ V C E @ lc b v ebo m ax. m in ./max. @ T a - 2 5 °C v CE(sat> @ •c / ' b Cob m ax. 10 d B

    OCR Scan
    T0-I06 375mW 100mA 150MHz O-92Ft 375mW fbc547 BC348B 547A BC347 BC347A BC348 BC348A C 318B BC 237b 319B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •'IP r a d ia l i ! TECHNICAL DATA SHEET F ib r e O p tic Components T itle STANDARD M ULTII'C D E P LU G f o r a c o a te d f i b e r D I A 2 5 0 [ a m 11 D 0 / 1 4 0 w i t h a t u b e D I A 0 . 8 X 1 . 6 Dim ensions F 715 106 000 S eries EC mm Page

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    11ing PDF


    Abstract: TIC44 thyristor tic 126 TIC45 THYRISTOR TIC45 TIC46 TIC41 TIC45 AGK tic 260 TIC44 AGK
    Text: TYPES TIC 44, TIC 45. TIC46, TIC47 P-N-P-N PLANAR SILICON REVERSE-BLOCKING TRIODE THYRISTORS S I L E C T t T H Y R IS T O R S t 600 m A D C • 30 thru 200 V O L T S Rugged, One-Piece Construction with Standard TO -18 100-mil Pin-Circle Configuration mechanical data

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    TIC44, TIC45, TIC46, TIC47 100-mil MIL-STD-202C tic44max O-66P TIC47 TIC44 thyristor tic 126 TIC45 THYRISTOR TIC45 TIC46 TIC41 TIC45 AGK tic 260 TIC44 AGK PDF

    TIC 160

    Abstract: thyristor tic 126 2N5064 AGT Thyristor tic 120 TIC64 TIC 160 D TIC45 AGK TIC106B Thyristor TO39
    Text: TYPES 2N5060 THRU 2N5064, TIC60 THRU TIC64 P-IIM-P-N SILICON REVERSE-BLOCKING TRIODE THYRISTORS S IL E C T t T H Y R IS T O R S * 8 0 0 m A DC • 30 thru 20 0 V O LT S mechanical data These thyristors are encapsulated in a plastic compound specifically designed for this purpose, using a highly

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    2N5060 2N5064, TIC60 TIC64 L-STD-202C O-66P TIC 160 thyristor tic 126 2N5064 AGT Thyristor tic 120 TIC 160 D TIC45 AGK TIC106B Thyristor TO39 PDF


    Abstract: L17D L17D4J25401
    Text: IN i dooumwl to fw praowbr o f M w d Oar th * im n i aonM on fa a T ft b M t to to d W « h o lt at In p gt fc^nw nufaobm j r M h jg y a onerattM aM m t K i Briar comart rltin % XdrwattMiliWid Customer drawing Li_ - I « *• °J □ uu J G L17 1 5 8 7 0 6

    OCR Scan
    L17D4J25401 L171XXX06 M0430 L17D PDF

    clare 15005 B

    Abstract: prme 15005 SS71A REED RELAY 15005 clare prme 15005 prme 15002 CLARE REED RELAY PRMA clare 25005 prme 15005 A 15005 clare
    Text: DIP-14 14 Pin Dual-in-Lirte Packages E ngineering S p ec ific atio n s MSS2 MSS7 PRMA Form A and B PRMA (Form C) DSS7 PRME C o n tac t Form 1A 1A 1A , 2A, 1 B 1C 1A 1A 50VA 350VD C or Peak AC 1.00 A 2.00 A 50VA 350VDC or Peak AC 1.00A 2.00A 10VA 100VDC or

    OCR Scan
    DIP-14 350VD 350VDC 100VDC clare 15005 B prme 15005 SS71A REED RELAY 15005 clare prme 15005 prme 15002 CLARE REED RELAY PRMA clare 25005 prme 15005 A 15005 clare PDF


    Abstract: 3F01N IR3F SHARP IC ir3f01n TIC 106 n
    Text: Low P o w er D ual O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r IR 3 F 0 1 /IR 3 F 0 1 N IR3F01/IR3F01N • D e s c rip tio n « T rDual0perational ■ T he IR 3F01/IR 3F01N is a high performance low p o w er dual operational am plifier, w hich o p e r a tes from a signal pow er supply over a wide range of vol­

    OCR Scan
    IR3F01/IR3F01N 3F01/IR 3F01N 500nA IR3F01) 3F01N IR3F01 IR3F SHARP IC ir3f01n TIC 106 n PDF


    Abstract: PF0144 Hitachi PF0030 HE8807CL Hitachi Industry Laser Diodes HL7806
    Text: Reliability 1 Reliability 1.1 Reliability Data for CODEC LSIs T his sectio n d isc u sse s the re lia b ility d ata for Hitachi communication devices. Although current data is u sed , the rap id pace o f sem ico n d u cto r device development means new data may be added

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC10802 MC10803 M10800 MECL/LSI processor MC10801 MC10808 f 104 z mcm6616 scats M10800
    Text: MOTOROLA A d v a n c e In fo r m a tio n MECL — LSI PROGRAMMABLE 16-BIT SHIFTER FUNCTION IN TR O D U C TIO N The M C 1 0 8 0 8 P rogram m a ble M u lti- B it S h ifte r is an LS I b u ild in g b lo c k fo r s h iftin g data in a high-speed processor system . The c ir c u it

    OCR Scan
    MC10808 16-bit MC10808 7178-29B-6) MC10800 MC10802 MC10803 M10800 MECL/LSI processor MC10801 f 104 z mcm6616 scats M10800 PDF


    Abstract: a105d 440n
    Text: Sealed Miniature Toggle Switches D o fe S P E C IF I C A T IO N S : CONTACT RATING: R efer to "Contact M aterial Options” fo r m o re orifo. ELECTRICAL LIFE: 5 0 ,0 0 0 nna k e — o n d — b r e a k c /c le s CONTACT RESISTANCE: 1 0 m il m a x . in itia l © 2 - 4 V D C

    OCR Scan
    10mil 100mA UL34V-0) WSP-24VA VS21 a105d 440n PDF


    Abstract: H965 h935
    Text: H, M ET 1C Supply T ransform ers INCLUDING MET SERIES S C H EM A TIC S FO R T Y P E N O S. H -915 H -925 H -935 H- 9 4 H - 95 H - 96 1— M ET-465 M ET-475 M ET-445 M ET-455 8 .2 5 V a 12V P rim a ry 11 5 V olts, 5 0 /6 0 H z N o m in a l S e c . V olts, 8 .2 5 to 4 0 .5

    OCR Scan
    ET-465 ET-475 ET-445 ET-455 V-18A 085Ato53V- rim420 TF4S03AH MET-4301 MET-430â ET455 H965 h935 PDF


    Abstract: R5900-00-M4 R5900-00-L16
    Text: A A PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES PMT R5600U Series T-1. METAL PACKAGE PMTs The smallest photomultiplier tube in the world ultra compact: 10 mm length fast time response: 0.65 ns T h e R 5600U series is the sm a lle st PM T housed in a T O -8 n e ta l package. It can be directly m ounted on to a printed c ircu it board and fe a tu re s no glass

    OCR Scan
    R5600U 5600U R5900-00-M4 i3313 R5900-00-L16 R5900 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIN FILM RESISTOR NETWORK CONFORMAL SIP/LOW, MEDIUM AND HIGH PROFILE, 4 THROUGH 16 PIN • Low profile provides com patibility with DIPs ■ Also available in medium profile 4600S and high profile (4600K) ■ Laser marking on contrasting background Model 4600T, S, K Series

    OCR Scan
    4600S) 4600K) 4600T, 100ppm/ 50ppm/ 25ppm/ 100Kohms PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THIN FILM RESISTOR NETWORK MOLDED SIP/LOW, MEDIUM AND HIGH PROFILE, 6, 8, 9, 10, AND 11 PIN • Low profile provides c o m p a tib ility w ith DIPs ■ Also available in m edium profile 4600S and high p ro file (4600K) ■ Laser m arking on contrasting background

    OCR Scan
    4600S) 4600K) 4300T, 100ppm/ 50ppm/ 25ppm/ 100Kohm PDF


    Abstract: A106
    Text: M A -106 niNimuGG SYSTEMS Super Low Noise Pre-amplifier General Description M A-106 is a low noise p re -a m p lifie r using a single ended in p u t fo r low est noise possible. Low voltage bip o la r m o n o lith ic design produces linear, w ideband, co n tro lle d voltage gain.

    OCR Scan

    SS 1800R

    Abstract: BOURNS 3521
    Text: 22MM DIAMETER / 5-TURN / WIREWOUND AND HYBRITRON ELEMENT potJRNS • ■ ■ ■ Bushing mount Extended resistance range Long rotational life elements Non-standard features and specifications available Outstanding resistance to humidity Sealable High temperature, moisture resistant,

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    TIC 138

    Abstract: anzac termination insensitive mixer ts.228 tic 208 tic 136 tic 122 tic 234
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Cantenis G e n e ra l page Product Section F in d e r. 1 Company In tro d u c tio n . 4

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I No.1840 L A 1 1 8 6 N M onolithic Linear IC FF1 Front End for Rad io Cassette , Mu s ic Center SANYO Features and Functions . Contains RF amp, MIX, OSC, AFC diode. . Operating voltage: 1.8 to 8.0V. . Improvement in 2-signal characteristic due to the use of double-balanced

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    20MHZ LA1186N YT-301S6 YT-40001 YT-3022A J707b 0Dlbb54 1840-V5 65dBu PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AUG 2 1993 DGM'uMIL C3HHHASS LTC1Q65 u i m TECHNOLOGY DC Accurate, Clock-Tunable Linear Phase 5th Order Bessel Lowpass Filter June 1993 F€flTUR€S D C S C R IP T IO n • Clock-Tunable Cutoff Frequency ■ 1mV DC Offset Typical ■ 80dB CMRR (Typical)

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    LTC1Q65 LTC1065 12-bit 750mVRMS PDF

    Thomson-CSF POLYESTER capacitors

    Abstract: 100nK63 BF014
    Text: Contents Page Comparative table of the plastic film dielectric characteristics 4 Characteristics of the metallized polyester film dielectric capacitors 5 Type selection guide 10 How to order 11 Types & taping Radial le a d s -B F CPM-83 - B H (CPM-N) - BT (CPM85)

    OCR Scan
    CPM-83) CPM85) CPM50) CPM13) CPM72) Thomson-CSF POLYESTER capacitors 100nK63 BF014 PDF