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    TRANSISTOR MPSA25 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR MPSA25 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR MPSA25 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MPSA27 small signal transistors motorola MPSA25
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MPSA27/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Darlington Transistor MPSA27 NPN Silicon COLLECTOR 3 BASE 2 1 2 EMITTER 1 3 CASE 29–04, STYLE 1 TO–92 TO–226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol MPSA25 MPSA27 Unit Collector – Emitter Voltage

    MPSA27/D MPSA27 226AA) MPSA25 MPSA27/D* MPS-A27 MPSA27 small signal transistors motorola MPSA25 PDF

    993 395 pnp npn

    Abstract: bc237 smd sot23 package transistor TO-92 bc108 TRANSISTOR BC337 SMD 702 TRANSISTOR smd SOT23 2PB601AQ BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD bc548 TO-92 Bd135 smd 2PC945Q
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE NPN PNP NPN/PNP NPN PNP Leaded Leaded SMD SMD SMD page page page page page General purpose amplification and switching transistors Low-power transistors 2 5 – 23 26 Transistor arrays 7 – 29 29 29 Medium-power transistors 8 9 – 30 31 10

    BRY61 BRY62 OT143B 993 395 pnp npn bc237 smd sot23 package transistor TO-92 bc108 TRANSISTOR BC337 SMD 702 TRANSISTOR smd SOT23 2PB601AQ BC548 TRANSISTOR SMD bc548 TO-92 Bd135 smd 2PC945Q PDF

    ph 4148 zener diode

    Abstract: philips zener diode ph 4148 pcf0700p Zener Diode ph 4148 PCA1318P ck2605 pcf0700p/051 philips Pca1318p on4673 Zener Diode 4148

    DN-40 74ABT126 74ABT2240 X3G-BZX84-C7V5 X3G-BZX84-C9V1 ph 4148 zener diode philips zener diode ph 4148 pcf0700p Zener Diode ph 4148 PCA1318P ck2605 pcf0700p/051 philips Pca1318p on4673 Zener Diode 4148 PDF

    transistor 2N3563

    Abstract: 2n3819 cross reference 2SK30 2SA726 2sk41e 2SC1026 transistor 2sc1417 2Sa1026 2SC2259 BC150 transistor
    Text: Section 1 Cross Reference Guide . 1-3 Process Selection Guides Preferred Part Numbers by Process .


    Darlington transistor T7 27

    Abstract: Samsung s3 mpsa25 p 605 transistor equivalent R/Detector/"detect18 ic"/"CD"/TB 2929 Ho
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR INC MPSA25 14E O Jj TTbMlMt? 0007355 O | NPN EPITAXIAL - T ^ SILICON DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR • Collector-Emltter Voltage: Vc*»=40V • Collector Dissipation: Pc max =625mW A B SO LU TE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T,=25°C)

    OCR Scan
    MPSA25 625mW Darlington transistor T7 27 Samsung s3 mpsa25 p 605 transistor equivalent R/Detector/"detect18 ic"/"CD"/TB 2929 Ho PDF

    y51 h 120c

    Abstract: bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711
    Text: Towers' International Transistor Selector ! o Towers’ International Transistor Selector Specification data for the identification, selection and substitution of transistors by T D Towers, MBE, MA, BSc, C Eng, MIERE Revised Edition U pdate Three London: NEW YORK

    OCR Scan
    500MA 500MA 240MWF 240MWF y51 h 120c bd124 KT368 BFQ59 Silec Semiconductors BD214 al103 AFY18 bd192 MM1711 PDF


    Abstract: MPS-a10 MPSA25 625MW transistor k 620 2929 transistor QS 100 NPN Transistor T-29-29 MPSA12 MPSA14
    Text: SAMS UN G SEMICONDUCTOR INC MPSA10 14E 0 | 7«lb4iq2 00073Mb S | NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON TRANSISTOR T-29-21 AMPLIFIER TRANSISTOR • Collector-Emltter Voltage: V c e o = 4 0 V • Collector Dissipation: Pc max =625mW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) Characteristic

    OCR Scan
    000734b MPSA10 T-29-21 625mW 100/iA, lc-10mA, lc-100mA, MPSA25 MPS-a10 MPSA25 625MW transistor k 620 2929 transistor QS 100 NPN Transistor T-29-29 MPSA12 MPSA14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SA MS UNG SEM ICO ND UC TOR INC MPSA26 14E D I 00073SM 4 NPN EPITAXIAL SILICON DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR T -2 9-2 9 DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR • Collector-Emitter Voltage: V c* s = 5 0 V • Collector Dissipation: Pc max =625mW ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C)

    OCR Scan
    MPSA26 625mW 00073SM MPSA25 PDF


    Abstract: MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 transistor oc 76
    Text: MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE J> 7 11 □ fl2 b 00142522 472 » P H I N m PNP DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR PNP small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. NPN complementary types are MPSA25, 26, and 27. QUICK REFERENCE DA TA

    OCR Scan
    MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 ocm25e2 MPSA25, MPSA25 MPSA77 transistor oc 76 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bTE T> m MPSA25 MPSA26 MPSA27 bbS3131 0D2B01S b?0 • APX N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE A NPN DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR NPN small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. PNP complementary types are MPSA75, MPSA76, and MPSA77. Q UICK REFERENCE D A T A

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    MPSA25 MPSA26 MPSA27 bbS3131 0D2B01S MPSA75, MPSA76, MPSA77. MPSA26 PDF


    Abstract: npn transistor t12 MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77
    Text: fe^E ]> • bb53S31 D02ÔD23 747 MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 N AI1ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PNP DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR PNP small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. NPN complementary types are MPSA25, 26, and 27. Q UICK REFERENCE D A T A Collector-em itter voltage

    OCR Scan
    bb53S31 MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 MPSA25, NECC-C-002 MPSA25 npn transistor t12 MPSA77 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b^E ]> • MPSA75 bb53T31 00 36 0 2 3 747 « A P X MPSA76 MPSA77 N AflER PHILIPS/DISCRETE y v . PNP DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR PNP small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. NPN complementary types are MPSA25, 26, and 27. QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    OCR Scan
    MPSA75 bb53T31 MPSA76 MPSA77 MPSA25, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 711002b 0042522 472 « P H I N SbE J> m PNP DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR T-Z 7 -2 1 PNP small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. NPN complementary types are MPSA25, 26, and 27. Q UICK REFERENCE D A TA

    OCR Scan
    MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 711002b MPSA25, PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MPSA27 MPS-A25 MPSA26 MPSA75 MPSA76 MPSA77 MPS-A26
    Text: blE ]> • I I M P ^ A P 'S II MPSA27 bb53«i31 DDSÔG1S b70 *A P X N ANER PHILIPS/DISCRETE MPSA26 NPN DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR NPN small-signal Darlington transistors, each in a plastic TO-92 envelope. PNP complementary types are MPSA75, MPSA76, and MPSA77.

    OCR Scan

    TRANSISTOR BC 448 smd

    Abstract: JA101P smd transistor npn 491 transistor TO-92 bc108 transistor pn2222 BC853B transistor MPSA77 jc5010 215 BC307 smd 2PB601A
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE NPN PNP NPN/PNP NPN PNP Leaded Leaded SMD SMD SMD page page page page page 38 41 44 44 45 46 47 48 48 48 General purpose amplification and switching transistors Low-power transistors 17 Transistor arrays 22 Medium-power transistors 23 24 Power transistors

    OCR Scan
    BRY61 BRY62 OT143B TRANSISTOR BC 448 smd JA101P smd transistor npn 491 transistor TO-92 bc108 transistor pn2222 BC853B transistor MPSA77 jc5010 215 BC307 smd 2PB601A PDF


    Abstract: MPS-A12 MPS6576C
    Text: AL L E GRO MI C ROS Y S T E MS I NC T3 D • 0504330 DDQBSbb - 8514019 SPRAGUE. 7 ■ ALGR , ^ 93D 03566 3 ' X ' f l i l ~\£> SEMICONDS / ICS BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR CHIPS NPN Transistors ‘MPS’ Device Types ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at TA = 25°C Device Type

    OCR Scan
    MPS6521C MPS6530C MPS6531C MPS6532C mpsa25c MPS-A12 MPS6576C PDF


    Abstract: MPS-A27 mpsa27 transistor mpsa25 mpsa26
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN Darlington transistors MPSA25; MPSA26; MPSA27 FEATURES PINNING • High current max. 500 mA PIN DESCRIPTION • Low voltage (max. 60 V) 1 collector • High DC current gain (min. 10000). 2 base 3 emitter APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    MPSA75, MPSA76, MPSA77. MPSA25; MPSA26; MPSA27 MPSA25 MPSA26 MPSA27 MPS-A27 transistor mpsa25 PDF


    Abstract: BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc
    Text: SMALL-SIGNAL FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS page Selection guide N-channel junction field-effect transistors general purpose. for differential am plifiers.

    OCR Scan
    LCD01 BGY41 BFW10 FET transistor CQY58 germanium RX101 equivalent components FET BFW10 bd643 bf199 283 to92 600a transistor zener phc PDF

    smd npn 2n2222

    Abstract: bf471 BSR62 equivalent EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc549c transistor bf 175 transistor bc547 PH in metal detector tunnel diode BSY95A BF470 BC200
    Text: SM ALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS page Selection guide A udio and general purpose a p p lica tio n s. 5 HF applications.

    OCR Scan
    2PC1815L 2PC1815 10xx0. 7Z88986 smd npn 2n2222 bf471 BSR62 equivalent EQUIVALENT TRANSISTOR bc549c transistor bf 175 transistor bc547 PH in metal detector tunnel diode BSY95A BF470 BC200 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BD 338 transistor BD 141 TRANSISTOR 328 SOT89 PXTA14 JC546 transistor BC 56 2PA1015 JC sc70 2PC1815
    Text: P h ilip s Sem iconductors Concise Catalogue 1996 SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTORS & DIODES & MEDIUM-POWER RECTIFIERS Small-signal transistors G ENER AL-PU R PO SE LO W -FREQ UENCY TRANSISTO RS OVERVIEW PRO DUCT DATA: PAG ES 7-16 LOW -POW ER NPN surface-m ount leaded

    OCR Scan
    BC107/108 BCY58/59 2N2483/2484 BC546/547 BCX58 JC500/501 JC546-48 PS3704-3706 MPS3904 PS6513-6515 TRANSISTOR BC 137 TRANSISTOR BD 338 transistor BD 141 TRANSISTOR 328 SOT89 PXTA14 JC546 transistor BC 56 2PA1015 JC sc70 2PC1815 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPSA27 CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol MPS-A25 MPS-A26 MPS-A27 C cllector-E m itter Voltage VCES Em itter-Base Voltage v EBO 40 50 60 Unit Vdc 10 Vdc Collector C urrent — C ontinuous >C 500 m A dc Total Device D issipation

    OCR Scan
    MPSA27 O-226AA) MPS-A25 MPS-A26 MPS-A27 mpsa25 PDF

    aeg diode Si 61 L

    Abstract: aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680
    Text: Semiconductor Data Book Semiconductor Data Book Characteristics of approx. 10 000 Transistors, FETs, UJTs, Diodes, Rectifiers, Optical Semiconductors, Triacs and SCRs, Compiled by A. M. Ball Head of Physics, Teign School Newnes Technical Books Newnes Technical Books

    OCR Scan
    11tA0A12 A025A A0290 U0U55 A0291 A0292 A0305 A0306 A0A56 A0A59 aeg diode Si 61 L aeg diodes D6 SGS Transistors BC23B SILICONIX U315 MZ306 BY126 bcv59 ac128 2N3680 PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

    OCR Scan
    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF