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    WESTCODE N 600 CH 12 Search Results

    WESTCODE N 600 CH 12 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPC1093G(20)-E1-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17431GLPAEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17431VLPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Shunt Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC29M08HF-2-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation 3 Terminal Regulators Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA16174FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation ICs for PFC Power Supply Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    WESTCODE N 600 CH 12 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04
    Text: REPLACEMENT TABLE FOR THE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS OF SAMI STAR FREQUENCY CONVERTERS The replacement table gives a list of those semiconductors, which can be used in SAMI STAR frequency converters. The types given for each semiconductor are interchangeable. Detail information about the mounting of the power

    400F415 460F460 500F500 630F415 730F460 800F500 570F575 630F660 870F575 1000F660 CSG3001-18A04 thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 14 R325CH14 R325CH
    Text: WESTCODE Date:- 21 Dec, 2000 Data Sheet Issue:- 1 Distributed Gate Thyristor Types R325CH02 to R325CH14 Absolute Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 200-1400 V VDRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage, note 1 VDSM Non-repetitive peak off-state voltage, (note 1)

    R325CH02 R325CH14 R325CH14 westcode n 600 ch 18 westcode n 600 ch 14 R325CH PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: 74018 snubber report
    Text: WESTCODE Date:- 9 Dec, 1999 Rat. Rep:- 99T16 Issue:- 1 Fast Turn-off Thyristor Types P480CH20 to P480CH32 Absolute Maximum Ratings MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS 2000-3200 2000-3200 2000-3200 2100-3300 V V V V OTHER RATINGS MAXIMUM LIMITS UNITS Mean on-state current, Tsink=55°C, note 2

    99T16 P480CH20 P480CH32 P480CH28D8G0 P480CH32. westcode n 600 ch 18 74018 snubber report PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: N980CH02-20 Westcode uk
    Text: Date:- October 1999 Rat. Rep.:- 99T14 Issue:- 1 Phase Control Thyristor Types N980CH02-20 4.0 Maximum Ratings VOLTAGE RATINGS VDRM VDSM VRRM VRSM Repetitive peak off-state voltage note 1 Non-repetitive peak off-state voltage (note 1) Repetitive peak reverse voltage (note 1)

    99T14 N980CH02-20 N980CH18 N980CH02-20 westcode n 600 ch 18 Westcode uk PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm 00DS7314 N490/4 westcode n 600 ch 14 westcode n 600 ch 18 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

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    300mm GG0277Q N760/4 westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF


    Abstract: WESTCODE westcode n thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amp n1683ch
    Text: WESTCODE Large Area Phase Control Thyristors Positive Development in Power Electronics WESLS00024 WISTCODI Type V drm /V rrm Range 87 and 100mm Phase Control Thyristors I t ia v It i r m s ) @Ths 55 "C ojl'hs 25“c ii @ Ths 2 5 T n Il'SM I t sm 10msec

    OCR Scan
    WESLS00024 100mm 10msec 5/35mm 60598-1 WESTCODE westcode n thyristors 5000 volt 3000 amp n1683ch PDF


    Abstract: gate firing of d.c drive TN170P
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICOND UCT ORS 3TE D • <170^55 00D2173 7 ■ W E S B r - z r - 1? Technical Publication WESTCODE 0 SEMICONDUCTORS TN170P Issue 2 October 1985 Convertor Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type N170P 196 amperes average: up to 1500 volts V r r m Ratings Maxim um values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    00D2173 N170P 07000A% 79400A2S 2M1085 N170PH12 gate firing of d.c drive TN170P PDF

    westcode ct

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18 WESTCODE WESTCODE SW 1qra ert 3280 P042RH westcode n 600 ch 14
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS Fast T urn-Off Thyristors Shortform Design Guide Issue 7 Westcode “P ” series of fast-switching thyristors have regenerative gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Low reverse recovery charge values com bined with the low forward switching

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS S r- Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm T70TTS5 D00277Ã n980ch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS E“ Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings U n le ss otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

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    300mm PDF


    Abstract: SW12CXC400 B745 C400 westcode diode 8745A
    Text: 9 7 0 9 955 "Ml WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DË’I ' î T D 'H S S □0017^? 41C 01797 D 2 -3 r - < y - 7 TECHNICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS DC400 ISSUE 1 June, 1980 Ceramic Capsule Silicon Diodes Type CXC400 800 amperes average: up tol500 volts VRRM

    OCR Scan
    DC400 CXC400 tol500 200AA SW12CXC400 B745 C400 westcode diode 8745A PDF

    westinghouse thyristor drive

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor TP027R thyristor tt 18 n 1100 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors p027rh08fjo IG3GT POZ7RH06FJO-800 thyristor tt 105 n 16
    Text: 11E J> UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS m •nil'HSS D O O l ^ S Í echnical Publication W ESTCODE ^ SEMICONDUCTORS TP027R Issue 2 April 1985 Inverter Grade Stud-Base Thyristor Type P027R 34 amperes average; up to 1200 volts V rrm IV drm T -a s r-1 7 R a t i n g s Maximum values at 12S°C T j unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP027R P027R westinghouse thyristor drive Westinghouse thyristor TP027R thyristor tt 18 n 1100 Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors p027rh08fjo IG3GT POZ7RH06FJO-800 thyristor tt 105 n 16 PDF


    Abstract: N600CH12
    Text: lAIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm D002754 N600/4 N600CH N600CH12 PDF

    Westinghouse diode

    Abstract: DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS T> 3TE • ^701=155 0 0 0 2 S 2 7 S ■ UESB TECH N ICAL PUBLICATION WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS D H300 ISSUE 1 May, 1980 Flat-Base Silicon Rectifier Diodes Type HHN/HHR300 380amperes average: up to 1500 volts VRRM R A T IN G S Maximum values at 180°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    QQ0E527 HHN/HHR300 380amperes DH300 152000A2 183000A2s 121A139 SN151JL Westinghouse diode DH300 WESTINGHOUSE rectifier westinghouse DIODES Westinghouse 13a H300 SW06HHR300 westinghouse 12 121A139 HHR300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS • 3TE D . ■ ‘ìTO'HSS 0D02SS3 b ■ WESB /~oi ■sS - WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Rectifier Diode C o n s is t s o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in a n h e rm e tic c e r a m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le .

    OCR Scan
    0D02SS3 SW26CXC445 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor C o n s is ts o f a d iffu s e d s ilic o n e le m e n t m o u n te d in an h e rm e tic c e ra m ic c o ld w e ld e d c a p s u le , a n d fe a tu re s an a m p lify in g g a te . A v a ila b le in in d u s try s ta n d a rd h o u s in g a n d th in h o u s in g s .

    OCR Scan
    300mm 000270c! westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UUESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS S » Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard housing and thin housings. Ratings

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    300mm DGD27b2 N750/4 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: WESTCODE SW chn 840 P105CH p205ch Chn 835 Westcode Semiconductors p214ch WESTCODE 147 11 33 westcode n 600 ch 14
    Text: s Fast Turn-Off Thyristors Shortform Design Guide Issue 6 Westcode “P” series of fast-switching thyristors have regenerative gate structure to ensure low switching losses and high di/dt performance. Low reverse recovery charge values combined with the low forward switching

    OCR Scan
    P027RH westcode n 600 ch 18 WESTCODE SW chn 840 P105CH p205ch Chn 835 Westcode Semiconductors p214ch WESTCODE 147 11 33 westcode n 600 ch 14 PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 18

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS « » « c Capsule Rectifier Diode Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule. Available in industry standard and thin housings. R a tin g s U nless o th e rw is e sta te d T j = 160°C

    OCR Scan

    westcode ct

    Abstract: Westinghouse Westcode
    Text: lil ESTCODE 3TE SEMICONDUCTORS 0 D D S 3 fc iS D S • UESB T e ch n ica l P u b lic a tio n WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR190C Issue 2 J u ly 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R190C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

    OCR Scan
    0DD23bS TR190C R190C 200AC westcode ct Westinghouse Westcode PDF


    Abstract: WM-61 550CE 25CC thyristor 300 volt TP270
    Text: Technical Publication W ESTCO D E < IT E D • TP270C T T D Ì Ì S S GDOSGSÌ 0 I SEMICONDUCTORS Issue 1 December 1985 , ÜJESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P270C 516 amperes average: up to 500 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 1 2 5 °C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP270C P270C O-200 2V128Ã TP270C WM-61 550CE 25CC thyristor 300 volt TP270 PDF

    R170 diode

    Abstract: DFP170 westinghouse DIODES 800VRRM SM08PHN170
    Text: liIESTCODE 34 S EMI COND UCT ORS D É T | cI7 D,í cISS DDDlbññ 5 ' 7 "- t z - í s i Technical Publication W ESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS DFP170 Issue 1 February 1981 Fast Recovery Stud-Base Diode Type PHN/PHR170 150 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM

    OCR Scan
    DFP170 PHN/PHR170 96500A2s 116500A2s R170 diode DFP170 westinghouse DIODES 800VRRM SM08PHN170 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Publication W ESTCO D E < IT E D • TP270C T T D Ì Ì S S GDOSGSÌ 0 I SEMICONDUCTORS Issue 1 December 1985 , ÜJESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P270C 516 amperes average: up to 500 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 1 2 5 °C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    TP270C P270C Bruto12wi28Â PDF