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    Excelitas Technologies Corporation VTE1261H

    880 nm IRED. T-1 3/4 (5mm),20 mW output power, Narrow beam angle of +/-10o | Excelitas Technologies Sensors VTE1261H
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    RS VTE1261H Bulk 177 5 Weeks 1
    • 1 $0.42
    • 10 $0.42
    • 100 $0.42
    • 1000 $0.42
    • 10000 $0.42
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    VTE1261 Datasheets (6)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    VTE1261 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diode Original PDF
    VTE1261 EG&G Vactec GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes Scan PDF
    VTE1261F EG&G Vactec GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes Scan PDF
    VTE1261W EG&G Vactec GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes Scan PDF

    VTE1261 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261H, 1262H T-1¾ 5 mm Plastic Package — 880 nm PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch (mm) CASE 26 T-1¾ (5 mm) CHIP SIZE: .018" x .018" DESCRIPTION This narrow beam angle 5 mm diameter plastic packaged emitter contains a large area, double wirebonded, GaAlAs, 880 nm, high

    VTE1261H, 1262H VTE1261H VTE1262H PDF


    Abstract: VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2
    Text: GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261, 1262 T-1¾ 5 mm Plastic Package — 880 nm PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch (mm) CASE 26 T-1¾ (5 mm) CHIP SIZE: .018" x .018" DESCRIPTION This narrow beam angle 5 mm diameter plastic packaged emitter contains a large area, double wirebonded, GaAlAs, 880 nm, high

    VTE1261, VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 VTE1261 VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261H, 1262H T-1¾ 5 mm Plastic Package — 880 nm PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch (mm) CASE 26 T-1¾ (5 mm) CHIP SIZE: .018" x .018" DESCRIPTION This narrow beam angle 5 mm diameter plastic packaged emitter contains a large area, double wirebonded, GaAlAs, 880 nm, high

    VTE1261H, 1262H VTE1261H VTE1262H VTE1261H PDF

    C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter

    Abstract: NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383
    Text: Advanced sensor technologies for today’s breakthrough applications Table of Contents . Table of Contents PerkinElmer Optoelectronics provides Digital Imaging, Sensor and Lighting technologies to speed the development of breakthrough applications for customers in biomedical,

    10-foot C1383 NPN transistor collector base and emitter NPN transistor c1383 C1383 transistor C1383 NPN transistor Light-Dependent Resistor specification c1983 transistor pin configuration of C1383 transistor LHI968 lhi878 c1383 PDF


    Abstract: VTE1163 VTE1261 VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 VTE1281F VTE1281W-1 VTE1281W-2 VTE1285
    Text: infrared emitting diodes Features 880 nm • Nine standard packages in hermetic and low-cost epoxy • End- and side-radiating packages • Graded Output • High efficiency GaAIAs, 880 nm LPE process Delivers twice the power of conventional GaAs 940 nm emitters

    VTE7172 VTE7173 VTE1013 VTE1113 VTE3322LA VTE3324LA VTE3372LA VTE3374LA VTE1063 VTE1163 VTE1261 VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 VTE1281F VTE1281W-1 VTE1281W-2 VTE1285 PDF


    Abstract: VTS3082 VTB9412BH VTB1013B VTP1012H VTS3185H VTB8441BH VTD34H VTS3085H VTP4085H
    Text: 1745-2012:QuarkCatalogTempNew 9/17/12 5:02 PM Page 1745 20 Photodiodes, Phototransistors and IR Emitters RoHS Electrical/Optical Characteristics @ 25°C Stock No. Fig. Dark Current IO Shunt Resist. RSH Spectral Application Range H=100 fC 2850K A/W @ nm H=0

    2850K VTS3082H VTS3085H VTS3185H VTS3082H VTS3085H VTS3185H VTP1220FBH VTS3082 VTB9412BH VTB1013B VTP1012H VTB8441BH VTD34H VTP4085H PDF


    Abstract: VTE1063 VTE1163 VTE1261 VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 VTE1281F VTE1281W-1 VTE1281W-2
    Text: GaAlAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1063 TO-46 Flat Window Package — 880 nm PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm CASE 24 TO-46 HERMETIC (Flat Window) CHIP SIZE: .018" x .018" DESCRIPTION This wide beam angle TO-46 hermetic emitter contains a large area, double wirebonded, GaAlAs, 880 nm, high efficiency IRED chip suitable for higher

    VTE1063 VTE7172 VTE7173 VTE1291-2 VTE1063 VTE1163 VTE1261 VTE1262 VTE1281-1 VTE1281-2 VTE1281F VTE1281W-1 VTE1281W-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V SbE 3a3übOS 000122G GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261W, 1262W T-1 3/4 Plastic Package - 880 nm E G & G 7 22 H I V C T T -m VACTE C -i3 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm 1.00 ( 2 5 .4 ) .2 2 0 ( 5 .5 9 ) •OSO ( 1 .2 7 ) .2 6 (6 .6 ) .0 9 (2 .3 ) .0 3 0 ( 0 .7 6 ) "

    OCR Scan
    000122G VTE1261W, VTE1261W VTE1262W PDF

    GE 26F

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE D ac^obo^ D D D i s n « vct tdd GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261F Flat T-1 3/4 Plastic Package - 880 nm VACT EC PACKAGE D IM EN SIO N S inch mm 1 0 0 (2 5 4) M INIM U M 2 4 0 ( 6 10) _ .3 4 ($ 6 ) .1 7 ( 4 3 ) 0 5 0 (1 2 7 ) .0 2 6 i(0 . 6 6 )

    OCR Scan
    VTE1261F GE 26F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: aüaübDI D0D121A 07*4 • VCT SbE D GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261, 1262 T-1 3/4 Plastic Package — 880 nm '-MI-13 E G 8« G VACTEC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm i n n Ì95.4Ì iaa in i< ^ Plasöc contour noi controled in region of the leads. DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    D0D121A VTE1261, -MI-13 VTE1261 VTE1262 PDF


    Abstract: VTE1262W
    Text: 5bE D 3030b[n Q001220 GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diodes 752 • VCT VTE1261W , 1262W T-1 3/4 Plastic Package — 880 nm T - M I -I3 E G & G VACTEC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS inch mm ■OSO ( 1 . 2 7 ) 1 .0 0 ( 2 5 . 4 ) .2 4 0 ( 6 .J 0 ) M INIM UM .2 2 0 ( 5 .5 9 )

    OCR Scan
    3030b Q001220 VTE1261W, CASE26W VTE1261W VTE1262W VTE1262W PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE aoaobo^ DDGisn lao mvci D GaAIAs Infrared Emitting Diodes VTE1261F Flat T-1 3/4 Plastic Package — 880 nm T - 4 I -is VACTEC P A C K A G E D IM E N S IO N S inch mm D E S C R IP T IO N CASE 26F T-1 3/4 FLAT CHIP SIZE: .018'x.018’ This 5 mm diameter plastic packaged emitter

    OCR Scan
    30b0T VTE1261F VTE1261F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L E D -2 HIGH POWER GaAIAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODES 880 nm VACTEC OPTOELECTRONICS 10900 P AG E BLVD. ST. LO U IS, MO. 63132 U SA PHONE 314-423-4900 TW X 910-764-0811 FEATURES: P R O D U C T DESCRIPTION: •Nine standard packages in herm etic and low-cost epoxy

    OCR Scan
    0407TP 0405TP 2QMS61 CASE50A PDF


    Abstract: H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12
    Text: Cross Reference Cross Reference Competition P/N Honeywell P/N Code Description Competition P/N 100 H0A0871-N55 B TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P P IN 101 H0A1872-12 BC TRANS ASSY. PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T018 TALL PIN 10501 H0A1872-1

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 2600-70XX 2N5777-80 H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 H0A0865-L51 h0a1405 HOA708-1 HOA9 til78 phototransistor MOC70T3 ir diode TIL38 H0A1874-12 PDF


    Abstract: KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B
    Text: Cross Reference Competition Honeywell P/N P/N 100 H 0A0871-N55 50B2-4204 CALL PHOTODIODES, T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN 101 HOA1872-12 BC TR AN S A S S Y . PTX 5082-4205 CALL PHOTODIODES. P P PIN 10501 H 0A 1872-1 BC TRAN S A S S Y , PTX 5082-4207 CALL PHOTODIODES. T 0 1 8 T A LL PIN

    OCR Scan
    1N5722 1N5723 1N5724 1N5725 1N6264 1N6265 1N6266 2004-90xx 3N24x 24xTX KT853 KT850 KT853A LTR-305D H0A0872-n55 H0A1405-1 h0a2001 MOC70T3 HOA708-1 smd diode 825B PDF


    Abstract: T018 VTE1062 VTE1162 VTE1261 VTE1261W VTE3171
    Text: This Material L E D -2 Copyrighted HIGH POWER GaAIAs INFRARED EMITTING DIODES 880 nm J^ E G & G V A C T E C OPTOELECTRONICS By 10900 PAGE BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO. 63132 USA PHONE 314-423-4900 TWX 910-764-0811 Its Respective FEATU R ES: P R O D U C T D E S C R IP T IO N :

    OCR Scan