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    Abstract: U-9B U9A marking SANKOSHA U-9B
    Text: Two Electrode Gas Tube Surge Arrester U-9A / U-9B Part Number: Applications: Transient Voltage Surge Suppression TVSS Cable Telephony Products Modems/Cable Modems Broadband/CATV/Coaxial Protectors xDSL Modems and Peripherals Building Entry/Outside Plant

    E140906 U-9A U-9B U9A marking SANKOSHA U-9B PDF

    0.1uF 16V Ceramic Disk Capacitor

    Abstract: MAX3232 pin schematic 10K SIP for microcontroller PC 74HC139 74hct245 datasheet MCM6306DJ15 10K SIP Resistor IC 74HC00 1N4001/DIODE 1N4001 74HC00
    Text: 68L11D Module The 68L11D module is an assembled and tested PC board intended for use with Maxim’s low-voltage dataacquisition evaluation kits EV kits . The module uses Motorola’s MC68L11D0FN2 microcontroller (µC) to collect data samples using the SPI interface. It requires an

    68L11D MC68L11D0FN2 0.1uF 16V Ceramic Disk Capacitor MAX3232 pin schematic 10K SIP for microcontroller PC 74HC139 74hct245 datasheet MCM6306DJ15 10K SIP Resistor IC 74HC00 1N4001/DIODE 1N4001 74HC00 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS32D SO8 MARKING CODE E5 3201S-40G1 LTC1864 LTC1864CMS8 LTC1864IMS8 LTC1865 74AC32 marking marking IC2B
    Text: LTC1864/LTC1865 µPower, 16-Bit, 250ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 1864/LTC1865 are 16-bit A/D converters that are offered in MSOP and SO-8 packages and operate on a single 5V supply. At 250ksps, the supply current is only

    LTC1864/LTC1865 16-Bit, 250ksps 1864/LTC1865 16-bit 250ksps, LTC1864/LTC1865 LTC1864 LTC1865 74ac595 74LS32D SO8 MARKING CODE E5 3201S-40G1 LTC1864CMS8 LTC1864IMS8 74AC32 marking marking IC2B PDF


    Abstract: 74LS32D 3201S-40G1 74HC595ADT LT1807 3201S40G1 74HC163AD ltc1485 sck 0120 LTC1864
    Text: LTC1864/LTC1865 µPower, 16-Bit, 250ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO 16-Bit 250ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 5V Supply Low Supply Current: 850µA Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current to 2µA at 1ksps

    LTC1864/LTC1865 16-Bit, 250ksps 16-Bit 250ksps LTC1864) LTC1865) 12-Bit LTC1286/LTC1298 74ac595 74LS32D 3201S-40G1 74HC595ADT LT1807 3201S40G1 74HC163AD ltc1485 sck 0120 LTC1864 PDF


    Abstract: 74AC14 application notes LTC1864 LTC1865 3201S-40G1 LTHQ
    Text: LTC1864/LTC1865 µPower, 16-Bit, 250ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n 16-Bit 250ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 5V Supply Low Supply Current: 850 A Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current to 2μA at 1ksps True Differential Inputs

    LTC1864/LTC1865 16-Bit, 250ksps 16-Bit 250ksps LTC1864) LTC1865) 12-Bit LTC1286/LTC1298 74ac595 74AC14 application notes LTC1864 LTC1865 3201S-40G1 LTHQ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1864/LTC1865 µPower, 16-Bit, 250ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n 16-Bit 250ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 5V Supply Low Supply Current: 850 A Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current to 2μA at 1ksps True Differential Inputs

    LTC1864/LTC1865 16-Bit, 250ksps 16-Bit 250ksps LTC1864) LTC1865) 12-Bit LTC1286/LTC1298 PDF


    Abstract: 74AC14 application notes LTHS LTC1684 lthq marking IC2B U9A marking marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices LTC1864ACMS8-PBF 3201S-40G1
    Text: LTC1864/LTC1865 µPower, 16-Bit, 250ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP DESCRIPTION FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n 16-Bit 250ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 5V Supply Low Supply Current: 850 A Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current to 2μA at 1ksps True Differential Inputs

    LTC1864/LTC1865 16-Bit, 250ksps 16-Bit 250ksps LTC1864) LTC1865) 12-Bit LTC1286/LTC1298 74ac595 74AC14 application notes LTHS LTC1684 lthq marking IC2B U9A marking marking code 8 lead msop package analog devices LTC1864ACMS8-PBF 3201S-40G1 PDF


    Abstract: c03f MAX1240 MAX1240BCPA MAX1241 MAX1241BCPA MAX1241EVL11-DIP MAX872CPA MCM6306DJ15
    Text: 19-1160; Rev 1; 8/97 MAX1241 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit _Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout ♦ Complete Evaluation System The MAX1241 evaluation system EV system is a complete, low-cost, single-channel data-acquisition system

    MAX1241 68L11D 74HC00 c03f MAX1240 MAX1240BCPA MAX1241BCPA MAX1241EVL11-DIP MAX872CPA MCM6306DJ15 PDF


    Abstract: MCM6306 MAX872CPA
    Text: 19-1160; Rev 1; 8/97 MAX1241 Evaluation System/Evaluation Kit _Features ♦ Proven PC Board Layout The MAX1241 evaluation system EV system is a complete, low-cost, single-channel data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX1241 EV kit and a Maxim 3V microcontroller (µC) module. IBM PC-compatible software

    MAX1241 12-bit 68L11D 74HC00 MCM6306 MAX872CPA PDF


    Abstract: capacitor 1u 63V transistor j147 BSS84CT-ND TP2050 tripath audio amp circuit transistor c114 j147 tl072 equivalent transistor c111
    Text: Tr i path Technol ogy, I nc. - Techni c a l I nf or m a t i on EB-TK2050-6 Class-T Digital Audio Amplifier Evaluation Board 6 Channel TK2050 Reference Board Technical Information Revision 1.4 – February 2002 General Description The EB-TK2050-6 a six channel TK2050 Evaluation Board is a 50 Watt per

    EB-TK2050-6 TK2050 EB-TK2050-6, 11K-ND BSS84CT capacitor 1u 63V transistor j147 BSS84CT-ND TP2050 tripath audio amp circuit transistor c114 j147 tl072 equivalent transistor c111 PDF


    Abstract: LTC6910-1
    Text: LTC1864L/LTC1865L µPower, 3V, 16-Bit, 150ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO 16-Bit 150ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 3V Supply Low Supply Current: 450µA Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current

    LTC1864L/LTC1865L 16-Bit, 150ksps 16-Bit 150ksps LTC1864L) LTC1865L) 12-Bit LTC1285/LTC1288 74HC163 LTC6910-1 PDF


    Abstract: LTC1864LCMS8 LTC1865L 1865L 0508 capacitor LTC6910-1
    Text: LTC1864L/LTC1865L µPower, 3V, 16-Bit, 150ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO 16-Bit 150ksps ADCs in MSOP Package Single 3V Supply Low Supply Current: 450µA Typ Auto Shutdown Reduces Supply Current

    LTC1864L/LTC1865L 16-Bit, 150ksps 16-Bit 150ksps LTC1864L) LTC1865L) 12-Bit LTC1285/LTC1288 LTC1864L LTC1864LCMS8 LTC1865L 1865L 0508 capacitor LTC6910-1 PDF

    1205 SO8

    Abstract: LT1807 LTC1864L LTC1864LCMS8 LTC1865L 1864L 3201S-40G1 marking code u8C 74HC163 LTC6910-1
    Text: LTC1864L/LTC1865L µPower, 3V, 16-Bit, 150ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 1864L/LTC1865L are 16-bit A/D converters that are offered in MSOP and SO-8 packages and operate on a single 3V supply. At 150ksps, the supply current is only

    LTC1864L/LTC1865L 16-Bit, 150ksps 1864L/LTC1865L 16-bit 150ksps, LTC1864L/LTC1865L LTC1864L LTC1865L 1205 SO8 LT1807 LTC1864LCMS8 1864L 3201S-40G1 marking code u8C 74HC163 LTC6910-1 PDF


    Abstract: LTC1864LCMS8 LTC1865L 74HC163 LTC6910-1
    Text: LTC1864L/LTC1865L µPower, 3V, 16-Bit, 150ksps 1- and 2-Channel ADCs in MSOP U FEATURES DESCRIPTIO • The LTC 1864L/LTC1865L are 16-bit A/D converters that are offered in MSOP and SO-8 packages and operate on a single 3V supply. At 150ksps, the supply current is only

    LTC1864L/LTC1865L 16-Bit, 150ksps 1864L/LTC1865L 16-bit 150ksps, LTC1864L/LTC1865L LTC1864L LTC1865L LTC1864LCMS8 74HC163 LTC6910-1 PDF

    SWA marking

    Abstract: PTH8 ADS800 EL2260 EL4390 TMC1185 TMC2067P7C TMC2068P7C TMC22071A TMC22153
    Text: TMC2067P7C Dual A/D Demonstration Board for the TMC1185 10-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Features Description • Analog Composite and YC input processing • 10-bit Digital Composite and YC outputs • Fairchild demo board compatibility

    TMC2067P7C TMC1185 10-Bit TMC2067P7C TMC22153 TMC1185, TMC2242, SWA marking PTH8 ADS800 EL2260 EL4390 TMC2068P7C TMC22071A PDF


    Abstract: PC 74HC139 MAX3232 pin schematic MAX3232CSE 68HC11 MAX1401 MAX1401CAI MAX1403 MAX1403CAI MAX1403EVKIT
    Text: 19-1490; Rev 0; 5/99 MAX1403 EV System The MAX1403 evaluation system EV system is a complete, multichannel data-acquisition system consisting of a MAX1403 evaluation kit (EV kit) and a Maxim 68HC11 microcontroller (µC) module. The MAX1403 is a lowpower, multichannel, serial-output analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Windows 95/98 -compatible software provides a handy user interface to exercise the MAX1403’s

    MAX1403 68HC11 95/98TM-compatible 68HC11 MAX6520EUR PC 74HC139 MAX3232 pin schematic MAX3232CSE MAX1401 MAX1401CAI MAX1403CAI MAX1403EVKIT PDF


    Abstract: PLCCB-44-PS-T CCIR-656-format CTS MXO-55GA-2C rotary encoder schematic variable resistor 5k 74ls74 pin configuration 15-83-0064 74LS04 Hex Inverter definition 10k resistor array SIP
    Text: Electronics Semiconductor Division TMC2063 Demonstration Board for the TMC22091 and TMC2490 Digital Video Encoders Features Description • Parallel CCIR-656-format ECL input • Multiple video formats NTSC, NTSC-EIA Japan PAL-B,G,I, PAL-M, PAL-N • Composite and S-Video outputs

    TMC2063 TMC22091 TMC2490 CCIR-656-format TMC22091 TMC22091, TMC2490 TMC2063P7C MXO-55GA-2C PLCCB-44-PS-T CTS MXO-55GA-2C rotary encoder schematic variable resistor 5k 74ls74 pin configuration 15-83-0064 74LS04 Hex Inverter definition 10k resistor array SIP PDF


    Abstract: ICA203STG MXO-55GA-2C ICA-286-S-TG 74LS05 inverter MC10125P PLCCB-44-PS-T MC74LS74 r3175 5 pin sip resistor 4.7k
    Text: TMC2063 Demonstration Board for the TMC22091 and TMC2490 Digital Video Encoders Features Description • Parallel CCIR-656-format ECL input • Multiple video formats NTSC, NTSC-EIA Japan PAL-B,G,I, PAL-M, PAL-N • Composite and S-Video outputs

    TMC2063 TMC22091 TMC2490 CCIR-656-format TMC22091 TMC22091, TMC2490 TMC2063P7C ICA203STG MXO-55GA-2C ICA-286-S-TG 74LS05 inverter MC10125P PLCCB-44-PS-T MC74LS74 r3175 5 pin sip resistor 4.7k PDF


    Abstract: m4 Screw Terminal pcb MB91F267 MB91F267N 91F267
    Text: Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe User Guide FMEMCU-UG-910052-14 FRLITE FAMILY EVALUATION BOARD MOTORKIT-91F267-MC USER GUIDE MotorKit-91F267-MC User Guide Revision History Date 2006/09/20 2007/01/12 2007/01/19 2007/01/26 2007/09/10 2008/09/05 Issue V0.9, CHa, first draft

    FMEMCU-UG-910052-14 MOTORKIT-91F267-MC MotorKit-91F267-MC centrifuge m4 Screw Terminal pcb MB91F267 MB91F267N 91F267 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text:  LatticeECP3 PCI Express Solutions Board – Revision A User’s Guide August 2012 Revision: EB43_01.2  LatticeECP3 PCI Express Solutions Board – Revision A User’s Guide Introduction As PCI Express applications have emerged, the LatticeECP3 FPGA family has become a well-suited solution for

    6R-0603SMT 50R-0402SMT FC0402E50R0BTBST1 133MHZ CCLD-033-50-133 10NF-0402SMT ECJ0EB1E103K 50R-0603SMT FC0603E50R0BTBT1 125MW PDF

    2n3906 h11

    Abstract: EPC1441PC8 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram 945 U3d marking 2n3906- h11 LM393 3N157 MP2562 Z86C
    Text: Z8702400100ZEM Z87024 ICEBOX User Manual UM007801-0900 ZiLOG WORLDWIDE HEADQUARTERS • 910 E. HAMILTON AVENUE • CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TELEPHONE: 408.558.8500 • FAX: 408.558.8300 • WWW.ZILOG.COM Z8702400100ZEM Z87024 ICEBOX ii This publication is subject to replacement by a later edition. To determine whether a later edition

    Z8702400100ZEM Z87024 UM007801-0900 96C0712-001 2n3906 h11 EPC1441PC8 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram 945 U3d marking 2n3906- h11 LM393 3N157 MP2562 Z86C PDF

    6Bp SMD

    Abstract: 6BT SMD W17 marking code sot 23 marking w18 sot23-5 marking code E5 SMD ic sot23-5 smd marking e5 5Pin smd marking sot23 W16 smd transistor 6Bp sot marking code w17 Z5238BLT1
    Text: • The user can use the on-board clock source or provide 1.0 Design Description their own clock source and operate the ADC under various sampling frequencies ■ The analog input has two ports, one for single-ended sources and one for differential sources

    CSP-9-111S2) CSP-9-111S2. RD-143 6Bp SMD 6BT SMD W17 marking code sot 23 marking w18 sot23-5 marking code E5 SMD ic sot23-5 smd marking e5 5Pin smd marking sot23 W16 smd transistor 6Bp sot marking code w17 Z5238BLT1 PDF


    Abstract: la1 d22 a65 d1n916a EPM 205 thermal printer controller jeida v4.1 GD75232SOP virge GD75232S txc 14.318MHZ GD 75232 DATASHEET
    Text: Point of Sale Terminal Design Guide Application Note May 1998 Order Number: 273170-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability

    100uF 470pF LGS260-DO D1N916 la1 d22 a65 d1n916a EPM 205 thermal printer controller jeida v4.1 GD75232SOP virge GD75232S txc 14.318MHZ GD 75232 DATASHEET PDF


    Abstract: RP44A SA8 357 74F138 74F153 74F245 MOLEX 10PIN SD CARD fan 7320 RP44 EV200PC
    Text: INDUSPCBD STPC Industrial PC Evaluation Kit User’s Manual Issue 1.0 September 1999 Information provided is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, ST Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringements of patents or other
