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    Abstract: DS2502-E48 DS80C400 DS80C400-FNY J-STD-020A
    Text: DS80C400 Network Microcontroller GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The DS80C400 network microcontroller offers the highest integration available in an 8051 device. Peripherals include a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, three serial ports, a CAN 2.0B controller, 1-Wire Master, and 64 I/O pins.

    DS80C400 DS80C400 75MHz 24-bit 80C32 DS2502-E48 DS80C400-FNY J-STD-020A PDF


    Abstract: SS1103C SS1107 transistor P43 smd
    Text: 7/16/98 SS1103C Single-Chip Spread Spectrum Processor for Digital Cordless Phone External Specification PRELIMINARY V 1.1              !" !"!# $% !" !"!#! &&&  '  () '

    SS1103C PNH15 SS1103C SS1107 transistor P43 smd PDF


    Abstract: 24 leads qfn 5x5 9380 32QFN PE43703 X1001001
    Text: Product Specification PE43703 50 Ω RF Digital Attenuator 7-bit, 31.75 dB, DC-6.0 GHz, VssEXT option Product Description The PE43703 is a HaRP -enhanced, high linearity, 7-bit RF Digital Step Attenuator DSA . This highly versatile DSA covers a 31.75 dB attenuation range in 0.25 dB, 0.5 dB, or 1.0

    PE43703 PE43703 PE43701 24 leads qfn 5x5 9380 32QFN X1001001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: m80c85ah OKI M81C55 M82C51A-2 m82c55a-2 oki m82c55a-2 M82C53-2 m82c55a-5 m82c51a M81C55
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.

    MSM81C55-5RS/GS/JS QFP44-P-910-0 80-2K M81C55-5 m80c85ah OKI M81C55 M82C51A-2 m82c55a-2 oki m82c55a-2 M82C53-2 m82c55a-5 m82c51a M81C55 PDF


    Abstract: CY8C956
    Text: CY8C9520A CY8C9540A, CY8C9560A 20-, 40-, and 60-Bit I/O Expander with EEPROM Features Overview 2 • I C interface logic electrically compatible with SMBus ■ Up to 20 CY8C9520A , 40 (CY8C9540A), or 60 (CY8C9560A) I/O data pins independently configurable as inputs, outputs,

    CY8C9520A CY8C9540A, CY8C9560A 60-Bit CY8C95xxA CY8C956 PDF


    Abstract: Megawin MPC89E58AF boot code ap megawin Leaper-48 MPC89E58AP MPC89E58AE BOOT CODE MEGAWIN PQPF 80C51 DIP-40
    Text: MPC89E58A 8-bit micro-controller Features . 2 General Description . 3

    MPC89E58A MPC89E58A PQFP-44 MPC89E58AF Megawin MPC89E58AF boot code ap megawin Leaper-48 MPC89E58AP MPC89E58AE BOOT CODE MEGAWIN PQPF 80C51 DIP-40 PDF


    Abstract: D0207 h0042 4 channel data acquisition system AY 5 3500 digital wrist watch lcd display detail h0051 H8011 h8022 schematic diagram lcd monitor advance 17
    Text: Datasheet XE88LC02 Sensing Machine Data Acquisition MCU with Zooming ADC and LCD driver XE88LC02 Sensing Machine Data Acquisition MCU with 16 + 10 bit ZoomingADC and LCD driver General Description Key product Features The XE88LC02 is a data acquisition ultra lowpower low-voltage microcontroller unit MCU with

    XE88LC02 300uA D0207-134 h8005 D0207 h0042 4 channel data acquisition system AY 5 3500 digital wrist watch lcd display detail h0051 H8011 h8022 schematic diagram lcd monitor advance 17 PDF

    37 TV samsung lcd Schematic circuit diagram

    Abstract: schematic diagram inverter lcd monitor fujitsu lmg9970zwcc FLC31SVC6S schematic diagram crt tv sharp hitachi tx31 LT133X1-124 37 TV samsung lcd Schematic schematic diagram tv sharp sanyo schematic diagram dvd s1
    Text: 65550/554/555 & 69000 HiQVideo Series Application Note Book Revision 1.0 June 1998  Copyright Notice Copyright 1998 Chips and Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Intel Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This manual is copyrighted by Chips and Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Intel Corporation. You may not reproduce, transmit ,

    655xx AN119 37 TV samsung lcd Schematic circuit diagram schematic diagram inverter lcd monitor fujitsu lmg9970zwcc FLC31SVC6S schematic diagram crt tv sharp hitachi tx31 LT133X1-124 37 TV samsung lcd Schematic schematic diagram tv sharp sanyo schematic diagram dvd s1 PDF

    BC547 SMD-Typ

    Abstract: bc547 smd transistor 3 pin TIP122 smd stv2118 STV2112 BC547 STV2118A Transistor morocco tip122 crt tv flyback transformer pin connections BC547 TRANSISTOR SMD

    STV2145 STV2118A BC547 SMD-Typ bc547 smd transistor 3 pin TIP122 smd stv2118 STV2112 BC547 STV2118A Transistor morocco tip122 crt tv flyback transformer pin connections BC547 TRANSISTOR SMD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    intel 8051 Family with internal ADC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C8051F000/1/2/5/6/7 C8051F010/1/2/5/6/7 PRELIMINARY Mixed-Signal 32KB ISP FLASH MCU Family ANALOG PERIPHERALS MEMORY - DIGITAL PERIPHERALS Two 12-bit DACs Two Analog Comparators 16 Programmable Hysteresis Values Configurable to Generate Interrupts or Reset

    C8051F000/1/2/5/6/7 C8051F010/1/2/5/6/7 12-Bit C8051F000/1/2, C8051F005/6/7) 10-bit C8051F010/1/2, C8051F015/6/7) 100ksps intel 8051 Family with internal ADC PDF


    Abstract: transistor 955 MOTOROLA EC000 M68000 M68300 MC68000 MC68328 MC68EC000 6805 motorola MC68328PV
    Text: TM MC68328 DragonBall Integrated Processor User’s Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and

    MC68328 MC68328 MC68328P transistor 955 MOTOROLA EC000 M68000 M68300 MC68000 MC68EC000 6805 motorola MC68328PV PDF

    buzzer 8051

    Abstract: wbcr SS8203 SL1360 CT1F p5rd2 S2MD
    Text: 4/30/98 SS8203 MICROCONTROLLER External Specification PRELIMINARY V 1.1BA              !" !"!# $% !" !"!#! &&&  '  () ' SS8203 1.1BA 4/30/98 Table of Contents

    SS8203 SS8203 buzzer 8051 wbcr SL1360 CT1F p5rd2 S2MD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TS3A225E SCDS329A – AUGUST 2012 – REVISED MAY 2013 AUTONOMOUS AUDIO HEADSET SWITCH Check for Samples: TS3A225E FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • 1 • • • • • • VDD Range = 2.7 V to 4.5 V Break Before Make Stereo Jack Switches

    TS3A225E SCDS329A 000-V A114-B, TS3A225E PDF


    Abstract: DS80C410 DS80C410-FNY DS80C411 DS80C411-FNY
    Text: DS80C410/DS80C411 Network Microcontrollers with Ethernet and CAN GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The DS80C410/DS80C411 network microcontrollers offer the highest integration available in an 8051 device. Peripherals include a 10/100 Ethernet MAC, three serial

    DS80C410/DS80C411 DS80C410/DS80C411 DS80C410 DS80C411 64kBytes DS2502-E48 DS80C410-FNY DS80C411-FNY PDF

    tcl tv circuit

    Abstract: 5002C-CGT tcl tv system ic
    Text: AVPro 5002C Dual SCART A/V Switch ® TDK SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. October 2000 FEATURES DESCRIPTION ® • Two SCART connections Auxiliary, TV • Video section - Integrated output drivers - RGB, SVHS, composite outputs - Programmable RGB gain • Audio section

    5002C 64-lead 5002C tcl tv circuit 5002C-CGT tcl tv system ic PDF


    Abstract: R2S15900SP
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: Intel 8155 Port IC intel 8155 5962R9XXXX01QXC
    Text: i l i h a r r is HS-81C55RH 81 S E M I C O N D U C T O R Radiation Hardened 256 X 8 CMOS RAM March 1996 Features Description • Devices QM L Qualified in Accordance with MIL-PRF-38535 The HS-81C55/56RH are radiation hardened RAM and I/O chips fabricated using the Harris radiation hardened SelfAligned Junction Isolated SAJI silicon gate technology.

    OCR Scan
    HS-81C55RH HS-81C55/56RH HS-80C85RH 500ns HS-81 C55/56RH HS-81r 1-800-4-HARRIS 80c85 Intel 8155 Port IC intel 8155 5962R9XXXX01QXC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPU 830 MPU 831 STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION, PRELIMINARY MPU 830 ROM I/O Device MPU 831 I/O Device FEATURES □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ PIN CONFIGURATION Variable Power Supply: 2.4V-6.0V Pin-Compatible With NSC830/NSC831 Three Programmable I/O Ports

    OCR Scan
    NSC830/NSC831 MPU830) MPU800 2708s C123-45 PDF


    Abstract: m5m81c55p-2 m5m81c55 m5m81 m5m81c55p M5M81c CT Terminal Consist of RT 5-T 81C55FP2
    Text: M ITSU B IS H I LSI« M 5M 81C 55P -2/FP -2/ J-2 CMOS 2048-BIT STATIC RAM WITH I/O PORTS AND TIM ER DESCRIPTION The M 5M 81C 55P -2 is the 2 K -b it RAM 256-word by 8-bit PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) fa b ric a te d by the silicon gate C M O S technology. This LSI

    OCR Scan
    2048-BIT 256-word 14-bit 40-pin M5M81C 55FP-2 55J-2 M5M81C55P2 m5m81c55p-2 m5m81c55 m5m81 m5m81c55p CT Terminal Consist of RT 5-T 81C55FP2 PDF


    Abstract: AM8155DC am8085 AM8156
    Text: A m 8 1 5 5 / A m 8 1 5 6 2048-Bit Static MOS RAM With I/O Ports and Timer ADVANCE INFORMATION DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • The Am8155 and Am8156 are RAM and I/O chips to be used in the Am8085A MPU system. The RAM portion is designed

    OCR Scan
    2048-Bit 14-bit Am8155 Am8156 Am8085A 400ns /Am8156 Am8155/Am8156 320ns AM8156PC AM8155DC am8085 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ETE D • b E 4 ci ñ S é 001502b S ■ M IT S U B IS H I L S Is M 5L8155P ' T zm 0-Z l> -\'Z - M ITSUBISHI m CM PTR/M IPRC 2048-B IT STATIC RAM W ITH I/O PORTS AND TIM E R DESCRIPTION T h e M 5 L8155P is a 2 K -b lt R A M (2 5 6 -w o rd by 8 -b it) fa b ri­

    OCR Scan
    001502b 5L8155P 2048-B L8155P PDF


    Abstract: 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel
    Text: COMPONENT DATA CATALOG JANUARY 1982 Intel C orporation makes no w arranty fo r the use of its products and assumes no re sponsib ility fo r any e rrors w hich may appear in th is docum ent nor does it make a com m itm ent to update the info rm atio n contained herein.

    OCR Scan
    RMX/80, P80A49H 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel PDF