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    WEITEK 3132 Search Results

    WEITEK 3132 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPD703132BYGJ-XXX-UEN-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers, LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD703132BYF1-XXX-EN4-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers, LFBGA, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD703132AGJ-XXX-UEN-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers, LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TPS73132DBVR Texas Instruments Cap-Free, NMOS, 150mA Low-Dropout (LDO) Regulator With Reverse Current Protection 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    TLK3132ZEN Texas Instruments 2-Ch 600 Mbps to 3.75 Gbps Multi-Rate Transceiver 196-BGA -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    WEITEK 3132 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: Ericsson RBS 6102 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6000 RBS 2216 ericsson maintenance RBS 2216 ericsson user manual Ericsson RBS 6102 hardware reference manual siemens mid-96 RBS ericsson user manual RBS 6102 Rack rbs ericsson 6102 rbs 6102
    Text: TMS320 Third-Party Support Reference Guide IMPORTANT NOTICE Description in this publication of a third-party product or service does not constitute an endorsement of it by Texas Instruments. Further, TI does not accept responsibility for any representations

    TMS320 TMS320 ERICSSON RBS 6000 Ericsson RBS 6102 Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6000 RBS 2216 ericsson maintenance RBS 2216 ericsson user manual Ericsson RBS 6102 hardware reference manual siemens mid-96 RBS ericsson user manual RBS 6102 Rack rbs ericsson 6102 rbs 6102 PDF

    weitek xl-3132

    Abstract: XL-8137 XL-3132 weitek 3332-100 3332 weitek weitek 2264 weitek 3332-G weitek 3132 XL-8136
    Text: üJEITEK CÔRP GS WEITEK Jk A D E B IbbBflab DOOOiib < WTL 3132/WTL 3332 XL-3132 32-BIT FLOATING POINT DATAPATH PRELIMINARY DATA October 1987 The WEITEK WTL 3132, WTL 3332, and XL-3132 single-chip floatingpoint datapathseachoffer a full instruction set, includingmulti­

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    3132/WTL XL-3132 32-BIT XL-8136 XL-8137 168-PIN weitek xl-3132 weitek 3332-100 3332 weitek weitek 2264 weitek 3332-G weitek 3132 PDF


    Abstract: NS32081 BC-NB weitek S3258 e9421
    Text: PRELIMINARY NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 Floating Point Controller General Description The NS32580 Floating-Point Controller FPC is an interface device designed to couple the NS32532 Microprocessor with the Weitek WTL 3164 Floating-Point Data Path (FPDP).

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    NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 NS32580 NS32532 NS32081 RT5014 BC-NB weitek S3258 e9421 PDF


    Abstract: AAD00-AAD04 wtl3164 weitek NS32580-30 NS32081
    Text: PRELIMINARY NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 Floating Point Controller G eneral Description The NS32580 Floating-Point Controller FPC is an interface device designed to couple the NS32532 Microprocessor with the Weitek WTL 3164 Floating-Point Data Path (FPDP).

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    NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 NS32580 NS32532 NS32081 XO-31 AAD00-AAD04 wtl3164 weitek NS32580-30 PDF

    weitek 3164

    Abstract: WTL-3164-15 weitek FPU weitek AADD CA001 NS32532 t03h 32580-WTL3164 R4X20
    Text: PRELIM INARY NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 Floating Point Controller G eneral Description The NS32580 Floating-Point Controller FPC is an interface device designed to couple the NS32532 Microprocessor with the Weitek WTL 3164 Floating-Point Data Path (FPDP).

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    NS32580-20/NS32580-25/NS32580-30 NS32580 NS32532 NS32081 weitek 3164 WTL-3164-15 weitek FPU weitek AADD CA001 t03h 32580-WTL3164 R4X20 PDF


    Abstract: weitek 1167
    Text: WEITEK Á WTL1164/WTL1165 64-BIT IEEE FLOATING POINT MULTIPLIER/ DIVIDER AND ALU a PRELIMINARY DATA Ju ly 1986 T h e W T L 1164 F lo a tin g P o in t M u ltip lie r and the W T L 1165 F lo a t­ in g P o in t A L U a re o p tim iz e d f o r flo a tin g p o int c o p ro c e s s o r a p p lic a ­

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    WTL1164/WTL1165 64-BIT weitek weitek 1167 PDF

    weitek xl-3132

    Abstract: weitek 3132 xl 3132 xl3132 XL-3132
    Text: WTL 3132/WTL 3332/XL-3132 32-BIT FLOATING POINT DATA PATH O ctober 1988 Features 32-BIT FLO A TIN G POINT PROCESSOR HIGH PERFORM ANCE Single-precision floating point m ultiplier/ALU 100 and 120 ns cycle times Four-port 3 2 x 3 2 register file Up to 20 M FLOPS throughput 1 MAC/cycle

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    3132/WTL 3332/XL-3132 32-BIT 3132/W weitek xl-3132 weitek 3132 xl 3132 xl3132 XL-3132 PDF

    weitek 3332-100

    Abstract: weitek 3132 3332 weitek register file 3332-G wtl3332 weitek wtl3132 weitek 3332 3132-100
    Text: ü lE IT E K W E IT E K ^ CORP TO TbbBÔ Sb O D D O S T fl ô WTL 3132/WTL 3332 FLOATING POINT DATA PATH PRELIMINARY DATA July, 1986 T h e W T L 3132/3332 sin g le ch ip floating point data paths offer a full instruction set, including multiply, m u ltip ly /a c c u m u la te , A L U and

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    3132/WTL 132A/3332A weitek 3332-100 weitek 3132 3332 weitek register file 3332-G wtl3332 weitek wtl3132 weitek 3332 3132-100 PDF

    weitek FPU

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: XL-8136 32-BIT PROGRAM SEQUENCING UNIT DATA SHEET January 1989 Features 32-BIT SIN G LE-CH IP SEQUENCIN G U NIT PARALLEL FETC H AND EXECUTE 32-bit code address bus 32-bit data address bus 33 X 32-bit on-chip stack On-chip instruction pipeline register STALL and ABORT logic to handle m em ory misses

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    XL-8136 32-BIT 144-pin weitek FPU PDF

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    X011-6 178Erasm X011-2712-803-8294 12thFloor, 15thFloor, 18479R X23756S led 7 segment LDS 5161 AK led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH 7-segment 4 digit LFD 5522 AKO 701 434 tdso 5160 k lds 7 segment LDS 5161 AK led 7 segment LDS 5161 As manual LG VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE is3 -20/led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH ako 544 126 PDF

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    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF