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    TO 15C 10K Search Results

    TO 15C 10K Result Highlights (5)

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    HI5746KCB-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 10-Bit, 40MSPS A/D Converter with CMOS Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HI3-574AJN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R2A20150NP#W5 Renesas Electronics Corporation Converters Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R2A20166NP#W5 Renesas Electronics Corporation Converters Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HI3-574AKN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TO 15C 10K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MIL-C-5541 CLASS 3 rohs hp 2800 5052-H32 2000pF 10kv 8C24-P125 ultravolt 15c UltraVolt
    Text: HIGH POWER “8C→ 30C” SERIES 7 models from 0 to 8kV through 0 to 30kV 60 or 125 watts of output power Maximum Iout capability down to 0 Volts Maximum Iout during charge/rise time Output short-circuit protection Very fast rise with very low overshoot High power density

    IEC-60950-1, 8C30C" 24VDC IEC-60950-1 8C24-P125 8C30C MIL-C-5541 CLASS 3 rohs hp 2800 5052-H32 2000pF 10kv 8C24-P125 ultravolt 15c UltraVolt PDF


    Abstract: 3BM100K 15A50K 3bm50k 3b20k 15C10K 3BM20K 15AM50K 15C50K 15A20K
    Text: 12,14mm Size Snap-In Insulated Shaft Potentiometers FEATURES ¡Newly designed 12mm and 14mm size snap-in potentiometers to meet the electronics equipment trend for further miniaturization and lower profiles. ¡High performance miniature potentiometer created by incorporating Noble’s ICB

    DC500V AC500V DC250V AC300V 3b50k 3BM100K 15A50K 3bm50k 3b20k 15C10K 3BM20K 15AM50K 15C50K 15A20K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Slide Potentiometers for Fader Control of Mixers Low-profile Master Type N Fader RS□□N Series RoHS applicable The low-profile design with excellent operability contributes to greater degree of freedom in unit design. Features Rotary Potentiometers Slide

    110dB. AC/20V RS6011â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINGLE OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE MODULES 12 HIGH POWER 8C-30C SERIES 8kV to 30kV High Voltage Cap-Charging Supplies This High Power line of high-voltage regulated DC to DC converters is an extension of the C Series, directly addressing the high power density needs of >30 watt applications. High Power 8C - 30C units

    8C-30C 25PPM -25PPM I5/I10 IEC-60950-1 8C24-P125 PDF


    Abstract: 10k rotary potentiometer alps potentiometer 100k potentiometer 10k with knob RK08H1130 RK08H1120 alps B 503 Potentiometer Photo resistor type alps 503 b B 502 Potentiometers
    Text: Knob Operating Type Potentiometer Without Knob Type RK08H Series Compact type potentiometer suitable for volume and tone controls. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Specifications Slide Potentiometers Total resistance tolerance ±30% Maximum operating voltage

    RK08H 000cycles RK08H1110A 10k rotary potentiometer alps potentiometer 100k potentiometer 10k with knob RK08H1130 RK08H1120 alps B 503 Potentiometer Photo resistor type alps 503 b B 502 Potentiometers PDF


    Abstract: Y451 RK08H1120 RK08H1130 RK08H1110 RK08H1110A04 RK08H12 rk08h11100ud RK08H1220 RK08H1110A
    Text: 旋钮操作型电位器 旋钮后安装型 RK08H系列 适合于调整音质,音量的小型状型。 主要规格 旋转电位器 项目 规格 滑动电位器 总阻值允许差 %30% 最高使用电压 50V AC(单联20V DC也可) 全旋转角度 200%10$

    RK08H 000cycles RK08H11100U3 RK08H11100UD RK08H11100XC RK08H1110A04 RK08H11100X7 RK08H1120030 RK08H113003Q RK08H Y451 RK08H1120 RK08H1130 RK08H1110 RK08H1110A04 RK08H12 rk08h11100ud RK08H1220 RK08H1110A PDF


    Abstract: RK08H RK08H1110 RK08H1110A RK08H1110A04 rk08h11100ud
    Text: つまみ操作型ボリューム つまみ後付けタイプ RK08Hシリーズ 音質・音量調整用として適する小型タイプ。 主な仕様 ロータリ ボリューム 項目 仕様 全抵抗値許容差 スライド ボリューム ±30%

    RK08H 000cycles RK08H11100U3 RK08H11100UD RK08H11100XC RK08H1110A04 RK08H11100X7 RK08H1120030 RK08H113003Q RK08H1130 RK08H RK08H1110 RK08H1110A RK08H1110A04 rk08h11100ud PDF


    Abstract: Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer amplifier circuit diagram class D 1000w REB161PVB noble u12df B39S1 RV16YP U96S2 RGC33 c5200 transistor
    Text: Miniature Potentiometers XV102G,XV081N,XV082G FEATURES ¡ High performance miniature potentiometer created by incorporating NOBLE's ICB Integrated Control Block film integration technology. ¡ Ideally suited for Headphone stereos,and other pocketable audio equipment.

    XV102G XV081N XV082G XV0102G AS2114 2114U DC-150kHz U12DF Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer amplifier circuit diagram class D 1000w REB161PVB noble u12df B39S1 RV16YP U96S2 RGC33 c5200 transistor PDF


    Abstract: 33C marking
    Text: CB30S 30 Watts Output Power SINGLE OUTPUT FEATURES FEATURES • • • • • • • How to Order CB 30 S SELECTION CHART CHART M / 5 - C - D Series Total Output Power Single Output Unscreened I or Screened (M) Output Voltage: Maximum current as stated

    CB30S CB30SI/2-C CB30SI/3 CB30SI/5-C CB30SI/5 CB30SI/12-C CB30SI/15-C CB30SI/24-C CB30SI/28-C CB30SM/2-C abbott 33C marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NL100 100 Watts Output Power SINGLE DUAL AND OUTPUTS FEATURES FEATURES • • • • • • • • • How to Order: .38 Inch Profile Synchronization Remote Turn On TTL Output Voltage Trim Pin Over Temperature Protection Output Overvoltage/Overcurrent Protection

    NL100 NL-B0300REVA PDF


    Abstract: architecture of TMS320C52 5v sram simtek NVSRAM to 15c 10k STK11C88 STK15C88 STK16C88 TITMS320
    Text: Applying the STK11C88, STK15C88 and STK16C88 32K x 8 nvSRAM Abstract SRAM Operations Simtek Corporation’s family of high speed 256 kilobit nonvolatile Static Random Access Memories includes the STK15C88 AutoStore and STK11C88 Software Store and STK16C88

    STK11C88, STK15C88 STK16C88 STK15C88 STK11C88 STK16C88 16C88 architecture of TMS320C52 5v sram simtek NVSRAM to 15c 10k TITMS320 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CB30S 30 Watts Output Power SINGLE OUTPUT FEATURES FEATURES • • • • • • • How to Order CB 30 S M / 5 - C - D Series Total Output Power Single Output Unscreened I or Screened (M) Output Voltage: Maximum current as stated

    CB30S 28Vdc, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CB75T FEATURES FEATURES 75 Watts Output Power TRIPLE • • • • • • • • • • • OUTPUT How to Order: CB 75 T M / 5 / 12 - C - D Series Total Output Power Triple Output Unscreened I or Screened (M) Main Output Voltage

    CB75T 500KHz) 28Vdc, 55Vdc, 15Vdc, 15Vout) PDF

    alps 103 Potentiometers

    Abstract: RK09L12B alps 104 Potentiometers RK09L1120 alps 502 alps 502 C RK09L RK09L12B0 RK0972 RK09L124000Z
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 9mm Size Metal Shaft Snap-in Type RK09L Series Single-unit and dual-unit types suit a variety of controls. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    RK09L 000cycles RK09L1120A2S RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 alps 103 Potentiometers RK09L12B alps 104 Potentiometers RK09L1120 alps 502 alps 502 C RK09L12B0 RK0972 RK09L124000Z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NB100S 100 Watts Output Power SINGLE AND DUAL OUTPUTS FEATURES FEATURES • • • • • • • • • How to Order: .38 Inch Profile Synchronization Remote Turn On TTL Output Voltage Trim Pin Over Temperature Protection Output Overvoltage/Overcurrent Protection

    NB100S PDF

    alps 502 b

    Abstract: rk09l alps 104 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers alps 103 b Potentiometers 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 RK09L1220 alps potentiometer rk097
    Text: Metal Shaft Potentiometer 9mm Size Metal Shaft Snap-in Type RK09L Series Single-unit and dual-unit type suits a variety of controls. Rotary Potentiometers Typical Specifications Items Slide Potentiometers Specifications Total resistance tolerance ±20% Maximum operating voltage

    RK09L 000cycles RK09L1120A2Shaft RK09L RK168 RK097 RK203 RK271 RK163 alps 502 b alps 104 Potentiometers alps 103 Potentiometers alps 103 b Potentiometers 10k rotary potentiometer volume control alps 203 Potentiometers alps 502 RK09L1220 alps potentiometer rk097 PDF


    Abstract: QTO1002-213 QT06005

    OCR Scan
    /-15C QTO1002-213 QTOl005-161 6005E004. QT06005E-004 QT06005 PDF


    Abstract: Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer XV09213 15A50K 20k ohm potentiometer
    Text: NOBLE Potentiometer 9mm Size Snap-In Insulated Shaft Potentiometers FEATURES • High performance miniature potentiometer created by incorporating NOBLE's Film Integration Technology • Film element provides smooth rotational feeling. • Component stereo, Audio mixer, Speaker volume adjustment,

    OCR Scan
    AC50V DC20V 20kfi 100kfi 100MQ DC250V AC250V XV09212) XV09211 XV09213 15C10K Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer XV09213 15A50K 20k ohm potentiometer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FILm-POT Miniature Potentiometers XV0102G, XV081N FEATURES 1. 8 a n d 10 m m v e rs io n s n e w ly d e s ig n e d to c a tc h u p w ith tre n d s o f e le c tro n ic e q u ip m e n ts b e c o m in g s m a lle r a n d th inner. 2. H ig h p e rfo rm a n c e m in ia tu re p o te n tio m e te r c re a te d b y in c o rp o ra tin g N O B L E 'S IC B In te g ra te d C o n ­

    OCR Scan
    XV0102G, XV081N XV0102G C5261 100mV 02kgf 510gf| PDF


    Abstract: 15A20K xv09211 15A10K 15C10K specification of potentiometer 10K ohm noble 15a50k 1B50K Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer 15C50K
    Text: Potentiometer NOBLE 9mm Size Snap-In Insulated Shaft Potentiometers FEATURES • High p e rfo rm a n ce m in ia tu re p o te n tio m e te r cre a te d by in co rp o ra tin g N O B L E 's Film In te g ra tio n T e ch n o lo g y • y-y' i D7 4 • Film e le m e n t p ro vid e s sm o o th rota tio n a l feeling.

    OCR Scan
    XV09211NPP XV09211NPV XV09213NPP XV09212) XV09211 XV09213 15A50K 15A20K xv09211 15A10K 15C10K specification of potentiometer 10K ohm noble 15a50k 1B50K Noble stereo taper 10k potentiometer 15C50K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Miniature Potentiometers XV102G,XV081 N,XV082G FEATURES • High perform ance m iniature potentiom eter created by incorporating NOBLE's IC B lntegrated Control B lockjfilm integration technology. • Ideally suited fo r Headphone stereos,and other pocketable audio equipm ent.

    OCR Scan
    XV102G XV081 XV082G 5A/15C: DC10V noble PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I XV0121, XVB121, XV0121G, XVB121G XV0122G, XVB122G, XV0141G, XVB141G FILfTl-POT 12mm and 14mm Size Snap-In Insulated Shaft Potentiom eters • Single-Element Dual Element {For High-Cut Tone 3 IE 4— 1 2 □ # 4 0 4 1 2 3 Dummy or Tap T e rm m a l \ o 0 0 -0 0 0

    OCR Scan
    XV0121, XVB121, XV0121G, XVB121G XV0122G, XVB122G, XV0141G, XVB141G 114mm XV0121PHN XVB141GPHN PDF


    Abstract: ad611 AD611KH AD611K
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES □ FEATURES Low Offset Voltage: 0.5mV max AD611K Low Offset Voltage Drift: 10|tV/°C max (AD611K) Low Bias Current: SOpA max (AD611K) High Slew Rate: 8V/|» min Low Supply Current: 2.5mA max Fast Settling Time: 3|U Low Cost Implanted FET-lnput Op Amp

    OCR Scan
    AD611 AD611 AD611K) AD611. AD611JH AD611KH AD611K PDF


    Abstract: AD611JH AD611J AD611KH AD7533 TO99 DAC Low Bias Current Amplifiers
    Text: □ A N A LO G D E VIC ES FEATURES Low Offset Voltage: 0.5mV max AD611K Low Offset Voltage Drift: 10jiV/”C max (AD611K) Low Bias Current: 50pA max (AD611K) High Slew Rate: 8V/|is min Low Supply Current: 2.5mA max Fast Settling Time: 3 |U Low Cost Implanted FET-lnput Op Amp

    OCR Scan
    AD611 AD611K) 10jiV/Â AD611. AD611JH AD611J AD611KH AD7533 TO99 DAC Low Bias Current Amplifiers PDF