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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN440 Si4430/31/32 R EGISTER D ESCRIPTIONS 1. Complete Register Summary Table 1. Register Descriptions Add R/W Function/Desc D7 D6 D5 Data D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 POR Default 00 R Device Type dt[4] dt[3] dt[2] dt[1] dt[0] 08h 01 R Device Version vc[4] vc[3] vc[2] vc[1]

    AN440 Si4430/31/32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AN466 RF42B/43B R E G I S T E R D E S C R I P T I O N S 1. Complete Register Summary Table 1. Register Descriptions Add R/W Function/Desc Data D7 D6 D5 01 R Device Version 02 R Device Status ffovfl ffunfl 03 R Interrupt Status 1 ifferr itxffafull itxffaem

    AN466 RF42B/43B PDF


    Abstract: RFM31B
    Text: AN467 RFM31B REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS 1. Complete Register Summary Table 1. Register Descriptions Add R/W Function/Desc Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 POR Default D0 01 R Device Version vc[4] vc[3] vc[2] vc[1] vc[0] 06h 02 R Device Status ffovfl ffunfl rxffem headerr

    AN467 RFM31B RFM-31 PDF


    Abstract: Application Note AN467 AN-467 IEC16 Si4330 CRC-16 AN46-7
    Text: AN467 Si4330 R EGISTER D ESCRIPTIONS 1. Complete Register Summary Table 1. Register Descriptions Add R/W Function/Desc Data D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 POR Default 01 R Device Version vc[4] vc[3] vc[2] vc[1] vc[0] 06h 02 R Device Status ffovfl ffunfl rxffem headerr

    AN467 Si4330 AN467 Application Note AN467 AN-467 IEC16 CRC-16 AN46-7 PDF


    Abstract: RFM31B HOPERF Register Calculator worksheet varactor diode fm 73h-77h ant-div switch diode GP2 354 GPIO21 27/HOPERF Register Calculator worksheet
    Text: RFM31B RFM31B ISM R ECEIVER V1.0 Features  Frequency Range 433/868/915MHz             ISM bands Sensitivity = –121 dBm Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive Data Rate = 0.123 to 256 kbps FSK, GFSK, and OOK modulation

    RFM31B RFM31B 433/868/915MHz 14-PIN 16-PIN RFM-31 HOPERF Register Calculator worksheet varactor diode fm 73h-77h ant-div switch diode GP2 354 GPIO21 27/HOPERF Register Calculator worksheet PDF


    Abstract: RFM23-433-D RFM23 errata RFM23-868-S1 RFM-23 circular fm broadcast antenna Data Transceiver 433MHz rfm23 RFM23-433 14 pin proportional rc toy receiver TX1 433MHZ
    Text: RFM23 RFM23 ISM Transceiver Module V1.1 Features  Frequency Range = 240–930 MHz  Sensitivity = –118 dBm  +13 dBm Max Output Power ● Configurable –8 to +13 dBm  Low Power Consumption  Configurable packet structure  Preamble detector

    RFM23 RFM23 RFM23-433-D RFM23 errata RFM23-868-S1 RFM-23 circular fm broadcast antenna Data Transceiver 433MHz rfm23 RFM23-433 14 pin proportional rc toy receiver TX1 433MHZ PDF


    Abstract: AN461 Si4430 Si4432B AN453 diode GP2 354 SI4432-B1-FM si4432-b1 RF toy plane circuit diagram SI4430B
    Text: Si4430/31/32-B1 Si4430/31/32 ISM T RANSCEIVER Features Applications Silicon Laboratories’ Si4430/31/32 devices are highly integrated, single chip wireless ISM transceivers. The high-performance EZRadioPRO family includes a complete line of transmitters, receivers, and transceivers allowing the RF

    Si4430/31/32-B1 Si4430/31/32 SI4730 AN461 Si4430 Si4432B AN453 diode GP2 354 SI4432-B1-FM si4432-b1 RF toy plane circuit diagram SI4430B PDF

    ITX 193 -333 Motor

    Abstract: LGA-42 SI1010 SI1012
    Text: Si1010/1/2/3/4/5 Ultra Low Power, 16/8 kB, 12/10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240–960 MHz EZRadioPRO Transceiver Ultra Low Power: 0.9 to 3.6 V Operation - Typical sleep mode current < 0.1 µA; retains state and - EZRadioPRO® Transceiver - RAM contents over full supply range; fast wakeup of < 2 µs

    Si1010/1/2/3/4/5 12/10-Bit Si1010/1 Si1012/3/4/5 ITX 193 -333 Motor LGA-42 SI1010 SI1012 PDF

    NON polarized capacitor 1uf

    Abstract: si4431 crc error Siward crystal xtal SI4431 WD-1 ATB40
    Text: Si4431 Si4431 ISM T RANSCEIVER Features           Frequency Range = 240–930 MHz Sensitivity = –118 dBm +13 dBm Max Output Power Configurable –8 to +13 dBm Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive 28 mA @ +13 dBm transmit

    Si4431 Si4431 20-Pin NON polarized capacitor 1uf si4431 crc error Siward crystal xtal WD-1 ATB40 PDF


    Abstract: IEC-16 IEC16 CRC-16 PUP24
    Text: AN466 Si4030/31/32 R EGISTER D ESCRIPTIONS 1. Complete Register Summary Table 1. Register Descriptions Add R/W Function/Desc Data D7 D6 D5 01 R Device Version 02 R Device Status ffovfl ffunfl D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 POR Default vc[4] vc[3] vc[2] vc[1] vc[0] 06h Reserved

    AN466 Si4030/31/32 AN466 IEC-16 IEC16 CRC-16 PUP24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFM31B RFM31B ISM R ECEIVER V1.0 Features  Frequency Range 433/868/915MHz             ISM bands Sensitivity = –121 dBm Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive Data Rate = 0.123 to 256 kbps FSK, GFSK, and OOK modulation

    RFM31B RFM31B 433/868/915MHz 14-PIN 16-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si1010/1/2/3/4/5 Ultra Low Power, 16/8 kB, 12/10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240–960 MHz EZRadioPRO Transceiver Ultra Low Power: 0.9 to 3.6 V Operation - Typical sleep mode current < 0.1 µA; retains state and - EZRadioPRO® Transceiver - RAM contents over full supply range; fast wakeup of < 2 µs

    Si1010/1/2/3/4/5 12/10-Bit 10-Bit 12-Bit SI1012 PDF


    Abstract: RFM23B RFM22 RFM23 RFM-22 RF23B 433mhz rf fsk transmitter 4 pins gain antenna PCB rf traNsmitter receiver 433mhz 12v x32ksel
    Text: RFM22B/23B R FM2 2B/ 23B I S M T RA N SC EIV ER MOD U L E V1.1 Features Frequency Range 433/470/868/915MHz ISM bands Sensitivity = –121 dBm Output power range +20 dBm Max RFM22B +13 dBm Max (RFM23B) Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive 30 mA @ +13 dBm transmit

    RFM22B/23B 433/470/868/915MHz RFM22B) RFM23B) RFM22B RFM23B RFM22 RFM23 RFM-22 RF23B 433mhz rf fsk transmitter 4 pins gain antenna PCB rf traNsmitter receiver 433mhz 12v x32ksel PDF


    Abstract: 43b smd RFM43B RFM43 RFM-42 00-Transmitted RF 433Mhz 14pin 433mhz resonator 2.4 ghz FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM antenna 433MHZ PCB loop
    Text: RFM42B/43B RFM42B/43B ISM T RANSMITTER V1.0 Features  Frequency range 433/868/915MHz ISM bands  Output Power Range +1 to +20dBm RFM42B –8 to +13dBm (RFM43B) Low Power Consumption RFM42B 85 mA @ +20 dBm RFM43B 30 mA @ +13 dBm

    RFM42B/43B RFM42B/43B 433/868/915MHz 20dBm RFM42B) 13dBm RFM43B) RFM42B RFM43B 14-PIN RFM-43 43b smd RFM43B RFM43 RFM-42 00-Transmitted RF 433Mhz 14pin 433mhz resonator 2.4 ghz FM TRANSMITTER CIRCUIT DIAGRAM antenna 433MHZ PCB loop PDF


    Abstract: Si4032 AN460 AN461 AN466 AN448 an453 Si4031 ezradiopro
    Text: Si4030/31/32-B1 Si4030/31/32 ISM T RANSMITTER Features Si4030/31/32 Silicon Laboratories’ Si4030/31/32 devices are highly integrated, single-chip wireless ISM transmitters. The high-performance EZRadioPRO family includes a complete line of transmitters, receivers, and transceivers allowing the RF system

    Si4030/31/32-B1 Si4030/31/32 Si4030/31 Si4032. Si4030 Si4032 AN460 AN461 AN466 AN448 an453 Si4031 ezradiopro PDF


    Abstract: RFM31 RFM31S TX0104 high power 433MHZ Amplifier hoperf RF31 13A93 Remote Control Toy Receiver IC 9 Channel DEF43
    Text: RFM31 RFM31 ISM Receiver Module V 1.1 Features  Frequency Range = 240–960 MHz  Configurable packet structure  Sensitivity = –118 dBm  Preamble detector  RX 64 byte FIFO  Low battery detector  Temperature sensor and 8-bit ADC  –40 to +85 °C temperature range

    RFM31 RFM-31 RFM31 RFM31S TX0104 high power 433MHZ Amplifier hoperf RF31 13A93 Remote Control Toy Receiver IC 9 Channel DEF43 PDF


    Abstract: Philips 3111 253 3266 2E electrical schematic diagram apc UPS APC Back ES 500 UPS circuit diagram SI1025A Philips 3111 253 3266 1D smart UPS APC CIRCUIT diagram TZ1430A land dpu 230 schematic diagram apc UPS
    Text: Si102x/3x Ultra Low Power 128K, LCD MCU Family Ultra Low Power at 3.6V - - RF power consumption 18.5 mA receive 18 mA @ +1 dBm transmit 30 mA @ +13 dBm transmit 85 mA @ +20 dBm transmit Data rate = 0.123 to 256 kbps Auto-frequency calibration AFC Antenna diversity and transmit/receive switch control

    Si102x/3x 12-bit 10-bit 16-bit APC UPS es 500 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Philips 3111 253 3266 2E electrical schematic diagram apc UPS APC Back ES 500 UPS circuit diagram SI1025A Philips 3111 253 3266 1D smart UPS APC CIRCUIT diagram TZ1430A land dpu 230 schematic diagram apc UPS PDF


    Abstract: fsk modem 9400 ant-div switch RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit frequency hopping spread spectrum 900 SI4430
    Text: Si4430/31/32-B1 Si4430/31/32 ISM T RANSCEIVER Features Silicon Laboratories’ Si4430/31/32 devices are highly integrated, single chip wireless ISM transceivers. The high-performance EZRadioPRO family includes a complete line of transmitters, receivers, and transceivers allowing the RF

    Si4430/31/32-B1 Si4430/31/32 Si4431/32 Si4430) Si4432) Si4430/31 Si4432B fsk modem 9400 ant-div switch RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit frequency hopping spread spectrum 900 SI4430 PDF


    Abstract: Silabs
    Text: S i 4 0 3 1/32 Si4031/32 ISM T R A N S M I T T E R Features Pin Assignments Remote control Home security & alarm Telemetry Personal data logging Toy control Wireless PC peripherals       Remote meter reading Remote keyless entry Home automation

    Si4031/32 Si4032) Si4031) 16-Pin Si4032-A0-FM Silabs PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET S PL192A SP 256K LCD Controller/Driver AUG. 14, 2001 Version 1.0 SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. Information provided by SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document.

    SPL192A PDF


    Abstract: RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit AN417 AN440 rx 3152 4 pin ipc 7351
    Text: Si4313-B1 Si4313 L OW -C O S T I S M R ECEIVER Features      Ordering Information: See page 44. Pin Assignments Si4313 Applications Personal data logging  Health monitors  VDD 1 20 19 18 17 16 NC 2 15 SCLK NC 3 RX 4 12 VDD_DIG 6 7 8 9

    Si4313-B1 Si4313 Si4313 RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit AN417 AN440 rx 3152 4 pin ipc 7351 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RFM42B/43B RFM42B/43B ISM T RANSMITTER V1.0 Features  Frequency range 433/868/915MHz ISM bands  Output Power Range +1 to +20dBm RFM42B –8 to +13dBm (RFM43B) Low Power Consumption RFM42B 85 mA @ +20 dBm RFM43B 30 mA @ +13 dBm

    RFM42B/43B RFM42B/43B 433/868/915MHz 20dBm RFM42B) 13dBm RFM43B) RFM42B RFM43B RFM43 PDF

    sunplus 561 pdf datasheets

    Abstract: SPL191A SPL192A lcd 2571 58-COM11
    Text: SPL192A 256K LCD Controller/Driver AUG. 14, 2001 Version 1.0 SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. reserves the right to change this documentation without prior notice. Information provided by SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SUNPLUS TECHNOLOGY CO. makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document.

    SPL192A sunplus 561 pdf datasheets SPL191A SPL192A lcd 2571 58-COM11 PDF

    RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit

    Abstract: AN453 AN461 fm antenna diversity Si4330-B1 Si443x AN4670 Si4330 demodulator frequency AN466
    Text: Si4330-B1 Si4330 ISM R ECEIVER Features              Frequency Range = 240–960 MHz Sensitivity = –121 dBm Low Power Consumption 18.5 mA receive Data Rate = 0.123 to 256 kbps FSK, GFSK, and OOK modulation Power Supply = 1.8 to 3.6 V

    Si4330-B1 Si4330 RX 3152 8 pin integrated circuit AN453 AN461 fm antenna diversity Si443x AN4670 demodulator frequency AN466 PDF