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    TRANSISTOR A968 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR A968 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR A968 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: KPL 3009 2SB502 BLY34 germanium BF316A BSX12 2SD716, 2SB686 35W amplifiers bf197 acy52
    Text: TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES Other Titles of Interest B P 85 International Transistor Equivalents Guide B P286 A R eferen ce G uide to Basic Electronics Terms BP287 A R eferen ce G uide to Practical Electronics Terms n TRANSISTOR DATA TABLES by Hans-Gunther Steidle

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    Abstract: MPSU03 MPS-U04 MPS-U03
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F 15E D | b3fc,7SS4 0005401 b | T - 3 1 -0 7 MOTOROLA MPS-U03 MPS-U04 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA NPN SILICON ANNULAR VOLTAGE AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS A # y » NPN SILICON AMPLIFIER TRANSISTORS * . . designed horizontal drive applications, high-voltage linear

    OCR Scan
    T-31-07 MPS-U03 MPS-U04 MPS-U04 MPSU04 MPSU03 PDF

    transistor A968

    Abstract: a968 a968 transistor transistor t A968 MPS-U01 TRansistor f A968 k a968 a mpsu01 mpsu51 4190A
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC 12E D I b3b ? 2S 4 QGÖSMflS XSTRS/R F | T - 3 3 -0 7 MOTOROLA MPS-U0 Í MPS-U01 A SEM ICO N D U CTO R TECHNICAL DATA étr ON ANNULAR ü # TRAN SISTO RS NPN SILICON AUDIO TRANSISTORS * for complementary symmetry audio circuits to 10 Low Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage —

    OCR Scan
    MPS-U01 MPS-U51 transistor A968 a968 a968 transistor transistor t A968 TRansistor f A968 k a968 a mpsu01 mpsu51 4190A PDF