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    ZTX537 Search Results

    ZTX537 Datasheets (22)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ZTX537 Ferranti Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide 1985 Scan PDF
    ZTX537 Ferranti Semiconductors E-Line Transistors 1977 Scan PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Shortform Transistor Datasheet Guide Short Form PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Shortform Electronic Component Datasheets Short Form PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537 Unknown Cross Reference Datasheet Scan PDF
    ZTX537 Zetex Semiconductors Quick Reference Guide (Discrete Semiconductors) 1991 Scan PDF
    ZTX537A Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537AK Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537AL Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537AM Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537B Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537BK Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537BL Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537BM Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537C Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ZTX537CK Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF

    ZTX537 Datasheets Context Search

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    pnp to92

    Abstract: ZTX537C DSA003768
    Text: PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR ZTX537C ISSUE 2 – MARCH 94 C B E E-Line TO92 Compatible ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Collector-Base Voltage VCBO -50 V Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO -45 V Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO -5 V

    ZTX537C -500mA, -50mA* -300mA, -100mA, -10mA, 50MHz pnp to92 ZTX537C DSA003768 PDF


    Abstract: LOW-POWER SILICON PNP p60n 2SA1299E BC212BP
    Text: RF LOW-POWER SILICON PNP Item Number Part Number V BR CEO 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 BC212LA BCW86 BCW86 BCW86 2SB637K 2SB710A 2SA891 2SA891 2SA891 2SB621A >= Manufacturer V(BR)CEO fr (V) (Hz) See Index Micro Elecs Semi Inc Advncd Semi

    BC212LA BCW86 2SB637K 2SB710A 2SA891 2SB621A BSW45A LOW-POWER SILICON PNP p60n 2SA1299E BC212BP PDF


    Abstract: ZTX651 ZTX551 ZTX753 ZTX337 ZTX452 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX453 ZTX454
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 2 amps with power dissipation capabilities in excess of 1000 mW at 25°C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay Switching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX653 ZTX753 ZTX453 ZTX652 ZTX552 ZTX452 MPSA56 MPSA06 ZTX751 ZTX651 ZTX551 ZTX753 ZTX337 ZTX452 MPSA06 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX452 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX453 ZTX454 ZTX455 ZTX651 ZTX652 ZTX653
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 2 amps with power dissipation capabilities in excess of 1000 mW at 25°C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay Switching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX653 ZTX753 ZTX453 MPSA55 ZTX750 ZTX550 BC327A BC327B BC338C ZTX452 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX651 ZTX652 PDF


    Abstract: BFS98 BFS59 ZTX452 BC546P BC556P BFS61 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX451
    Text: TABLE 2 : PNP GENERAL PURPOSE The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for small and medium signal am plification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: AUDIO FREQUENCY A M PLIFIER S, D RIVERS and OUTPUT ST A G ES, O SC ILLA TO RS, AND GEN ERAL PURPO SE

    OCR Scan
    ZTX552 ZTX452 MPSA56 MPSA06 BC556P BC546P ZTX551 ZTX451 BFS98 MPSA55 bc177 BFS59 ZTX452 BC546P BFS61 MPSA06 ZTX451 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX502 BFS60 ZTX212 BFS97 ZTX108 ZTX304 ZTX337 bfs59 BC107P
    Text: TABLE 1: NPN GENERAL PURPOSE The d e vice s s h o w n in this table are general p urpose tra n sisto rs d esigned for sm all signal am plification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: A U D IO F R E Q U E N C Y A M P L IF IE R S , D R IV E R S and O U T P U T S T A G E S , O S C IL L A T O R S , A N D G E N E R A L

    OCR Scan
    BC546P BC556P ZTX304 ZTX504 BC182P BC212P ZTX107 ZTX212 BC547P BC557P BFS98 ZTX502 BFS60 ZTX212 BFS97 ZTX108 ZTX337 bfs59 BC107P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E-LINE TRANSISTORS TABLE 5: HIGH PERFORMANCE E LINE TRANSISTORS Pd = 1 W att The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 Amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 Watt at 25°C ambient temperature. Typical

    OCR Scan
    ZTX458 ZTX457 ZTX455 FXT455 ZTX454 ZTX453 FXT453 2N6730 2N6732 2N6729 2LU50 PDF


    Abstract: BFS97 BFS98 ZTX337 ZTX338 ZTX452 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX451 ZTX454
    Text: 5bE D m In ? Q S ? ñ 00DbT3T S03 • Z E T B TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1000mW at 25 °C ambient temperature.

    OCR Scan
    ZTX4555 ZTX555 ZTX454 ZTX554 ZTX4535 ZTX553 ZTX452 SO-94 SO-95 SO-97 2TX650 BFS97 BFS98 ZTX337 ZTX338 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX451 PDF


    Abstract: 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram BFS60 mpsa05 ZTX107 ztx304 ZTX337 ZTX338 BC546P BC556P
    Text: PNP GENERAL PURPOSE T A B LE 2 - PN P SILIC O N P LA N A R G E N E R A L P U R P O S E T R A N S IS T O R S The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for small and medium signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include:

    OCR Scan
    MPSA56 MPSA06 BC556P ZTX537 BC337P BC327P ZTX338 ZTX538 BC338P BC328P BC557P 945 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram BFS60 mpsa05 ZTX107 ztx304 ZTX337 BC546P PDF


    Abstract: ZTX338 MPSA06 ZTX451 ZTX452 ZTX454 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553 ZTX554
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 0 0 0 mW at 2 5 ° C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay S w itching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    1000mW ZTX4555 ZTX555 ZTX454 ZTX554 ZTX453S ZTX553 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 BF493 ZTX338 ZTX451 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553 ZTX554 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 0 0 0 mW at 2 5 °C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay Switching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    ZTX555 ZTX554 ZTX553 ZTX552 MPSA56 ZTX551 ZTX455 ZTX454 ZTX453 ZTX452 PDF


    Abstract: BFS61 BFS59 BFS60 BFS97 ZTX452 MPSA06 ZTX451 ZTX454 ZTX551
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 0 0 0 mW at 2 5 ° C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay Sw itching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    1000mW ZTX4555 ZTX555 ZTX454 ZTX554 ZTX453S ZTX553 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 BFS98 BFS61 BFS59 BFS60 BFS97 ZTX451 ZTX551 PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF

    ZTX752 equivalent

    Abstract: transistor 42-10a data BC369 FXTA92 BSS98
    Text: B o ok 1 Through Hole Com ponents Table of Contents Section Introduction 1 Selection Guide 2 Datasheets 3 Package Outline Dimensions 4 Tape and Reel Specifications 5 Surface Mount Alternatives 6 Alphanumeric Index 7 Book 2 Surface Mount Components - Available on Request

    OCR Scan
    ZVP2106C ZVP2110A ZVP2110C ZVP2120A ZTX788B ZVP2120C ZVP3306A ZVP3310A ZVP4105A 2110C ZTX752 equivalent transistor 42-10a data BC369 FXTA92 BSS98 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E-LINE TRANSISTORS TABLE 5: HIGH PERFORMANCE E-LINE TRANSISTORS Pd =1 Watt The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 A m p w ith pow er dissipation capabilities of 1 W a tt at 25°C am bient tem perature. Typical

    OCR Scan
    ZTX458 ZTX457 ZTX456 ZTX455 FXT455 ZTX454 ZTX453 FXT453 ZTX452 ZTX451 ztx456 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX212 ZTX452 BC182P BC546P BCY65EP BFS61 MPS2222A MPSA05 MPSA06
    Text: NPN GENERAL PURPOSE T A B LE 1 - NPN SILIC O N PLA N A R G E N E R A L PURPOSE: T R A N S IS T O R S The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed forsmall and medium signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include:

    OCR Scan
    ZTX453 ZTX452 ZTX537 BC337P BC327P ZTX338 ZTX538 BC338P BC328P MPSA56 BC557P ZTX212 BC182P BC546P BCY65EP BFS61 MPS2222A MPSA05 MPSA06 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX452 ZTX750 BC546P BC556P BFS61 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX451 ZTX453
    Text: TABLE 1 : NPN GENERAL PURPOSE The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for small and medium signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: AUDIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFIERS, DRIVERS and OUTPUT STAGES, OSCILLATORS, A ND GENERAL PURPOSE

    OCR Scan
    ZTX453 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 MPSA56 BC546P BC556P ZTX451 MPSA55 ZTX750 BFS98 BC556P BFS61 MPSA56 PDF


    Abstract: BFS98 BC338C ZTX452 BC546P BC556P BFS61 MPSA06 MPSA56 ZTX451
    Text: TABLE 1 : NPN GENERAL PURPOSE The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed for small and medium signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: AUDIO FREQUENCY AM PLIFIERS, DRIVERS and OUTPUT STA G ES, OSCILLATORS, AND GENERAL PURPOSE

    OCR Scan
    ZTX453 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 MPSA56 BC546P BC556P ZTX451 MPSA55 ZTX750 BFS98 BC338C BC556P BFS61 MPSA56 PDF


    Abstract: BFS98 ZTX338 ZTX452 MPSA06 ZTX451 ZTX454 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553
    Text: TABLE 7 : NPN/PNP MEDIUM POWER The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities of 1 0 0 0 mW at 2 5 ° C ambient temperature. Typical application areas include: Audio Frequency Drivers and Output Stages, Relay Sw itching, etc.

    OCR Scan
    1000mW ZTX4555 ZTX555 ZTX454 ZTX554 ZTX453S ZTX553 ZTX452 ZTX552 MPSA06 BC337B BFS98 ZTX338 ZTX451 ZTX551 ZTX552 ZTX553 PDF


    Abstract: BC557P BFS98 ZTX452 BFS60 ZTX304 BFS59 MPS6566 ZTX3904 ZTX453
    Text: NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TABLE 1 - NPN SILICON PLANAR GENERAL PURPOSE: TRANSISTORS The devices shown in this table are general purpose transistors designed forsmall and medium signal amplification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include:

    OCR Scan
    ZTX453 ZTX452 ZTX537 BC337P BC327P ZTX338 ZTX538 BC338P BC328P MPSA56 2N3904 BC557P BFS98 BFS60 ZTX304 BFS59 MPS6566 ZTX3904 PDF


    Abstract: ZTX452 MPSA05 MPSA06 MPSA55 MPSA56 ZTX337 ZTX450 ZTX451 ZTX453
    Text: MEDIUM POWER T A B LE 7 - N PN /PN P SILICO N PLA N A R M EDIUM POW ER T R A N S IS T O R S The transistors shown in this table have been designed to operate and provide useful gain at current levels up to 1 amp with power dissipation capabilities in excess of 500 mW at

    OCR Scan
    ZTX453 ZTX537 BC337P BC327P ZTX338 ZTX538 BC338P BC328P MPSA56 MPSA06 ZTX452 MPSA05 MPSA06 MPSA55 ZTX337 ZTX450 ZTX451 PDF