triode push-pull circuit
Abstract: 20000 watts power amplifier circuit diagrams Western Electric 303A vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017391
Text: Western Electric 303A Vacuum Tube Classification—Duodiode triode with indirectly heated cathode The 303A tube comprises three distinct vacuum tube units, which are independent of each other except that sections o f a single cathode structure supply electron emission for all three. Two
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triode push-pull circuit
20000 watts power amplifier circuit diagrams
Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 2 5 9 A Vacuum Tube •I . Classification—Voltage amplifier, screen-grid tetrode with indirectly heated cathode Applications Screen-grid high frequency amplifier. Audio-frequency amplifier. W here exceptionally low tube noise is required the 259B tube is
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube 41 193G vacuum tube amplifier "vacuum tube" Scans-0017375 grlo
Text: Western E/ectric 275A Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate-power, filamentary triode The 275A tube is designed for a maximum plate voltage of 300 volts. Application — Audio-frequency amplifier where power o utputs of about 3 w atts per tube are required.
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Western Electric
vacuum tube 41
vacuum tube amplifier
"vacuum tube"
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 231D Vacuum Tube Classification—Small, filamentary triode An important feature of the 231D tube is its low filament power consumption. Applications Audio-frequency and intermediate-frequency amplifier. Detector. Oscillator. Dimensions — Outline diagrams showing dimensions of the tube and base, and the arrangement
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triode 205e
Abstract: Western Electric vacuum tube amplifier Class A amp Scans-0017356
Text: Western E/ectric 205E Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate power, filamentary triode T he 205E tube is similar to the 20 5 D tube except that special precautions have been taken in the 205E tube to m inim ize sputter noise in the tube and contact noise betw een the contact pins
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307A vacuum tube
Abstract: 20000 watts power amplifier circuit diagrams 306a tube vacuum vacuum tube amplifier Western Electric Scans-0017393
Text: Western Electric 307A Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate-power, filamentary suppressor-grid pentode AH three grids of the 307A tube are connected to separate base terminals. Applications Radio-frequency power amplifier Suppressor-grid m odulated amplifier
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307A vacuum tube
20000 watts power amplifier circuit diagrams
306a tube vacuum
vacuum tube amplifier
Western Electric
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western E/ectric 259B Vacuum Tube Classification—Voltage amplifier, screen-grid tetrode with indirectly heated cathode T he 259B tube has the sam e dim ensions and characteristics as the 259A, b u t is designed to m inim ize audio-frequency disturbances arising in the tube.
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube 41 264B "vacuum tube" vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017372
Text: Western Electric 264B Vacuum Tube Classification—Small, low-noise, filamentary triode T he 264B tube replaces the 264A an d is identical with it except th a t the base pins of the 264B tube are silver-plated to minimize contact noise. Application— Audio-frequency amplifier particularly where exceptionally low tube noise or
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 2 4 6 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Voltage-amplifier, filamentary, sereen-grid tetrode An im portant feature of the 246A tube is its low filament power consumption. Applications Carrier and radio-frequency voltage amplifier Detector Audio-frequency voltage amplifier
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017360
Text: Western Electric 2 1 5 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Small, filamentary triode Im p o rtan t features of the 215A tube are its small size and low filament power consumption. Applications Audio-frequency and interm ediate-frequency amplifier Detector Oscillator
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017377
Text: Western Electric 2 8 3 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Variable-mu, voltage-amplifier, screen-grid tetrode with indirectly heated cathode Except for the variable-mu feature, the 283A tube is similar to the 259A tube. Applications High-frequencv voltage amplifier, especially in circuits in which the amplification is varied by
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Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 2 5 2 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate-power, filamentary triode Applications—Audio-frequency amplifier where power outputs up to about 8 watts are required. Oscillator M odulator Dimensions— Dim ensions, outline diagrams of the tube and base, and the arrangement o f the
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306a tube vacuum
Abstract: Western Electric vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017392
Text: Western Electric 306A Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate-power, filamentary, suppressor-grid pentode T he 306A tube m ay be used at relatively high radio frequencies. T he suppressor grid is perm anently connected to the center point of the filament within the bulb.
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017375 271A
Text: Western Electric 271A Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate-power triode with indirectly heated cathode Applications Audio-frequency amplifier or modulator where outputs up to about 3 watts are required. Radio-frequency power amplifier. Oscillator. Dimensions — Dim ensions, outline diagrams of the tube and base, and the arrangement of the
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Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
InP transistor HEMT
Abstract: Gan on silicon transistor AlGaN/GaN HEMTs GaN TRANSISTOR MMIC POWER AMPLIFIER hemt Fermi level inp hemt power amplifier
Text: TECHNOLOGY T RANSISTORS High-power GaN HEMTs battle for vacuum-tube territory US NAVY The vacuum tubes used in today’s millimeter-wave transmitters face an increasing threat from GaN HEMTs. Cree’s Yifeng Wu and Primit Parikh are leading the GaN charge with designs that
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 2 4 7 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Lovv-power triode with indirectly heated cathode For most applications, the heater element of the 247A tube m ay be operated on alternating current. Applications Audio-frequency voltage amplifier. Audio-frequency power amplifier where small am ounts of power are required.
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Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier 2RP15 Scans-0017372
Text: Western Electric 2 6 2 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Low-power triode with indirectly-heated cathode The 262A tube is designed to minimize hum produced by alternating current operation of the heater, and to minimize microphonic noise. Application — Audio-frequency amplifier where alternating current is used for heating the cathode
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Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
Western Electric
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017377
Text: Western E/ectric 2 8 5 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Low-power, suppressor-grid pentode with indirectly heated cathode T he suppressor-grid of the 285A tube is perm anently connected to the cathode within the bulb. Application — Audio-frequency amplifier where power outputs of approxim ately one w att or
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Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
Abstract: vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017397 general electric
Text: GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC Type VT-191 Vacuum Tube - - Instructions The VT-191 Is a filamentary air-cooled triode designed for use as an ultrahighfrequency oscillator and power amplifier. The tube develops a typical power output of 5 watts at a frequency of 5 00 Me. The frequency limit of oscillation is 750 Me.
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vacuum tube amplifier
general electric
Western Electric
Abstract: socket tube vacuum tube amplifier 286-A Scans-0017377
Text: Western Electric 286 A Vacuum Tube Classification—V ariable-m u, voltage-aniplifier, suppressor-grid pentode with in directly heated cathode E ach of the three grids of the 286A tube is connected to a separate terminal. A pplications High-frequency voltage amplifier, especially in circuits in which the amplification is varied by
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Western Electric 272a
Abstract: Western Electric vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017375 RP 130 440 4-0
Text: Western Electric 272 A Vacuum Tube Classification—Low-power triode with indirectly heated cathode Applications Radio-frequency antenna-coupling amplifier. A udio-frequency am plifier w here small power o u tp u ts are required. D etector or m odulator. Dimensions — Outline diagrams showing dimensions of the tube and base, and the arrangement
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Western Electric 254B Vacuum Tube Classification—Filamentary air-cooled tetrode M ay be used as a radio-frequency amplifier, oscillator or modulator. Dimensions — Dimensions and outline diagrams are shown in Figures 1 and 2. The overall dimensions are:
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full wave rectifier tube power supply
Abstract: 193G Western Electric vacuum tube amplifier Scans-0017378 high power Triode for dielectric heating
Text: Western Electric 295A Vacuum Tube Classification—Filamentary air-cooled triode M ay be used as an audio-frequency amplifier or as a radio-frequency amplifier, m odulator or oscillator. Dimensions — Dimensions and outline diagrams are shown in Figures 1 and
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full wave rectifier tube power supply
Western Electric
vacuum tube amplifier
high power Triode for dielectric heating
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Application note Philips Semiconductors Linear Products Integrated operational amplifier theory AN165 INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF TERMS The operational am plifier w as first introduced in the early 1940s. Prim ary usage of these vacuum tube forerunners of the ideal gain
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