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    TRW CA AMPLIFIER Search Results

    TRW CA AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    AV-THLIN2BNCM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-THLIN2BNCM-025 Thin-line Coaxial Cable - BNC Male / BNC Male (SDI Compatible) 25ft Datasheet
    CN-DSUB50PIN0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB50PIN0-000 D-Subminiature (DB50 Male D-Sub) Connector, 50-Position Pin Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CN-DSUBHD62PN-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUBHD62PN-000 High-Density D-Subminiature (HD62 Male D-Sub) Connector, 62-Position Pin Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CO-058BNCX200-003 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CO-058BNCX200-003 BNC Male to BNC Male (RG58) 50 Ohm Coaxial Cable Assembly 3ft Datasheet

    TRW CA AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DIN-45004B CA900 DIN45004 40-900mhz TRW CA amplifier
    Text: T R U ELEK CriPNT/ R F fil DJ*7V-07'Ol D E § fiflSSOSM 0003T-»? S RF Devices Division 7#?KT TRW Electronic Components Group CA900 VHF UHF CATV Amplifier • Wide Bandwidth 40-900MHz • 17dB Gain • Wide Dynamic Range: 7dB Noise Figure 60dBmV DIN 45004 B

    OCR Scan
    CA900 40-900MHz 60dBmV 100MHz 55dBmV DIN45004B DIN-45004B CA900 DIN45004 TRW CA amplifier PDF

    potentiometer MOD 534

    Abstract: TRW 1020 TRW LSI Products trw 1016 free IR circuit diagram trw resistor TAC1025 MOD-1020 TAC1020 TDC1020
    Text: TAC1020 and TAC1025 T P & S Com plete 10-Bit, 20 and 25 M sp s Analog-To-DigitaI Converter Boards Applications The TAC1020 and TAC1025 are A/D converter boards complete with voltage reference, input amplifier, track/ hold, timing generator, and output registers. They are

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    TAC1020 TAC1025 10-Bit, TAC1025 MOD-1020 TDC1020 10-bit potentiometer MOD 534 TRW 1020 TRW LSI Products trw 1016 free IR circuit diagram trw resistor PDF

    trw rf

    Abstract: TRW CA amplifier CA2422 TRW amplifier
    Text: T R 111 E L E K CMPNT7 i E | flflSSDBM 0 0 0 3 6 3 2 R F □ | ' SB B RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group CA2422 T 7 ^ - o 7-0| CATV Reverse Amplifier • Reverse Amplifier • 22 dB Gain • Low Distortion • 4.5 dB Noise Figure • All Gold Metallization

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    CA2422 trw rf TRW CA amplifier CA2422 TRW amplifier PDF

    TRW CA amplifier

    Abstract: TRW amplifier
    Text: TMC1175 Advance Information Monolithic CMOS A/D Converter 8 Bit, 30 Msps The TMC1175 is a two-step CMOS analog-to-digital converter with an integral track-and-hold amplifier. It converts an analog signal with full-power bandwidths of 7 MHz into an 8-bit data

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    TMC1175 TMC1175 200mW TDC1041 TDC4614 TMC2242 40G06715 TRW CA amplifier TRW amplifier PDF


    Abstract: c4231 transistor 4231X1B TRW POWER trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR trw rf transistor 4231 THC4231 THC4231X1B THC4231X1V
    Text: TRYw THC4231 Wide Bandwidth Fast Settling Operational Amplifier 1B5MHz Closed Loop Bandwidth The THC4231 is a w ide bandwidth fast settling operational am plifier designed specifically for h ig h -sp e e d , lo w -g a in applications. The op am p design is based on current feedback

    OCR Scan
    THC4231 165MHz THC4231 90X00181 I089I 40G05913 c4231 c4231 transistor 4231X1B TRW POWER trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR trw rf transistor 4231 THC4231X1B THC4231X1V PDF


    Abstract: 74ls477
    Text: TDC4611 Adjustable Voltage Reference with Operational Amplifier The TD C 4611 com prises a precision a d ju sta b le volta g e reference and a sin g le general purpose ope ra tio n a l a m p lifie r on the sam e m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d circ u it. This

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    TDC4611 C4611 74ls477 PDF


    Abstract: c4231 transistor trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR THC4231 trw rf transistor THC4231X1B THC4231X1V
    Text: JH AT THC4231 ttxw w Wide Bandwidth Fast Settling Operational Amplifier 165MHz Closed Loop Bandwidth The THC4231 is a wide bandwidth fast settling opera­ tional amplifier designed specifically for high-speed, lowgain applications. The op amp design is based on current

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    THC4231 165MHz THC4231 anD-883 T0-8/M0-12) THC4231X1V c4231 c4231 transistor trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR trw rf transistor THC4231X1B THC4231X1V PDF


    Abstract: CA2600 trw transistors linear amplifier 470-860 CA2100 trw hybrid CA2200 CA2301 TPV-376 trw resistors
    Text: CATV HYBRID AMPLIFIERS These amplifiers are specifically designed for CATV and MATV applications. Having low distortion and low noise, these high reliability units can be used in mainline, bridger, line extender, reverse, or apartment house amplifier applications. The CA2100, CA2200, CA2300, CA2301 and CA2600 devices are new

    OCR Scan
    CA2100, CA2200, CA2300, CA2301 CA2600 50MHz 46dBmV 50dBmV 50d8mV CA2100 TPV364 trw transistors linear amplifier 470-860 trw hybrid CA2200 TPV-376 trw resistors PDF

    trw 1016

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TÎH m TAC1020 and TAC1025 Complete 10-Bit, 20 and 25 Msps Analog-To-Digital Converter Boards Applications The TAC1020 and TAC1025 are A/D converter boards complete with voltage reference, input amplifier, track/ hold, timing generator, and output registers. They are

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    TAC1020 TAC1025 10-Bit, TAC1025 MOD-1020 TDC1020 10-bit trw 1016 PDF


    Abstract: THC4940 THC4940X2A THC4940X2B LML marking 4940X2B 20mh7
    Text: THC4940 T R ìn i Track and Hold Amplifier 150M H z, Small Signal Bandw idth The T R W T H C 4 94 0 is a fast sampling, wide-band track THC4940X2A has its performance guaranteed over the and hold am plifier th a t offers ultra-fast sw itching p erfo r­ mance plus an unprecedented array of supporting specifi­

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    THC4940 150MHz, THC4940 THC4231 4940X2A THC4940X2A THC4940X2B LML marking 4940X2B 20mh7 PDF

    trw hybrid

    Abstract: CA2885 TRW CA amplifier 66dBtyp RF push pull power amplifier TRW amplifier 00534
    Text: RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group 9 9j 5 ? / CA2885 CA2885 Wide Bandwidth Linear Hybrid Amplifier • • • • • Power Output 2.00W 18.5dB Gain Instantaneous Bandwidth, 40-500MHz Low Noise Figure, 7dB Bragg Cell Application The CA2885 is a high-reiiability thin-film hybrid operation in 50 to 100 ohm systems. This

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    CA2885 CA2885 40-500MHz 50MH2 60MHz 500MHz 500MHz 43dBm 40-500MHZ trw hybrid TRW CA amplifier 66dBtyp RF push pull power amplifier TRW amplifier 00534 PDF


    Abstract: CA2201 CA-220 TRW amplifier
    Text: T R U EIE« CMP NT/ R f fi1"! T:7 ? -0? -q J D e J fifl2S024 000332^ 0 | RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group CA2201, CA2101 CATV Amplifier Pair • Low Distortion • All Gold Metallization • 300 MHz ; • 1 7 dB Gain • 7.S/7.0 dB Noise Figure

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    CA2201, CA2101 CA2201 Chann46 CA327Ã CA2101 CA-220 TRW amplifier PDF


    Abstract: trw rf transistor trw transistors LT 9228 trw 131* RF POWER TRANSISTOR trw rf semiconductors 2023-12 TRW 52604 TP 9382 trw hybrid

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CA4422 BEAT
    Text: T R ül E L E K CHPNT7 R F fll D e | B flaSD SM Q 003Ö 4Ö 3 | RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group ôi CA4418, CA4422 CATV Return Amplifiers • Return Amplifiers • 18.5/22.0 dB Gain • 5-200 MHz • 4.515.0 dB Noise Figure * Low Distortion • All Gold Metallization

    OCR Scan
    flfl25D54 CA4422 CA4418 CA4418R, CA4422R CA4418. BEAT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TR Y w THC4940 Track and Hold Amplifier 150MHz, Small Signal Bandwidth The TR W T H C 4940 is a fast sam pling, w id e -b a n d track and hold a m plifier th a t offers ultra-fast sw itching p e rfo r­ m ance plus an unprecedented array of supporting specifi­

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    THC4940 THC4940X2A 150MHz, PDF


    Abstract: TRW CA2818 CA2418 00D30 Raychem cable 10614 TRW CA amplifier trw hybrid
    Text: T R Id E LEK CtIPNT/ R F flî D Ë | fiflESDEM 00D3aùt. 0 | ÊBBSBBBÈËShMMS M RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group T-v^-o^-o i CA2818 CA2818 Wide Bandwidth Linear Hybrid Amplifier • • • • • Power Output, 800mW + 47dBm Third Order Intercept

    OCR Scan
    00D300t> CA2818 CA2818 800mW 47dBm 1-200MHz T-7V-09-01 TRW CA2818 CA2418 00D30 Raychem cable 10614 TRW CA amplifier trw hybrid PDF


    Abstract: 74ls371 TDC1041 TDC1038 TDC4611 z144 TDC1012 TDC1048 TDC1112 4611B
    Text: TDC4611 r# ? w Adjustable Voltage Reference with Operational Amplifier Features The TDC4611 comprises a precision adjustable voltage reference and a single general purpose operational amplifier on the same monolithic integrated circuit. This combination of circuit functions is ideally suited for

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    TDC4611 TDC4611 4611MEC TV AMPLIFER TRANSISTOR 74ls371 TDC1041 TDC1038 z144 TDC1012 TDC1048 TDC1112 4611B PDF


    Abstract: 74ls477 TDC1038 TDC4611 200nj schematic diagram converter input 12v to 19v 4614 TDC1012 TDC1041 12V DC to 19V dC converter schematic diagram
    Text: TDC4614 Adjustable Voltage Reference with Four Operational Amplifiers Applications The TDC4614 comprises a precision adjustable voltage reference and four general purpose operational amplifiers on the same monolithic integrated circuit. This combination of circuit functions is ideally suited for

    OCR Scan
    TDC4614 TDC4614 4614M9C 4614b 74ls477 TDC1038 TDC4611 200nj schematic diagram converter input 12v to 19v 4614 TDC1012 TDC1041 12V DC to 19V dC converter schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: 1016B7C 10 microfarad 50v capacitor TDC1016B7AX 1 microfarad tantalum capacitor
    Text: TRVw TDC1016 Video Speed D/A Converter Features 10-Bit, 2 0 M s p s • 20Msps Conversion Rate The TDC1016 is a bipolar monolithic digital-to-analog • 8, 9, Or 10-Bit Linearity • Voltage Output, No Amplifier Required converter which can convert digital data into an analog

    OCR Scan
    TDC1016 10-Bit, TDC1016 20Msps 10-bit 1016B7 1016B7C 10 microfarad 50v capacitor TDC1016B7AX 1 microfarad tantalum capacitor PDF


    Abstract: trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR ELECTRONIC BALLAST 236 trw rf transistor trw rf hybrid amp trw hybrid 100MHZ
    Text: JL T R ü ELEK CMPNT/ R F DË| 0025054 GOOBTIO 4 | RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group T CA2850R - " 7 * - 0 9 - 0 1 CA2850RThin Film RF Linear Hybrid Amplifier All Gold Monometallic) Metallization System Featuring Gold Transistor Die with Diffused Emitter

    OCR Scan
    GOOHI10 CA2850R CA2850R 40dBm CA28S0R -32dB trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR ELECTRONIC BALLAST 236 trw rf transistor trw rf hybrid amp trw hybrid 100MHZ PDF


    Abstract: 74ls477 1452a 1467A 4614B TRANSISTOR
    Text: TDC4614 « m f f m m u i i r Adjustable Voltage Reference with Four Operational Amplifiers The TDC4614 com prises a precision adjustable voltage Applications reference and four general purpose operational am plifiers on the sam e m onolithic integrated circuit. This

    OCR Scan
    TDC4614 TDC4614 4614b 74ls477 1452a 1467A 4614B TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: trw rf transistor CA2875R trw rf hybrid amp TRW amplifier
    Text: RF Devices Division TRW Electronic Components Group CA2875R CA2875R Thin Film RF Linear Hybrid Amplifier • Wide Dynamic Range: +43dBm Third Order Intercept • Excellent Match at Input/Output: Lowest VSWR • Low Noise Figure Push-pull Cascode Circuit

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    CA2875R CA2875R 43dBm -32dB trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR trw rf transistor trw rf hybrid amp TRW amplifier PDF


    Abstract: TDC1046 Tdc1016 trw TIDC1014 trw resistor TDC1016 1016B7C 1016B7 capacitor 220 microfarad R20 marking
    Text: TDC1014 Use T D C 10 4 6 for N e w Designs Monolithic Video A/D Converter Features 6-Bit, 25M SPS • 6-Bit Resolution • 1/4 LSB Linearity The TRW TDC1014 is a 25 MegaSample Per Second MSPSI full- parallel (flash analog-to-digital converter, capable of

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    TIDC1014 TDC1046 25MSPS TDC1014 12MHz Tdc1016 trw TIDC1014 trw resistor TDC1016 1016B7C 1016B7 capacitor 220 microfarad R20 marking PDF


    Abstract: RCA FM Receiver Circuits A3042 CA3042E schematic diagram fm tube Ca 3042 equivalent 12fx5
    Text: Linear Integrated Circuits CA3042 Wide-Band Amplifier, FM Detector AF Preamplifier/Driver For Sound Sections of TV Receivers Using Transistor-Type AF Output Amplifiers Features: 14-Lead Quad-In-Line Plastic Package Q SUFFIX H-1596 High sensitivity - input lim iting

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    CA3042 14-Lead H-1596 A3042 500mV ca3042 RCA FM Receiver Circuits CA3042E schematic diagram fm tube Ca 3042 equivalent 12fx5 PDF