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    Abstract: MTC13 LXT625 131-G W J 50
    Text: DATA SHEET JUNE 1999 Revision 2.0 LXT6251 21 E1 SDH Mapper LXT General Description Features The LXT6251 21E1 Mapper performs asynchronous mapping and demapping of 21 E1 PDH signals into SDH. The PDH side interfaces with E1 LIUs and framers via NRZ Clock & Data, while the SDH side uses a standard

    LXT6251 VC-12 VC-12s, PDS-6251-8/99-2 X1HB MTC13 LXT625 131-G W J 50 PDF


    Abstract: telecom bus DM9000 application Digital Alarm Clock by using ttl LXT6251A 001H LXT6051 MTD10 LXT6282 MTC11
    Text: LXT6251A 21 E1 SDH Mapper Datasheet The LXT6251A 21E1 Mapper performs asynchronous mapping and demapping of 21 E1 PDH signals into SDH. The PDH side interfaces with E1 LIUs and framers via NRZ Clock & Data, while the SDH side uses a standard Telecom bus interface. Further processing by the companion

    LXT6251A LXT6251A LXT6051 X1HB telecom bus DM9000 application Digital Alarm Clock by using ttl 001H MTD10 LXT6282 MTC11 PDF

    san francisco telecom

    Abstract: X1HB 001H MTC21 SXT6251 MTC11 MTD16 P1396 MTC13 MTC15
    Text: DATA SHEET MAY 1998 Revision 1.1 SXT6251 21 E1 SDH Mapper General Description Features The SXT6251 21E1 Mapper performs asynchronous mapping and demapping of 21 E1 PDH signals into SDH. The PDH side interfaces with E1 LIUs and framers via NRZ Clock & Data, while the SDH side uses a standard Telecom

    SXT6251 SXT6251 SXT6051 san francisco telecom X1HB 001H MTC21 MTC11 MTD16 P1396 MTC13 MTC15 PDF

    rd 70 vhr1

    Abstract: opamp 356 128/128 lcd graphic display connections ricon COM128 T6K41 ricon 372
    Text: T6K41 Preliminary TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6K41 Column Row Driver LSI for Dot Matrix Graphic LCD The Toshiba T6K41 is a driver for a small-to-medium-sized dot matrix graphic LCD, and is especially suited to four-gray-scale

    T6K41 T6K41 80/68-series) COM65 rd 70 vhr1 opamp 356 128/128 lcd graphic display connections ricon COM128 ricon 372 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T6K41 Preliminary TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6K41 Column Row Driver LSI for Dot Matrix Graphic LCD The Toshiba T6K41 is a driver for a small-to-medium-sized dot matrix graphic LCD, and is especially suited to four-gray-scale

    T6K41 T6K41 80/68-series) COM65 PDF

    iec 60687

    Abstract: 60687 MAXQ3180 MAXQ3180-RAN D813 MISO Matlab code bsf sis single phase 220v phase shift circuit diagram
    Text: Rev 0; 2/08 Low-Power, Multifunction, Polyphase AFE The MAXQ3180 is a dedicated electricity measurement front-end that collects and calculates polyphase voltage, current, power, energy, and many other metering and power-quality parameters of a polyphase load. The

    MAXQ3180 MAXQ3180 iec 60687 60687 MAXQ3180-RAN D813 MISO Matlab code bsf sis single phase 220v phase shift circuit diagram PDF

    iec 60687

    Abstract: MISO Matlab code iec 61268 CKPHA 38xh pls2 acc Matlab 3-phase transformer design IEC61036
    Text: Rev 0; 2/08 Low-Power, Multifunction, Polyphase AFE The MAXQ3180 is a dedicated electricity measurement front-end that collects and calculates polyphase voltage, current, power, energy, and many other metering and power-quality parameters of a polyphase load. The

    MAXQ3180 MAXQ3180 iec 60687 MISO Matlab code iec 61268 CKPHA 38xh pls2 acc Matlab 3-phase transformer design IEC61036 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T6K41 Preliminary TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6K41 Column and Row Driver LSI for a Dot Matrix Graphic LCD The T6K41 is a driver for a small-to-medium-sized dot matrix graphic LCD, especially for four-gray-scale monochromatic STN

    T6K41 T6K41 80/68-series) PDF


    Abstract: COM128 T6K41 "FRC" P34I_5934
    Text: T6K41 Preliminary TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6K41 Column and Row Driver LSI for a Dot Matrix Graphic LCD The T6K41 is a driver for a small-to-medium-sized dot matrix graphic LCD, especially for four-gray-scale monochromatic STN

    T6K41 T6K41 80/68-series) ricon COM128 "FRC" P34I_5934 PDF

    Tip 1124

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T6K41 Preliminary TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic T6K41 Column Row Driver LSI for Dot Matrix Graphic LCD The T6K41 is a driver for a small-to-medium-sized dot matrix graphic LCD, and is especially suited to four-gray-scale Unit: mm

    T6K41 T6K41 80/68-series) Tip 1124 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 9 9 9 A N N U A L R E P O “Cypress’s priority for 1999 is to grow faster than the [semiconductor] industry.” T.J. Rodgers, 1998 Annual Report * *Analysts’ estimate of 2000 Cypress revenue; does not include IC Works revenue prior to IC Works acquisition.

    25-micron 256-Kbit SN6000 558-AR-00 PDF


    Abstract: SX18AC SX20AC SX28AC SX48BD SX52BD pic microcontroller triac control triac DTMF decoder
    Text: Scenix SX Family User’s Manual SX User’s Manual Rev. 2.2 1999 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision History REVISION RELEASE DATE SUMMARY OF CHANGES 2.0 February 11, 1999 2.01 June 14, 1999 Conyents the same as Rev 2.0 but removed the

    SX18/20/28 SX48/52BD 20-PIN SX18AC SX20AC SX28AC SX48BD SX52BD pic microcontroller triac control triac DTMF decoder PDF


    Abstract: Scenix Semiconductor DMX-512 SX18AC SX20AC SX28AC SX48BD SX52BD SX18A pic microcontroller triac control
    Text: Scenix SX Family User’s Manual SX User’s Manual Rev. 2.01 1999 Scenix Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved. Revision History REVISION RELEASE DATE 2.0 February 11, 1999 2.01 June 14, 1999 SUMMARY OF CHANGES Updated to include SX48/52BD devices

    SX48/52BD DMX512 DECODER Scenix Semiconductor DMX-512 SX18AC SX20AC SX28AC SX48BD SX52BD SX18A pic microcontroller triac control PDF


    Abstract: 3-bit comparator circuit receives two 3-bit MAB 05 015 On Semiconductor Logic Data Code and Traceability xeh 250 120 DS30000 ID10 MCP2510 DS21291E-page
    Text: M MCP2510 Stand-Alone CAN Controller with SPI Interface Features Description • Implements Full CAN V2.0A and V2.0B at 1 Mb/s: - 0 - 8 byte message length - Standard and extended data frames - Programmable bit rate up to 1 Mb/s - Support for remote frames

    MCP2510 D-81739 DS21291E* DS21291E-page 21291E 3-bit comparator circuit receives two 3-bit MAB 05 015 On Semiconductor Logic Data Code and Traceability xeh 250 120 DS30000 ID10 MCP2510 PDF


    Abstract: C82C55A I82C55A M82C55A
    Text: ;•. > 1 ÏS S ÏÎS ! UAL A DUAL PARALLEL PORT INTERFACE MODULE WWhite DHC8-DPDS SERIES Technology, Inc. Advance Information 001609 FEATURES • 200° C Operating Temperature • • • • • Two Separate Serial Ports Two Separate Parallel Ports Single 5 Volt Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    DHC8-P85 C82C55A I82C55A M82C55A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DUAL PARALLEL PORT INTERFACE MODULE DHC8-DPDS SERIES W W hite Technology, Inc. C 7-1 J '• Advance Information '< ; 001609 : /ix-.' :"' FEATURES • 200° C Operating Temperature • • • • • Two Separate Serial Ports Two Separate Parallel Ports Single 5 Volt Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    Port--72 B5Q40 PDF


    Abstract: CL-GD7543 vl-bus Page Mode DRAM Controller for 486DX vga lcd cirrus vga lg crt tv motherboard circuit diagram gd7543
    Text: CL-GD7541/GD7543 Super VGA LCD Controller 3. 'CIRRUS LOGIC FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This section provides functional information and design guidelines for the CL-GD7541/GD7543. 3.1 In tro d u c tio n The CL-GD7541 /GD7543 offers a tightly integrated, high-performance motherboard solution. Multiple

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD7541/GD7543 CL-GD7541/GD7543. CL-GD7541 /GD7543 CL-GD7541/GD7543 208-pin AD720 CL-GD7543 vl-bus Page Mode DRAM Controller for 486DX vga lcd cirrus vga lg crt tv motherboard circuit diagram gd7543 PDF


    Abstract: YMF278B sj 2252 YMF262 YMF278B-F Yamaha Musical Instruments YMF278 YRW801 CD 5888 ic IC 74138
    Text: YAMAHA L S I APPLICATION MANUAL FM+WAVE TABLE SYSTHESIZER YAMAHA YMF278B APPLICATION MANUAL CATALOG No. : -LSI 6MF2782 1994. 3 NOTICES YAMAHA reserves the right to make changes in specifications in order to improve performance without notice. The application circuits herein are presented only as an example.

    OCR Scan
    YMF278B 6MF2782 CA95131 YSS225 sj 2252 YMF262 YMF278B-F Yamaha Musical Instruments YMF278 YRW801 CD 5888 ic IC 74138 PDF


    Abstract: TX5B Heft 54 Scans-048 aim ac hoe rv heft hcj 6a IH400 siek 1 AE 1000-SS
    Text: p,. c . r y p / i E B C n o n P A H O H H b I M B O n P M H H H B O P A M H 3 A aT e/ibC T B o „ T e x H iK a " K m ob — 1 9 7 0 M 6<D0. 31 0 8 3 T95 YAK 621.327.4/9.(031) CnpaBOHHHK no hohhum npnöopaM. T y p .n e b R . C. «TexHÍK», 1970, 180 crp.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: wk16414 KT201 IRS 8342 WK16413 LQ470 LQ410 1PP75 KC639 KT728
    Text: TESLA ELEKTRONICKE SOUCASTKiT KO N CERN R O ZN O V nO/iynpOBOÆHMKOBbie npn6opbi A H o n o ro B b ie M H T e rp a n b H b ie MMKpOCXeMbl 1 U n c fjp o B b ie M H T e rp a / ib M b ie M U K p O C X e M bl 2 rn ö p k i/ iH b ie M H T e rp a / ib H b ie MMKpOCXeMbl

    OCR Scan

    MA 7815 tesla

    Abstract: MAA501 MAA 436 TESLA MCA660 MAS560A MCA640 MA3005 MAA725 tesla maa 436 MA 7805 tesla
    Text: l i 8 S W C L j D I W L M E L E K T R O N IC K É M K O N C E R N Ä H a n o r o B b i e S O U C Ä S T K Y R O Z N O V i/iHTerpa/ibHbie M M K pO C X eM bl A H a n o r o B b ie M H T e r p a n b H b ie M M KpO C XeM bl 1 L jM c fc p o B b ie M H T e r p a n b H b ie

    OCR Scan

    TRIODE 6H13C

    Abstract: Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode

    OCR Scan
    n03B0JIHeT 03HaK0MHTbCH r-200, 30UL6C JIO-3720/738 TRIODE 6H13C Triode 6h7c 6H13C TUBE 6j1 V148T TRIODE 6C4C "Receiving Tubes" book 6H7C 6H16B 6H9c triode PDF


    Abstract: philips 107 crt monitor vga connector CL-PX4072 vl-bus CL-GD754X lg philips crt monitor circuit diagram cirrus vga CL-GD7543
    Text: CL-GD7548 XGA/SVGA LCD Controller 3. 1CIRRUS LOGIC FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION This section provides functional information and design guidelines for the CL-GD7548 Graphics User Interface Accelerator GUIX SVGA LCD Controller with enhanced M V A . 3.1 In tr o d u c tio n

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD7548 CL-GD7548 CL-GD7542 philips 107 crt monitor vga connector CL-PX4072 vl-bus CL-GD754X lg philips crt monitor circuit diagram cirrus vga CL-GD7543 PDF


    Abstract: ky202e K174XA2 KT809A KT805A KT610B KP350A KT808a KT920A KC213
    Text: BJOJIABPHHEHKO CnPABOMHMK n o n o jiy nPOBOAHMKOBBIM nPMBOPAM H 3A aH ne 1 0 -e, nepepaöoT aH H oe KHEB «TEXHIKA* h flo n o jiH e H H o e 32.852 h2 J113 JlaBpnMenKO B. 10. J113 CnpaBOMHHK no noJiynpoBOAHHKOBbiM npnöopaM. 10-e m a., nepepaô. h A on.— K.: TexHiKa, 1984.— 424 c., hji.— BHÓjniorp.:

    OCR Scan
    XapfaKOB-57, KC156A ky202e K174XA2 KT809A KT805A KT610B KP350A KT808a KT920A KC213 PDF