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    TRANSISTOR T1A 90 Search Results

    TRANSISTOR T1A 90 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SC6026MFV Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=0.15 A / hFE=120~400 / VCE(sat)=0.25 V / SOT-723 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC5886A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=50 V / IC=5 A / hFE=400~1000 / VCE(sat)=0.22 V / tf=120 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2097 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-5 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.27 V / tf=60 ns / New PW-Mold Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    TRANSISTOR T1A 90 Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor t1W

    Abstract: CY2037 CY2037-2WAF CY2037AWAF CY2037WAF
    Text: CY2037 High Accuracy EPROM Programmable PLL Die for Crystal Oscillators Features Benefits • EPROM-programmable die for in-package programming Enables quick turnaround of custom oscillators of crystal oscillators Lowers inventory costs through stocking of blank parts

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    Abstract: vco 100 mhz
    Text: CY5037A High-accuracy EPROM-programmable PLL Die for Crystal Oscillators Features Benefits • EPROM-programmable die for in-package programming Enables quick turnaround of custom oscillators of crystal oscillators Lowers inventory costs through stocking of blank parts

    CY5037A 12-bit 10-bit CY5037A CY5037 vco 100 mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ON Semiconductor BUL45 NPN Silicon Power Transistor High Voltage SWITCHMODEt Series Designed for use in electronic ballast light ballast) and in Switchmode Power supplies up to 50 Watts. Main features include: POWER TRANSISTOR 5.0 AMPERES 700 VOLTS 35 and 75 WATTS

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    Abstract: CY2071A CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907
    Text: CY2071A Single-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generator Features Benefits Single phase-locked loop architecture Generates a custom frequency from an external source EPROM programmability Easy customization and fast turnaround Factory-programmable CY2071A, CY2071AI or field- Programming support available for all opportunities

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    Abstract: CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907
    Text: CY2071A Single-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generator Features Benefits Single phase-locked loop architecture Generates a custom frequency from an external source EPROM programmability Easy customization and fast turnaround Factory-programmable CY2071A, CY2071AI or field- Programming support available for all opportunities

    CY2071A CY2071A, CY2071AI) CY2071AF, CY2071AFI) CY2071A CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907 PDF


    Abstract: CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907
    Text: CY2071A Single-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generator Features Benefits • Single phase-locked loop architecture • EPROM programmability • Factory-programmable CY2071A, CY2071AI or field-programmable (CY2071AF, CY2071AFI) device options

    CY2071A CY2071A, CY2071AI) CY2071AF, CY2071AFI) 150-mil CY2071A CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907 PDF


    Abstract: CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907
    Text: CY2071A Single-PLL General-Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generator Features Benefits • Single phase-locked loop architecture • EPROM programmability • Factory-programmable CY2071A, CY2071AI or field-programmable (CY2071AF, CY2071AFI) device options

    CY2071A CY2071A, CY2071AI) CY2071AF, CY2071AFI) 150-mil CY2071A CY2071AF CY2071AFI CY2071AI CY2081 CY2291 CY2291F CY2292 CY2292F CY2907 PDF


    Abstract: marking code t1a BUL45 BUL45G MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10 MUR105 MUR150
    Text: BUL45 NPN Silicon Power Transistor High Voltage SWITCHMODEt Series Designed for use in electronic ballast light ballast and in Switchmode Power supplies up to 50 Watts. Features • Improved Efficiency Due to: ♦ Low Base Drive Requirements (High and Flat DC Current Gain hFE)

    BUL45 O-220AB 21A-09 BUL45/D 1N5761 marking code t1a BUL45 BUL45G MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10 MUR105 MUR150 PDF

    toroid FT10

    Abstract: MTP8P10 MUR105 MJE18006 MJF18006 MPF930 221D BUL45 BUL45F L 0629
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by BUL45/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA BUL45 * BUL45F*  Data Sheet Designer's NPN Silicon Power Transistor High Voltage SWITCHMODE t Series *Motorola Preferred Device POWER TRANSISTOR 5.0 AMPERES 700 VOLTS 35 and 75 WATTS Designed for use in electronic ballast light ballast and in Switchmode Power

    BUL45/D BUL45 BUL45F* BUL45F BUL45/D* toroid FT10 MTP8P10 MUR105 MJE18006 MJF18006 MPF930 221D BUL45 BUL45F L 0629 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1693 High Speed Single/Dual N-Channel MOSFET Drivers FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1693 family drives power N-channel MOSFETs at high speed. The 1.5A peak output current reduces switching losses in MOSFETs with high gate capacitance.

    LTC1693 LTC1693-1 noniLT1161 LTC1163 LT1339 LTC1435 1693fa LTC1154 PDF


    Abstract: si 1N4007 transistor toroid FT10 1N4007 BUL45 MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10 MUR105
    Text: ON Semiconductort BUL45 NPN Silicon Power Transistor High Voltage SWITCHMODEt Series Designed for use in electronic ballast light ballast and in Switchmode Power supplies up to 50 Watts. Main features include: POWER TRANSISTOR 5.0 AMPERES 700 VOLTS 35 and 75 WATTS

    BUL45 r14525 BUL45/D 1N5761 si 1N4007 transistor toroid FT10 1N4007 BUL45 MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10 MUR105 PDF


    Abstract: toroid FT10 BUL45G BUL45 marking code t1a MUR150 MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10
    Text: BUL45G NPN Silicon Power Transistor High Voltage SWITCHMODEt Series Designed for use in electronic ballast light ballast and in Switchmode Power supplies up to 50 Watts. Features • Improved Efficiency Due to: Low Base Drive Requirements (High and Flat DC Current Gain hFE)

    BUL45G O-220AB 21A-09 BUL45/D 1N5761 toroid FT10 BUL45G BUL45 marking code t1a MUR150 MJE210 MPF930 MTP12N10 MTP8P10 PDF


    Abstract: mbro530 MBRO530T1 PC40-EPC17 LT1693 inverter 12v to 220 ac mosfet based CPHS-EFD20-1S-10P marking t1c SMD403 2N7002 PHILIPS MARKING
    Text: LTC1693 High Speed Single/Dual MOSFET Drivers U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1693 family drives power MOSFETs at high speed. The 1.5A peak output current reduces switching losses in MOSFETs with high gate capacitance. Dual MOSFET Drivers in SO-8 Package

    LTC1693 LTC1693-1 LT1161 LTC1163 LT1339 LTC1435 1693f MTD20NO6HD mbro530 MBRO530T1 PC40-EPC17 LT1693 inverter 12v to 220 ac mosfet based CPHS-EFD20-1S-10P marking t1c SMD403 2N7002 PHILIPS MARKING PDF

    BA rx transistor

    Abstract: HC4538 hc4538 application note transistor t1A HD74HC4538
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: switching transformer winding NDD05N50 transformer bobbin LLC resonant transformer optocoupler for ZCD SPD02N80 transformer winding datasheet t1b diode transformer demagnetization
    Text: AND8462/D Tips and Tricks for Optimizing NCL30000 based LED Drivers Prepared by: Jim Young ON Semiconductor APPLICATION NOTE a short circuit condition. The negative voltage shown corresponds to the on-time of the power FET which then becomes positive after the FET turns off. The transformer

    AND8462/D NCL30000 ncl30000 switching transformer winding NDD05N50 transformer bobbin LLC resonant transformer optocoupler for ZCD SPD02N80 transformer winding datasheet t1b diode transformer demagnetization PDF

    vogt transformer 545 35

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR BC 545 smd vogt transformer 545 13 vogt transformer 545 23 vogt 545 Nippon Chemi-Con KMG AN1934 VOGT U1 545 vogt transformer abstract on non isolated flyback converter
    Text: AN1934 - APPLICATION NOTE VIPower: VIPer12A NON ISOLATED FLYBACK CONVERTER REFERENCE BOARD P. LIDAK - R. HAUSER ABSTRACT Presented circuit can be used to produce multiple outputs, non isolated positive or negative voltage. It is dedicated for building an auxiliary power supply based on the VIPer12AS monolithic device.

    AN1934 VIPer12A VIPer12AS VIPer12AS vogt transformer 545 35 TRANSISTOR BC 545 smd vogt transformer 545 13 vogt transformer 545 23 vogt 545 Nippon Chemi-Con KMG AN1934 VOGT U1 545 vogt transformer abstract on non isolated flyback converter PDF


    Abstract: dual 1n4148 diode SOT143 package MIC4451/4452 T1C SOT23 MIC4416 MIC4417 MIC6211 MIC6251 MIC6252 MIC7111
    Text: ANALOG SOLUTIONS VOLUME 5 AUGUST 1998 World’s First Single-Chip Radio Eliminates “Black Magic” of RF Design The MICRF001 is a single-chip OOK On-Off Keyed radio receiver IC for remote wireless applications, employing new QwikRadio technology from

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    Abstract: DIODE JS4 18121C105KAT9A CONN SOCKET conn sil ac proslic max AN74 VPh5-0155 ISOmodem CMR3-02
    Text: AN74 SiL I N K PS-EVB U S E R ’ S G U I D E Introduction The SiLinkPS-EVB is a system power supply board that provides all the necessary supply voltages for a variety of Silicon Laboratories’ ProSLIC and silicon DAA evaluation boards. When used with an appropriate ac/



    Abstract: transistor T1J 2N3904 2N3906
    Text: ±1°C Remote and Local System Temperature Monitor ADM1032 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION On-chip and remote temperature sensing Offset registers for system calibration 0.125°C resolution/1°C accuracy on remote channel 1°C resolution/3°C accuracy on local channel

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    specifications of 1n4007 diode

    Abstract: 1N4007 operating frequency 1N4007 diode information 1N4937 diode
    Text: UM10564 UBA2017DB1064 2 x 28 W T5 demo board Rev. 1 — 20 August 2012 User manual Document information Info Content Keywords UBA2017P, 2 x 28 W T5 ballast, passive PFC, improved valley fill, continuous input current Abstract This document describes the UBA2017DB1064 demo board for

    UM10564 UBA2017DB1064 UBA2017P, UBA2017P. specifications of 1n4007 diode 1N4007 operating frequency 1N4007 diode information 1N4937 diode PDF


    Abstract: SUMIDA-CDH74-1013C CDH74 T1A SOT23 lcd double lamp CCFL plc lamp design ideas FMMT619 Zetex application note TS16949
    Text: DN55 A high efficiency Royer driver for a scanner CCFL Ken White, Systems Engineer, Zetex Semiconductors This design note has been updated to include additional choices of transistors to provide greater efficiency. This is a practical application using Zetex low VCE sat transistors for driving a Harrison 4.5W CCFL

    240mm 370mA. 65kHz D-81541 SUMIDA-EPS115 SUMIDA-CDH74-1013C CDH74 T1A SOT23 lcd double lamp CCFL plc lamp design ideas FMMT619 Zetex application note TS16949 PDF


    Abstract: bc337 pin out diagram VREG12 c41 transistor switches BC337 2x30mH 4614 d83 thomson d92 02 EQUAL BYV10-20

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    nec 7915

    Abstract: 2SK1994 10KW MEI-1202 TEA-1035 7915 transistor
    Text: Notice: You cannot copy or search for text in this PDF file, because this PDF _ file is converted from the scanned image of printed materials._ P1 98.2 DATA SHEET MOS FIELD EFFECT POWER TRANSISTOR 2SK1994 SWITCHING N-CHANNEL POWER MOS FET INDUSTRIAL USE

    OCR Scan
    2SK1994 2SK1994 IEI-1209) nec 7915 10KW MEI-1202 TEA-1035 7915 transistor PDF