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    TRANSISTOR 0103 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR 0103 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR 0103 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: rjh3077 rjp3047 RJH3047DPK rjp3049 rjp6065 rjp3053 RJP3042 smd code FX mosfet RJP6055
    Text: 2007.12 Renesas Discrete General Catalog Transistor/Diode/ Triac/ Thyristor Triacs and Thyristors Small-Signal Transistors Power Transistor Renesas discrete devices: extending the limits Advanced electronic equipment requires larger data processing

    REJ01G0001-0400 rjh3047 rjh3077 rjp3047 RJH3047DPK rjp3049 rjp6065 rjp3053 RJP3042 smd code FX mosfet RJP6055 PDF

    vhf linear amplifier

    Abstract: vhf linear pulse power amplifier BLV33F MGG130
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BLV33F VHF linear power transistor Product specification 1996 Oct 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification VHF linear power transistor BLV33F PINNING - SOT119A FEATURES • Internally matched input for wideband operation and

    BLV33F OT119A DESCRIPT31 SCA52 127041/1200/01/pp20 vhf linear amplifier vhf linear pulse power amplifier BLV33F MGG130 PDF


    Abstract: vhf linear amplifier sot147
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BLV33 VHF linear power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1995 1996 Oct 10 Philips Semiconductors Product specification VHF linear power transistor BLV33 PINNING - SOT147 FEATURES • Diffused emitter ballasting resistors for an optimum

    BLV33 OT147 SCA52 127041/1200/01/pp20 BLV33 vhf linear amplifier sot147 PDF

    B81121 X2 mkt

    Abstract: B81121 X2 mkp AN-TDA16888-0-010323 ELKO capacitors MKT .22K 250V X2 EPCOS 230 00 O ELKO CAPACITOR 63v 2,2 elko capacitor TDA 16888 B81121 X2
    Text: Version 1.1 , March 2001 Application Note AN-TDA16888-0-010323 TDA 16888: Multioutput Single Transistor Forward Converter 150W / 100kHz Author: Michael Herfurth Published by Infineon Technologies AG Power Management & Supply N e v e r

    AN-TDA16888-0-010323 100kHz V/18A; -12V/1A; V/100mA Room14J1 Room1101 B81121 X2 mkt B81121 X2 mkp AN-TDA16888-0-010323 ELKO capacitors MKT .22K 250V X2 EPCOS 230 00 O ELKO CAPACITOR 63v 2,2 elko capacitor TDA 16888 B81121 X2 PDF


    Abstract: rjp63f3 rjp30e2 RJP30H2 RJJ0319DSP rjp63f RJP30H3 rjj0319 BCR1AM-12A equivalent RJJ0606
    Text: 2011.01 Renesas Discrete Transistor / Diode / Triac / Thyristor General Catalog Power MOSFETs Thyristors/TRIACs Solutions from the new Renesas. Reducing the power consumption of the most advanced applications. Bipolar Transistors for Switching

    R07CS0003EJ0100 RJP63k2 rjp63f3 rjp30e2 RJP30H2 RJJ0319DSP rjp63f RJP30H3 rjj0319 BCR1AM-12A equivalent RJJ0606 PDF


    Abstract: 13001 YF 09 TRANSISTOR HP 5082 7000 5082-0825 33150A 2N6838 Hxtr 3101 Hxtr 3101 transistor 5082-2815 hsch-1001
    Text: For Complete . Application &Sales . '. Information ' ,.' • Call ' Joseph Masarich Sales Representative HEWLETT PACKARD . NEELY "Sales Region 3003 scon BLVD. SANTA CLARA, CA 95050 408 988-7234 Microwave Semiconductor Diode and Transistor Designers Catalog



    Abstract: BCR8PM equivalent RJP30H2 N0201 rjj0319 NP109N055PUJ rjk5020 RJP30E2DPP NP75N04YUG lg washing machine circuit diagram
    Text: 2012.01 Renesas Discrete General Catalog Transistor / Diode / Triac / Thyristor General Catalog Power MOSFETs Thyristors/TRIACs IGBTs Bipolar Transistors for Switching Amplification Transistors Product Numbers Applications Diodes What gives rise to this sort of encounter?

    R07CS0003EJ0200 RJJ0319DSP BCR8PM equivalent RJP30H2 N0201 rjj0319 NP109N055PUJ rjk5020 RJP30E2DPP NP75N04YUG lg washing machine circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:000000 PNP/NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor MCH3109/MCH3209 DC/DC Converter Applications TENTATIVE Applications Package Dimensions • Relay drivers, lamp drivers, motor drivers, strobes. unit:mm 0000 Features · Adoption of MBIT processes.

    MCH3109/MCH3209 MCPH3109/MCH3209] MCH3109MCH3209 PDF


    Abstract: 2N6116 DSCC 493a 2N6117 2N6118 2N6137 transistor cr
    Text: INCH-POUND NOTICE OF INACTIVATION FOR NEW DESIGN MIL-S-19500/493A NOTICE 2 5 December 2001 MILITARY SPECIFICATION Semiconductor Device, PNPN, Thysistor, Silicon, Programable Unijunction Transistor , Types 2N6116, 2N6117, 2N6118, 2N6137, 2N6138 JAN, JANTX, JANTXV

    MIL-S-19500/493A 2N6116, 2N6117, 2N6118, 2N6137, 2N6138 MIL-S-19500/493A. 2N6116 DSCC 493a 2N6117 2N6118 2N6137 transistor cr PDF

    marking CF

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:000000 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor MCH3206 DC/DC Converter Applications TENTATIVE Applications Package Dimensions • Relay drivers, lamp drivers, motor drivers, strobes. unit:mm 2150 Features 0.3 0.15 1 2.1 1.6 3 2 0.65 0.25 2.0

    MCH3206 MCPH3206] MCH3206applied marking CF PDF


    Abstract: RJP6006 rjp3053 rjh60f5 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg BCR1AM-12A equivalent RJH60F7 RJP3063 triac kt 207 600v RJP6006DPK
    Text: 2009.12 Renesas Discrete General Catalog Transistor/Diode/Triac/ Thyristor Power MOSFETs Thyristors/TRIACs IGBTs Amplification Transistors Power Devices Non-MOS Low-voltage MOS Low switching loss and high speed High-voltage MOS Package current capacity and thermal resistance



    Abstract: M38527/2-05D M38527/01-036D A55485/02-032D M38527/06-022D M38527/3-01D M38527/02-001D M38527/02-005D M38527/03-015N M38527/1-030D
    Text: molded power transistor mounts Material Specifications: Nylon, per ASTM D 4066 PA111 UL Rated 94V-2 Oxygen Rating Index: Over 28% Standard Drawing Tolerances: unless otherwise indicated Fractions: +_ 1/64 (0.4) .XX = +_ 0.01 (0.25) + _ 0.10 (2.5) .X = .XXX = +_ 0.005 (0.13)

    PA111 O-202, O-220 HC-18/U, HC-43/U HC-49/U CI-192-028 M38527 M38527/2-05D M38527/01-036D A55485/02-032D M38527/06-022D M38527/3-01D M38527/02-001D M38527/02-005D M38527/03-015N M38527/1-030D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TQP0103 15 W, DC to 4 GHz, GaN Power Transistor Applications • • • • • • W-CDMA / LTE Macrocell Base Station Driver Microcell Base Station Small Cell Active Antenna General Purpose Applications 20 Pin 3x4mm QFN Product Features • • • •

    TQP0103 TQP0103 PDF


    Abstract: keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4x4 matrix keypad membrane 4x4 matrix keypad and microcontroller 4X4 HEX KEY PAD keypad membrane 4X4 LTC3710G hex keypad 4x4 hex keypad 7 segment display 4x4 keyboard
    Text: AN529 Multiplexing LED Drive and a 4x4 Keypad Sampling Author: drive of the LEDs is possible, because of the high sink and source capabilities of PIC16C5X microcontroller, thus eliminating the use of an external drive transistor, and results in a reduction in both cost and complexity of

    AN529 PIC16C5X PIC16C5X DS00529E-page 0A4B keypad 4x4 7 segment display 4x4 matrix keypad membrane 4x4 matrix keypad and microcontroller 4X4 HEX KEY PAD keypad membrane 4X4 LTC3710G hex keypad 4x4 hex keypad 7 segment display 4x4 keyboard PDF

    TRIAC BCR 16 km

    Abstract: PJ 1199 diode TRIAC BCR 12 km catalog transistor TO-220-AR RENESAS marking code package triac sot 89 TRIAC BCR 10 AM pj 999 diode TO-92-AB 110N04
    Text: Part Numbers Part Numbers 1 to 2 Part No. Destination Thyristor and triac Part No. designation CR 8 K M -12 A BCR 8 C M -12 L A Power Transistor Product No. Designation Renesas Uniform Product Number Current ratings (Ex.) Version Commutation characteristics (Triac only)

    R07CS0003EJ0200 TRIAC BCR 16 km PJ 1199 diode TRIAC BCR 12 km catalog transistor TO-220-AR RENESAS marking code package triac sot 89 TRIAC BCR 10 AM pj 999 diode TO-92-AB 110N04 PDF


    Abstract: S-L2980 S-L2980A18PN-C6DTF S-L2980A19PN-C6ETF S-L2980A25PN-C6KTF S-L2980A27PN-C6MTF S-L2980A28PN-C6NTF S-L2980A29PN-C6OTF S-L2980A30PN-C6PTF
    Text: Rev.1.0 HIGH RIPPLE-REJECTION CMOS LOW DROPOUT VOLTAGE REGULATOR S-L2980 Series The S-L2980 series is a low dropout voltage regulator designed for use in battery powered devices and developed using CMOS technology. On-chip low onresistance transistor can provide low dropout voltage and

    S-L2980 120mV l289 S-L2980A18PN-C6DTF S-L2980A19PN-C6ETF S-L2980A25PN-C6KTF S-L2980A27PN-C6MTF S-L2980A28PN-C6NTF S-L2980A29PN-C6OTF S-L2980A30PN-C6PTF PDF


    Abstract: Diode schottky eb PZTM1101 PZTM1102
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors PZTM1101 NPN transistor/Schottky-diode module FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Low output capacitance Combination of an NPN transistor and a Schottky barrier diode in a plastic SOT223 package. PNP complement: PZTM1102.

    OCR Scan
    PZTM1101 OT223 PZTM1102. TM1101. OT223) OT223. 7110flEb tm1101 Diode schottky eb PZTM1101 PZTM1102 PDF


    Abstract: S1U MARKING TF 745-A SOT223 MARKING L5 l5 transistor PNP transistor PNP L5 PZTM1101 PZTM1102 lf marking transistor transistor marking LF
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification PNP transistor/Schottky-diode module PZTM1102 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Low output capacitance Combination of a PNP transistor and a Schottky barrier diode in a plastic SOT223 package. NPN complement: PZTM1101. • Fast switching time

    OCR Scan
    PZTM1102 OT223 PZTM1101. 711QfiSb G1G3173 OT223. 7110fiEb TM1102 S1U MARKING TF 745-A SOT223 MARKING L5 l5 transistor PNP transistor PNP L5 PZTM1101 PZTM1102 lf marking transistor transistor marking LF PDF

    smd transistor bd 37

    Abstract: S45 SMD BLT80 t8 smd transistor TRANSISTOR NPN c4 nf TRANSISTOR SMD 3b c4 3b smd transistor smd transistor l6 bd 9105 transistor smd Catalogue
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors UHF power transistor BLT80 FEATURES • SMD encapsulation • Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability. APPLICATIONS • Hand-held radio equipment in the 900 MHz communication band. DESCRIPTION NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor encapsulated in a

    OCR Scan
    BLT80 OT223 OT223 MAM043-1 711002b 010303e] URA778 MBA45Ã 711DflEb smd transistor bd 37 S45 SMD BLT80 t8 smd transistor TRANSISTOR NPN c4 nf TRANSISTOR SMD 3b c4 3b smd transistor smd transistor l6 bd 9105 transistor smd Catalogue PDF

    transistor smd LC 77

    Abstract: D103D smd transistor 2x5 smd transistor ne c2 BLT81 TRANSISTOR SMD catalog smd ic 611 SMD ic catalogue UHF POWER TRANSISTOR SMD Transistor 1c
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification UHF power transistor BLT81 FEATURES • SMD encapsulation • Gold metallization ensures excellent reliability. APPLICATIONS • Hand-held radio equipment in the 900 MHz communication band. C DESCRIPTION NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor encapsulated in a

    OCR Scan
    BLT81 OT223 OT223 711002b OT223. transistor smd LC 77 D103D smd transistor 2x5 smd transistor ne c2 BLT81 TRANSISTOR SMD catalog smd ic 611 SMD ic catalogue UHF POWER TRANSISTOR SMD Transistor 1c PDF


    Abstract: IB32 MPS-U60 MPSU60 transistor ll6 TRANSISTOR mpsu60
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR MPS-U60 TECHNICAL DATA ¡s& CON ANNULAR TRANSISTOR PNP SILICON HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSISTOR sigred for general-purpose applications requiring high breakItages, low saturation voltages and low capacitance. Com plem ent to NPN T y p e M P S -U IO

    OCR Scan
    MPS-U60 hp2530 IB32 MPS-U60 MPSU60 transistor ll6 TRANSISTOR mpsu60 PDF


    Abstract: IRF450 transistor
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRF450 N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT-MODE SILICON GATE TMOS POWER FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR This TMOS Power FET is designed for high voltage, high speed power switching applications such as switching regulators, con­ verters, solenoid and relay drivers.

    OCR Scan
    IRF450 O-204AA) IRF450 14n50e IRF450 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet MTA4N60E Fully Isolated TMOS E-FET™ Power Field Effect Transistor Motorola Preferred Device N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FET 4.0 AMPERES 600 VOLTS RDS on = 1-20 OHM

    OCR Scan
    MTA4N60E b3b7254 01G3Q01 01G3GG2 MTA4N60E PDF


    Abstract: MTA2955E
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer’s Data Sheet MTA2955E Fully Isolated TMOS E-FET 1TM Pow er Field E ffect Transistor Motorola Preferred Device P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Isolated T0-220 TMOS POWER FET 7.0 AMPERES 60 VOLTS RDS on = 0.30 OHM

    OCR Scan
    T0-220 O-220 b3b7254 2955E b3b7554 MTA2955E PDF