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    TOKO 1201 Search Results

    TOKO 1201 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    9ZX21201AKLF Renesas Electronics Corporation 12-output DB1200Z Compliant Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R7F701201EABG Renesas Electronics Corporation Safe and Secure High-end Microcontroller for Powertrain Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD78F1201MC(S)-CAB-AX Renesas Electronics Corporation 16-bit Low-power Microcontrollers for Inverter and Motor Control Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HS1-201HSRH-Q Renesas Electronics Corporation Radiation Hardened High Speed, Quad SPST, CMOS Analog Switch Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DAC1201D125HL-C18 Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual 12-bit DAC, up to 125 Msps Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TOKO 1201 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 616PT-1203
    Text: Transformers for Frequency Mixer ミキサ用トランス TYPE B5FL Recommended patterns 推奨パターン 3.8 Unit: mm • RoHS compliant  RoHS 指令対応 Transformers for Frequency Mixer TOKO Part No. #616PT-1201 #616PT-1202 #616PT-1203 (Unit: mm)

    616PT-1201 616PT-1202 616PT-1203 TOKO B5FL 616PT-1203 PDF


    Abstract: 616pt 1203 616PT-1202 0100 616PT-1203
    Text: Transformers for Frequency Mixer 混频器用变压器 TYPE B5FL B5FL Type / B5FL型 Recommended patterns 推荐焊盘尺寸 Dimensions 尺寸 3.8 Unit: mm • RoHS compliant • 符合RoHS指令。 Transformers for Frequency Mixer TOKO Part No. #616PT-1201

    616PT-1201 616PT-1202 616PT-1203 616PT 616pt 1203 616PT-1202 0100 616PT-1203 PDF


    Abstract: 616pt 1203 616PT-1203
    Text: Transformers for Frequency Mixer ミキサ用トランス TYPE B5FL B5FL Type Recommended patterns 推奨パターン Dimensions 外形寸法 3.8 Unit: mm • RoHS compliant • RoHS 指令対応 Transformers for Frequency Mixer TOKO Part No. #616PT-1201

    616PT-1201 616PT-1202 616PT-1203 616PT 616pt 1203 616PT-1203 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transformers for Frequency Mixers TYPE B5FL ミキサ用トランス B5FL Type TYPE B5FL TOKO Part No. Winding Turns 1-2=2-3=4-6 iac 2T 3T 4T 300 300 300 #616PT-1201 #616PT-1202 #616PT-1203 概 要 DESCRIPTION • Transformer For Frequency Mixer / Balun Transformer

    616PT-1201 616PT-1202 616PT-1203 616PT-1203 PDF

    TOKO marking Guide

    Abstract: marking parade
    Text: Dielectric Filters TDF Description CONTENTS Chip Dielectric Filters Dimensions . 2 Height by Type . 2 Soldering Profile . 2 Frequency Guide . 3 TDF . 4 TDFM . 6

    D-71254 F-75015 TOKO marking Guide marking parade PDF

    transistor SMD making code 3f

    Abstract: A564A D-71254 sdars TDFM3A 2 F transistor dab radio Dielectric Filter 2442 2 pole TDFM2B-1472H-10 TDFM2B-915E-10
    Text: Chip Dielectric TDF S eries TDF 2 Pole SMD TDFM (2, 3, 4 Pole SMD) TDFS (2, 3, 4 Pole SMD) Meeting Your Needs Meeting Your Needs 1 Chip Dielectric Filters Meeting Your Needs TDF Description CONTENTS Chip Dielectric Filters Dimensions . 2

    versions5-1099 CF-158-TDFFAMBR transistor SMD making code 3f A564A D-71254 sdars TDFM3A 2 F transistor dab radio Dielectric Filter 2442 2 pole TDFM2B-1472H-10 TDFM2B-915E-10 PDF


    Abstract: 616pt 1203
    Text: TYPE B5FL Transformers for Frequency Mixer Recommended Patterns Dimensions 5.7 3.6Max. 2 1.2 3 1.7 4.0 4 6.9Max. 5-0.6 6.9Max. 1 6 4.0 B5FL Type Unit: mm (Unit: mm) • RoHS compliant Test Circuit iac 2T 3T 4T 300 300 300 #616PT-1201 #616PT-1202 #616PT-1203

    616PT-1201 616PT-1202 616PT-1203 616PT 616pt 1203 PDF


    Abstract: marking LCBX LCBX DC1027A LT5560 HHM1583B1 datasheet j98 RB 5560 HHM1526 WBC1
    Text: LT5560 0.01MHz to 4GHz Low Power Active Mixer U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 5560 is a low power, high performance broadband active mixer. This double-balanced mixer can be driven by a single-ended LO source and requires only

    LT5560 01MHz LT5560 900MHz LT5534 50MHz LTC5536 600MHz 26dBm 12dBm WBC1-1TL marking LCBX LCBX DC1027A HHM1583B1 datasheet j98 RB 5560 HHM1526 WBC1 PDF

    toko a50

    Abstract: 1820-2000 WBC1-1TL DC1027A LT5568
    Text: LT5560 0.01MHz to 4GHz Low Power Active Mixer U DESCRIPTIO FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Up or Downconverting Applications Noise Figure: 9.3dB Typical at 900MHz Output Conversion Gain: 2.4dB Typical IIP3: 9dBm Typical at ICC = 10mA Adjustable Supply Current: 4mA to 13.4mA

    LT5560 01MHz 900MHz LT5534 50MHz LTC5536 600MHz 26dBm 12dBm LT5537 toko a50 1820-2000 WBC1-1TL DC1027A LT5568 PDF

    MU150 toko

    Abstract: MU150
    Text: TOKO MK150/MU150 Series • OVERVIEW TOKO utilized its broad experience in inductive technology to boost the switching frequency of the MK150/MU150 to 250kHz. T he design allows for the use of smaller inductive com ponents and filtering circuitry. The use of power M OSFET technology also reduces size and increases power

    OCR Scan
    MK150/MU150 250kHz. 100-watt 150-watt MK150. 1UU80} 40jForced MU150 toko MU150 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPE r&TOKO 7P Variable Coils 7mm TYPE 7P Frequency Range: 200kHz-2MHz Inductance Range: 10uH~2.6mH Temperature Coefficient: Inductor TC L 750±500ppm/°C With Internal Capacitor TC (F) 0±250ppm/°C Internal Capacitance Value: 150-390pF:,: H7.5M ax 2Max

    OCR Scan
    200kHz-2MHz 500ppm/Â 250ppm/Â 150-390pF: 7BR-151208N0 7BR-271208N0 7BR-27 7LC-352503N0 7LC-352713N0 7LC-452503N0 60S380 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r&TOKO TYPE Fixed Inductors 10R H T2 6.35 12.7 TYPE10RHT2 97 0± 2 ' Frequency Range: 10-200kHz Inductance Range: 10|i.H-3.9mH Temperature Coefficient: 400ppm/°C max I Fixed form Features • • • • Open magnetic circuit construction. High rated current.

    OCR Scan
    TYPE10RHT2 10-200kHz 400ppm/Â PDF

    toko coils color code

    Abstract: E558CN-100022
    Text: TYPE 68 M C152 M olded Coils fo r Surface Mounting r&TOKO MC152 Close Wound Frequency Range: 30-150MHz with ferrite core Inductance Range: 29~142nH (without case) 27~94nH (with case) Temperature Coefficient: 150± 100ppm/°C (without case) 100+100ppm/°C (with case)

    OCR Scan
    MC152 30-150MHz 142nH 100ppm/Â 100MHz) E558ANA-100055 toko coils color code E558CN-100022 PDF

    toko coils 10.7 mhz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f&TOKO A * e » m » tirra t W ju TYPE Variable Coils /1A /H iw ia 113 7P 7mm TYPE 7P High Frequency 7mm TYPE 7P High Frequency with Internal Capacitor Frequency Range: 2-20MHz Inductance Range: 1-82pH Temperature Coefficient o f : Inductor TC L 220±220ppm/°C

    OCR Scan
    2-20MHz 1-82pH 220ppm/Â 250ppm/Â 5-100pP1 toko coils 10.7 mhz PDF


    Abstract: TK15120 transistor 1201 1203 1205 K1512
    Text: r& TO K O TK15120 TWO-CHANNEL MUTING IC FEATURES APPLICATIONS • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Wide Operating Voltage Ground Muting Method Large Signal Attenuation Control of Large Signal Level Low Standby Current Attack/Release Control I Audio Systems

    OCR Scan
    TK15120 TK15120 TK15120Z TK15120M TK15120TPC TK15120TPC10 GDD3234 TK15120TP TK15120M transistor 1201 1203 1205 K1512 PDF


    Abstract: TK15120M
    Text: r& T O K O TK15120 TWO-CHANNEL MUTING IC FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Wide Operating Voltage ■ Audio Systems ■ Ground Muting Method ■ Audio Mixers ■ Large Signal Attenuation ■ Special Effects ■ Control of Large Signal Level ■ Musical Instruments

    OCR Scan
    TK15120 TK15120 TK15120Z TK15120M TK15120M PDF


    Abstract: CCITT p53 compressor limiter ic audio compandor IC audio compressor expander IC
    Text: r& T O K O TK10651 LOW VOLTAGE COMPANDOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Data and Voice Inputs ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Data and Voice Outputs ■ Cordless Telephone ■ Low Supply Current ■ Regulated Output ■ Handy Talkies ■ Interphones ■ Wide Operating Voltage

    OCR Scan
    TK10651 TK10651 TK10487M CCITT p53 compressor limiter ic audio compandor IC audio compressor expander IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK10651 LOW VOLTAGE COMPANDOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Data and Voice Inputs ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Data and Voice Outputs ■ Cordless Telephone ■ Low Supply Current ■ Regulated Output ■ Handy Talkies ■ Interphones ■ Wide Operating Voltage

    OCR Scan
    TK10651 TK10651 Gb7b32 D00307B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r& T O K O TK10658 COMPANDOR/FILTER/VOLTAGE REGULATOR FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Low Voltage Operation ■ Portable Instrumentation ■ Internal Amplifier for Splatter Filter ■ Cordless Telephone ■ Data In/Out Terminals Attached ■ Amateur Radio Transceiver

    OCR Scan
    TK10658 TK10658D/M TK10658 PDF

    toko coils 10.7 mhz

    Abstract: TOKO IFT 7MC-402503NO 119AC-470084L0 variable coils toko toko 455 jh - 455
    Text: TYPE 80 7P 7mm TYPE 7P Frequency Range: 200kHz-2IVHz Inductance Range: 10|iH-2.6mH Temperature Coefficient: Inductor TC L 750±500ppm/cC With Internal Capacitor TC (F) 0±250ppm/DC Internal Capacitance Value: 150-390pF1 □ 7.5M ax 12M ax 3.5 '¡3.3 00-5

    OCR Scan
    200kHz-2IVHz 500ppm/cC 250ppm/D 150-390pF1 10mrr 119AC-470033NO 119AC-470052N0 119AC-470072N0 119AC-470073N0 119AC-470084L0 toko coils 10.7 mhz TOKO IFT 7MC-402503NO variable coils toko toko 455 jh - 455 PDF

    Toko 154ANS-T1019Z

    Abstract: TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE rmc capacitor toko coils 10.7 mhz 154ANS-T1017Z 154ANS TOKO rlc variable capacitor TOKO rlc variable CAPACITANCE RMC2A6597HM 154ANS-T1018Z
    Text: TYPE 90 10EZ ræTOKO Variable Colis 10mm TYPE 10EZ, 10EZ High Frequency Frequency Range: 0.2-2MHz 10EZ 2-15M Hz (10EZ High Freq.) Inductance Range: 1p,H-2mH (10EZ) 2-55|j,H (1CEZ High Freq.) Temperature Coeffiecient: Inductor TC (L)750±500ppm /°C 220±220ppm /°C (10EZ High Freq.)

    OCR Scan
    2-15M 500ppm 220ppm 250ppm 150-390pF 5-100pF RAN-10A6729EK RAN-10A6845EK RUNS-T1027Z RUNS-T1028Z Toko 154ANS-T1019Z TOKO rlc variable INDUCTANCE rmc capacitor toko coils 10.7 mhz 154ANS-T1017Z 154ANS TOKO rlc variable capacitor TOKO rlc variable CAPACITANCE RMC2A6597HM 154ANS-T1018Z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPE I 10RF I 73 1 2 R F L— TYPE 10RF, 12RF F or R e flo w S o ld e rin g Frequency Range: 0 .01 -1 5MHz Inductance Range: 10RF 10~220nH, 12RF 10-560|iH Temperature C oefficient: 10RF 1000ppm/°C 12RF 700ppm/°C Features • High current transformer, ideal for use as choke coil for

    OCR Scan
    12RFL 220nH, 1000ppm/ 700ppm/ 59A-1001 59A-1002 59A-1003 9A-1000 52MHz 12-RF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Irtfrl I % # I V ^ # Fixed Inductors fo r Surface Mounting 31 10R F 12R F TYPE 10RF, 12RF For Reflow Soldering Frequency Range: 0.01~15MHz Inductance Range: 10RF 10 -220uH. 12RF 10-560|iH Temperature Coefficient: 10RF 1000ppm/°C 10RF 12RF 12RF 700ppm/°C

    OCR Scan
    15MHz --220uH. 1000ppm/Â 700ppm/Â 52MHz PDF


    Abstract: R635LYF-121K R635LY-220K R635LY R635LY-331K R635LYF-271K
    Text: TYPE ! 10RHB 119 TYPE10RHB Inductance Range: 10jiH-3.9m H Temperature Coefficient: 400ppm /°C max 1<1 5 M ax. 5 -•+»- - Fixed Inductor Unit: mm Features • • • • Open magnetic circuit construction. High rated current. 5m m -pitch fixed inductor.

    OCR Scan
    10RHB TYPE10RHB 10jiH-3 400ppm 10RHB R635LY-100K R635LY-120K R635LY-150K R635LY-180K R635LY-220K R635LYF-121K R635LY R635LY-331K R635LYF-271K PDF