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    Abstract: alu 74181 P043A HCC40181B HCC40181BF HCF40181B HCF40181BEY HCF40181BM1 74181 alu active high 8 BIT ALU by 74181

    HCC/HCF40181B 200ns 100nA 74181 alu 74181 P043A HCC40181B HCC40181BF HCF40181B HCF40181BEY HCF40181BM1 74181 alu active high 8 BIT ALU by 74181 PDF


    Abstract: 74181 malta 74181 pin diagram alu 74181 HCC40181B HCC40181BF HCF40181B HCF40181BEY HCF40181BM1 P043A

    HCC/HCF40181B 200ns 100nA 74181 74181 malta 74181 pin diagram alu 74181 HCC40181B HCC40181BF HCF40181B HCF40181BEY HCF40181BM1 P043A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DMTiML 1Î & 1M S I Final Electrical Specifications LT139/, TECHNOLOGY 7ns, Low Power Single Supply, Ground-Sensin Com parator F€fìTUR€S M a y 1998 D C S C ftlP TlO n • Ultrafast: 7ns ■ Low Power: 6mA ■ Low Offset Voltage: Q.8mV ■ Operates Off Single 5V or Dual ±5V Supplies

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    LT139/ LT1016 LT1116 LT1116 LT1016 432-19OT· PDF

    TLO 741

    Abstract: TLR321 TLR306 TLR-313 TLR308 TLUG143 TLG306 TLR102 TLR-321 TLR313
    Text: [1] TOSHIBA P ro d u c t Lists [ 1 ] Product Lists 1. LED Lam ps Product name Page Product name Page Product nam e Page TLGD189 TLGD190P 353 356 TLG102A 129 TLG218P 217 TLG102AKB 133 TLG220 221 TLG 102AKW 133 TLG221 225 TLGD231 359 TLG108A 129 TLG223 229 TLGD233P

    OCR Scan
    TLG102A TLG102AKB 102AKW TLG108A TLG108AKB 108AKW TLG113A TLG113AP TLG114A TLG114AP TLO 741 TLR321 TLR306 TLR-313 TLR308 TLUG143 TLG306 TLR102 TLR-321 TLR313 PDF

    LS 74194

    Abstract: 74194 shift register 74194 74LS194 74SI94 st515
    Text: — 74194 Qa ob qc °d c lo c k si so xn K H H H H "U r L Mode control S 1 S 0 L H H L H H L L X x t N CK L S,S m ft N LS f max nin CLK 25 25 90 70 24 24 MHz tw min CLK 20 20 5.5 7 20 20 ns tw rain CLEAR 20 20 5 12 20 20 ns 4Î 5 25 18 ns 11Î 25 25 ns /£ > 1 b

    OCR Scan
    74LS194, 74SI94 LS 74194 74194 shift register 74194 74LS194 st515 PDF


    Abstract: TA7409P TA7411AP ta7409 hp4100 DN1360B 10U1B TA7413AP TA7413
    Text: PLL FM STEREO MULTIPLEX Unit in mm TA7413AP, IC for PLL FM stereo multiplex, is provided &2±02 with the anti-noise and the pilot cancel functions and with the non-adjusting VCO. . Separation control SPC . High cut control (HCC) . High blend control (HBC)

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    TA7413AP, TA7409P 400mVrms M01UTA 1360B KY-50206 ta7411 TA7411AP ta7409 hp4100 DN1360B 10U1B TA7413AP TA7413 PDF

    TLO 741

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: biE d • baMwi 0014773 430 ■ mits FU-64SLD-7 I MITSUBISHI DISCRETE SC 1 .55 u m LD Module with Singlemode Fiber Pigtail Module type F U -64S L D -7 has been developed for cou p lin g a singlem ode optical fiber and a 1.55idm w avelength InGaAsP LD (Laser diode).

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    FU-64SLD-7 55idm FU-64SLD-7 for20 0D14775 TLO 741 PDF


    Abstract: TLO 741 MPC4741 UPC458 ha4741 replacement MPC4741G MPC458 MPC45 uPC458 equivalent C4741C
    Text: M P C 4 5 8 / 4 7 4 1 High Performance Quad Operational Amplifiers GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The /¿PC458/4741 are quad operational amplifiers which • Internal Frequency Compensation consist of four independent internally frequency compen- • O utput Short Circuit Protection

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    uPC458 uPC4741 nPC458 /kPC4741 mPC488/4741 fiPC468/4741 C458G TLO 741 MPC4741 ha4741 replacement MPC4741G MPC458 MPC45 uPC458 equivalent C4741C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H igh P e r fo r m a n c e O p e ra tio n a l A m p lifie rs SG 1660 SG 1760 T he SG 1660 is a supe rior, fu n c tio n a l, and pin fo r pin, replacemf n t fo r the 3 0 1 A , 748C and 201 ope ratio nal am plifiers. The SG 1660 >i also The SG 1760 is an in te rn a lly com pensated version o f th e SG16G0 and is

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    SG16G0 SG1660 PDF

    siemens ts 4140

    Abstract: a0d0h
    Text: SIEMENS SAB-C503 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller • Compatible to standard 8051 microcontroller • Versions for 12 and 20 MHz operating frequency • 8 K x 8 ROM SAB-C503-1R only • 256 x 8 RAM • Four 8-bit ports, (including one input port for digital or analog input)

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    SAB-C503 SAB-C503-1R 16-bit 10-bit 15-bit P-LCC-44 SAF-C503 SAB-C503-L/C503-1R SAB-C503-LN siemens ts 4140 a0d0h PDF

    TLO 741

    Abstract: VOL75 VC4-16c ATM machine using microcontroller
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION Target Specification STS-48 Physical Layer ATM UNI/NNI Device VSC9110 Features STS-48c ATM Framing D evice for User N et­ work Interface and Network Node Interface Applications +3.3V Power Supply +5V Tolerant TTL I/O Compliant with SONET and SDH Require­

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    VSC9110 STS-48c STS-48 GR-253-CORE G52198-0, TLO 741 VOL75 VC4-16c ATM machine using microcontroller PDF

    toshiba tlc 711

    Abstract: aot 110 opto CD 4017 PIN DIAGRAM 4011 BP TOSHIBA opto 2561 litton cpu primer p19 TC351 ic cd 4017 PIN DIAGRAM ic cd 4017
    Text: TOSHIBA INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CMOS D ie ;T A « TC 3 5 1 8 0 F T E C H N IC A L D A T A TC35190F • = ¡VTEC3ATED C : S C. SILICON MONOLITHIC Video-data Coepretslon and E»panslon C o n tro lle r* ) 1988-1 1*03 DESCRIPTION TC35190F ( VCEC ) p e rfo ri* ercoJ.RC m i decodins

    OCR Scan
    TC35190F 77S6pel s9-29-23 TC381 toshiba tlc 711 aot 110 opto CD 4017 PIN DIAGRAM 4011 BP TOSHIBA opto 2561 litton cpu primer p19 TC351 ic cd 4017 PIN DIAGRAM ic cd 4017 PDF

    74154 demultiplexer

    Abstract: 74154 logic PIN DIAGRAM and truth table 74154 demultiplexer internal configuration 1 to 16 74154 demultiplexer 74154 741s SN74154N 74154 equivalent H 9311 SN54154W
    Text: r Am9311 • Am 54/74154 Demultiplexer/One of Sixteen Decoder Distinctive Characteristics: « 100% reliability assurance Testing including high-temperature bake, temperature cycling, centrifuge and package herm eticity testing in compliance with MlL-STD-883.

    OCR Scan
    Am9311 Am54/74154 MlL-STO-883. Am9311 74154 demultiplexer 74154 logic PIN DIAGRAM and truth table 74154 demultiplexer internal configuration 1 to 16 74154 demultiplexer 74154 741s SN74154N 74154 equivalent H 9311 SN54154W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 54AC/74AC32 74ACT32 Quad 2-Input OR Gate General Description Features The ’A C /’ACT32 contains four, 2-input OR gates. • ■ ■ ■ Commercial Icc reduced by 50% on 54AC/74AC only Outputs source/sink 24 mA ’ACT32 has TTL-compatible inputs Standard Military Drawing SUD

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    54AC/74AC32 74ACT32 ACT32 54AC/74AC 54ACT32, 54ACTQ32 74ACT32PC PDF

    IC 74160 decade counter diagram

    Abstract: IC 74160 for decade counter 74163 four bit binary counter ND06 counter diagram 74161 pin diagram of ic 74163 CD74HC160 92C540
    Text: - - .—- Technical Data File Num ber 1550 CD54/74HC/HCT160, CD54/74HC/HCT161 CD54/74HC/HCT162, CD54/74HC/HCT163 High-Speed CMOS Logic FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM PO PI P2

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC/HCT160, CD54/74HC/HCT161 CD54/74HC/HCT162, CD54/74HC/HCT163 54/74H CD54/74H CT161 IC 74160 decade counter diagram IC 74160 for decade counter 74163 four bit binary counter ND06 counter diagram 74161 pin diagram of ic 74163 CD74HC160 92C540 PDF

    TLO 741

    Abstract: ic tlo 741 LTLW
    Text: A dvanced P roduct Information Multi-Gigabit Interconnect Chip VSC7214 Features • 4 AN SI X 3 T 1 1 Compatible Fibre Channel Trans­ ceivers Deskewing o f +/- 2 bits Cable Skew at the Receiver On Chip Clock M ultiplier Generates Baud Rate Clock • Over 8 Gb/s Duplex Data Rate

    OCR Scan
    VSC7214 8B/10B 160-Pin VSC7214 TLO 741 ic tlo 741 LTLW PDF

    TFK 404

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIM INARY Advanced Micro Devices Am79C960 PCnet-ISA , Single-Chip Ethernet Controller for ISA DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Single-chip Ethernet controller for the Industry Standard Architecture ISA ■ Supports IEEE 802.3/ANSI 8802-3 and Ethernet

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    Am79C960 10BASE-T Am7990 TFK 404 PDF


    Abstract: OPA27F2 hydrophone transducer OPA27B2 THERMOPILE DETECTOR edo 6166 transducer
    Text: For Immediate Assistance, Contact Your Local Salesperson OPA27 OPA37 AVAILABLE IN DIE Ultra-Low Noise Precision OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS FEATURES APPLICATIONS • LOW NOISE: 3.8nV/ <Hz max at 1kHz • PRECISION INSTRUMENTATION • LOW OFFSET: 25nV max • LOW DRIFT: 0.6uV/°C

    OCR Scan
    OPA27 OPA37 120dB 114dB 100dB OP-07, OP-05, AD510, AD517 OPA27/37 OPA27E2 OPA27F2 hydrophone transducer OPA27B2 THERMOPILE DETECTOR edo 6166 transducer PDF

    SCK 164

    Abstract: MSM7622GS-BK QFP100-P-1420-0 6965f isdn echo cancellation ic
    Text: Oki Semiconductor MSM7622 IraforragiiScairo Quad EchoBuster D ES C R IP TIO N The M SM 7622, referred to as the "Q uad EchoBuster™ Q EB ," is a cost-effective CM OS IC device that integrates four stand-alone echo cancellers onto one chip. The Quad EchoBuster™ is designed for tele­

    OCR Scan
    MSM7622 MSM7622, 220-m SCK 164 MSM7622GS-BK QFP100-P-1420-0 6965f isdn echo cancellation ic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP LR48252 Pulse/Tone Dialer LSI DESCRIPTION The LR48252 is a single-chip telephone system incorporating 20 one-toutch or three-touth rep­ ertory memories of 16-digit each. PIN CONNECTIONS 28-PIN DIP TO P VIEW Í FEATURES • 32-digit redial memory, and 20 one-toutch or

    OCR Scan
    LR48252 LR48252 16-digit 32-digit 28-pin 123FLASH456 123FLASH FLASH789 PDF

    ic tlo 741

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BURR - BROW N [ OPA336 OPA2336 OPA4336 1 SINGLE-SUPPLY, McroPOWER CMOS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS MicroAmpHfier* Series FEATURES DESCRIPTION • SINGLE SUPPLY OPERATION • RAIL-TO-RAIL OUTPUT (within 3mV • McroPOWER: lQ = 20|iA/Amplifier OPA336 series micropower CMOS operational ampli­

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    OPA336 OPA2336 OPA4336 OPA336 ZZ337 17313b5 GD33b43 ic tlo 741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SCU024 2400 Bit Per Second Modem Analog Peripheral The SCI1024 is a complete 2400 bps5 V only modem IC containing all modem functions except the adaptive equal­ izer. It is used in conjunction with an external controller, such as the Sierra

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    SCU024 SCI1024 SCI1020 RS-232 22bis PDF

    CI 7432

    Abstract: asea relay RI asea directional relay RXPE asea time-lag relay RI rxpe40 RXPE 42 210-BA RXPE 40 RAEPA RXSF1
    Text: A SEA Catalogue RK 65-20 E Edition 1 Directional protective relays A ugust 1976 File R, Part 1 C lO lM f B T l 1F IL 1 E IX P • Used, among other things, in shortcircu it protection and earth-fault pro­ tection for cables and overhead lines, in out-of-step protection fo r

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    RK31-10 014S-AC RXME18 RK21-10 RK27-10 Q022-AB 121-AB 0023-AA 122-AA 0031-AB CI 7432 asea relay RI asea directional relay RXPE asea time-lag relay RI rxpe40 RXPE 42 210-BA RXPE 40 RAEPA RXSF1 PDF


    Abstract: ml 741 c GR-253-CORE STS-48 STS-48C VSC9110 PECL10
    Text: SEMICONDUC TOR CORPORATION STS_48 physjca, Layer Target Specification VSC9110 atm UNI/NNI Device Features VITESSE CONFIDENTIAL • STS-48c ATM Framing Device for User Net­ work Interface and Network Node Interface Applications • +3.3V Power Supply • +5V Tolerant TTL I/O

    OCR Scan
    VSC9110 STS-48 STS-48c STM-16c GR-253-CORE VSC9110 G52198-0, VC4-16c ml 741 c PECL10 PDF