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    Abstract: MIL-STD-1553A
    Text: UTMC ERRATA UT63M14X MIL-STD-1553A/B 5-VOLT TRANSCEIVER The following table has been amended to show updated ICC maximum numbers. Number in brackets indicates previous values.

    UT63M14X MIL-STD-1553A/B MIL-STD-1553A PDF

    heat resistors

    Abstract: UT63M1XX thermal analysis of heat sink
    Text: UTMC APPLICATION NOTE UT63M1XX SERIES TRANSCEIVER: THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS INTRODUCTION To operate UT63M1XX Series Transceivers over the upper end of the data sheet temperature range, thermal protection is recommended. The following discussion will define an

    UT63M1XX heat resistors thermal analysis of heat sink PDF


    Abstract: 10E6 UT63M14X
    Text: UTMC APPLICATION NOTE UT63M14X 5 Volt Only Transceiver Total Dose Test Report Summary Twelve parts were tested during December 1995. Eight of the parts were nominally processed; four of the parts had process parameters pushed toward their process extremes. All twelve parts

    UT63M14X 25e5 10E6 PDF

    69151 summit datasheet

    Abstract: 1553 SUmmit MIL-STD-1553 terminals NA 7805 69151 summit fpga 1553B UT69151 ut69151 lxe/dxe UT63M14X MIB 30 BP
    Text: ENHANCED SµMMIT FAMILY Product Handbook UTMC Microelectronic Systems Inc. 4350 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 October 1999 I Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Remote Terminal Features 1.1.1 Indexing 1.1.2 Buffer Ping-Pong 1.1.3 Circular Buffers

    139-pin 140-pin V/15V V/12V 69151 summit datasheet 1553 SUmmit MIL-STD-1553 terminals NA 7805 69151 summit fpga 1553B UT69151 ut69151 lxe/dxe UT63M14X MIB 30 BP PDF

    1553 SUmmit

    Abstract: ut69151 lxe/dxe UT69151 69151 summit 69151 summit datasheet 7805 smd fpga 1553B SMD MARKING CODE A20 std dual diode code A7 TI-68
    Text: ENHANCED SµMMIT FAMILY Product Handbook UTMC Microelectronic Systems Inc. 4350 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 October 1999 I Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Remote Terminal Features 1.1.1 Indexing 1.1.2 Buffer Ping-Pong 1.1.3 Circular Buffers

    139-pin 140-pin V/15V V/12V 1553 SUmmit ut69151 lxe/dxe UT69151 69151 summit 69151 summit datasheet 7805 smd fpga 1553B SMD MARKING CODE A20 std dual diode code A7 TI-68 PDF

    TTL CI 7805

    Abstract: 69151 summit bc 7805 PACKAGE T 4-LEAD SMD TOP VIEW VDD 1. GND 2 SMD MARKING CODE l6 UT69151 IC 7805 pin diagram intel embedded microcontroller handbook MIL-STD-1553B FPGA Motorola transistor smd marking codes
    Text: ENHANCED SµMMIT FAMILY Product Handbook UTMC Microelectronic Systems Inc. 4350 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 October 1999 I Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Remote Terminal Features 1.1.1 Indexing 1.1.2 Buffer Ping-Pong 1.1.3 Circular Buffers

    139-pin 140-pin V/15V V/12V TTL CI 7805 69151 summit bc 7805 PACKAGE T 4-LEAD SMD TOP VIEW VDD 1. GND 2 SMD MARKING CODE l6 UT69151 IC 7805 pin diagram intel embedded microcontroller handbook MIL-STD-1553B FPGA Motorola transistor smd marking codes PDF

    5962 series microcircuit

    Abstract: common mode rejection ratio test 1553B ut63m14x rta2 MIL-STD-1553A with ut 69151 bus controller "SUmmit E" dtack 5962-94758 1553 SUmmit
    Text: ENHANCED SµMMIT FAMILY Product Handbook UTMC Microelectronic Systems Inc. 4350 Centennial Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 October 1999 I Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Remote Terminal Features 1.1.1 Indexing 1.1.2 Buffer Ping-Pong 1.1.3 Circular Buffers

    139-pin 140-pin V/15V V/12V 5962 series microcircuit common mode rejection ratio test 1553B ut63m14x rta2 MIL-STD-1553A with ut 69151 bus controller "SUmmit E" dtack 5962-94758 1553 SUmmit PDF

    mil-std-1553b SPECIFICATION

    Abstract: UT63M1XX
    Text: UTMC APPLICATION NOTE The monolithic UT63M1XX Series Bus Transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs conforming fully to MIL-STD-1553A and B. Transceivers provide the electrical bus interface for subsystems to the MIL-STD-1553 bus. MIL-STD-1553 specifies the data bus signal’s wave shape,

    UT63M1XX: MIL-STD-1553 mil-std-1553b SPECIFICATION UT63M1XX PDF


    Abstract: 1553 SUmmit AC01 JA01 UT63M147 UT69151DXE IJA01 358mA
    Text: UTMC Application Note Calculation of Sµ µMMITTM DXE 5V Current Utilization The following describes the typical supply current consumed by the SµMMIT DXE protocol device (UT69151DXE5) during 1553 message processing. Within the DXE multi-chip module containing the JA01 protocol

    UT69151DXE5) 720mA 760mA 760mA) UT69151DXE5 1553 SUmmit AC01 JA01 UT63M147 UT69151DXE IJA01 358mA PDF

    Summit application note 33

    Abstract: UT69151 AC01 JA01 UT63M147 UT69151XTE5 1553 SUmmit UT69151XTE
    Text: UTMC Application Note Calculation of Sµ µMMIT XTE 5V Current Utilization The following describes the typical supply current consumed by the SµMMIT XTE protocol device (UT69151XTE5) during 1553 message processing. Within the XTE multi-chip module containing the JA01 protocol die is a 32K x 16

    UT69151XTE5) 720mA 766mA 766mA) Summit application note 33 UT69151 AC01 JA01 UT63M147 UT69151XTE5 1553 SUmmit UT69151XTE PDF

    ARINC 629 sim

    Abstract: m38510/55501 AMP ARINC-629 SIM MT72038 smd cmos 4435 CQFP 240 arinc 629 controller P2X smd CERAMIC PIN GRID ARRAY CPGA lead frame arinc 629
    Text: The Microelectronic Specialists Product SHORT FORM January 2001 AEROFLEX UTMC UT69151 SµMMIT DXE • UT69151 SµMMIT™ XTE ■ UT69151 SµMMIT™ RTE ■ 1760 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 84,132 84 1.0E6* Q,V 5962-92118 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

    UT69151 800-645-UTMC 800-THE-1553 800-THE-1553 ARINC 629 sim m38510/55501 AMP ARINC-629 SIM MT72038 smd cmos 4435 CQFP 240 arinc 629 controller P2X smd CERAMIC PIN GRID ARRAY CPGA lead frame arinc 629 PDF


    Abstract: UT63M147 UT63M14X
    Text: Standard Products UT63M14x MIL-STD-1553A/B Bus Transceiver Data Sheet January 1996 FEATURES INTRODUCTION q 5-volt only operation +10% The monolithic UT63M14X Transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs for MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B applications. Encoder and decoder interfaces are idle low.

    UT63M14x MIL-STD-1553A/B MIL-STD-1553A 1553B MIL-STD-1553 XCVR5V-2-1-96 1553B UT63M147 PDF


    Abstract: UT63M125 application notes UT63M127 1553B UT63M1XX B1423 1Mhz transmitter 75Zo 230 AC to 5V dc transformer UT63M125
    Text: Standard Products UT63M1XX MIL-STD-1553A/B Bus Transceiver Data Sheet January 1996 FEATURES INTRODUCTION q Full conformance to MIL-STD-1553A and 1553B The monolithic UT63M1XX Transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs conforming fully to MIL-STD1553A and 1553B. Encoder and decoder interfaces are idle low.

    UT63M1XX MIL-STD-1553A/B MIL-STD-1553A 1553B MIL-STD1553A 1553B. 631XX XCVR-2-1-96 XLN-589 UT63M125 application notes UT63M127 1553B B1423 1Mhz transmitter 75Zo 230 AC to 5V dc transformer UT63M125 PDF


    Abstract: UT54ACTS220 UT63M100
    Text: 9.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 9.1 SµMMIT & SµMMIT LX/DX 9.1.1 Transmitter/Receiver Interface The SµMMIT Manchester II encoder/decoder interfaces directly with the UT63M100 Series Bus Transceiver, using TATA and RA-RA signals for Channel A, and TB-TB and RB-RB

    UT63M100 MIL-STD-1553B UT69151 16-bit UT69151 UT54ACTS220 PDF


    Abstract: t17c marking T18C UT63M125 application notes 1553B F801 UT1553B T16B 3F6 smd smd 3F9
    Text: UT1553B RTR Remote Terminal with RAM FEATURES ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1553B remote terminal interface ❐ 1K x 16 of on-chip static RAM for message data, completely accessible to host ❐ Self-test capability, including continuous loop-back ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ MCSA 4:0

    UT1553B MIL-STD-1553B 5962-8957601XC) kjd1 t17c marking T18C UT63M125 application notes 1553B F801 T16B 3F6 smd smd 3F9 PDF


    Abstract: Biphase space decoder 1553b rti Remote Control Decoder UT63M125 self-test processor
    Text: Semicustom Products UTRTI Core Data Sheet Oct. 1998 p Radiation hardened to 100Krads total dose available FEATURES p Complete MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal interface compliance p Dual-redundant data bus operation supported p Internal illegalization of selected mode code

    100Krads MIL-STD-1553B MIL-STD-1553 63M125 Biphase space decoder 1553b rti Remote Control Decoder UT63M125 self-test processor PDF


    Abstract: RTS20 kjd1 t17c SMD MARKING CODE k11 F801 UTI760A MIL-STD-1760A smd 3F9 marking code T16A
    Text: UTI760A RTS Remote Terminal for Stores FEATURES ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1760A Notice I through III ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ remote terminal interface 1K x 16 of on-chip static RAM for message data, completely accessible to host Self-test capability, including continuous loop-back

    UTI760A MIL-STD-1760A OUTPUT957501 5962-8957501XC) UT1553B RTS34 RTS20 kjd1 t17c SMD MARKING CODE k11 F801 smd 3F9 marking code T16A PDF

    1553b rti

    Abstract: marking t11g kjd1 t17c UT63M125 application notes T10E T19G UT1553B marking 43F T11G
    Text: UT1553B RTI Remote Terminal Interface FEATURES ❐ Operational status available via dedicated lines or ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal ❐ ASD/ENASC formerly SEAFAC tested and approved ❐ Available in ceramic 84-lead leadless chip carrier and

    UT1553B MIL-STD-1553B 84-lead 84-pin MIL-STD-883, 1553b rti marking t11g kjd1 t17c UT63M125 application notes T10E T19G marking 43F T11G PDF


    Abstract: F801 UT1553B 63M125 1553b rti t17c
    Text: UT1553B RTR Remote Terminal with RAM FEATURES ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1553B remote terminal interface ❐ 1K x 16 of on-chip static RAM for message data, completely accessible to host ❐ Self-test capability, including continuous loop-back ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ MCSA 4:0

    UT1553B MIL-STD-1553B MIL-M-38510. 36-Lead Packaging-10 XLN-589 24-Lead Packaging-11 1553B F801 63M125 1553b rti t17c PDF


    Abstract: T18E t12j A6211 RTS-34 t18f 63M125 t17j UT176 RTS-28
    Text: UTI760A RTS Remote Terminal for Stores FEATURES ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1760A Notice I through III ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ remote terminal interface 1K x 16 of on-chip static RAM for message data, completely accessible to host Self-test capability, including continuous loop-back

    UTI760A MIL-STD-1760A MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38510. 36-Lead Packaging-10 XLN-589 24-Lead T13G T18E t12j A6211 RTS-34 t18f 63M125 t17j UT176 RTS-28 PDF


    Abstract: T18H F801 UTI760A HEX300 MIL-STD-1553B t15e RTS-14 63M125 T16G
    Text: UTI760A RTS Remote Terminal for Stores FEATURES ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1760A Notice I through III ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ remote terminal interface 1K x 16 of on-chip static RAM for message data, completely accessible to host Self-test capability, including continuous loop-back

    UTI760A MIL-STD-1760A MIL-M-38510. 36-Lead Packaging-10 XLN-589 24-Lead Packaging-11 T18H F801 HEX300 MIL-STD-1553B t15e RTS-14 63M125 T16G PDF


    Abstract: Biphase space decoder 144 pin pga
    Text: UT1553B RTI Remote Terminal Interface FEATURES ❐ Operational status available via dedicated lines or ❐ Complete MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal ❐ ASD/ENASC formerly SEAFAC tested and approved ❐ Available in ceramic 84-lead leadless chip carrier and

    UT1553B MIL-STD-1553B 84-lead 84-pin MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38510. 36-Lead Packaging-10 Biphase space decoder 144 pin pga PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Military Standard Products UT63M14x MIL-STD-1553A/B Bus Transceiver Preliminary Data Sheet UNITED TECH N O LO G IES M ICRO ELECTRO N ICS C EN T ER May 1993 FEATURES INTRODUCTION □ 5-volt only operation The monolithic UT63M14x Transceivers are complete transmitter and receiver pairs for MIL-STD-1553A and

    OCR Scan
    UT63M14x MIL-STD-1553A/B 050-center IL-STD-883, MIL-STD-1553A 1553B 93-DS UT63M149 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semicustom Products U T R T I Core Data Sheet UT S: f i l l « Oct. 1998 D Features D Complete MIL-STD-1553B Remote Terminal interface compliance □ Dual-redundant data bus operation supported □ Internal illegalization of selected mode code commands □

    OCR Scan