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    TIC 44 SCR Search Results

    TIC 44 SCR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR08AS-12AET14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR08AS-12AT14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Triac Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5FM-12LB#BH0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 5A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20CM-12LBA8#BB0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 20A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TIC 44 SCR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: tic 122 tic 272 B66274-B1012-T1 B66274B1002T1 B66278-B1001-T1 B66278 B66278-B1002-T1 B66278B2001 B66272J1013T1
    Text: EC Cores Example of an assem bly set Yoke a - Sheet-steel screw FEK 0 0 r-X Mounting dimensions of the assembly set mm C o r e ty p e L e n g th x w id th x h e ig h t 1'f E C 35 47 E C 41 5 2 .5 x 4 7 , 5 x 4 2 4 7 .5 x 4 2 x 44

    OCR Scan
    B66278-B1001-T1 B66278-B1002-T1 B66278-B1011-T1 B66278-B2001 B66278-B2002 B66276-B1011-T1 tic 122 tic 272 B66274-B1012-T1 B66274B1002T1 B66278 B66278B2001 B66272J1013T1 PDF


    Abstract: CSD2425 CSD2450 CSD2475 CSD2490 CSE2410 CSE2425 CSE2450 CSE2475 CSE2490
    Text: Series CS 10-90Amp • 120/240 Vac* AC OUTPUT The Series CS has an SCR AC switch output featuring low off-state leakage 1 mA, snubberless , zero-voltage switching and a broadened operating range (24-280Vac). This wide range permits optimum performance at both

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    10-90Amp 24-280Vac) 120Vac 240Vac CSD2410 CSE2410 CSD2425 CSE2425 CSD2450 CSE2450 CSD2475 CSD2490 CSE2410 CSE2425 CSE2450 CSE2475 CSE2490 PDF


    Abstract: CSD2425 CSD2450 CSD2475 CSD2490 CSE2410 CSE2425 CSE2450 CSE2475 CSE2490
    Text: Series CS 10-90Amp • 120/240 Vac* AC OUTPUT The Series CS has an SCR AC switch output featuring low off-state leakage 1 mA, snubberless , zero-voltage switching and a broadened operating range (24-280Vac). This wide range permits optimum performance at both

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    10-90Amp 24-280Vac) 120Vac 240Vac CSD2410 CSE2410 CSD2425 CSE2425 CSD2450 CSE2450 CSD2475 CSD2490 CSE2475 CSE2490 PDF

    "Schematic Diagrams"

    Abstract: F18925D1200 E72445
    Text: Series FI 8 25-90 Am p • SCRÜIODE M odules Industry Standard Package and Grcuits Modules come in an industry standard package, offering nine circuits that can be used singly or as power control building blocks. All models feature highly efficient thermal management

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    E72445) F18-Case F18925D1200 D-66687 "Schematic Diagrams" F18925D1200 E72445 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series M CX 5Amp • 120/240, 380, 480 Vac* AC Output SIP • SCR Output exceptional steady state current, plus ultra-high surge ratings Models are available to switch up to 660 Vrm swith AC or DC control, and either zero-cross or random turn-on " R ' switching ver­

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    120Vac) E116949 D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series FI 8 25-90 Am p • SCRÜIODE M odules Industry Standard Package and Grcuits Modules come in an industry standard package, offering nine circuits that can be used singly or as power control building blocks. All models feature highly efficient thermal management

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    E72445) F18-Case F18925D1200 D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: CX480D5 CXE380D5 CX240A5 CX240D5 CXE240A5 CXE240D5 CXE480D5 CCX240D5 1202
    Text: Series CX 5Amp • 120/240, 380, 480 Vac* AC Output SIP • SCR Output • Ultra High Surge Rating • Crydom’s Patented Design Crydom's family of SPST-NO relays achieves the highest power switching capability in a FC-mounted air-cooled package. Advanced features include

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    120Vac) 24Vac) CX240A5 CXE240A5 D-66687 CX380D5 CX480D5 CXE380D5 CX240D5 CXE240A5 CXE240D5 CXE480D5 CCX240D5 1202 PDF


    Abstract: CX240D5 CX380D5 CX480D5 CXE240A5 CXE240D5 CXE380D5 CXE480D5 CRYDOM CXE240A5
    Text: Series CX 5Amp • 120/240, 380, 480 Vac* AC Output SIP • SCR Output • Ultra High Surge Rating • Crydom’s Patented Design Crydom's family of SPST-NO relays achieves the highest power switching capability in a FC-mounted air-cooled package. Advanced features include

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    120Vac) 24Vac) CX240A5 CXE240A5 E116949 LR81689 D-66687 CX240D5 CX380D5 CX480D5 CXE240A5 CXE240D5 CXE380D5 CXE480D5 CRYDOM CXE240A5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Dual Relays 25-40Amp • 120/240, 480 Vac* AC Output • Zero Voltage and Random Turn-On Switching • SCR O utput • Industry Standard Package • Panel M ount C3YJDM Two totally independent AC output relays come in a single standard panelmount package. Utilizing an AC switch

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    25-40Amp D2425D D2440D H12D4825D H12D4840D D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series HPF 20, 30Amp • 120/240/480 Vac* ACOutput DIN Rail Mount Integral Heat sink LED Status Indicator SCR Output CRYDOM Control over power Zero Voltage and Random Turn-On Switching Low Leakage M O D E L N U M BERS H PF240D 20 The Series HPFSolid State Relays utilize

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    30Amp PF240D 30Arms PF480D D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series CX 5Amp • 120/240, 380, 480 Vac* AC Output SIP • SCR Output • Ultra High Surge Rating • Crydom’s Patented Design Crydom's family of SPST-NO relays achieves the highest power switching capability in a FC-mounted air-cooled package. Advanced features include

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    120Vac) CX240A5 CXE240A5 D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series EZ 12-18Amp • 120/240, 480 Vac • AC Output • 24V Control Available EZE Models nect terminals. The Series EZ is the preferred choice for replacement of 120V and 240V Electro-mechanical relays. Output consists of an SCR switch and is available in Zero-Cross

    OCR Scan
    12-18Amp 120Vac) 24Vac) EZ240A12 EZE240A12 EZ240A18 EZE240A18 EZ480A12 EZE480A12 EZ480A18 PDF


    Abstract: EZ240A18 EZ240D12 EZ240D18 EZ480A12 EZ480A18 EZE240A12 EZE240A18 EZE240D12 EZE480A12
    Text: Series EZ 12-18Amp • 120/240, 480 Vac • AC Output • 24V Control Available EZE Models nect terminals. The Series EZ is the preferred choice for replacement of 120V and 240V Electro-mechanical relays. Output consists of an SCR switch and is available in Zero-Cross

    OCR Scan
    12-18Amp 120Vac) 24Vac) EZ240A12 EZE240A12 EZ240A18 EZE240A18 EZ480A12 EZE480A12 EZ480A18 EZ240D12 EZ240D18 EZE240D12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: :9-S0;<, Rev G; 19M /M /IX I/I/I S in g le /D u a l/Q u ad H ig h -S p e e d , F a s t-S e ttlin g , H ig h O u tp u t C u rre n t O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie r _ G e n e ra l D e scrip tio n ♦ O p e n loop v o lta g e y a 'n of 10k V/V a n d h ig h slew ra le of

    OCR Scan
    150ns 100MHz AX428/448) AX-108 PDF

    ATIC 39 b4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KeyCoder UR5HCFJL USAR product sp ecificatio ns Self Power Management Laptop/Notebook Keyboard Encoder GreenCoder™ UR5HCFJL Description Features The UR5HCFJL G reenC oder ™ is a unique, q uasi-zero pow er keyboard e ncod er that provides an optim um

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series M 50 SOR/ Diode 50-100 Amp • SCR/DIODE M odules Over 40KW Output Capability CRYZX3M Control over power The M 50 S e r e s m od u fes utilize highly e f f c e n t th e m a im anagem e n t o f pro­ vide high su ig e capability, i>ng lifetm e and le la b fe perfbm a n c e . A vaihbfe ±1

    OCR Scan
    E72445) D-66687 tt1250 PDF

    hd 26 pin male

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 17H D=Sub connectors - Stamped] and P cm ed Contacts Specifications j Amphenol's G17H dual port ° Connectors according to MIL C24308 * - connectors are a state o f the art design. The front metal shell helps £3 3 Designed to save PC board space, Screwlock

    OCR Scan
    C24308 E13/B hd 26 pin male PDF


    Abstract: CX240D5 CX240A5 MCX240A5 MCX240D5 MCX380D5 MCX480D5 MCXE240A5 MCXE380D5 MCXE480D5
    Text: Series M CX 5Amp • 120/240, 380, 480 Vac* AC Output SIP • SCR Output exceptional steady state current, plus ultra-high surge ratings Models are available to switch up to 660 Vrms with AC or DC control, and either zero-cross or random turn-on " R ' switching ver­

    OCR Scan
    120Vac) CX240A5 24Vac) MCXE240A5 D-66687 MCXE240D5 CX240D5 MCX240A5 MCX240D5 MCX380D5 MCX480D5 MCXE240A5 MCXE380D5 MCXE480D5 PDF


    Abstract: E116950 MCX241 MCX241R RS-443
    Text: Series M CX241 1.5 A m p * 120/240 Vac • AC Output SIP • Low Minimum Operating Current • SCR Output • Crydom’s Patented Design c a v a dm Manufactured in Crydom’s I90 9002 Certified facility for optimum product performance and reliability. Control over power

    OCR Scan
    CX241 MCX241 RS-443. D-66687 CX241 E116950 MCX241R RS-443 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series M CX241 1.5 A m p * 120/240 Vac • AC Output SIP • Low Minimum Operating Current • SCR Output • Crydom’s Patented Design C3YJDM Manufactured in Crydom’s I90 9002 Certified facility for optimum product performance and reliability. Control over power

    OCR Scan
    CX241 MCX241 MCX241 MCX241R RS-443. D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: CX241R E116950 RS-443
    Text: Series CX241 1.5 A m p * 120/240 Vac* AC Output Low Profile SIP • Low Minimum Operating Current • SCR Output • Crydom’s Patented Design cavadm Manufactured in Crydom’s I90 9002 Certified facility for optimum product performance and reliability. Control over power

    OCR Scan
    CX241 CX241 D-66687 CX241R E116950 RS-443 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS NR Screw Term inal Type Long Life Screw terminal series in more compact case sizes. Designed for high reliability and high ripple current capability. Ideally suited for use in industrial robbots, tooling machines, inverters,

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, 51X70 51X80 51X100 51X110 51X130 5X110 5X130 2X100 2X130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Series CX241 1.5 A m p * 120/240 Vac* AC O utput Low Profile SIP • Low Minimum Operating Current • SCR Output • Crydom’s Patented Design C3YJDM The CX241 AC Relays are 1.5A rated SPST-NO low profile SIP solid state relays offering the Series ASO circuit

    OCR Scan
    CX241 CX241 CX241R D-66687 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITEL ITZ08C12 Powerline N-Channel IGBT With Ultrafast Diode SEMICONDUCTOR A dvance Inform ation DS5070 - 1.1 Decem ber 1998 The ITZ08C 12 is a very robust non punch through nc h a n n e l, e n h a n c e m e n t m ode in s u la te d g a te b ip o la r

    OCR Scan
    ITZ08C12 DS5070 ITZ08C PDF