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    DF2B5M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4CT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-882 (CST2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2B6M4SL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-5.5 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    DF2S5.6FS Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Unidirectional, 3.5 V, SOD-923 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    WORKING OF VOLTAGE STABILIZER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "Voltage Regulator Diodes" 1N4728A 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 1N4734A 1N4735A
    Text: 1N4728A to 1N4749A Voltage regulator diodes Rev. 02 — 30 October 2009 Product data sheet 1. Product profile 1.1 General description Low voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed small SOD66 DO-41 glass packages. The series consists of 22 types with nominal working voltages from 3.3 to 24 V.

    1N4728A 1N4749A DO-41) 1n4749a "Voltage Regulator Diodes" 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 1N4734A 1N4735A PDF

    pn junction diode

    Abstract: BB205 varicap varicap diode vhf ba479 reverse-biased in pn junction diode General Diode BA282 BA479G BA679
    Text: VISHAY Vishay Semiconductors Physical Explanation General Terminology Semiconductor diodes are used as rectifiers, switchers, Varicaps and voltage stabilizers see chapter ‘Voltage Regulator and Z-diodes’ . Semiconductor diodes are two-terminal solid-state

    BA282, BA682 BA479G BA679. 20-Jan-04 pn junction diode BB205 varicap varicap diode vhf ba479 reverse-biased in pn junction diode General Diode BA282 BA679 PDF


    Abstract: ir tk 69 104 varicap BA282 BA479G BA679 BA682 varicap diode HR varicap diodes diodes varicap
    Text: Vishay Semiconductors Physical Explanation General Terminology Semiconductor diodes are used as rectifiers, switchers, Varicaps and voltage stabilizers see chapter ‘Voltage Regulator and Z-diodes’ . Semiconductor diodes are two-terminal solid-state devices having asymmetrical voltage-current

    BA282, BA682 BA479G BA679. BB205 ir tk 69 104 varicap BA282 BA679 varicap diode HR varicap diodes diodes varicap PDF


    Abstract: 104 varicap varicap varicap an BA282 BA479G BA679 BA682 power diodes with V-I characteristics varicap diodes
    Text: VISHAY Vishay Semiconductors Physical Explanation General Terminology Semiconductor diodes are used as rectifiers, switchers, Varicaps and voltage stabilizers see chapter ‘Voltage Regulator and Z-diodes’ . Semiconductor diodes are two-terminal solid-state

    BA282, BA682 BA479G BA679. 08-Jan-04 BB205 104 varicap varicap varicap an BA282 BA679 power diodes with V-I characteristics varicap diodes PDF


    Abstract: power diodes with V-I characteristics BA282 BA479G BA679 BA682 Varicap
    Text: Vishay Semiconductors Physical Explanation General Terminology Semiconductor diodes are used as rectifiers, switchers, Varicaps and voltage stabilizers see chapter ‘Voltage Regulator and Z-diodes’ . Semiconductor diodes are two-terminal solid-state devices having asymmetrical voltage-current

    BA282, BA682 BA479G BA679. BB205 power diodes with V-I characteristics BA282 BA679 Varicap PDF

    IC tl 082 cn

    Abstract: PMLL5230B "Voltage Regulator Diodes" PMLL5225B PMLL5226B PMLL5227B PMLL5228B PMLL5229B PMLL5231B PMLL5232B
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes PMLL5225B to PMLL5267B FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Total power dissipation: max. 500 mW Low-power voltage regulator diodes in small hermetically sealed glass SOD8OC SMD packages. The series consists of 43 types with nominal working

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    PMLL5225B PMLL5267B IC tl 082 cn PMLL5230B "Voltage Regulator Diodes" PMLL5226B PMLL5227B PMLL5228B PMLL5229B PMLL5231B PMLL5232B PDF

    CECC50 005

    Abstract: CECC50 005-005 BZX55 CECC50 005 005 c2v4 c2v7 c47 surge c3v3
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE _ bTE D • J bbSB'lBl 002bflQ2 4^S ■ APX bZX55 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range of nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V

    OCR Scan
    002bflG2 DO-35 DO-35 OD-27) 7Z59230 CECC50 005 CECC50 005-005 BZX55 CECC50 005 005 c2v4 c2v7 c47 surge c3v3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B ZX 55 SERIES J V VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range o f nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V with a tolerance of ± 5% international standard E24 .

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 DO-35 OD-27) BZX55 17S0111 c3v6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbS3T31 1N4728A TO 1N4749A 72D ■ APX N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E ]> VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-41 envelope intended for use as low voltage stabilizers. The series consists of 22 types with nominal working voltages ranging from 3.3 V to 24 V.

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 1N4728A 1N4749A DO-41 DO-41 OD-66) bb53T31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes PMLL5225B to PMLL5267B FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Total power dissipation: max. 500 mW Low-power voltage regulator diodes in small hermetically sealed glass SOD 8OC SMD packages. The series consists of 43 types with nominal working

    OCR Scan
    PMLL5225B PMLL5267B SQD80C) 711002b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b 'lE D m J ^53*131 002bflQ2 M'IS * A P X _ bZ X 55 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in a DO-35 envelope intended for use as low-voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series covers the normalized range of nominal working voltages from 2,4 V to 75 V

    OCR Scan
    002bflQ2 DO-35 kept33 BZX55 PDF

    Diode SMD SJ 99

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s Sem iconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes PMLL5225B to PMLL5267B FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Total power dissipation: max. 500 mW Low-power voltage regulator diodes in small hermetically sealed glass SOD80C SMD packages. The series consists of 43 types with nominal working

    OCR Scan
    PMLL5225B PMLL5267B OD80C OD80C) PMLL5262B Diode SMD SJ 99 PDF

    IN 4732A

    Abstract: 4733a IN4732A 1N4749A 4733a zener 1N4728A 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4734A
    Text: • bbSBTBl 1N4728A TO 1N4749A 7ED H A P X bTE T> N AMER PHI LIP S/DISCRETE VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-41 envelope intended for use as low voltage stabilizers. The series consists of 22 types with nominal working voltages ranging from 3.3 V to 24 V.

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 1N4728A 1N4749A DO-41 DO-41 OD-66) 1N4748A 1N4749A IN 4732A 4733a IN4732A 4733a zener 1N4728A 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4734A PDF


    Abstract: 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 1N4734A 1N4749A 1N4749A 1N4728A MAMS41
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes 1N4728A to 1N4749A FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Total power dissipation: max. 1000 mW Low voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed SOD66 DO-41 packages, The series consists of 22 types with nominal working voltages from 3.3 to 24 V.

    OCR Scan
    1N4728A 1N4749A DO-41) MAMS41 711Dfl2b 1N4729A 1N4730A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 1N4734A 1N4749A 1N4749A 1N4728A MAMS41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 1N746A to 1N759A 2SE D bt.s3i3i aoi73ki? a • T -tt-O l I 400 mW ZENER DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-35 packages intended for use as low power voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series consists of 14 types with nominal working voltages ranging from 3.3 to 12 V.

    OCR Scan
    1N746A 1N759A aoi73ki? DO-35 DO-35 1N746A 1N747A 1N748A 1N749A 1N750A PDF


    Abstract: 1N746A 1N747A 1N748A 1N749A 1N750A 1N751A 1N759A air temperature 1N753A
    Text: tr - N AMER P H IL IP S/ DI SC RE TE bfc,5313Ì 001731*7 a 2SE B 1N746A to 1N759A T-ll~07 i ; 400 mW ZENER DIODES , Silicon planar diodes in DO-35 packages intended for use as low power voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series consists of 14 types with nominal working voltages ranging from 3.3 to 12 V.

    OCR Scan
    1N746A 1N759A T-11-Ã DO-35 DO-35 1N759A 1N747A 1N748A aS3131 1N749A 1N750A 1N751A air temperature 1N753A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s Sem iconductors Product specification Voltage regulator diodes FEATU RES 1N4728A to 1N4749A D E S C R IP T IO N • Total power dissipation: max. 1000 m W Low voltage regulator diodes in hermetically sealed SO D 6 6 DO-41 packages, The series consists of 22 types with nominal working voltages from 3.3 to 24 V.

    OCR Scan
    1N4728A 1N4749A DO-41) 1N4730A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E D bbS3^31 D0Sb73fl 7bT * A P X Jl BZV37 SYMMETRICAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODE Silicon planar symmetrical regulator diode in DO-34 SOD-68 envelope, intended for use as voltage stabilizer and transient protection element. QUICK REFERENCE DATA

    OCR Scan
    D0Sb73fl BZV37 DO-34 OD-68) b53S31 PDF

    working of voltage regulator

    Abstract: BZV37 working of voltage stabilizer
    Text: SYMMETRICAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODE Silicon planar symmetrical regulator diode in DO-34 SOD-68 envelope, intended for use as voltage stabilizer and transient protection element. QUICK REFERENCE DATA 6,5 V vz nom. Total power dissipation ^tot max. 400 mW

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 BZV37 DO-34 OD-68) 27max max11' working of voltage regulator BZV37 working of voltage stabilizer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • ^53=131 0025=116 6Hb * A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE L7E D J V PMLL5225B to PMLL5267B VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES FOR SURFACE MOUNTING Silicon planar diodes in a SOD80C envelope intended fo r use as low-power voltage stabilizers or voltage references. The series consists o f 43 types w ith nominal working voltages in the range 3,0 V to 75 V w ith a tolerance

    OCR Scan
    PMLL5225B PMLL5267B OD80C PMLL5225B PMLL5242B PMLL5243B bbS3T31 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BZV60 SERIES _ A VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-34 envelopes intended for use as low voltage stabilizers or voltage references. They are available in international standardized E24 ± 5% range and ± 2% tolerance range. The series

    OCR Scan
    BZV60 DO-34 0033Tb7 PDF


    Abstract: BZX79-2V4 BZX79 00M06 A2V4 ScansUX7
    Text: SbE D 7 1 1D û Eb D G 4 0 Ö M 3 DbS • P H I N PHI LI P S I N T E R N A T I O N A L BZX79 SERIES 5bE D r - u - ti VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-35 envelopes intended for use as low voltage stabilizers or voltage references. They are available in four series; each series having a different tolerance rating, one series

    OCR Scan
    BZX79 DO-35 BZX792V4 BZX79-2V4 00M06 A2V4 ScansUX7 PDF


    Abstract: BZX79 bd ips A4v3 BZX79 5v1 A5V1 A9V1 a5v6 a1fr
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'iE D • bhSB'ìBl GGSbfiDb 030 H A P X BZX79 SERIES VOLTAGE REGULATOR DIODES Silicon planar diodes in DO-35 envelopes intended fo r use as low voltage stabilizers or voltage references. They are available in fo u r series; each series having a different tolerance rating, one series

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 BZX79 DO-35 400mW 7Z69448 bb53T31 0D2b62D PHII bd ips A4v3 BZX79 5v1 A5V1 A9V1 a5v6 a1fr PDF


    Abstract: varactor diode q factor measurement
    Text: Temic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Physical Explanation General Terminology Differential resistance See forward resistance, differential Semiconductor diodes are used as rectifiers, switchers, varactors and voltage stabilizers see chapter ‘Voltage Regulator and Z-diodes’ .

    OCR Scan
    BA282. BA682 BA479G BA679. BB205 varactor diode q factor measurement PDF