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    TTL 154 Search Results

    TTL 154 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74FCT807BTSOG Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTQGI Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74GTLP816PGI Renesas Electronics Corporation GTLP/LV TTL CLK DRIVER Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807BTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74FCT807CTPYGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 1:10 Clock Driver w/TTL Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TTL 154 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signal Processing Digital converters opto coupler transmitters for signal level shifting, isolating and signal regeneration of HTL or TTL signals HEAG 151, 152, 153, 154 Features – Signal level shifting from HTL TTL or TTL HTL – Isolating signal cables to multiple receivers to avoid



    Abstract: CY7B922 clock buffer FITS CY7B991 CY7B992 EME-6300H SM23B CY7B991-LMB

    CY7B991 CY7B992 CY7B991 JEDEC22, 30PSIA CY7B185 CY7B922 clock buffer FITS CY7B992 EME-6300H SM23B CY7B991-LMB PDF


    Abstract: SOIC-14
    Text: SP4T SWITCH WITH DIRECT TTL CONTROL AND SINGLE POSITVE SUPPLY ITT401AC FEATURES • • • • • Single Positive Supply +8V Direct TTL input On-Chip Decoder Logic Low Power Consumption Non-Reflective Ports DESCRIPTION ADVANCED INFORMATION GND J3 GND J1



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP8T Switch with Direct TTL Control and Single Positive Supply ITTS801AR FEATURES • • • • • ADVANCED INFORMATION TSSOP24 Single Positive Supply 8V Direct TTL input On-Chip Decoder Logic Low Power Consumption Non-Reflective Ports DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM RATINGS (T



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP4T Switch with Direct TTL Control and Single Positive Supply ITTS401AC FEATURES • • • • • ADVANCED INFORMATION SOIC 14 Single Positive Supply +8V Direct TTL input On-Chip Decoder Logic Low Power Consumption Non-Reflective Ports DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM RATINGS (T

    ITTS401AC SOIC-14 27ref 10ref 057ref 050ref 004ref MS-012. PDF


    Abstract: sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c
    Text: INDEX PAGE TTL Integrated Circuits Mechanical Data 1 TTL Interchangeability Guide 6 Functional Selection Guide 19 Explanation of Function Tables 38 54/74 Families of Compatible TTL Circuits 40 TTL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MECHANICAL DATA J ceramic dual-in-line package

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    24-lead SN74S474 SN54S475 SN74S475 SN54S482 SN74S482 LCC4270 SN54490 SN74490 SN54LS490 SN7401 sn29601 SN7449 SN74298 SN74265 MC3021 SN54367 sn74142 signetics 8223 9370c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *SYNERGY PECL/TTL-TTL 1:8 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CHIP SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES Clockworks PRELIMINARY SY10/100H646 DESCRIPTION • PECL/TTL-TTL version of popular ECLinPS E111 ■ Meets specifications required to drive highperformance x86 processors ■ Guaranteed low skew specification

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    SY10/100H646 SY10H646 SY100H646 28-lead IVT01 -------300pF 200pF 100pF 0013fi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: « PECL/TTL-TTL 1:8 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CHIP C V M C O rV SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES Clockworks PRELIMINARY SY10/100H646 DESCRIPTION • PECL/TTL-TTL version of popular ECLìnPS E111 ■ Meets specifications required to drive highperformance x86 processors ■ Guaranteed low skew specification

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    SY10/100H646 MC10/100H646 TGG13fil IVT01 ------300pF 200pF 100pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OTOROLA M C 10H 646 M C 100H 646 Product Preview PEC L/TTL-TTL 1:8 C lo ck D istrib u tio n Chip PECL/TTL-TTL 1:8 CLOCK DISTRIBUTION CHIP The MC1 OH/100H646 is a single supply, low skew translating 1:8 clock driver. Devices in the Motorola ‘H600 translator series utilize the 28-lead PLCC for

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    OH/100H646 28-lead PDF

    signal path designer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY D E V IC E S P E C IF IC A T IO N 320000 SERIES ECL/TTL "TURBO" LOGIC ARRAYS 020000 FEATURES PERFORMANCE SUMMARY PARAMETER Typical gate delay* Maximum toggle frequency Maximum TTL input frequency Maximum TTL output frequency Maximum ECL input frequency

    OCR Scan
    /D1203-0589 signal path designer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY10E383 CY101E383 a CYPRESS ~ SEMICONDUCTOR ~ ECL/TTL/ECL Translator and High-Speed Bus Driver Features Functional D escription • BiCMOS for optimum speed/power • High speed max. — 2.5 ns tpD TTL-to-ECL — 3.5 ns tpD ECL-to-TTL • Low skew < ± 1 ns

    OCR Scan
    CY10E383 CY101E383 10K/10KH 10K/10KH CY10/101E383 84-pin PDF

    5D6 diode

    Abstract: Power PQFP 64 10e383 Q809
    Text: CY10E383 CY101E383 ECL/TTL/ECL Translator and High-Speed Bus Driver Features Functional Description • BiCMOS for optimum speed/power • High speed max. — 2.5 ns tpj) TTL-to-ECL — 3.5 ns tpj) ECL-to-TTL • Low skew < ± 1 ns • Can operate on single +5V supply

    OCR Scan
    CY10E383 CY101E383 80-pin CY10/101E383 5D6 diode Power PQFP 64 10e383 Q809 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY10E383 CY101E383 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR ECL/TTL/ECL Translator and High-Speed Bus Driver Features Functional Description • BiCMOS for optimum speed/power • High speed max. — 2.5 ns tpu TTL-to-ECL — 3.5 ns tpu ECL-to-TTL • Low skew < ± 1 ns • Can operate on single +5V supply

    OCR Scan
    CY10E383 CY101E383 80-pin CY10/101E383 CY10E383â 80-Lead 84-Lead CY10E383 PDF


    Abstract: diode SKE 39
    Text: W r CY10E383 CY101E383 CYPRESS ECL/TTL/ECL Translator and High-Speed Bus Driver Features Functional Description • B iC M O S for optim um speed/power • H igh speed max. — 2.5 n s Ipu TTL-to-EC L — 3.5 n s tpo EC L-to-TTL The CY10/101E383 is a new-generation

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    CY10E383 CY101E383 80-pin CY10/101E383 CY10E383â 84-Lead 80-Lead CY101E383 diode SKE 39 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Processor Interface Components—QSpan User Manual 4 Signals and DC Characteristics 4.1 Terminology The abbreviations used in this chapter are defined below. Two-state output Tristate output Bidirectional Input Output Open Drain Input with TTL threshold TTL Schmitt trigger input

    OCR Scan
    A117I 208-Pin PDF

    signal path designer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DEVICE SPECIFICATION Q20000 SERIES ECL/TTL TURBO" LOGIC ARRAYS 020000 FEATURES • Up to 24000 gates, channelless architecture • 100ps equivalent gate delays • Ultra low power ,5-1.0mW/gate • 10K, 10KH, 100K ECL and mixed ECL/TTL capability

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    Q20000 100ps SA/D1203-1089 signal path designer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT39520C/D P54/74FCT39521 C/D 3.3 VOLT PIPELINE REGISTERS FEATURES • Function and Drive Compatible with the Fastest TTL Logic ■ Inputs and Outputs Interface with TTL Logic Levels Edge-rate Control Circuitry for Significantly Improved Noise Characteristics

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    P54/74FCT39520C/D P54/74FCT39521 P54/74FCT39520C/Dâ AE1S03-3 PDF


    Abstract: AD 157 Y AD17 SCL23
    Text: Processor Interface Components—QSpan User M anual 4 Signals and DC Characteristics 4.1 Terminology The abbreviations used in this chapter are defined below. Two-state output Tristate output Bidirectional Input Output Open Drain Input with TTL threshold TTL Schmitt trigger input

    OCR Scan
    b560101 208-Pin 181-D AD 157 Y AD17 SCL23 PDF


    Abstract: QSpan AD899 Tundra QSpan 181-D AD17 qspan top mark
    Text: Processor Interface Components—QSpan User M anual 4 Signals and DC Characteristics 4.1 Terminology The abbreviations used in this chapter are defined below. Two-state output Tristate output Bidirectional Input Output Open Drain Input with TTL threshold TTL Schmitt trigger input

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    b560101 low-l172. 208-Pin d15181 QSpan AD899 Tundra QSpan 181-D AD17 qspan top mark PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT3973C/D 3.3 VOLT OCTAL TRANSPARENT LATCHES 5.0 TO 3.3 VOLT TRANSLATOR FEATURES • Function and Drive Compatible with the Fastest TTL Logic ■ Inputs and Outputs Interface with TTL Logic Levels ■ 3.3V ± 0.2V Power Supply and CMOS for Lowest

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    P54/74FCT3973C/D FCT3973 I973C 1973D MIL-STD-883 AE1509-5 PDF

    ax 3003

    Abstract: meab 1N3064 1N916 M38510 76l70
    Text: MIL-M-38510/28B USAF 2 August 1974-SUPERSEDING MIL-M-38510/28(USAF) 21 August 1972 MILITARY SPECIFICATION MICROCIRCUITS, DIGITAL TTL, LOW POWER SHIFT REGISTERS MONOLITHIC SILICON 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope• This specification covers the requirements for monolithic silicon, TTL,

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    MIL-M-38510/28B MIL-M-38510/28 M38510 54L95 54L164 93L28 93L00 76L70 5962-F056) ax 3003 meab 1N3064 1N916 M38510 76l70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT3157C/D P54/74FCT3158C/D 3.3 VOLT DATA SELECTOR/MULTIPLEXER 7$ FEATURES Function and Drive Compatible with the Fastest TTL Logic Inputs and Outputs Interface with TTL Logic Levels 3.3V ± 0.2V Power Supply and CMOS for Lowest Power Dissipation

    OCR Scan
    P54/74FCT3157C/D P54/74FCT3158C/D P54/7 FCT3157C/Dâ P54/74 FCT3158C/D MIL-STD-883 AE1744-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT3373C/D 3.3 VOLT OCTAL TRANSPARENT LATCHES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS FEATURES • Function and Drive Compatible with the Fastest TTL Logic ■ Edge-rate Control Circuitry for Significantly Reduced Switching Noise Characteristics ■ Inputs and Outputs Interface with TTL Logic

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    P54/74FCT3373C/D FCT3373 FCT3373D J373C I373D AE1747-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P54/74FCT3157C/D P54/74FCT3158C/D 3.3 VOLT DATA SELECTOR/MULTIPLEXER FEATURES • Function and Drive Compatible with the Fastest TTL Logic ■ Inputs and Outputs Interface with TTL Logic Levels ■ 3.3V + 0.2V Power Supply and CMOS for Lowest Power Dissipation

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    P54/74FCT3157C/D P54/74FCT3158C/D FCT3157 FCT315 P54/74FCT3157C/D--F54/74FCT3158C/D_ AE1744-2 PDF