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    Z23P3310M Search Results

    Z23P3310M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Aeromet ii capacitor ac SS10000AFC TT10000AFC N50H aeromet capacitor m23p3715m00 Z24P4445W m23p3720m00 aerovox m22p3705m00 M22P3707N00
    Text: AeroMef I METALLIZED POLYPROPYLENE FILM CAPACITORS — Plastic Case Features • Round, nonco rrosive p lastic c a se styles • Up to 1 0 0 °C o p e ratio n Margin • V o lta g e range of 2 4 0V A C to 480V AC • S in g le and dual c a p a c ita n c e

    OCR Scan
    75fiF, 00017S7 M23P3715M00 Aeromet ii capacitor ac SS10000AFC TT10000AFC N50H aeromet capacitor m23p3715m00 Z24P4445W m23p3720m00 aerovox m22p3705m00 M22P3707N00 PDF

    Aeromet ii capacitor ac

    Abstract: M26P4435W05 Z50P3707N Z26P3745W M23P3715M00 Z26P3775M P50G3704E ma027 Z26P4450W Z24P3750W
    Text: SuperMef A 0 5 - 1 7 ' - 2 7 M E TA LLIZE D P O LY P R O P Y LE N E F ILM C A P A C ITO R S — M etal Case F eatures • Oval and round case styles • Up to 100°C operation End Spray Tab Margin • V oltage range of 240VAC to 525VAC Single and dual capacitance

    OCR Scan
    240VAC 525VAC 75/tF, 525VAC, dep385G N50H2190G N50H2390G N50H2195G N50H2395G Aeromet ii capacitor ac M26P4435W05 Z50P3707N Z26P3745W M23P3715M00 Z26P3775M P50G3704E ma027 Z26P4450W Z24P3750W PDF


    Abstract: Z23P3335M microwave oven magnetron Z26P environol 2 N91R6602Y aerovox capacitor oval N92R6605E
    Text: AeroPak" PAPER I POLYPROPYLENE FILM I ALUMINUM FOIL — Metal Case Features • Oval case style • Up to 90°C operation • Voltage range of 700VAC to 1000VAC • S in g le and m ultiple ca pacitance ratings • Capacitan ce range of 0.5fiF to 8/tF Application

    OCR Scan
    700VAC 1000VAC 032755S Q0017 Z64p3320m Z23P3335M microwave oven magnetron Z26P environol 2 N91R6602Y aerovox capacitor oval N92R6605E PDF


    Abstract: N92R6605E H62R6630E H62R H62R6618E
    Text: Power Supply Capacitors _ SuperMet _ Oval Case 70eC Case Temperature 330 VAC — CATALO G PART NUMBER POWER SUPPLY — Capacitors are used in power supply circuits to facilitate voltage regulation, noise suppression, and line current reduction. They also

    OCR Scan
    Z50P3305M Z50P3307M Z50P3308M Z50P3310M Z50P3314M Z50P3315M Z23P3305M Z23P3307M Z23P3308M Z23P3310M H64R6625E N92R6605E H62R6630E H62R H62R6618E PDF