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    UTC LS1240AL Search Results

    UTC LS1240AL Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: ls1240a application note ls1240al circuit diagram for buzzer circuits c1100nf
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD LS1240A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC TONE RINGER WITH BUILT-IN BRIDGE RECTIFIER „ DESCRIPTION The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic converter buzzer directly. The output current capacity of UTC

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 ls1240a application note ls1240al circuit diagram for buzzer circuits c1100nf PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD LS1240A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC TONE RINGER WITH BUILT-IN BRIDGE RECTIFIER  DESCRIPTION The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD LS1240A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC TONE RINGER WITH BUILT-IN BRIDGE RECTIFIER DESCRIPTION SOP-8 The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 LS1240Al PDF


    Abstract: UTC 1240A 1240a LS1240 LS1240A LS1240A-D08-T LS1240A-S08-R LS1240A-S08-T circuit diagram for buzzer circuits piezoceramic
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD LS1240A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRONIC TONE RINGER WITH BUILT-IN BRIDGE RECTIFIER SOP-8 DESCRIPTION The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 LS1240AL UTC 1240A 1240a LS1240 LS1240A-D08-T LS1240A-S08-R LS1240A-S08-T circuit diagram for buzzer circuits piezoceramic PDF

    utc ls1240

    Abstract: UTC LS1240AL
    Text: UNISONIC TECHNOLOGIES CO., LS1240A Linear Integrated Circuit ELECTRONIC TONE RINGER WITH BUILT-IN BRIDGE RECTIFIER DESCRIPTION SOP-8 The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic converter buzzer directly. The output current

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 utc ls1240 UTC LS1240AL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD LS1240A LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECT RON I C T ON E RI N GER WI T H BU I LT -I N BRI DGE RECT I FI ER ̈ DESCRI PT I ON The UTC LS1240A is monolithic integrated circuits and designed to be as a telephone ringer. It can drive a piezo-ceramic

    LS1240A LS1240A QW-R108-002 PDF