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    0805HT-8N2TKSC Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, [email protected] Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    H0402CS-27NXGLW Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, [email protected] Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    WB1-1TSSD Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, [email protected] Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    0402CS-36NXJAW Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, [email protected] Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    WB1-1TSSB Coilcraft Inc High reliability part. For price, availability and ordering contact Coilcraft Critical Products, [email protected] Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

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    Abstract: xcf16pfs XCF32P-VOG48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 Xilinx Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family FSG48 XCF02S pcb
    Text: 47 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.13.1 April 3, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 XCF04S xcf16pfs XCF32P-VOG48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 Xilinx Spartan-II 2.5V FPGA Family FSG48 XCF02S pcb PDF

    spartan 3a

    Abstract: 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT xcf128x XCF32PFS48C Virtex 4 XC4VFX60 XC3S400 XCF02S pcb XCF32P Device Reliability report XILINX
    Text: 48 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.15 July 07, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 VOG20 spartan 3a 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT xcf128x XCF32PFS48C Virtex 4 XC4VFX60 XC3S400 XCF02S pcb XCF32P Device Reliability report XILINX PDF

    csb 485 E2

    Abstract: Xilinx XCF08P XCF01SVO20 XCF32P XCF128X fs48 xc3s400 pinout XCF32PVO48 DS123 VO48
    Text: 48 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.16 November 14, 2008 Product Specification Features • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 VOG20 csb 485 E2 Xilinx XCF08P XCF01SVO20 XCF32P XCF128X fs48 xc3s400 pinout XCF32PVO48 DS123 VO48 PDF

    CHN 936

    Abstract: CHN G4 019 xcf16pfs XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT XCF04S XILINX SPARTAN XC2S50 XCF32PVO48 FG48 XC2V80 SPARTAN 3a dsp board schematics
    Text: 47 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.12 January 28, 2008 Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR FLASH Process

    DS123 CHN 936 CHN G4 019 xcf16pfs XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT XCF04S XILINX SPARTAN XC2S50 XCF32PVO48 FG48 XC2V80 SPARTAN 3a dsp board schematics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 35 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R Product Specification DS123 v2.18 May 19, 2010 Features • XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • 3.3V Supply Voltage • Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S VOG20 PDF


    Abstract: 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF08PVO48C XCF32PVOG48C XCF32PVO48C ieee 1532 XCF04SVO20C pcb footprint for XCF08PFSG48C Platform XCF01SVOG20C XCF08PFS48C
    Text: 35 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.17 October 26, 2009 Product Specification Features • • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • ♦ 3.3V Supply Voltage Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process

    DS123 VOG20 XCF32PVO48 48-pin TSOP Package VO48 XCF08PVO48C XCF32PVOG48C XCF32PVO48C ieee 1532 XCF04SVO20C pcb footprint for XCF08PFSG48C Platform XCF01SVOG20C XCF08PFS48C PDF

    48-pin TSOP Package VO48

    Text: 35 Platform Flash In-System Programmable Configuration PROMs R DS123 v2.18 May 19, 2010 Product Specification Features • XCF01S/XCF02S/XCF04S • In-System Programmable PROMs for Configuration of Xilinx FPGAs • 3.3V Supply Voltage • Low-Power Advanced CMOS NOR Flash Process



    Abstract: XCF128X COOLRUNNER-II example led xc6slx75t XC3SD3400A xc5vlx220t XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT virtex 6 XC6VSX475T xc6slx75 XC6VLX365T
    Text: Platform Flash PROM User Guide UG161 v1.5 October 26, 2009 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG161 XAPP694, XAPP544, XCF02S/XCF04S XAPP389, UG002, UG071, UG191, UG332, UG360, UG161 XCF128X COOLRUNNER-II example led xc6slx75t XC3SD3400A xc5vlx220t XCF02S RELIABILITY REPORT virtex 6 XC6VSX475T xc6slx75 XC6VLX365T PDF


    Abstract: XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX100-FGG676 XC6SLX45 FGG484 x2 type ac capacitor XC6SLX16 FIT rate xc3s3400a UG116 XC95288 Virtex-6 reflow
    Text: Device Reliability Report Third Quarter 2010 UG116 v5.11 November 1, 2010 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the “Documentation”) to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG116 611GU FGG676 FFG1152 XC6SLX45t-fgg484 XC6SLX16-CSG324 XC6SLX100-FGG676 XC6SLX45 FGG484 x2 type ac capacitor XC6SLX16 FIT rate xc3s3400a UG116 XC95288 Virtex-6 reflow PDF

    XCV100 TQ144

    Abstract: XCS20XL pqg208 XC3S700AN FGG484 WS609 x2 type ac capacitor UG-116 xc3s200an pqg208 SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 PQ208 XC3S200 RELIABILITY REPORT UG116
    Text: Device Reliability Report First Quarter 2009 [optional] UG116 v5.5 June 15, 2009 [optional] Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post, or transmit the

    UG116 611GU FGG676 FFG1152 XCV100 TQ144 XCS20XL pqg208 XC3S700AN FGG484 WS609 x2 type ac capacitor UG-116 xc3s200an pqg208 SPARTAN-3 XC3S400 PQ208 XC3S200 RELIABILITY REPORT UG116 PDF

    Virtex-6 reflow

    Abstract: WS609 xc3s3400a xcv400e-b UG116 XCS20XL pqg208 UG-116 XC1702L XCE4VSX25 xc3s500e fg320
    Text: Device Reliability Report First Quarter 2010 UG116 v5.9 May 4, 2010 Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development of designs to operate with Xilinx hardware devices. You may not reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, p∅ost, or transmit the

    UG116 611GU FGG676 FFG1152 Virtex-6 reflow WS609 xc3s3400a xcv400e-b UG116 XCS20XL pqg208 UG-116 XC1702L XCE4VSX25 xc3s500e fg320 PDF

    spi flash programmer schematic

    Abstract: UG332 spi flash spartan 6 AT45DB642D Numonyx M25P128 MultiBoot service manual proton 1100 quick 850a interface of IR SENSOR with SPARTAN3 FPGA eprom e spi flash
    Text: Spartan-3 Generation Configuration User Guide Extended Spartan-3A, Spartan-3E, and Spartan-3 FPGA Families UG332 v1.5 March 16, 2009 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    UG332 X8Y15 SRL16 spi flash programmer schematic UG332 spi flash spartan 6 AT45DB642D Numonyx M25P128 MultiBoot service manual proton 1100 quick 850a interface of IR SENSOR with SPARTAN3 FPGA eprom e spi flash PDF


    Abstract: quick 850a edk 12.1 xc3s500e M25PXX 2475-14G2 Spartan 3E IR SENSOR numonyx m25p40 XAPP468 98424-G52-14 interface of IR SENSOR with SPARTAN3e FPGA
    Text: Spartan-3 Generation Configuration User Guide Extended Spartan-3A, Spartan-3E, and Spartan-3 FPGA Families UG332 v1.6 October 26, 2009 R R Xilinx is disclosing this user guide, manual, release note, and/or specification (the "Documentation") to you solely for use in the development

    UG332 X8Y15 SRL16 UG332 quick 850a edk 12.1 xc3s500e M25PXX 2475-14G2 Spartan 3E IR SENSOR numonyx m25p40 XAPP468 98424-G52-14 interface of IR SENSOR with SPARTAN3e FPGA PDF

    circuit diagram video transmitter and receiver

    Abstract: CTXIL671 SMPTE 352 GTX tile oversampling recovered clock XAPP1075 EK-V6-ML605-G SRLC32E 3G-SDI Hdsdi hd sdi receiver
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-6 Family Implementing Triple-Rate SDI with Virtex-6 FPGA GTX Transceivers XAPP1075 v1.1 November 2, 2010 Summary Author: John Snow The triple-rate serial digital interface (SDI) supporting the SMPTE SD-SDI, HD-SDI, and 3G-SDI standards is widely used in professional broadcast video equipment. SDI interfaces are

    XAPP1075 circuit diagram video transmitter and receiver CTXIL671 SMPTE 352 GTX tile oversampling recovered clock XAPP1075 EK-V6-ML605-G SRLC32E 3G-SDI Hdsdi hd sdi receiver PDF

    xc3s500e fg320

    Abstract: XC3S500E FGG320 XC3S250E TQG144 AT45DBX M25PXX XCF32P FOOT PRINT DS3121 AT45DBXX X2Y3 spi flash m25pxx
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 March 21, 2005 Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v1.1 March 21, 2005 6 pages DS312-3 (v1.0) March 1, 2005 18 pages • • • • • •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S250E CP132 CP132. CP132, FG400, FG484 xc3s500e fg320 XC3S500E FGG320 XC3S250E TQG144 AT45DBX M25PXX XCF32P FOOT PRINT DS3121 AT45DBXX X2Y3 spi flash m25pxx PDF

    xc3s500e vq100

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 Spartan-3E FPGA Family Data Sheet DS312 July 19, 2013 Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312 v4.1 July 19, 2013 DS312 (v4.1) July 19, 2013 • Introduction • • Features

    DS312 DS312 xc3s500e vq100 PDF

    xc3s1200e fg320

    Abstract: XC3S250E vqg100 SST25LFxxxA xc3s100 LVCMOS12 XC3S500E-FT256 Macronix Lot Identifier XC3S1200E-FG320 IPL34 MX25Lxxxx
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 November 23, 2005 Advance Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v2.0 November 23, 2005 8 pages DS312-3 (v2.0) November 23, 2005

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 FG400 DS312-1, DS312-2, DS312-3, DS312-4, DS312-4 xc3s1200e fg320 XC3S250E vqg100 SST25LFxxxA xc3s100 LVCMOS12 XC3S500E-FT256 Macronix Lot Identifier XC3S1200E-FG320 IPL34 MX25Lxxxx PDF

    XC3S100E TQG144

    Abstract: XC3S500E FGG320 FR 309 diode
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 May 19, 2006 Preliminary Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v3.0 March 22, 2006 DS312-3 (v3.2) May 19, 2006 • •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S100E CP132 XC3S1600E FG320 XC3S100E TQG144 XC3S500E FGG320 FR 309 diode PDF

    xc3s500e vq100

    Abstract: m1l43 XC3S250E TQ144 STARTER KIT BOARD XC3S500EVQ100 Xilinx Parallel Cable IV spartan-3 XC3S500E-VQ100 SPARTAN 3e 1600e XC3S250E vqg100 XC3S500E FGG320
    Text: PRODUCT NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 1 Spartan-3E FPGA Family Data Sheet DS312 October 29, 2012 Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312 4.0 October 29, 2012 DS312 (4.0) October 29, 2012

    DS312 DS312 xc3s500e vq100 m1l43 XC3S250E TQ144 STARTER KIT BOARD XC3S500EVQ100 Xilinx Parallel Cable IV spartan-3 XC3S500E-VQ100 SPARTAN 3e 1600e XC3S250E vqg100 XC3S500E FGG320 PDF


    Abstract: XC3S500E FGG320 XC3S100E TQ144
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 April 10, 2006 Preliminary Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v3.0 March 22, 2006 DS312-3 (v3.1) April 10, 2006 •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S1600E FG320 DS312-1, DS312-2, DS312-3, L04P XC3S500E FGG320 XC3S100E TQ144 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 March 22, 2006 Preliminary Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v3.0 March 22, 2006 8 pages DS312-3 (v3.0) March 22, 2006

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S1600E FG320 DS312-1, PDF


    Abstract: spi flash programmer schematic intel strataflash j3d xc3s500e fg320 XC3S100E-VQ100 Macronix Lot Identifier circuit diagram for seven segment display in fpga M25PXX XC3S500E 208 xc3s1600e fg320
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 November 9, 2006 Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v3.4 November 9, 2006 DS312-3 (v3.4) November 9, 2006 • • •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S1600E FG320 XC3S100E L14P3 spi flash programmer schematic intel strataflash j3d xc3s500e fg320 XC3S100E-VQ100 Macronix Lot Identifier circuit diagram for seven segment display in fpga M25PXX XC3S500E 208 xc3s1600e fg320 PDF


    Abstract: xc3s500e fg320 XC3S500E FGG320 3s250e xc3s100 XC3S500E-FT256
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Complete Data Sheet R DS312 October 5, 2006 Preliminary Product Specification Module 1: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 v3.0 March 22, 2006 DS312-3 (v3.2) May 19, 2006 • •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S100E CP132 XC3S1600E FG320 TQG144 xc3s500e fg320 XC3S500E FGG320 3s250e xc3s100 XC3S500E-FT256 PDF

    xc3s500e fg320

    Abstract: xc3s500e VQG100 XC3S500E FGG320 NUMONYX xilinx bpi intel j3d XC3S250E M25PXX xc3s1600e fg320 XC3S500E DS312-3
    Text: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Data Sheet R DS312 v3.8 August 26, 2009 Product Specification Module 1: Spartan-3E FPGA Family: Introduction and Ordering Information Module 3: DC and Switching Characteristics DS312-1 (v3.8) August 26, 2009 • • • • • •

    DS312 DS312-1 DS312-3 DS312-2 XC3S500E XC3S1600E VQG100 DS312-4 xc3s500e fg320 xc3s500e VQG100 XC3S500E FGG320 NUMONYX xilinx bpi intel j3d XC3S250E M25PXX xc3s1600e fg320 DS312-3 PDF