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    VL7C214 Search Results

    VL7C214 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Mc 4049 sc11008 212AA CD 4049 applications notes
    Text: VLSI T ech n o lo g y , in c . VL7C214 STAND-ALONE MODEM INTERFACE CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Direct interface to VL7C212A single chip modems The VL7C214 Stand-Alone Modem Interface Controller is specifically designed to control the VL7C212A single-chip, 300/1200 bit-per-second

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    VL7C212A RS232C 28-pln SC11008 VL7C214 VL7C214 Mc 4049 sc11008 212AA CD 4049 applications notes PDF


    Abstract: nymph saronix nymph psk modulator SCK 074 PLL pSK DEMODULATOR adaa LM386 replacement VL7C412-QC VL7C212A
    Text: VLSI T ec h n o lo g y , in c VL7C412 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM SINGLE 5-VOLT POWER SUPPLY DESCRIPTION FEATURES • High level of integration provides a highly cost effective 300/1200 bitper- second modems • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­

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    VL7C412 24-pin 28-pin 140-C VL82C50 nymph saronix nymph psk modulator SCK 074 PLL pSK DEMODULATOR adaa LM386 replacement VL7C412-QC VL7C212A PDF

    saronix nymph

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Tec h n o lo g y in c VL7C412 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM SINGLE 5-VOLT POWER SUPPLY DESCRIPTION FEATURES • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­ tude and group delay equalizers The VL7C412 is a complete, 5 V single

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    VL7C412 24-pin 28-pin IOL-160 RL-1200 saronix nymph PDF


    Abstract: 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams saronix nymph PLL pSK DEMODULATOR CRXA1 Direct quadrature Modulator and Mixer 28-pin audio FSK modulator and Demodulator
    Text: VLSI T echnolo gy , in c . VL7C312 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM WITH PIN PROGRAMMABLE RECEIVER GAIN DESCRIPTION FEATURES • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­ tude and group delay equalizers • Pin programmable receiver gain

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    VL7C312 24-pin 28-pin IOL-160 RL-1200 nymph 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams saronix nymph PLL pSK DEMODULATOR CRXA1 Direct quadrature Modulator and Mixer 28-pin audio FSK modulator and Demodulator PDF


    Abstract: VL7C212A 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams
    Text: VLSI Tech n o lo gy , in c . VL7C212A 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM DESCRIPTION FEATURES • High level of integration provides a highly cost effective 300/1200 bitper- second modems • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­

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    24-pin 28-pin IOL-160 RL-1200 VL82C50 VL7C212A 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams PDF