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    VPH01 Search Results

    VPH01 Datasheets (3)

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    VPH01 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    VPH01 Sanyo Semiconductor Scan PDF
    VPH01 Sanyo Semiconductor FBET Hybrid IC Video Pack (VPH Series) Video Output Amplifiers For High-Definition TV Scan PDF

    VPH01 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VPHO 1 FB E T V i d e o P a o k V V 1d u o O u tp u t Am p 1 E x te n d s d -D o f i n i t 1o n TV P S A \ VO / H y b rid PH S e i-1 1 f 1e r s r o j e c t i 1C o s F" o t ~ o n s O v e rv i «w The V P H O 1 i * V id eo O u tp u t A m p l i f i e r f o r a E x te n d e d - D e f I n it i o n TV P r o j e c t i o n i n t e g r a t e s a c o m p le t

    OCR Scan
    18MHz 150Vp-p VPH03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO SEMI CONDUCTOR CORP b3E J> im 07b 0012b77 TT? « T S A J VPH05 SA \YO I D O v r* v O u t p u t v ia « e f l n i t l o n T V & F B E T H y b r i d i <•P a c k V P H S e r i * s* V ld « A m p i 1 f i o r a F o r H i g H- GRAPHICS Projections

    OCR Scan
    0012b77 VPH05 00l2bâ PDF


    Abstract: VP603 VPA07 VPH01 VPM03 VPM05 VPM07 VPM08 VPM06
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r: EN 5 1 9 5 Announcem ent of the Discontinuation of the Video Pack Series Thank you for your continued use of Sanyo semiconductor products. We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of the discontinuation of the Video Pack Series products listed in the table

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    VPA07 VPH01 VPM03 VPM05 VP603 VPM07 VPM08 VP503 VP503 VP603 VPM06 PDF


    Abstract: stk192 STK181B 29 CRT TV circuits VPA05 vps08 vpm08 BW crt VPM07
    Text: Color TV/CRT display video output circuits FBET hybrid ICs Maximum ratings (Ta = 25 deg. C) Device Package type Drawing number Description Vcc (V) Vbb 00 Electrical characteristics (Ta : 25 deg. C) Po (W) Typical f VtN P-P/ VOUT P-P (V) Gv icc‘ (mA) Vcc/VfiB

    OCR Scan
    VPA05 VPA07 VPA10 VPA12 VPA13 VPA15 VPA18 VPH01 VPH03 VPH05 STK79801 stk192 STK181B 29 CRT TV circuits vps08 vpm08 BW crt VPM07 PDF

    Sanyo ic

    Abstract: VPH05 VPH01 FSMI 2.5 iso sanyo RE68
    Text: The V P H 0 3 is Video Output Amplifier for High-Definition TV integrates a complete amplifier using high-precision F B E T «nd L S B T transistor chips into a single I C »allowing very high-output voltage, wide-bandvidth video output amplifier circuits to be implemented with greatly reduced parts count.

    OCR Scan
    VPH03 150Vp-p 150PF Sanyo ic VPH05 VPH01 FSMI 2.5 iso sanyo RE68 PDF

    cga to vga circuits

    Abstract: VPS08 VPA05 cga to vga VPA15 VPA18 VPA25 VPH05 VPA10 VPM06
    Text: High performance guaranteed: Reduction of turnaround time and EMI-free systems Video Packs TTTTTTHT Hybrid intergrated circuits/with FBET/LSBT process chips/Wide bandwidth video output ICs Video Pack Internal View Year by year, there is an ever-increasing for higher-resolution CRT displays and a corresponding demand for wider band­

    OCR Scan
    VPS07 15-pin VPS08 VPA05 VPA07 VPS10 VPA10 VPA12 VPA13 cga to vga circuits cga to vga VPA15 VPA18 VPA25 VPH05 VPM06 PDF


    Abstract: C3788 c4217 d1047 c2078 C4161 D1651 D1682 k2043 K1460
    Text: Transistors Type Number SAftYO Index *:New products for FEB added. Type No. Package Page Type No. 2SA Typi T0220 2SA1011 NP Al 016,1 SPA A] 177 NP A 1207 MP Al 208 T0126 Al 209 A ’237 DP6A, B il A: 238 it A! 239 il Ax 240 NP A: 246 T0126 A: 248 h A. 249

    OCR Scan
    2SA1520 A1522 A1523 A1524 A1525 A1526 A1527 A1528 A1536 A1537 d1684 C3788 c4217 d1047 c2078 C4161 D1651 D1682 k2043 K1460 PDF

    cga to vga circuits

    Abstract: VPA05 VPA13 cga to vga VPA10 VPA18 VPA25 VPH05 VPM06 VPA30
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP b3E D m 7Tí707b OOl S S h ß T03 « T S A J High performance guaranteed: Reduction of turnaround time and EMI-free systems Video Packs Hybrid intergrated circuits/with FBET/LSBT process chips/Wide bandwidth video output ICs Video Pack Internal View

    OCR Scan
    7W07b 0015Sbà VPS07 15-pin VPS08 VPA05 VPA07 VPS10 VPA10 cga to vga circuits VPA13 cga to vga VPA18 VPA25 VPH05 VPM06 VPA30 PDF


    Abstract: D1887 C4106 D1880 D1825 transistors D1878 c3987 C4161 D1651 k1459
    Text: Transistors Type Number SAVYO In dex *:New products for Type No. Package Page Type No. Package Page Type No. Package 2SA Type NP A1177 SPA AI207 NP A1208 MP A1209 T0126 A 1246 NP A 1248 T0126 il A1249 A 1252 CP A 1253 SPA A1256 CP il Al 257 A1258

    OCR Scan
    A1527 A1528 A1537 A1540 A1573 A1574 A1575 A1580 A1590 A1607 d1878 D1887 C4106 D1880 D1825 transistors D1878 c3987 C4161 D1651 k1459 PDF


    Abstract: VPH01 VPH03
    Text: SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP L3E 7^^707^ 0ai2b?7 TT? « T S A J VPHOS J F B E T H y tor- 1 ci i ClV i d e o P * * o l c V F * H S e r - i * * * * V i d e o O u t put. A m p 1 i f i e r a ForH 1 g h “ D e f i n i t i o n T V Sk G R A P H I O s P r o j e c t i oris

    OCR Scan
    0012b77 VPH05 VPH05 VccA200V VPH01 VPH03 PDF


    Abstract: VPH03 VPH01 K10N
    Text: I SANYO SEMICONDUCTOR CORP b3E » m 7 T c1707b 0 0 1 2 b 7 4 1TÖ • TSAJ VPH03 F B E T H y b r id 1C V 1 c ia o P o o k V R H S o r - i « a s» r~ s V i d a o O u t p u t A m p> 1 i f 1 »finiti on X V F o r H I g h - D SAHYO I Overviaw The V P H 0 3 l a V id e o O u tp u t A a p l l f l e r f o r a H l g h - D e f l n l t l o n TV i n t e g r a t e s a c o m p le te a a p l l f l e r u s i n g

    OCR Scan
    7T1707b VPH03 30MHz 32kHZ 150Vp-p 00V-VB8 VPH05 VPH01 K10N PDF