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    UM 92 DIODE Search Results

    UM 92 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    UM 92 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MV1404 MBD501 MV2303 TO-226AC LSE 405 MV1403 MV1405 MV2302 MV2304
    Text: RF — SIGNAL PROCESSING DIODES continued General-Purpose Tuning Diodes (continued) High-Capacitance Tuning Diodes . for tuning applications in lower RF frequencies. M AXIM UM W O RKING VOLTAGE /? // V CASE 182 TO-226AC (TO-92) / / 12 VOLTS 20 VOLTS ' C A S E 51

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    O-226AC DO-204AA MV2301 MV1404, MV2302 MV1403, MV2303 MV2304 MV2305 MV2306 MV1404 MBD501 MV2303 TO-226AC LSE 405 MV1403 MV1405 MV2304 PDF


    Abstract: S1343A BUZ92
    Text: SIEMENS SIPMOS Power Transistors BUZ 92 BUZ 93 N channel Enhancem ent mode Avalanche-rated Type ^DS ¡D R o S on Package 1> O rdering Code BUZ 92 600 V 3.3 A 3.0 Q TO -220 AB C 67078-S1343-A2 BUZ 93 600 V 3.6 A 2.5 n TO -220 AB C67078-S1346-A2 Maxim um Ratings

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    67078-S1343-A2 C67078-S1346-A2 BUZ93 S1343A BUZ92 PDF


    Abstract: BF244 BF244 JFET BF244B JFET BF245 bf245 motorola BF244A BF245A BF245B BF245C
    Text: BF244A,B CASE 29-04, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AA BF245,A,B,C CASE 29-04, STYLE 23 TO-92 (TO-226AA) MAXIM UM RATINGS Sym bol V a lu e U n it D rain -S ou rce Voitage VDS ±30 Vdc D rain-G ate Voitage vdg 30 Vdc G ate-S ource Voitage VGS 30 Vdc id 100 m Adc 'G ift

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    BF244A O-226AA) BF245 2N54S4 BF245, BF244, BF244 BF244 JFET BF244B JFET BF245 bf245 motorola BF245A BF245B BF245C PDF

    npn darlington motorola to92

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Darlington Transistor NPN Silicon COLLECTOR 3 EMITTER 1 CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO—226AA MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Symbol MPSA27 Unit VCES 60 Vdc Vdc vebo 10 Collector Current — Continuous

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    226AA) MPSA27 npn darlington motorola to92 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA TMOS FET Transistor N-Channel — Enhancement 3 DRAIN 2 GATE \ j. TMOS 1 SOURCE CASE 29-05, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AE MAXIM UM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Drain-Source Voltage Rating Voss 60 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage — Continuous

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    O-226AE) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA One Watt High Voltage Transistor NPN Silicon COLLECTOR 3 1 EMITTER CASE 29-05, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AE MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Collector-Emltter Voltage v CEO 300 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 300 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage

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    O-226AE) MPSW10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: um LT1109 TECHNOLOGY Micropower Low Cost DC/DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 5V, 12V FCRTURCS DCSCRIPTIOfl • Uses Off-the-Shelf Inductors ■ Only 33ixH Inductor Required ■ Low Cost ■ 3-Lead TO-92, S08, or 8-Pin DIP ■ Adjustable or Fixed 5V or 12V Output

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    LT1109 33ixH 120kHz LT1109 1N4001 CD105 100mA 1N4933 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. VN10K N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information Standard Commercial Devices b v dss/ b v dgs R dS ON (m ax) Id(ON) (m in) 60V 5.0Q. 0.75 A O rder N um ber / Package TO-92 VN10KN3 Features Advanced DMOS Technology □

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    VN10K VN10KN3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPS5179* CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AA M AXIM UM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO 12 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 20 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage vebo 2.5 Vdc Collector Current — Continuous <C 50 m Adc Total Device Dissipation (a T ^ = 25°C

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    MPS5179* O-226AA) MPS5179 1N3195 1N3195 PDF


    Abstract: MPSA18 equivalent
    Text: MPSA18* MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage v CEO 45 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 45 Vdc Emitter-Base Voltage CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AA Ve b O 6.5 Vdc Collector Current — Continuous 'C 200 mAdc Total Device Dissipation @ Ta = 25°C

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    MPSA18* O-226AA) MPSA18 MPSA18 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SC XSTRS/R F 12E D | b3fc,7254 ODflt.t.75 2 | r-rnr , 2N7008 CASE 29-04, STYLE 22 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Sym bol Drain-Source Voltage Drain-Gate Voltage (Rq s = 1 M il) Gate-Source Voltage Drain Current Continuous Pulsed Value Unit

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    2N7008 O-226AA) fa3b72S4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. 2N7007 N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FET Ordering Information b v d ss/ b v dgs R dS ON (m ax) Id(ON) (m in) 240V 45 £2 150mA O rd e r N um ber / Package TO-92 2N7007 Features Advanced DMOS Technology □ Free from secondary breakdown

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    2N7007 150mA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Supertex inc. VP0300 P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical DMOS FETs Ordering Information b v dgs If b v d ss/ -30V 2.5ÌÌ O rder N um ber / Package I d ON (m in) TO-92 -1.5A VP0300L Features Advanced DMOS Technology □ Free from secondary breakdown □ Low power drive requirement

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    VP0300 VP0300L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPF4392* MPF4393* CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Drain-Source Voltage VDS 30 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage VDG 30 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage Vg s 30 Vdc Forward Gate Current 'Gtf) 50 mAdc PD 350 2.8 mW mW C Total Device Dissipation «/ TA = 25UC

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    MPF4392* MPF4393* O-226AA) MPF4392 MPF4393 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUPERTEX INC N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Vertical D M O S Power FETs Ordering Information O rd er N um ber / Pa ckage ^O S O N *D(ON) (max) (min) TO -39 160V 6 ii 1A 200V 6Q 1A ^ dos TO -92 TO -220 VN0216N 2 VN0216N 3 VN0216N 5 VN0220N 2 V N 0220N 3 V N 0220N 5

    OCR Scan
    VN0216N VN0220N 0220N 300/ts, T-39-OS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MSD6100* CASE 29-04, STYLE 3 TO-92 T0-226AA M AXIM UM RATINGS Symbol Value Unit Reverse Voltage Rating VR 100 Vdc R ecurrent Peak Forw ard C urrent If 200 mA •FM(surge) 500 mA pdm> 625 5.0 mW m W 'T - 5 5 to +135 CC Peak Forward Surge C urrent (Pulse W id th = 10 /¿sec)

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    MSD6100* T0-226AA) 25CC PDF

    2904 kd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC372 BC373 M AXIM UM RATINGS Symbol BC 372 BC 3 73 Collector-Emitter V oltage Rating VCES 100 80 Vdc C ollector-Base V oltage VCBO 100 80 V dc Em itter-Base V oltage U nit CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AA vebo 12 V dc Collector Current — C o n tin u o u s

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    BC372 BC373 O-226AA) 2904 kd PDF

    tic 2160

    Abstract: BDC07 BDC05 MPSW42
    Text: MO T OR OL A SC 12E D I fc.3b?aSM 0005115 ñ | X S TR S/ R F BDC05 BDC07 CASE 29-03, STYLE 14 TO-92 TO-226AE M AXIM UM RATINGS R atin g S ym b ol BDC 05 BDC 07 U n it C ollector-E m itter Voltage VCEO 3 00 250 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 3 00 250 Vdc

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    BDC05 BDC07 tic 2160 MPSW42 PDF


    Abstract: BC416 BC415C BC416B BC415B BC415
    Text: MO TORO LA SC 12E D I XSTRS/R F GDÖSÖSfc. ? I T -W ? BC415, B, C BC416, B, C MAXIM UM RATINGS S ym b o l R atin g BC 415 BC 416 U n it Vdc CASE 29-04, STYLE 17 TO-92 TO-226AA C ollector-E m itter Voltage VcEO 35 45 C ollector-Base Voltage VcBO 45 50 Emitter-Base Voltage

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    BC415, BC416, O-22C BC416C BC416 BC415C BC416B BC415B BC415 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPS5179* CASE 29-04, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AA M AXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit C o lle c to r -E m itte r V o lta g e v CE0 12 Vdc C o lle c to r-B a s e V o lta g e VcBO 20 Vdc E m itte r-B a s e V o lta g e v EBO 2.5 V dc 'c 50 m Adc T / \ = 2 5 5C

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    MPS5179* O-226AA) MPS5179 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BSS89 CASE 29-04, STYLE 7 TO-92 TO-226AA M AXIM UM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit D ra in -S o u rc e V o lta g e VDSS 200 Vdc G a te -S o u rc e V o lta g e Vg s ±20 V dc m Adc 'd m 400 800 Pd 350 mW m W -’X D ra in C u rre n t — C o n tin u o u s (1 1

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM UM RATINGS Symbol Rating C o U e c to r-E m itte r V o lta g e Value MPSW Ol M P S W 01A Unit V dc v CEO 40 C o lle c to r-B a s e V o lta g e Vdc VCBO M P S W 01 M P S W 01A 40 50 E m itte r-B a s e V o lta g e CASE 29-03, STYLE 1 TO-92 TO-226AE Ve b o

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    O-226AE) MPSW01, W01A PDF

    ic shelf life

    Abstract: LM185 LM385-2
    Text: Semiconductor LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference Diode General Description The LM 185-2.5/LM 285-2.5/LM 385-2.5 are micropower 2-terminal band-gap voltage regulator diodes. Operating over a 20 ^A to 20 mA current range, they feature exception­

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    LM185-2 5/LM285-2 5/LM385-2 LM-185-2 ic shelf life LM185 LM385-2 PDF


    Abstract: DPAD100 DPAD20 DPAD50 JPAD10 JPAD100 JPAD20 JPAD200 JPAD50 JPAD500
    Text: Product Specifications Product Specifications Cont’d Low Leakage Diodes Part N um ber Package (T O - ) D io d e Reverse Current (p A , M a x .) B re ak d o w n V o ltage (V olts) Fo rw ard V o lta ge D r o p V o lt s (M ax.) M in . M ax. DPAD1 DPAD2 DPAD5

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