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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WHITE PAPER: WP014 eGaN FETs in Wireless Power Transfer Systems eGaN® FETs in Wireless Power Transfer Systems EFFICIENT POWER CONVERSION Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Michael de Rooij, Ph.D., Executive Director of Applications Engineering Introduction The popularity of wireless energy transfer has increased over the last few years and in particular for applications targeting portable device charging. In this article,

    WP014 PDF


    Abstract: A8901SLB speedcontrol motor
    Text: 3-P H A S E B R V S H L E S S D C M O TO R C O N T R O L L E R /D R IV E R W IT H B A C K -E M F SE N SIN G The A8901SLB is a three-phase OMOS back-EMF sensing spindle motor driver for use in 5 V Winchester disc drives. The power output stages are capable of 1 A output currents and have 1.4 Í2 total resis­

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    PP-032 A8901 A8901SLB speedcontrol motor PDF

    RT 8901

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8901 3-PHASE BRVSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER WITH RACK-EME SENSING The A8901CLB is a three-phase brushless dc motor controller/ driver for use in 5 V hard-disk drives. The three half-bridge outputs are low on-resistance n-channel DMOS devices capable of driving up to

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    A8901CLB A8901 EP-032B RT 8901 PDF


    Abstract: GP-019 Allegro A8902 A8902 A8902SLB A8903SLB Q50H
    Text: ALLEGRO MI CROSYSTEMS INC 33E D QS0M33Ô 0 GGS 3 2 4 8902 8903 4 • ALGR AND r r s z - i 3-PH ASE B R V SH LESS D C MOTOR C ONTROLLER/DRIVERS W ITH BACK-EM F SEN SIN G The A8902SLB and A8903SLB are three-phase DMOS back-EMF sensing spindle motor drivers for use in 5 V and 12 V Winchester disc

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    PP-040A A8903SLB. A8902/03SLB EP-036A gp019 GP-019 Allegro A8902 A8902 A8902SLB A8903SLB Q50H PDF